Chapter 354 Deal
"President Su, there are so many people bidding for the yacht." Although it looked intense this time, it was still not as many people as there were just now at Ausone Chateau.

But to have more than ten batches of people bid, that is indeed beyond people's imagination.

After all, such an expensive item is destined to lose money after buying it.

There are so many rich people in the world, and not all of them will buy this kind of super yacht.

So Zhang Zhang Ruoyu was shocked when he saw so many people participating.

"These people, most of them are here to join in the fun." Su Wei looked at the participants and found that they must be fanatical.

But fanaticism does not mean that you really want to buy it, or it may just be excited to participate.

After all, with such an expensive lot, being able to participate in it is something that can last a lifetime.

"Why? Didn't they all offer quotations?" Zhang Ruoyu was puzzled when she heard Su Wei say that these people were here to join in the fun.

After all, if they won't really buy it, why would they ask for an offer?

"Look at those who bought Chateau Ausone before, what they were doing at that time, they were basically on the phone.

And now you see that these people who participated in the super yacht did not make a single phone call. Could it be that all these rich people played in person? "Su Wei would think that most of them came to join in the fun, because most of these people didn't call.

After all, Chateau Ausone, which was only tens of millions small before, would have their phone ring off the hook.

But now that the yacht is several times more expensive, it doesn't even need to report by phone.

Moreover, Su Wei observed the people who just made an offer, and found that none of them looked like a super rich man.

If you want to say that the rich like to keep a low profile in China, that’s right, but there are very few such people abroad.

Because on their side, basically, the wealth is passed down from generation to generation by the family.

A person who was a son when he was young, even when he is old, he will still care about his image.

"Oh yes, when I was filming Chateau Ausone, I heard the sound of phone calls all around me.

But they are not afraid that no one will buy it, and then the price they quoted will take over." This is what Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect at first, and here it is.

After all, the current price is more than [-] million.

If I can't pay, in addition to being blocked by the auction house, the 100 million deposit will also be confiscated.

Therefore, if you want to pretend not to pay, you will suffer a price.

"The starting price of a yacht with a cost of 1.5 million yuan is only [-] million yuan. If you can buy the yacht if it really rises a little bit, then you will definitely not lose money if you sell it." If Simon wanted to sell it at that time, he would have a lot of [-] million yuan The rich will choose to take over.

But he definitely didn't want to sell his beloved yacht so cheaply.

After all, even if he admits his loss, he can't lose so much money.

"Boss Su, when will we bid?" Zhang Ruoyu saw such a huge bargain and wanted to buy this yacht quickly.

After all, according to Su Wei, the current price is low.

"Not in a hurry"

. . . . . .

"500 million"

"700 million"

"I'll pay 7000 million!" At this moment, an old woman stood up excitedly.

She is also the first person to add 300 million among so many people.

"This is Mrs. Alyssa, she actually came out in person today" Mrs. Alyssa, she is a well-known European widow.

She will be so rich, all of which are not earned by herself.

Instead, by inheriting her husband's inheritance, she became rich step by step.

However, her reputation is not very good, because many people suspect that her three husbands were all killed by her.

"Looking at her, we have no hope." Although Mrs. Alisa is not very rich, she still has two or three billion.

The person who participated in the competition next to her was far inferior to her.

"The competition is very fierce now. The price has risen from 5000 million to 7000 million now. Does anyone offer 100 million for a super yacht that costs more than [-] million?" A yacht, the auction house has appraised it.

And what is the starting price, they also have to consider.

It is impossible to say how much the seller wants to set, and then set the starting price.

The starting price is mostly set by the auction house.

And the current 7000 million is far from the estimated reserve price of [-] million.

"King, Su Wei isn't going to make the last bid again, is he?" Jack is really disgusted with Su Wei now.

Just now Su Wei took over Chateau Ausone, but this Jack was disgusted.

Because the current Su Wei is already an enemy in his eyes.

"Where did this person come from? He is so rich and has such a strong background, doesn't the king know about it?" Xiao Ma was really baffled by Su Wei's appearance.

Because his time of appearance was too short, and his fame was too great.

"I know Su Wei's background, but I can't tell. Anyway, you just need to know that his background is very deep." Qin Feng knows what a fart, he is a cowhide king.

After all, his father stayed in the harbor and couldn't come to the mainland. If he came to the mainland, he would be arrested in minutes.

But in front of the two younger brothers, of course he wanted to brag.

"It's really incomprehensible that a person of this status dares to be so high-profile."

. . . . . .

"Who is this old lady? Why does it feel like a lot of people know each other?" After Su Wei saw the old lady's quotation, there were whispering discussions in the auction venue.

Su Wei actually didn't care who she was, what he cared about was the girl next to the old lady.

Because of her appearance, it fits Su Wei's taste very well.

She has waist-length blond hair and to top it off she has blue eyes.

"I know this person, she is Mrs. Elsa, known as the European Black Widow" Zhang Ruoyu would know, in fact, because she heard the discussion of the people next to her.

European auctions are relatively small, which leads to relatively close locations.

When the person next to you speaks, if you don't deliberately lower your voice, it is easy to be heard clearly.

"I've never heard of it, Xiao Zhang, why don't you come and try to quote a price?" Su Wei was not interested in this girl when he heard the name European Black Widow.

After all, those who can be called this kind of name are generally unknown.

It's a pity that Su Wei's life is very bad. Of course, people around such a woman should be kept at a respectful distance.

"Ah, shall I come? Then I'll quote 100 million?" Zhang Ruoyu made an offer to her, of course 1 people are willing.

After all, the current price of this yacht exceeds one billion RMB.

She thought that Su Wei was just asking her to get up and play, so she planned to add 7000 million to the 100 million price.

"No, just quote me [-] million directly." Su Wei didn't have the heart to increase the price slowly with these people.

After all, he was hungry now, and was planning to go to a Chinese restaurant outside for dinner.

"Two hundred million? Isn't that too much?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't dare to quote the price of two hundred million.

Because of this, the price has been raised too much.

In case of 8000 million or 9000 million, no one will follow.

Reporting [-] million to go out, isn't that a fool with a lot of money.

"Just report [-] million, how long will it take to report such a small amount, and report [-] million, and you can directly drive away those who are going to take advantage of it." Su Wei wants to quote [-] million, but also There is a plan to screen out bidders who are not strong enough.

Today he came here just for this yacht, and he didn't want too many flies on the road.

"Boss Su, then I'll pay the price?" Since Su Wei asked her to quote the price, then Zhang Ruoyu did.

Anyway, my boss made so much money this time.

"You report it." Su Wei gave Zhang Ruoyu a slap on the buttocks, telling her to stop whining.

After all, it was only [-] million euros, and he didn't take it that seriously.

"I'll give you [-] million!" Su Wei slapped Zhang Ruoyu's ass, and she was shocked.

He quickly stood up and called out a price of [-] million.

Because if she didn't hurry up, she wasn't sure what Su Wei would do to her.

After all, there are a lot of people here, and she has to face it.


"It's No. 166 again. She directly raised the price by 3000 million. Is there any bid?" The auctioneer didn't expect No. 166 to be so fierce.

Just taking pictures of Chateau Ausone has already impressed him.

And looking at them now, they are even more interested in this super yacht.

A price increase of 3000 million is rare for him in the industry for so many years.

In many cases, it is normal to shoot such expensive things even for an hour or two.

"Fuck, Su Wei, he really made a move." Jack saw that the female partner next to Su Wei made an offer, and his face was distorted.

After all, the better off one's enemy is, the more uncomfortable he is.

"Two billion euros, now converted into RMB, the price is more than 16 billion." Xiao Ma really can't imagine spending 16 billion to buy a yacht.

After all, so much money is more than the money of his whole family.

"This time the Yang Group was swallowed up by him, and now he has at least tens of billions in his hands after selling it. He doesn't care about this more than one billion at all."

. . . . . .

"Is there anyone who has raised the price? Could it be that this super yacht worth [-] million can be obtained by [-] million now?" The auctioneer is now bidding the price of the yacht to [-] million.

He is not as flustered as he was just now, after all, his mission today has been completed.

"Two hundred and two million"

"Two hundred and two million"

"Boss Su, the price is still going up." Zhang Ruoyu thought at the beginning that the [-] million should be stable.

But the reality told her that if she wanted to win the yacht with [-] million yuan, she was thinking too much.

Because only after such a while, the price has risen by 500 million.

"Now our opponents are just this old woman and this fat man. You can directly report 2000 million yuan." Su Wei's [-] million yuan really persuaded a large number of people to leave.

But the ones still bidding are those who really want to buy the yacht.

After weighing the pros and cons, they still chose to increase the price.

But this time their strength is not as firm as before.

"Hi, I'm Zorin, that's my grandmother, she loves this yacht very much" Zorin is Alisa's granddaughter, and she was studying at the University of London.

Today she happened to have news on the weekend, so she accompanied her grandmother to the auction to see and see.

She only just found out about her grandmother buying a superyacht.

After looking through the photos of the yacht, she was deeply fascinated by the yacht, and felt that the yacht was so beautiful.

"Hello, you can call me Su, this yacht is really beautiful, and I like it very much." Su Wei didn't expect that the blonde girl he was thinking about before.

Now she actually came to him in person, and judging by her appearance, she should have something to talk to him about.

"It will be my grandmother's birthday soon. She bought a yacht this time to give herself as a birthday present. Can you give us this yacht?" Zuo Lin could tell that the number 166 was very interesting. money.

If you really fight for money, your grandmother may not be your opponent.

So she planned to come to Su Wei to see if he could make him give up on his own initiative.

"2000 million and [-] million" Zhang Ruoyu saw Zuo Lin coming to Su Wei, and even using beauty tricks in front of her.

She, who was still hesitating, immediately called out 2000 million.

Who told her to make Zhang Ruoyu unhappy, then why would she spoil her.

"Oh, the bid for No. 166 is 2000 million. Is there any price increase?" The auctioneer has already seen that No. 166 is really determined to win this yacht.

After all, everyone else is a plus of 100 million and 200 million, but only he is a plus of 2000 million and 3000 million.

He alone brought up 5000 million twice.

"I'm really sorry, my girlfriend has already quoted the price." When Su Wei wanted to answer that he couldn't answer, Zhang Ruoyu directly quoted the price.

But that's okay, at least it doesn't need to be said.

"Then I can only tell my grandmother that her yacht dream is shattered. We can only buy a second-hand yacht as a gift." Zuo Lin saw that Zhang Ruoyu raised the price of 500 million, and knew that her grandmother would not add any more. up.

After all, she knew that her grandmother's base price was actually [-] million.

Now the extra 500 million is already her limit.

But she didn't give up, but looked at Su Wei pitifully, and wanted Su Wei to sell the yacht to her grandmother.

"I don't have a second-hand yacht here, so I can't help you." Su Wei has never been used to women.

So what if this woman fits his aesthetics? He's not a dog licker.

How could he agree to let him resell it.

"Bye Su, I really envy your girlfriend to have you, she is really lucky." Seeing that Su Wei didn't take the bait, Zuo Lin could only go back in embarrassment.

But before going back, she still planned to provoke the relationship between Su Wei and Zhang Ruoyu.

"Boss Su, everyone has already left, you don't need to look at it." Zhang Ruoyu was so angry when she heard what Zuo Lin said before leaving.

What does it mean to be envious of having Su Wei, and to say that she is very lucky.

Could it be that what she means is that she intends to snatch a man.

"Why, you're still jealous, this woman didn't even leave a call." Su Wei didn't believe what this woman said, after all, she didn't even leave a call.

Sure enough, it was the people around Black Widow, and it was this way when they made a move.

But Su Wei was a little regretful that she didn't leave a call.

After all, I'm going to Paris tomorrow, so I basically won't see her in the future.

"I thought Mr. Su, you wouldn't know that this is a beauty trick?" Zhang Ruoyu found out now, it turned out that Su Wei knew everything.

She thought that Su Wei didn't know anything, so she worried for a long time in vain.

"What kind of beauty is she? Who else is more beautiful than you?"

. . . . . .

"No. 35, do you still add it here, oh, it looks like it won't be added.

So only number 77 is left, how about you?Do you want to add it? "The auctioneer first asked Mrs. Alyssa and saw her shaking her head.

I know Mrs. Alisa, so I don't plan to increase the price.

So now the only suspenseful thing is this fat man with number 77.

"Wait a minute, my boss said he was thinking about it" George wanted to bid, but his boss didn't say anything.

After all, such an expensive price is really more expensive than customizing it yourself.

In fact, many superyachts with a length of more than 100 meters can be handled for as long as more than [-] million yuan.

Moreover, the yacht at that price was completely customized according to his own ideas.

"Then your boss has to hurry up, 2000 million for the first time." The auctioneer saw that No. 77 was still on the phone, so he planned to put a little pressure on his boss.

In fact, the auctioneer already felt that the 2000 million and [-] million yuan was about the same.

The "2000 million second time" auctioneer looked at No. 77 and found that he was still on the phone.

He felt that this side should not be added, so he picked up the hammer directly.

"George, increase to 3000 million, this is the last bet." George's boss thought for a long time, and still planned to pay 3000 million.

After all, this yacht is brand new and there is no need to wait, but it will take at least two or three years to order one by yourself.

After such a long time, it can still be worth 1000 million.


The auctioneer of "2000 million [-] million sold" saw that no one raised his hand to signal, so he immediately dropped the hammer.

The moment he dropped the hammer, the staff rushed towards the auctioneer.

Because today's auction was held quite successfully.

"I, I" George was about to speak, but the gong had already struck.

It's a pity that the time when George's boss let go was only a few seconds behind the auctioneer hitting the gong.

(End of this chapter)

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