Chapter 348
The next day.

"dong dong dong"

"Boss Su, it's time to get up." Zhang Ruoyu got up early today, because the schedule was quite rushed this morning.

This made it impossible for her not to be in a hurry, after all, she had to go to the auction after two o'clock in the afternoon.

And tomorrow, her boss will fly to Paris to watch the catwalk of that Josephine model.

In fact, she was very open about this matter, after all, Su Wei was such a person before.

Even if she is with Su Wei, it is impossible for her to correct him.

After all, if it is corrected, it will be Wang Xiaoyuan who has the last laugh.

"What time is it?" Su Wei looked at the sky outside and found that it was quite sunny.

It is said that London is a city of fog and it often rains.

But the two days they came here turned out to be rare good weather.

He didn't know if it was because he walked a lot yesterday that he slept very well at night.

Although he was woken up now, he really felt that all his bones in his sleep were very comfortable.

"It's already 08:30, oops." Hearing Su Wei asking the time, Zhang Ruoyu raised her hand and was about to check the time.

In the end, Su Wei grabbed his wrist and pulled him onto the bed.

Zhang Ruoyu was really frightened by this, and what was even more frightening was that Su Wei rushed forward.

"It's only 08:30? Why did you wake me up so early?" Su Wei was really speechless when he heard 08:30.

After all, he only went to the auction in the afternoon, so it was necessary to wake him up so early.

So he dragged Zhang Ruoyu to the bed for the purpose of punishment.

"President Su, don't be like this, sister Xu is outside.

And calling you so early, isn't it what we agreed yesterday, we're going to the Boulevard and Buckingham Palace this morning?" Zhang Ruoyu felt Su Wei's hand reaching into his clothes to make trouble, and she hurriedly stopped him.

After all, she would come in and wake Su Wei up, but Xu Liyang made her do it.

Now Xu Liyang is outside. If something happens to her and Su Wei, she will know about it outside.

Of course Zhang Ruoyu knows, and Xu Liyang must know something about her and the boss.

But that's just speculation, Zhang Ruoyu doesn't want to show that the two are already together.

After all, it is on the way of traveling now, and this happened.

What will Xu Liyang think then? Does she still want to be famous?

"Don't move, let me hug you, if you move around, I don't know what I will do later.

You guys just want to see the changing of the guard, right? What time do they start? "Seeing Zhang Ruoyu's reluctance, Su Wei knew that she was worried about Xu Liyang.

He has now decided not to live together when he goes to Paris.

Otherwise, he and Zhang Ruoyu wouldn't be able to do anything.

"I heard from Sister Xu that the changing of the guards seems to start at 10:30, but we have to go early, otherwise there will be too many people, and we may not be able to get a good seat." People who travel to London from all over the world will know Go around Buckingham Palace.

And if there is a changing of the guards, there will be even more people.

This is the same reason that those people will go to the Forbidden City after they go to Kyoto.

When Xu Liyang came last time, he couldn't squeeze into the first row because there were too many people.

"There are so many people, I want to see, compared with raising the flag in Kyoto, who has more?" Su Wei didn't expect that there would be so many people watching a guard changing.

But thinking of so many people watching the flag raising in Kyoto, Zhang Ruoyu can be understood at once.

"Then I'll go out and ask the hotel to deliver breakfast." Seeing Su Wei's reaction, Zhang Ruoyu knew that he couldn't stay here any longer.

He quickly found a reason and ran out as if fleeing.

Su Wei looked at the back of Zhang Ruoyu running away, and was really about to die laughing.

After all, she is visiting her aunt now, no matter how anxious Su Wei is, he will not touch her at this time.

. . . . . .

"Why is this boulevard closed? Could there be any activities today?" Xu Liyang took Su Wei and the others to the boulevard next door.

The closer we get here, the more people there are today.

At this time, she found that the isolation belts had been placed on both sides, and there was no one on the road.

Moreover, there are British police guarding the positions next to each isolation zone.

"Didn't the road be closed when you came here?" Su Wei thought that this is what the boulevard was like because he had never been here before.

When he saw it, he was really stunned.

I don't know if it's just a road, what's so good about it.

But when he thought of Chang'an Street, he could understand again.

After all, when many people go to Kyoto, they even make a special trip to Chang'an Avenue.

But hearing Xu Liyang's meaning, it seems that this road closure is not a normal phenomenon.

"Green-lined road is usually a normal road. Now that the road is closed, something must happen. Maybe there is some activity. Mr. Su, I will go and ask about the situation first." When Xu Liyang came last time, the car But it's directly on the boulevard.

Now the road is closed, and there are police guards on both sides.

There must be something that she doesn't know about.

Now that Su Wei asked, she planned to ask the locals.

After all, tourists don't necessarily know it, but locals definitely know it.

"President Su, there are so many people here." Zhang Ruoyu knew that there would be many people at first, but he really didn't expect there to be so many people.

Although it is not impossible to walk, there are indeed too many people.

"Then hold my hand, or I'm afraid that you and I will get separated later." Seeing so many people, Su Wei was afraid that he and Zhang Ruoyu would be separated later.

After holding her hand, I am not afraid of the impact of the flow of people.

"Well..." Zhang Ruoyu saw Su Wei take her hand, although she was very shy.

But they still secretly changed the hand holding to ten fingers clasping.

At the beginning, she was annoyed by so many people, but now she feels that there are many people.

If it weren't for so many people, Su Wei might not have taken the initiative to hold her hand.

"Boss Su, I just asked, and they said that the Queen of England seems to be traveling today." When Xu Liyang came back, she saw her boss and Zhang Ruoyu clasping their fingers.

She is a little confused about how far the relationship between the two of them has progressed.

Because before, she felt that the two of them were already together.

But when they lived at night, the two of them lived separately.

So Xu Liyang really couldn't understand the two of them.

"Then if we choose a good location, will we be able to see that old woman?" Su Wei has no awe for this kind of British queen.

After all, Britain is not his own country, and in his eyes, it is almost like a passerby.

It's just that this passer-by is the nominal supreme leader of a country.

"Yes, they all came here to see the Queen of England." Xu Liyang had just chatted with passers-by before he knew that the Queen was going on a trip.

No wonder the Boulevard is under martial law, after all, this road is facing Buckingham Palace.

Every time the queen travels, it will be full of people.

After all, the British still respect the queen of their own country.

Although she is just a mascot now, she is the symbol of Britain after all.

So many former colonies still miss this old woman in her 90s.

"Wow, I originally planned to watch the changing of the guards, but I didn't expect to see the Queen of England traveling. I made money this trip." Zhang Ruoyu now feels that it is worth the money.

If the changing of the guard is worth 10 yuan, then the queen's outing is worth 100 yuan.

Originally, a piece of ten yuan was dropped on the ground, but when I picked it up, I found that there was a piece of 100 under it.

This feeling is really not comparable to doubling happiness.

"The Queen of England is traveling, so there should be no changing of the guards today." The changing of the guards does not happen every day, and Xu Liyang brought Su Wei and the others here today just by chance.

What he didn't expect was that he would see the queen traveling.

The guards were supposed to protect the safety of the queen, and the queen had gone on a trip, so where would there be a changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace.

"If it's gone, it's gone. How can you see the Queen of England at the changing of the guard?" How can the 10 yuan for the changing of the guard be compared with the 100 yuan for the Queen's outing.

Although Zhang Ruoyu came here for the changing of the guards at first, it wasn't because she didn't know that the queen would appear today.

"President Su, we have a good position in front." Although Liu Qiang has been behind Su Wei, the others are not.

Knowing that this is the Queen's trip, the bodyguards wanted to find a good place for the boss.

Liu Qiang told Su Wei that he came to Europe this time, and invited his colleagues from Europe.

He is more understanding, after all, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake.

But his subordinates didn't quite understand this matter.

Because they think they are enough, and if they find European counterparts, don't they think they can't do it.

So this time they were with those in Europe, except that their respective captains were behind Su Wei.

Everyone else is looking for a place in front.

After all, they all want to prove that their talents are the best.

"This position is okay, the sun can't shine, it's still in the first row, Lao Liu, you can choose this position." Su Wei is well aware of his careful thinking about bodyguards.

But this phenomenon is a good thing for him.

Take the position that Liu Qiang and the others found this time as an example, it was really hard work.

"President Su, as long as you are satisfied." Seeing this position, Liu Qiang knew that his subordinates must have played tricks.

After all, with such a good location, it is impossible for others not to see it.

Looking around, I saw a few white men and women looking at me with angry faces.

But they should have seen so many people here, so they just looked at this side angrily.

"This person came too fast, so many people came all at once." Zhang Ruoyu felt that the crowd behind was still increasing.

If it weren't for the fact that there were eight bodyguards here, they might have been squeezed onto the road by the people behind them like the people in other places.

"It should be that the news of the Queen's travels has spread. Anyone who has nothing to do should be rushing here." People who come to London for sightseeing can hear that they can see the Queen herself.

It's strange that they don't rush to death.

You don't have to do anything when you see the queen, at least you can brag with others for a few years.

"Xiao Zhang, stand in front of me, or I'm afraid you will be squeezed." Su Wei looked at the crowd behind, and they were still crowded.

He was afraid that Zhang Ruoyu would be taken advantage of, so he asked her to stand in front of him.

After all, he can only take advantage of his own woman.

"Thank you Mr. Su." Zhang Ruoyu originally wanted to hide in front of Su Wei, but Su Wei didn't open his mouth before.

In addition, Xu Liyang is here, and she herself is too embarrassed to mention it.

Now that Su Wei spoke, of course she immediately squeezed in front of Su Wei.

With so many people behind her, she didn't want to be crowded with them.

"Come here, I heard the voice of the guard of honor." Xu Liyang heard the sound of a trumpet blowing at this time, and knew it should be the voice of the guard of honor.

Every time there is an event in the UK, the indispensable instrument is the trumpet.

"It's really here, but their clothes and hats are too funny." When Su Wei saw the guards, he thought that clothes were too funny.

Not to mention the red uniforms, the hats on their heads are ridiculous.

That hat is at least three times bigger than the head below.

And this hat is not only big, but also very tall.

"I'm going to take a photo later and show it to my girlfriends. The hats of the British guards are so high." Zhang Ruoyu saw the images of these guards and planned to take a few photos.

After all, such a ridiculous thing, of course, should be widely advertised.

"This hat is a traditional feature of British guards. It is called a bearskin hat." Xu Liyang was wrong about this. This hat was originally worn by the French army.

The purpose of wearing this hat is to make people look taller.

After the British defeated France later, they also began to wear this hat.

But not everyone can wear this kind of hat, it must be worn by the most elite soldiers in Britain.

The most elite warriors are the queen's guards.

Slowly later, it evolved into the queen's guards wearing this kind of bearskin hat.

"Bearskin hat? Couldn't it be a hat made of bear skin?" Zhang Ruoyu heard the name bearskin hat, and her first reaction was that this hat couldn't be made of bear skin.

Take a closer look at the guards and find that the hat hair really looks like bear hair.

"Yes, their hats are all made of bearskin." The hats of the British Queen's Guards are indeed made of bearskin.

Although after 2011, it has been said that real bear skins are not used for hats.

But many traditional British people will still buy real bearskin hats and wear them as long as they become guards.

"Europeans often talk about humanitarianism, animal protection, and caring for the environment. This is too double standard. With so many guards, how many bears do you need to kill?" Although Zhang Ruoyu is not an animal protector, she I still feel the European double standard.

During these hundreds of years, it may be because these guards have to wear hats.

The number of bears killed because of this incident should not be less than tens of thousands.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, it's not a day or two for them to double standards. Look, that old woman is here." Su Wei came a few years later, and he knew the ugly face of Europe at that time.

The carbon neutrality they proposed, but because Russia cut off its natural gas, they actually planned to burn coal.

And after 2022, carbon neutrality is never mentioned again.

"Ruoyu, be happy, we won't come to see the guards next time." Xu Liyang really didn't feel anything at the beginning.

But after Zhang Ruoyu's reminder, the feeling of looking at these guards is different.

"The old lady has passed, let's go eat too."

. . . . . .

"Wow, this is Bond Street, and there are too many luxury jewelry stores." After lunch, Zhang Ruoyu felt much better.

Now she will no longer believe in Europe's nonsense.

In fact, she was more or less xenophiliac before.

But after being in the field, the filter really shattered all over the place.

"Of course, after all, you can find 90.00% of the luxury jewelry stores in the world here." West Nanjing Road in Shanghai is also specialized in selling luxury goods.

But compared to Bond Street, it's still a lot worse.

The big names here on Bond Street are really flagship stores opened by international big names.

But there are still many fake shops and fake foreign devil shops on West Nanjing Road.

"President Su, can I come to you to advance some salary?" Zhang Ruoyu was on Sloan Street yesterday, and she had already spent all of her last month's salary.

Of course, she didn't just buy those extra money for herself, but also bought things for her parents.

In fact, Su Wei's daily card is with Zhang Ruoyu, she can just swipe it if she really wants to buy it.

She also knows now that Su Wei said that the audit was the first thing to scare her.

But even if she knew that Su Wei didn't check the accounts, she never thought about using that card to spend on herself.

"How much do you want to pay in advance?" Su Wei heard Zhang Ruoyu said that he wanted to pay in advance, not only did he not feel that she was vain, on the contrary he was quite satisfied with her.

Because his daily card was given to Zhang Ruoyu, she didn't even think about swiping it directly, but planned to ask herself to advance her salary.

In Su Wei's eyes, liking shopping is really not a bad thing.

"I want to pay 10 in advance, um, at least [-]." Compared with domestic prices, the price of luxury accessories here on Bond Street is really too cheap.

Two identical things are at least one-third cheaper in London.

The price is so cheap, Zhang Ruoyu really can't resist this temptation.

So she thought, advance tens of thousands of dollars to buy luxury goods.

Even if I don't like it later, I can still sell these things.

At that time, if she uses it for a few months and then sells it out, she may not necessarily lose money, but may still make a small profit.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Wait, I'll talk after I finish the call.

Why are you calling again? Didn't I add you as a friend on WeChat? You won't say anything on WeChat if you have something to do." Su Wei didn't expect that the BMW owner called again after a day.

"Xiao Shen's boyfriend, I have already found the information about your car. If you don't want me to disclose this matter to your company to let your boss know, then you should quickly find someone to come over and remove the car."

(End of this chapter)

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