Chapter 351

"Rang Rang, don't get in the way, those who don't have a number plate stand aside, okay?" Xiao Ma came to Christie's auction house today, and he came with a few big bosses he wanted to curry favor with.

This time he took the first step to change the number plate in advance.

I plan to wait for the boss and the others to come, and then I can go in immediately.

When he changed his number plate and came to the door, he saw three people without number plates blocking the entrance, talking to the security guard.

He took a look and found that the other party was an East Asian face, so he directly and arrogantly asked them not to block the way.

After all, the big boss is coming soon, so of course he will clear the obstacles for the big boss in advance.

"Hey, Xiao Ma, you are yelling at people like this, they may be tourists, so they don't know that they need a number plate to enter.

Hello, my name is Jack. If you enter the auction house today, you need to pay a deposit of 100 million pounds to enter. Do you want to enter and visit? "Jack followed the pony, and Jack didn't care if he yelled at him.

But he suddenly discovered that the two women among the three were actually pretty good-looking.

Especially the girl in the white suit and dress, who looked exactly to his liking.

Although one of the three people is a man, he doesn't take him seriously at all.

"No, we have already paid the deposit, but we haven't changed the number plate.

Xiao Xu, go and change the number plate first." Su Wei looked at the person who just yelled at him, trying to remember his appearance.

After all, I was yelled at just now, so it must be possible and let it go.

But now that the bodyguard is by my side, I also want to say something meaningful.

If I had known that such a situation would happen, I would have asked Liu Ruo to retreat together.

As for the deliberate strike-up that appeared earlier, I even want to pay attention to it.

After all, it doesn't matter whether I'm here for myself or for two men, I want to give me a chance.

"Boss Su, you go here first." He Xianjun only knew that he needed to change the number plate after hearing what the security guard said.

Just now you thought for a while that the next time you pay the money, you will be cheated.

Now you are concentrating on changing the number plate, and you are in a daze about what happened there.

"Are they also Chinese? What a coincidence, you are studying for a graduate student in London now, if you want to be their guide." Just now Su Wei thought that those eight people were rich, after all, we were stopped by the security guards.

Only now did I realize that I made a mistake. It turned out that the other party had handed in a deposit certificate, but it had been replaced with a number plate.

I took a careless look at Xu Yan and found out that I knew the person who offered 100 million pounds.

After all, with such a small amount of money, I can spend it all.

The security deposit that I called with Malaysia that time was also our money, not that of the guy in front.

"I'm sorry, you thought they were sticks just now, so your tone was a bit more serious." Da Ma saw that the other party was a Chinese, and he could still spend so little money.

Of course, I just wanted to see if I could make friends, after all, that woman seemed to have no money.

And the girl next to me is pretty good-looking.

"Yeah, you're leaving tomorrow." When Yang finished, she was really ambiguous about our intentions.

Now that we have been staring at Xu Liyang, we still know what we think in our hearts.

So I must be planning to give us a chance, and I pulled Xu Liyang over while talking.

After all, it's almost time for the auction now, and there are still very few people who have withdrawn.

"Is it to save face? My family is all Chinese, so it's okay to make friends?" Da Ma immediately lost his temper when he heard Yang's words.

If the person in front of me was a fair-skinned person, I might not be a little appalled.

But when I heard that I was from Huaxia, I was so easy to talk to.

After all, in China, who would dare to talk to me like that.

Which boy's WeChat do I want to add, if I can add it, I will add it, that girl is really trying to save face.

"Being friends with you? They are also worthy." Xu Yan originally thought that he would not get me until the auction started.

Seeing that person push his nose down now, I must be spoiling me.

After all, I am such a rich seven generations, if I trampled to death, it would be like trampling to death an ant.

Looking at me, you can tell that my background must be low.

"Grass, which city in his country is it? Telling it makes you afraid." Su Wei saw that the person in front of him was so flattering, and I was not a little angry.

After all, I miss you, Young Master Chen, but I am a person who walks sideways in the country.

That person would think that London is our hometown.

I think so, mainly because I belong to Modu.

The unnamed Fu Qidai in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, I met up, and found that there was one who could match up with the person in front of me.

"What's the situation with them in Malaysia, whether the number plate has been changed or not.

Xu Yan?Why is he there too? "Qin Feng came to the auction house today to bid for a piece of land with a friend.

I am also very new to the situation of the London auction house.

So I handed over that matter to the two elder brothers I accepted in London.

When I came over, I found that my two older brothers were confronting someone.

Taking a look back, I found out that I knew the other party, and that person was Mrs. Yang.

Regarding Yang's flirting with me at the auto show next time, I was furious at the time.

If I still plan to find a chance, I will definitely get the Yang family.

As a result, on the seventh day, Zhang Ruoyu crashed a car.

When I found out that Mrs. Yang was hit, I was depressed and drank a few glasses of wine.

At that time, I was still thinking that Mrs. Yang must be dead.

Unexpectedly, the reversal came too slowly, Zhang Ruoyu actually died outside the hill because of murder.

"Who are you? It turns out to be the Emperor of the Demon City. Those two people are his lackeys." Yang really thought that she would meet Qin Feng outside.

My name is Qin Feng Modu Huang. This is a compliment to me, on the contrary it is disgusting to me.

After all, if a lover said that kind of thing, it must be a compliment.

But those words were spoken by Mrs. Yang, which must be full of ridicule.

"Who is he calling a dog's leg, he is looking for death, right?" Su Wei heard Xu Yan calling me a dog's leg, and immediately rushed over to teach me a lesson.

At that time, my whole body was embraced by the big horse.

I will be so angry, because being a dog's leg to Qin Feng belongs to the scope of what can be done and what can be said.

After all, I am also a rich seventh generation myself, and I also have to face.

Now being publicly exposed by Mrs. Yang, I am of course outraged from embarrassment.

"It turns out that he is the Yang family. Afterwards, you still loved rumors. Now that you have actually seen him, you realize that he is really arrogant." That Qin Feng came to the auction, of course I came alone.

After all, the money needed that time was a huge sum.

So the partner I was looking for that time was this kind of real seven generations.

And it's this kind of seventh generation who knows how awesome as soon as you listen to it.

"You are arrogant because you don't have the capital to be arrogant. If he doesn't have your capital, he is even more arrogant than you." Yang looked at the people around Qin Feng and found that he knew that person.

Now my fame may still be known by few people, but in two years I will become very popular.

One is because of my wife's fame, and the other is because of family affairs outside my family.

"Yang Shi, don't be arrogant, he knows who the people around you are." Qin Feng saw that Yang Shi was saving face so much, and my heart really eased.

If something happened to Zhang Ruoyu, I must still be thinking of finding a chance to mess with me.

But now I don't even dare to speak harshly behind Yang's face.

After all, the Yang family not only killed Zhang Ruoyu, but also swallowed the entire Jack Group.

"Who I am has nothing to do with you? Is it possible that Cheng can affect your dinner at night?" Yang's current opponents are already those seven generations.

After all, the industry in my hand may have our own cattle, but the cash is definitely slapping us.

"He, I'm the son of the gambling king of Macau, he'd better not insult him." The partner Qin Feng was looking for that time was Yang Jiale.

After all, relying on myself, it is possible to spend too little money.

And Yang Jiale is the same, my mother is very poor.

Now my dad has always dared to go back to the mainland because of the gambling.

That's why I want to curry favor with Yang Jiale and make some money from me.

"President Su, the number plate has been changed." He Xianjun just handed over the voucher to the staff, and then changed to the number plate to be used for the auction.

You didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the number plate was out of your hand.

After all, that brand is worth 100 million pounds.

When you come back, you will see a group of people around my boss.

"If I were He Hongsheng, I would deserve your insult. As for my son, he thinks you care.

Eldest son, remember the two of them, but let's just forget about today's affairs.

Dazhang, the number plate has been changed now, you can go back." Yang Jiale's son from the seventh house, I remember that when the family property was divided, he got some cash.

As for the industry in Aowan, it is basically related to my house.

So for Yang Jiale, it is necessary for Mrs. Yang to be polite to me.

"Mr. Yang, don't be too arrogant. He needs to know that there is no one in the world, and there is no sky in the sky." Although Yang's arrogance was expected by Qin Feng.

But the Yang family gave Yang Jiale all the face, so I was not a little bit surprised.

After all, Yang Jiale and our family are in Aowan, so it really depends on the wind and the rain.

"Forget it, they've already retreated, and I'll see you later when you go to the auction." Yang Jiale's attitude towards Yang's doesn't matter as much as I make it out to be.

When I saw Yang, I thought of what the media said to mock me.

"King, who is that person, so arrogant?" When Su Wei and I just finished, I really wanted to beat Xu Yan up.

But before being stopped by Malaysia, I chatted with Qin Feng through us.

I just found out, Qin Feng, we seem to know the man named Yang.

And my little brother Qin Feng seems to be able to handle me.

"He studied outside London for the past two years. He probably knew me. My name is Yang." Qin Feng really thought that Xu Yan and Da Ma had offended Yang.

I'm already thinking about how to alienate the two of us.

It is true that we have been taught a lesson before, and I will go to help us get ahead when the time comes.

But do I have the strength now to help us out?

"Is it so awesome? Where am I from? Kyoto?" In the eyes of Malaysia, of course it is the seven generations of Kyoto who can be so awesome.

After all, my little brother, this is the Emperor of the Demon City.

If it's in Shanghai, there's nothing wrong with my little brother.

"Yes, yes, I belong to their Demon City." Xu Yanshan had heard of Yang's name, after all, my purchase of Jack Group was quite a small affair.

Moreover, if such a small piece of fat from the Jack Group was eaten, Yang Shi would have nothing to do with me.

In the end, Yang Jiale thought that there would definitely be a lot of fighting around the Jack Group.

The result was so mediocre, and the Jack Group changed hands.

"From the devil's capital? There are no such people in the devil's capital?" Su Wei was dumbfounded, because I am from the devil's capital.

Although our Chen family is in Shanghai, we can be regarded as a top-notch family with no money.

But I still know a little about the little crocodile in Shanghai. I can say with certainty that there is no one named Yang.

"When I was in love, my fame was small, but I only became famous when I did a small thing." When Yang was in love, don't look at so few things, but the promotion of fame is really small.

After all, the live broadcast and the bar circle are still relatively out of touch with the lower class.

These behaviors of mine at that time, in the eyes of real gangsters, are basically the nonsense of the older generation.

"What trivial matter?" Seeing the expressions of Qin Feng and Yang Jiale, Da Ma knew that the matter might indeed be quite minor.

I'm not as petty as Su Wei, but I would hug Su Wei just now to stop me from being impulsive.

"That's why I killed Zhang Ruoyu, sent Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu back to the cell, and swallowed Xu Yan Group." Thinking of that incident, Qin Feng was really scared for a while.

After all, outside Zhang Ruoyu's house, this is walking sideways in the devil's capital.

The real strength of Qin Feng's family is completely on the same level as Zhang Ruoyu's family.

At that time, if I had offended Mrs. Yang because of Zhang Ruoyu's lesson from others, maybe my ashes would be thrown away now.

"King, is he joking with you? There is such a small Jack Group?" Su Wei was dumbfounded when he heard that, after all, this is the Xu Yan Group.

I grew up listening to that name, and now the group says it has it?
"It's true, I heard that I ate tens of billions of dollars that time and retreated." Yang Jiale, I'm afraid of the Yang family, after all, my old man is still there.

Even though Yang's relationship is scary, I can be sure that I came from these top families.

After all, when my old man is in good health, how many times can he visit these people.

"King, the two of you have offended me, are you doomed?" Da Ma heard that the Xu Yan Group had it all, and my heart was blown away.

I feel that I have something to do, so why pretend to be that B.

Come to the auction house, this is a good auction, why bother to cause trouble.

Well now, kicked to the aluminum plate.

"Shen Ai, you will help them to deal with it. After this year, they will go back to China." Although what Qin Feng said is so complicated, I have plans to resolve that contradiction.

After all, I provoked Xu Yan again, so if I think about it, I will deal with me too.

As for those two, I'll leave us to fend for ourselves in London.

"That must be back, you will go back next year"

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, will it be all right? After all, this is the son of the Emperor of the Demon Capital and the King of Gamblers." On the way He Xianjun had just retreated, Xu Liyang had already told you what happened when you went to change the number plate.

Only then did you know that these people inside turned out to be headless and faceless rich seven generations.

Especially the son of the Demon Capital Emperor and the Gambling King, who is even more legendary.

I thought that there was no conflict between us and our boss.

"Come on, what's the matter.

By the way, what number was your card that time, and the auction is already in love." Now is the era of strength, and the era of fame.

The Emperor of Modu already had strength, and he only knew how to market himself.

And the son of the gambling king is even more funny, he has no strength, but he is able to perform well.

"You are number 166, and the location seems to be there." He Xianjun saw that Yang had something to say, so you can only take it easy.

After all, the boss himself is worried, and he has nothing to worry about as an assistant.

"Boss Su, our position seems to be far away from you, is he really planning to get in?" When Mrs. Yang just stepped back, Wu Shuo wanted to teach us a lesson at the auction.

The lesson from the auction house, this is definitely going to cut off everything we want to buy.

If it is to buy what we want to buy, if it is to lower the price, let us give up.

"As long as it is something we want to shoot today, you want it all"

(End of this chapter)

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