Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 352 Eight Famous Chateaux in Bordeaux, France

Chapter 352 Eight Famous Chateaus of Bordeaux, France

"I have photographed several things, why haven't we reached the field we want to photograph?" Qin Feng has been sitting for more than an hour since he came in.

He hasn't seen what he wants to buy until now, which makes him a little impatient to wait.

And because he was sitting with He Xianjun, he had a lot of bad things to say to Xiao Ma and the others.

After all, He Xianjun knew a little about his family's situation.

If he was exposed by He Xianjun in public when he was bragging, then his face would be completely lost.

"King, you may have to wait a little longer, because that piece of land is considered a relatively heavyweight lot today." This time, Qin Feng handed over all the auction matters to Xiao Ma.

So of course Xiao Ma knew what Qin Feng and the others were going to photograph.

Although Xiao Ma is still smiling now, in fact, he is already cursing in his heart.

After all, I originally planned to curry favor with Qin Feng and He Xianjun, but now it's not hard to say that he is in favor with him, anyway, he has already offended Su Wei.

And judging from what they mean, this Su Wei is still very strong.

He knew that he would not be able to return to China for the past two years, so he felt a bit of shit in his heart.

So he is not as mythical about Qin Feng and He Xianjun as before.

"Seeing Su Wei there, I always have a bad feeling." When Qin Feng saw Su Wei chatting with his girlfriend, he turned his head to look at himself from time to time.

This made him feel nervous, wondering if Su Wei was going to teach him a lesson.

But thinking that he didn't offend him just now, it was his two younger brothers who offended him, so he put his mind back.

"You said that when he watches our auction later, will he come in and intervene?" This time He Xianjun will cooperate with Qin Feng to co-produce this land.

It wasn't the two of them who chose it on their own, but Qin Feng's father begged He Xianjun and his mother.

After his mother calculated, she felt that buying this brand would never lose money, so she agreed to cooperate.

If Su Wei got involved, he was afraid that Su Wei would raise the price too high and the cost of buying it would increase too much.

"I'm not worried about him interfering. I'm afraid he came here for this winery." Just now, Qin Feng didn't see Su Wei's bid for a few things.

He wondered if he had also received the news.

If Su Wei had the same purpose as theirs, then they must not be rivals.

"Maybe it's really like this. If he has the same goal as ours, then we will definitely not win." He Xianjun didn't have much cash on him.

After all, being with a girlfriend now costs a lot.

For this cooperation this time, his mother gave him the money.

"Not necessarily, he just bought Yang's Group this time, and he doesn't necessarily have that much cash in hand now." Although Qin Feng didn't know how much he spent to buy Yang's Group this time.

But tens of billions must be there, after all, such a big company.

This time Su Wei bought Yang's Group, Qin Feng was completely dumbfounded.

After all, his father didn't earn 100 billion after soliciting customers to go to Australia for so many years.

If he had so much money, he would have kept a low profile a long time ago, how could he be marketing himself so hard.

"That's right, but this time we can snatch the things under his hands, then" He Xianjun's father's gambling king's health is getting worse and worse, of course he has to show himself well.

After all, the more famous he is at this time, the happier his dad will be, and he will get more money after his dad dies.

But now that Su Wei's reputation is so great, he is no longer in the same generation as them.

If he can beat Su Wei in the auction, then his name will rise a lot in one fell swoop.

"We've raised so much money this time, it's definitely fine." Not to mention He Xianjun, even Qin Feng thought so.

After all, before Su Wei appeared, he was known as the Emperor of the Demon City.

After Su Wei came out later, he could clearly feel it.

Those self-media who praised him before are now much less.

Instead, he saw more and more on the Internet, and began to brag about Su Wei's self-media.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the preceding eight lots are just appetizers.

The next thing we want to shoot is our ninth item today. I believe many of you came here just for it. It is the famous Chateau Ausone." This time, Chateau Ausone is really famous. very big.

After all, he is one of the eight famous chateaus in Bordeaux, France, and its current wine price is even more expensive than Chateau Mouton in the East District.

Although Leshun's super yacht was the most expensive this time, the most people came for Chateau Ausone.

"King, Mario, Château Ausone is here." Jack didn't speak just now, and had been looking for news about Su Wei in China.

After reading it, he felt that he did not intend to return to China in recent years.

Otherwise, if he meets Su Wei, he will probably lose a layer of skin even if he doesn't die.

"Did you see that so many people started making phone calls, so these people are not all our competitors?" He Xianjun thought at the beginning that he would have many competitors.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as Ausone came out, the auction venue was full of callers.

If he read correctly, at least more than 50 people were on the phone.

"It should be. After all, the winery of Ausone is well-known. There must be many people who want it. Otherwise, the original owner would not put it in the auction. Isn't it because he firmly believes that it can fetch a high price?" The reputation of the winery of Ausone, Really super big.

After all, it is the only winery on the right bank of Porto that can rival Cheval Blanc.

If this kind of top winery is not very attractive, it can only prove that no one drinks the wine.

But now the situation is that more and more people drink wine.

"Since this is the case, we can only talk with money."

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, those rich second generations seem to be here for this winery." Although Xu Liyang is on Su Wei's side, he will often observe Qin Feng and the others.

After all, her boss had conflicts with them, so of course she had to prevent them from doing anything unfavorable to Su Wei.

But after waiting for more than an hour, I didn't see any action from them.

"Chateau Ausone, isn't it the one I'm thinking of?" Although Su Wei hasn't drunk many brands of red wine, he still knows the brand of Ausone.

But he finds it a bit unbelievable that this kind of winery will also be auctioned?

After all, even if it really wanted to sell it, it could be done privately.

I believe that there must be many people who want to buy it.

"Mr. Su, wait a minute. I'll look through the brochure. It's strange. Why isn't there?" Xu Liyang flipped through the brochure, but couldn't find anything.

This made her feel very strange, after all, she could find all the previous auction items in this manual.

"This Chateau Ausone was probably added later. Only those well-informed will know about it. We came here by accident." Su Wei really guessed right, this Château Ausone did come in.

But it didn't come halfway, it's just that the auction didn't have an upright publicity.

After all, if there is news that the winery will be auctioned, the price of the wine will definitely drop.

Therefore, when the winery is to be sold at the auction, it is only spread in a small area.

If you really want to buy it, you will definitely receive the news.

"President Su, I just heard the call from the person next to me. It seems that the original owner is planning to sell it because the inheritance tax is too high." Because foreign auctions are generally relatively small, just like in a studio.

The auctioneer is standing on the podium, and the auctioneers below are sitting on a stepped seat that half surrounds the auctioneer.

Because everyone was relatively close, the voices of those phone calls reached Zhang Ruoyu's ears.

"Is the French inheritance tax so high? How much do you have to pay?" Su Wei really didn't expect that the reason why such a famous winery would be sold was because the inheritance tax was too high.

How much inheritance tax does France have to pay?

"France's inheritance tax is very high, it seems to be 40.00%[-]" Xu Liyang has been in Europe for so long, it is not for nothing.

In particular, the French inheritance tax is already a well-known matter.

As long as the French rich get rich, the first thing is to find a way to immigrate.

“It’s so expensive, no wonder the winery is being sold.”

. . . . . .

"Chateau Ausone is a first-class A winery in Saint-Emilion, and it is also one of the eight famous chateaus in France, but it is a pity that its area is a bit small, only 7.25 hectares.

Since it is such a top winery, what is its price? 1700 million euros.

Each price increase is at least 50 euros, and now you can bid.” When the auctioneer auctioned Chateau Ausone, he did not start the auction directly.

Instead, I waited for a lot of auctioneers to get through the phone and started chatting before starting the auction.

After all, most of them are agents here, and they have to ask the boss behind every bid.




"I'll offer 2000 million." At this time, a fat man on the phone directly offered 2000 million euros.

After all, one hectare of land for a winery in the first grade B will exceed 200 million euros.

The current Chateau Ausone is a First Class A chateau.

So this 2000 million will definitely not be the price ceiling.

"Mario, do you think we should make an offer?" Qin Feng wanted to buy Chateau Ausone this time because he wanted the name Ausone.

At that time, I will buy a cheap winery, which is an ordinary Bordeaux winery with [-] to [-] hectares.

Use the wines produced there to produce the second wine of Ausone.

He is using his fame to make such a publicity in the country.

A business that would take decades for others to pay back may be paid back in one or two years in his hands.

As for Ausone's brand image, isn't it still supported by Ausone's genuine brand.

That's why he paid a lot of money to buy Ausone when he knew that there was only 7 hectares of land.

"This time, this winery will definitely not be less than 3000 million. We can try to report 2500 million first." This time He Xianjun will be pulled over, mainly because Qin Feng's father wants to curry favor with his mother, Fourth Aunt He. .

After all, he was her subordinate before, although he has made some money now.

But he doesn't have the status of Fourth Aunt He, so now he can only hide in the harbor.

This time, he would let He Xianjun participate in this business, just thinking that Fourth Aunt He could help him return home safely.

Otherwise, Qin Feng can handle the matter of Ausone Winery by himself.

"It's about the same as I expected, so I'll take the shot.

2500 million." Qin Feng's estimate for Au Song this time is around 3000 million.

After all, the price of a 400 million hectare vineyard has reached its peak.

"Wow, this young man with number 101, the price quoted is really astonishing 2500 million, is there anyone else asking for 2550 million?

Are the young people now so good, are the other old men planning to throw in the towel? "The auctioneer knew that this time he was selling a top wine estate.

So he didn't plan to end it soon this time, but planned to sell it slowly.

"Boss Su, they really came here for this winery." Xu Liyang didn't expect that she guessed it right.

These rich second generations really came for Chateau Ausone.

But she was also secretly surprised, such a small winery can sell so much money.

"This kind of top-notch winery, what do you think will happen if it belongs to me?" Su Wei originally planned that if he didn't like the artwork, he would put a stick in it.

Unexpectedly, what they bought was not a work of art that he didn't like, but the top winery Ausone in France.

"Boss Su, you want to buy Chateau Ausone? But the price is too expensive, maybe it will be difficult to pay back." Zhang Ruoyu has no objection to buying the chateau.

After all, this winery is the top winery in France, the famous Ausone winery.

But now at this price, it is completely fried.

"I bought it with the intention of drinking it myself, and this small winery is just right for me." Su Wei didn't intend to make money when he bought this winery.

After he bought it, he planned to drink all the wine himself or give it away.

He plans to put the wine on the market only if there is really extra wine.



"2800 million" Qin Feng's price of 2500 million did not scare anyone at all, and the price was rushed to 2800 million.

But after 2800 million, there are very few people asking for the price.

From dozens of people at the beginning, to a dozen later, and now three or two people are still talking on the phone.

"It's strange that Su Wei didn't bid. Could it be that his goal is not this winery?" He Xianjun has been observing Su Wei and found that he has been chatting with his girlfriend.

He was quite scared just now, for fear that Su Wei would kill him on the way.

Who knew that he never made an offer, and is still chatting with his female partner.

"It's very possible. After all, the price of this winery is almost 3000 million now. He doesn't know how many years it will take to get back the original price after buying it." Qin Feng bought this winery because he planned to use his own name to sell the second-brand wine .

But Su Wei is different from him, he is just a rich second generation, and Su Wei is a bigwig in the business world.

He can earn this kind of money, but Su Wei cannot.

"Don't say it's him, even I think the price is rising too fast. If the price is too expensive later, I don't plan to buy it." The current price of this winery is close to 3000 million, which is already beyond his bottom line .

After all, he knows the price of the Bordeaux winery in his heart.

Knowing the current price, it is really ceiling level.

"Then Mario, we will quote the last price. If it exceeds the 3000 million we quoted, then we will give up. After all, the price is too high. With this money, we might as well buy a first-class B winery." Although Qin Feng is sure, he can recover the capital in a few years.

But spending so much money, it is better to buy a big manor that is not as good.

After all, for those manors, one hectare will not exceed 200 million euros.

"Okay, if it exceeds 3000 million, then we will give up.

Before 3000 million", it was Qin Feng's price.

Now, for the last bid, He Xianjun bid directly by himself.

After all, he is the son of a gambling king, and Qin Feng is just the son of Junket Operator.

If we can shoot Au Song this time, then we are partners.

If you can't take pictures, there will be no future.

He was too lazy to do such a thing as buying a second-tier winery.

"Wow, 3000 million, please give a little applause to these young people in 101." The auctioneer did not expect that today he would stick to the last few people.

One of them turned out to be a few young people with Asian faces.

He had seen many rich middle-aged and elderly men in Asia before, but such young men were really rare.

"This price should not be followed by anyone, after all, the price per hectare is now 450 million euros." The price of 3000 million really scared many people.

After all, the area of ​​this winery is only seven hectares.

"It's hard to say. After all, Ausone's reputation is so great, no one dares to say what price it will sell for." Regarding this price, many people think that it will definitely increase.

After all, Au Song's reputation is here, and no one dares to say it to death.

"Is there anyone else who has offered 3050 million, and is there any more to be offered?
Otherwise, if my hammer falls, the deal will be 3000 million yuan."

. . . . . .

"Boss, the price is already 3000 million, do we still want to follow?" Pierre called his boss at this time, wanting to ask him if he still wants to follow.

After all, when I came here today, the boss said that the price he said was 2500 million.

Now the price of 3000 million has exceeded 500 million.

"Pierre, you can finally quote 3200 million." The person on the other end of the phone gave the price of 3200 million after silence.

He was able to offer this price not because Chateau Ausone is so famous.

Because the winery in his hands is as famous as Ausone.

"Wait, 3200 million"

"King, the price has been exceeded." Seeing that the price of 3000 million was exceeded, Jack hurriedly looked at Qin Feng.

He wanted to see if Qin Feng would continue to add money.

"Forget it, I know the person asking the price. He seems to be Pierre, the manager of White Horse Winery." Qin Feng wants to start a red wine business, so how could he not know Pierre.

After all, this person is the general manager of White Horse Winery.

Now seeing that he made the move, Qin Feng definitely didn't want to continue bidding.

After all, if he didn't take it down after raising the price, then he would offend others.

"I remember that White Horse Chateau is owned by LV, so we have no chance." LV not only deals in clothes, but also has a lot of alcohol under its banner.

For example, the famous Moët & Chandon champagne, Champagne King, Dom Pérignon, Cheval Blanc, Hennessy, and domestic Wenjun wine.

The LV Group made a move, even if Mrs. He Sitai came, it would be useless.

"Is there any price higher than 3200 million? Is there? Is there? It seems that there is none"

"Then 3200 million for the first time"

"3200 million times, second, times"


(End of this chapter)

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