Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 349 Giant Crocodile Totem

Chapter 349 Giant Crocodile Totem
"Xiao Shen's boyfriend, I have already found the information about your car. If you don't want me to disclose this matter to your company to let your boss know, then you should quickly find someone to come over and remove the car!" Fang Yuan I sent Su Wei a message yesterday, but I didn't reply to her from morning to night.

This made her think that this was just Su Wei's plan to delay the attack.

After all, what he added to her was just a trumpet, and now he sent a message to her, but nothing came of it.

She knew that if she called, she would definitely be lectured by him.

So she resisted the urge to make a phone call, and found someone to check the information on that Audi Q7.

Unexpectedly, the result of the investigation really surprised her.

Because this car is not private at all, but a company license.

When she found out about this, she immediately called Su Wei.

Because she felt that she had caught Su Wei's handle.

She didn't believe it. She gave him the traffic jam to his company, and he wasn't afraid at all.

"My boss? Who is my boss?" Su Wei was confused, why didn't he know when he became a boss.

And looking at her swearing, it seems that there is really such a thing.

But the more determined she was, the more confused Su Wei became.

"It's boring if you keep pretending. I have already found out that this Audi Q7 that is blocking me is actually a car under the name of Gemini Property Company. It is not your car." Fang Yuan will be sure that this is not his car, because of this car on the company license.

And she has already found out that the owner of the Twin Stars Property Company is the owner of the Twin Stars Building.

Fang Yuan didn't think about Su Wei being the boss at all, after all, if she provoked that kind of boss.

How could he play the trick of traffic jam? There are totally a hundred ways to make them kneel down and apologize.

"Ah, yes, I'm an employee of Gemini Property Company, but the company gave me the car, so I say it's my car, so there's nothing wrong with it." Su Wei finally understood why she misunderstood.

It turned out to be this woman who mistook him for the company car driver.

When these cars were licensed, Su Wei directly registered them as company accounts.

After all, with so many cars, it is impossible to put them all in his name.

Moreover, it is also beneficial for these cars to be registered as a company account. The simplest thing is that they can be tax deductible.

Su Wei now sees that this woman has misunderstood, and he is not in a hurry to tell her the truth.

I want to see what she will look like next.

"You're more than just this one thing, you took a total of three cars to block my car, you don't think I didn't check the two Audi Q7s next to me?" Fang Yuan is not stupid, the three identical Audi Q7s Stop in front of the left and right.

When she checked the license plate, it must be checked for all three cars together.

It turned out that her premonition was correct, the three cars were indeed from Gemini Property Company.

"Sister, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Those three cars were indeed arranged by me, but if anyone wants you to occupy my girlfriend's parking space, I will take the lead for her. This is the easiest way." Su Wei is bored now Yes, he doesn't mind playing with this woman.

In fact, a big reason why Su Wei would do this is because she is pretty good-looking.

Although I don't know if it's a lie, but at least her appearance and identity are quite attractive to him.

And just blocking her for a month and a half, that's a bit too cheap for her.

What if she doesn't have a long memory next time, so Su Wei plans to punish her in person.

"Then you've been blocking me for so many days now, and your anger should be gone. When can you move these three cars away?" Going to Gemini property to make a fuss is the last choice.

If there is a choice, Fang Yuan still wants to have a good talk.

After all, if the trouble is really unpleasant, what should I do if this person is chasing her family's traffic jam.

"My chat with you this time is okay. I think you are not an unreasonable person. As soon as I return to China, I will drive the car away." When Su Wei will move the car depends on when he can get it. Get off her.

If he couldn't take it down, he planned to keep the three cars there forever.

Anyway, the three cars add up to more than 200 million.

For Su Wei, more than 200 million is just a small amount of money.

"Don't lie to me, your company's main business is property, how could you be abroad?" Fangyuan heard Su Wei's attitude eased, and thought he was coming to move the car.

I didn't expect that he was still running the train with his mouth full.

After all, he is a person from a real estate company, how could he go abroad.

If it is said that he is in the capital, then she still believes it a little bit.

"Our company is indeed in the business of real estate, but it's not because our boss is rich. He has been buying all over the world. This time my boss bought a building in Europe. I came here as an inspector." , then Su Wei intends to pretend to the end.

He would also find it boring to spend money playing with women all by his ability.

Now a young woman came, who just didn't know her identity.

He wanted to see if he could take her down with his own mouth.

"Then what about the two cars next to my car, they can move them away." The car in front cannot be moved, but the car next to it can always be moved.

As long as there is no car nearby, she can move the car out little by little.

I can't get out now because there is no gap between front, back, left, and right.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, because we came to London together this time, otherwise, how could they block your car with me?" Su Wei would put three cars, just because she was afraid that she would run away from the side.

It is of course impossible for him to remove the car next to him now.

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me? Then take a picture of the current street scene and let me see if you are abroad." Fang Yuan was a little disbelieving when he heard that the other two were abroad.

But think about it, if they all went abroad, it would indeed make sense.

After all, this car is the company's car, if it wasn't for the person going abroad, how could he not drive it.

But just in case, she still wanted Su Wei to prove it.

"It's simple, then I'll show you the picture and you'll know if I'm abroad." Su Wei was originally abroad, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

I took two random photos on Bond Street and sent them to the other side.

"Are you really abroad? This is Bond Street, right?" Fang Yuan looked at the photo sent by Su Wei and found that he was indeed abroad.

Why so sure, because she has been to this street before.

There is only one place where the signboard is written on the flag, and that is Bond Street in London.

"Sister, you are amazing, you actually know Bond Street." Su Wei didn't expect that the opposite party knew Bond Street.

Originally, he planned to introduce it to the other side.

It is impossible to compare this feature in China.

Since she knew her, it happened that she didn't need to waste her words.

"That is, when I went on my honeymoon, I came to London." Although Fang Yuan has two children, she has not been married for a long time.

It's not that she met someone unkind before, it's just that she hasn't held a wedding before.

She didn't hold a wedding with her husband until her second child was in kindergarten.

At that time, the place where the honeymoon trip came was London, England and several larger European cities.

"Really, sister, your family is really rich. If you can travel to Europe, basically two people can do it together. If you don't have a big one, you can't do it with tens of thousands." The cheapest place to travel must be Southeast Asia.

Followed by the Lighthouse Country and the Maple Leaf Country, the most expensive is Europe.

The most boring of these three places are Lighthouse Country and Maple Leaf Country, so they are not the ones you should travel to.

"That is, I bought tens of thousands of pounds in Bond Street at the time. Hey, can you help me with something?" Fangyuan's honeymoon trip was really not sweet at all.

During their trip in Europe, they basically quarreled every day.

At that time, the things she bought more than 1 pounds were basically brought for relatives.

There are really not many things that I really buy for myself.

Seeing Su Wei on Bond Street this time, she planned to ask Su Wei to bring her something back.

After all, things on Bond Street are so cheap, for the sake of this cheapness, she can forget about Su Wei blocking her car.

"No problem, sister, just send me the things you need for the generation gap." Su Wei didn't expect her attitude to change so quickly.

Then he intends to start from helping her in the generation gap, and walk into her heart step by step.

Anyway, he was going to shop here, and if he saw it, he would help her buy things by the way.

"By the way, I haven't known your name for so long." Seeing that Su Wei agreed to help her, Fang Yuan finally remembered that she still didn't know his name.

This time, she didn't plan to ask him to bring her other things, but she planned to ask him to bring her two bags.

After all, if he bought two for her abroad, it would be worth buying four at home.

"You can call me Xiaohe, Baihe's crane, what's your name, sister?" Of course, it was impossible for Su Wei to tell her her real name, after all, she had checked the Gemini property.

If I let her know, my name is Su Wei.

Then she didn't know that she was the boss of Gemini Property Company.

At that time, there will be two results. The first is that she begs for mercy and asks herself to move the car away.

The second is that she pretended not to know, and then played tricks with herself.

"My name is Fang Yuan, you can call me Sister Fang." Seeing that Su Wei refused to give his full name, Fang Yuan thought that he was afraid that he would go to his company to report him.

After all, she now knew where his company was, and she felt that she was holding onto Su Wei.

As long as he is obedient and obedient, then of course she will not choose to die.

"Fang Yuan, this name sounds really nice. Sister Fang, don't worry, just drive the car when I come back." Only then did Su Wei realize that her name was Fang Yuan.

After hanging up the phone, he still savored carefully whether there was anything wrong with his behavior just now.

"Boss Su, my girlfriend is checking the post." Zhang Ruoyu felt sour when she saw Su Wei had been on the phone for so long.

After all, when Su Wei called just now, the corner of his mouth was smiling.

She has been by Su Wei's side for so long, so of course she knows that it must be a woman's phone call.

"No, he's just a very funny person. I'll tell you later." He didn't intend to tell Zhang Ruoyu about Fang Yuan.

After all, his behavior is actually very immoral.

He wasn't sure if Zhang Ruoyu would feel disgusted with him after knowing about it.

"What about the salary advance?" Zhang Ruoyu saw that Su Wei refused to talk, so she didn't follow up with the question.

After all, it's not the first day she knows that her boss is so romantic.

"It's fine to pay the salary in advance, I will pay for your consumption today." Su Wei must be very generous to his woman.

Although Zhang Ruoyu hasn't been eaten by him yet, it's only a matter of time.

If it was an ordinary assistant, how could Su Wei give her a daily card without checking the accounts.

"Really? Then I didn't just buy a little." Zhang Ruoyu was a little angry now, and planned to buy more later.

After all, she has already been taken advantage of so much, so she should buy something to compensate herself.

"Do you think what you bought can make my heart hurt.

Hurry up, Xiao Xu has already entered Chanel." Only a few dollars can be spent on luxury goods, and it is not as expensive as him to stay in a hotel.

If you really use 1000 million to buy clothes and bags, it can be called sweeping goods.

"President Su, let's go together, you just help me see if the one I picked looks good or not"

. . . . . .

"What's wrong with Mr. Su? You don't want to buy a watch again, do you?" Zhang Ruoyu saw that Su Wei was walking and stopped moving, and after looking at it, it turned out that he had come to Vacheron Constantin.

For watches, she actually prefers Patek Philippe.

"I have never had a top-notch watch. This is just a coincidence. Come with me to have a look." Although Su Wei was accompanying Zhang Ruoyu just now, he also bought a lot of clothes.

And he also specially measured the size in the store, and as long as there is a new model, it will be sent directly to his home.

Sure enough, these luxury stores really serve high-end customers like Su Wei well.

"Boss Su, you are wearing a Vacheron Constantin watch right now. I remember it was quite expensive." Zhang Ruoyu couldn't understand why Su Wei bought so many watches.

Especially the Vacheron Constantin gifted by Wang Xiaoyuan, which is worth more than 800 million.

Isn’t such an expensive watch considered a top watch?
"This watch can only be regarded as a high-end watch, but it is definitely not a real top-level watch." Although this watch is a loft craftsman series, and the price is as high as more than 800 million.

But this watch doesn't even have three questions, how could Su Wei think it is a top watch.

In Su Wei's mind, the top watch must have the function of three questions.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?" Stephen is a clerk of Vacheron Constantin in London, and he has been staring at the pedestrians outside.

Seeing Su Wei and the others stop, he had a premonition that they were going to come in.

After Su Wei came in, he immediately went up to ask.

I want to know if it is a client of his colleague, after all, this person is rich at first glance.

"No..." Su Wei just came to London last night, of course he didn't know any salesmen.

Moreover, he would come to Vacheron Constantin store entirely on a temporary basis.

"My name is Stephen, may I help you?" Stephen didn't expect that this East Asian high-flyer would not have a familiar reception.

He would know that Su Wei was a high-profile customer because the bodyguards outside were covered with bags of luxury goods.

"I want to find a better watch than the one in my hand. I wonder if you can help me." Su Wei's visit to the Vacheron Constantin store this time was also by chance.

He really didn't think that there must be the watch he wanted here.

So he cut straight to the point, is there anything better than the watch in his hand.

"Oh God, sir, can I have a look at the watch in your hand?" Stephen worked at Vacheron Constantin, so of course he had seen it on the market.

Whether it is a low-end model worth a few thousand pounds, or a high-end model worth millions of pounds.

He didn't say that he sold a lot, but he did handle a lot.

"That's not okay, this is my birthday present from my girlfriend." It would be nice for Su Wei to let him see it, and it is definitely impossible to take it off for him to see.

After all, if the people in this store don't know each other, then he's completely playing the piano with bullshit.

"Wow, sir, your girlfriend must be very tasteful. If I'm not mistaken, this must be our Vacheron Constantin Attic Craftsman series." Although Stephen didn't get started with this watch, he knew it must be the Attic Craftsman series.

Because only this series, he will rely on the logo to recognize this watch.

In the series of Attic Craftsman, all it sells are unique and orphaned products.

So they have sold Vacheron Constantin for many years, and not every watch has been seen.

"Yes, this watch is indeed a loft craftsman, but it is still a little bit short of the top watch in my mind." What Su Wei actually wanted to buy was a watch that could compete with the king of watches like Patek Philippe 6002G-001.

Because Su Wei has already bought enough watches, if it weren't for this top-level watch, he would not have bought it.

And Patek Philippe has already agreed to keep a piece for him next year.

But he wants it now, so he can only try his luck when he sees the watch shop.

Who told him that there was nothing in his hand that could hold a watch.

Richard Mille has top watches, but he doesn't like wearing them very much.

"It's even better than this fast watch. Sir, are you free? We can go into the room and have a chat." Stephen actually knew Su Wei's heart at this time.

But he didn't say anything, but let Su Wei into the room to chat first.

After all, there are still other people in the hall now, and there are many things that are not easy to talk about.

"Come into the room to chat? No problem." Su Wei heard that he was going to enter the room to chat, and knew that there might be something interesting.

In fact, he came to this store this time just to try his luck.

It would be best if there was one, if not, he would buy one for Zhang Ruoyu.

Because he likes Vacheron Constantin's attic craftsman series very much and thinks they are very artistic.

It is the only series that can compete with Patek Philippe's super complicated models.

"Three please, our room is entered from here." If it wasn't for the introduction by the clerk, Su Wei really didn't know.

The door of the room in this store is actually behind the mirror.

Su Wei looked at the mirror, always as if he was about to enter the magic world.

"This is too mysterious. Could it be that there are really top watches here?" Seeing this scene, Zhang Ruoyu had the same feeling as Su Wei.

No wonder there are novels like Harry Potter here. It turns out that they are so mysterious in their daily life.

"Sir, this is all the watches of our Vacheron Constantin. Let me introduce you." Stephen took out a thick photo album from under the table.

The step he is taking is to allow customers to better understand the history of their company's watchmaking, so as to resonate.

"No need, I'm going to participate in an auction later. If it's just an introduction, I've already heard it." Of course Su Wei knows that the other party's introduction of the company's history is actually to leave a seed in your heart.

Even if there is no deal this time, it will definitely be done in the future.

But Su Wei is not interested in this, because he only bought this watch because he wanted a top-notch watch.

"I see. Since you have heard about it, sir, I think you will be interested in this watch." Stephen remembered at this time that Su Wei had a piece of attic craftsman in his hand.

That may be the previous sales, I have already told him once.

"Vacheron Constantin 9700c-001R-B187?"

(End of this chapter)

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