Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 355 White Crane

Chapter 355 White Crane

"Xingzi, what are you shooting?" Lao Zhang came to London this time to see his son.

Knowing that Christie's will have a large auction this time, I paid a deposit by the way.

He thought that if there was something good, he would take a picture of it.

As a result, he and his son sat until the end without buying anything.

In fact, there was something he wanted to buy at this auction, and it was the Chateau Ausone.

Because he had drunk the wine of Chateau Ausone, he knew that the price of its original wine was tens of thousands of dollars.

The price of the sub-brand is not cheap, the new ones of the basic year are thousands of dollars, and the old ones are several thousand less.

But the price of more than 3000 million euros is too high, and he will definitely not buy it.

It’s not that you can’t afford it, but that it’s unnecessary. After all, it’s difficult to pay back.

"Dad, I'm taking pictures of the number 166." Xingzi is a native of Yangcheng, because of his poor academic performance.

When he was still in high school, he was sent to study in London by his father.

This time he and his father came to the auction, originally he thought it was very boring.

Because he has no interest in participating in this kind of auction.

He had already made an appointment with his friends today, and went to the bar tonight.

But when his old man spoke, he didn't dare not listen.

After all, he still needs his old man to send money every month.

While sitting in the chair, bored, he suddenly found that he seemed to have seen the person in number 166.

Then I looked through the circle of friends and found that it was him.

"What are you photographing him for? You know him." Lao Zhang was very curious, did his son know him?

After all, the person No. 166 is too rich.

This super yacht was actually bought by such a young man.

Seeing him, and then looking at his son, he found that his star boy was just like a child who didn't grow up.

"I know him, but he doesn't know me. I heard that he is a rich second generation in Shanghai. I saw a photo of him and my friend in the circle of friends before." Xingzi had heard about Su Wei for a long time. of.

After all, he has quite a lot of friends, and they are all frequent customers of some bars.

Xingzi has several friends in China, and they all sent photos with Su Wei.

"The rich second generation of Shanghai? Do you mean he is from our country?" When Lao Zhang started, he never thought that No. 166 was actually from China.

Although Su Wei has an East Asian face, he also thought he was Chinese.

After all, the domestic rich are very low-key.

"That's right, that's why I took some photos of him, and I plan to post them on my scarf later." Xingzai wanted to send out the scarf because he had a premonition that it would be explosive news.

After all, Su Wei came to the auction and spent more than [-] million euros.

If he sends out the photos, will he be able to play tricks himself?

After all, his ability to participate in this level of auction also proves his strength.

"Don't post the photos on the Internet indiscriminately, it's not good for you to expose other people's privacy like this." When Lao Zhang saw that his son was about to post the photos on the website, he quickly stopped him.

After all, the other party is so young, who knows what background he is.

If you put the photo of the other party on the Internet, what if he is not happy to trouble you.

So Lao Zhang's idea, of course, is not to look for trouble casually.

The core idea is, don't make trouble for him.

"Then I'll ask him, if he agrees, I'll upload it again"

. . . . . .

"Hello, are you Su Wei?" Xingzi realized after his father reminded him that it was really inappropriate for him to do that.

After all, he is a boss, and he is just a piece of shit.

If Su Wei wanted to keep a low profile, he would directly expose him.

My father is still doing business in China, so I can't ruin his job.

His father was unlucky, which was worse than his unlucky.

After all, his bad luck affects himself, and his father's bad luck affects the whole family.

So he came here specially to ask for Su Wei's opinion.

"It's me, do we know each other?" After Su Wei successfully photographed the yacht, he was soon surrounded by the crowd.

These people basically came to congratulate him on winning this super yacht.

However, Su Wei didn't know these people well, so he just chatted with them casually.

Seeing that Su Wei didn't want to talk more, those people had no choice but to give up.

The surrounding area was getting a little cleaner, and another Chinese-speaking Chinese came.

Su Wei was quite surprised to see him call out his name directly.

After all, this is London, not in China.

"Brother Su is really you. I saw your photo in Moments before. I just found out that it was the yacht you bought. I was so excited. I wonder if I can take a photo with you?" Xingzi is not A fool, of course it is impossible to tell his purpose when meeting.

Moreover, Su Wei's deeds really made him envious.

At the beginning, Xingzi felt that this Su Wei was not much richer than him.

But today he realized that Su Wei is much richer than him.

His father can only look at this yacht.

"Group photo? Yes, you can take a photo." Ever since Su Wei became famous, not too many people asked him to take a photo.

But most of the places to take pictures are in bars.

After all, at other times, his bodyguards are by his side.

"Brother Su, you were so good at the auction today, you actually won the two best lots today.

I took a lot of photos of you, I wonder if I can send them out? "The Chateau Ausone that Su Wei won today is the most famous lot.

Leshun's yacht is the most expensive lot.

After he finished boasting, he began to talk about his purpose.

"You can post photos if you want, but you can't post photos that are too ugly." Su Wei doesn't care if others post his photos.

After all, I didn't do anything bad, so there's nothing I can't see.

And this yacht, he plans to drive back to China.

"Don't worry, Brother Su, you are so handsome, and with my photography skills, I can guarantee that after the photos are sent out, those women's legs will go weak when they see them." When Xingzi started to say, he was quite nervous.

After all, domestic bosses are not the same as foreign ones at all.

Because of their first pot of gold, many backgrounds are not so clean.

So they all want to keep a low profile. After all, the consequence of being high profile may be that there is no such person.

"Haha, then go ahead and post it, where are you going to post it? I'll check it out then." Su Wei's words were basically a joke.

After all, where does he have the time to watch this person's post?

"I'm going to post it on ins and on the scarf, how about this, Brother Su, I'll add you on WeChat, if you think it's ugly, just tell me, and I'll delete it right away." Seeing that Su Wei is so easy-going, Xingzi proposed Add a WeChat friend request.

After all, he is going back to China soon, if he can curry favor with Su Wei, then he will make a lot of money.

"You kid is tricking me, so let's add a WeChat."

. . . . . .

The next day.

"What are you two doing?" Su Wei went to bed before 12 o'clock yesterday, and woke up naturally after eight o'clock today.

Feeling very thirsty in the mouth, I planned to go to the living room to get a glass of ice water.

When I opened the door, I saw that Zhang Ruoyu and Xu Liyang were sitting together watching the tablet.

"Mr. Su, we are looking at the Xingzi we met yesterday. The comments in his bib are so funny." Today Xu Liyang and Zhang Ruoyu will look at Xingzi's bib, mainly because Zhang Ruoyu wants to see Xingzi take pictures for Su Wei Photo.

She wanted to see the photos taken by Xingzai, whether they made Su Wei ugly.

After looking at the photos, she felt okay, but she couldn't put down the tablet when she opened the comments.

When Xu Liyang came out and saw Zhang Ruoyu smiling, she read the comments for a while and read them with relish.

"It's so funny, look at the two of you laughing." Su Wei was speechless, is the scarf so happy?
The scarf from a few years ago can indeed be seen.

But the current scarf has become a fan circle, a base for women's rights.

Every day is either spraying people or scolding each other.

Could there be hidden normal people still clinging to their scarves?

"The main reason is that these netizens are divided into several factions, and now they are arguing on the Internet." Zhang Ruoyu is so happy, mainly because Xingzi's comment area is engaged in a scolding war.

Zhang Ruoyu and Xu Liyang are like melon eaters who know the answer.

For those who are right, they will smile knowingly.

But for those who said something wrong, they showed a hint of mental retardation.

"Yeah, let me see.

These people are really boring, how could I join another nationality, isn't this nonsense?" The reason for the online quarrel is also very strange, just because Su Wei bought such an expensive yacht this time.

He must have bought a house abroad, and the next step is to immigrate.

Moreover, the person who said it seemed so convincing that Su Wei would have almost believed it if it hadn't been for him.

"Netizens, they don't know the truth of the matter, so of course they will guess wildly, but Mr. Su, where are you planning to park this yacht?" Actually, Xu Liyang dare not be 100% sure whether Su Wei will immigrate. affim.

Because this yacht has to pay taxes if it is driven back to the country.

The price of this yacht is already very expensive, and the domestic tax on yachts is also super expensive.

So I can understand Mr. Ma, why he didn't buy a yacht and drive it to China.

"Where to stop, of course it is to stop in China, and I don't live abroad for a long time, why should I stop here?" Su Wei didn't want to be like Mr. Ma, who wanted to fly abroad first if he wanted to take his own yacht.

And he is not too interested in living abroad.

After all, his stomach is more suitable for staying in the country.

"Stop in China, where will you stop? Sanya?" Zhang Ruoyu heard Su Wei said that she would stop in China, and her first reaction was to stop in Sanya.

After all, Su Wei was in Sanya, but he had a villa that was about to be handed over.

"Don't stop at Sanya, just stop at the Huangpu River in Shanghai. Isn't there a pier there? Let this yacht stop there. Anyone I want to pass by can see my yacht." Su Wei He doesn't often live in Sanya, he often lives in Shanghai.

As for the yacht, of course it should be placed in front of my eyes.

Whenever you want to play on a yacht, you can drive directly for more than ten minutes.

When you want to go to Sanya, just ask the crew to drive the yacht to Sanya.

"Will this be too high-profile?" Zhang Ruoyu could already imagine that scene, and it would definitely attract crowds of people.

After all, people in China have never seen this kind of super yacht.

It is really wronged to say that it is a yacht, it should be said that it is a cruise ship.

"We have bought the most expensive and largest yacht in China, so how can we keep a low profile.

By the way, the yacht is coming soon, Xiao Xu, you can arrange a crew for me." Su Wei bought such an expensive yacht, how could he keep a low profile.

The strength is already here, and it cannot be hidden.

And his initial thought was to gain popularity.

"President Su, should we recruit people ourselves, or borrow people from the yacht club?" Not all yachts are recruited by ourselves.

Many people who buy yachts are attached to yacht clubs.

Every time I want to go out to play, the yacht club will send people to the yacht.

On the plus side, it's less expensive and less hassle.

The bad thing is that the personnel will be changed frequently, and if all the crew members of the club are sent out, the yacht owner will not be able to go out to play.

"Of course I recruit people myself. I don't like people in yacht clubs." Yachts are different from airplanes. Yachts are not just a means of transportation.

In many cases, it is also a social place and entertainment place.

"President Su, this yacht will be launched soon. If we want to register, we must give it a name." Every yacht will have its own name when it is launched.

Just like people, they will be given a name after birth.

A ship without a name is a black household, and every country will catch it.

"Baihe, it's called Baihe, by the way, you're called Leshun, print a white crane on the boat for me."

. . . . . .

"Hi, Su, I'm here" David had already been waiting at the gate of the airport since he knew that Su Wei was coming to Paris today.

After all, for a rich man like Su Wei, he must curry favor with him.

"David, you don't need to come here on purpose. There is a car from the hotel to pick me up." After getting off the plane, Su Wei went to the gate of the airport to find the car sent by the Peninsula Hotel.

At this time, he heard someone calling him, and when he turned around, it was David.

Although he did tell David about what time he would arrive in Paris.

But he really didn't expect that David would come to pick him up.

"Oh, I forgot that, you are a super rich man" David forgot his bank card password, and he will not forget that Su Wei is rich.

After all, his relationship with Su Wei is not so good.

They had met twice before, and it was just a flight together.

"Are you the only one here? Where's Miss Josephine?" Su Wei wanted to see Josephine more than David.

After all, Josephine's looks are really top notch.

"Oh, Sue, you are too heartless, Josephine is going on stage today, she should be putting on makeup now.

By the way, do you have a female companion?Help you handle the aftermath of the yacht? "Josephine started to come back this year, of course it is impossible to start with a big name.

So now, she can only start from a small show.

But she is good, because she has been there before, so many brands know her.

As long as she plays well, she can easily go to those big names.

"How do you know I bought a yacht?" If you are a Chinese, it is normal to know.

After all, that star boy spread the news about Su Wei buying a yacht.

But these foreign media, he was not photographed by them.

"News, although the news didn't reveal who the buyer was, it just said it was a Chinese, but I believe it's you." David must come to pick up the plane today because he guessed that Su Wei was the one who bought the super yacht.

This is a 2000 million yacht, not that kind of small yacht.

The person who can buy such an expensive yacht ranks among the top three rich people David has come into contact with.

The other two people in the top three would not pay attention to a small agent like David.

"You guessed it right. I did buy this yacht. Where are you going to take me to see the show today?" Su Wei bought the yacht, and it was bought in a fair way.

So he didn't intend to hide it, and just let it go.

"Paris Fashion Week is over now, so what we want to watch this time is the catwalks held by several designers." The fashion week catwalks, because the media is also there, so the catwalks are really not that good-looking.

This catwalk is organized by several designers.

These designers are all known for their bold designs.

"The designer held it himself?" Su Wei was looking forward to it, but suddenly he didn't look forward to it so much.

After all, the designer organized it himself, so he thought it must be very low.

"Don't worry, this kind of show held by the designer himself is actually better, and our main thing, shouldn't be the party after the show."

(End of this chapter)

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