Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 357 The Party on the Yacht

Chapter 357 The Party on the Yacht
"Su, the show is over now, do you want to go backstage?" Seeing that the show was coming to an end, Jack invited Su Wei to go backstage together.

After all, when he invited Su Wei over this time, he just wanted to build a good relationship with Su Wei.

And now the show is coming to an end, he needs to go to the backcourt and get busy.

Su Wei's here can only be regarded as earning some extra money, and the model agent is his serious job.

Although you can make a lot of money here, you can't lose the job there.

After all, he had the identity of a model agent to meet Su Wei.

"Okay, I'm going to say hello to Miss Josephine too." To be honest, Su Wei was still very curious about the backstage of the show.

After all, it was the first time he came into contact with this thing when he grew up so big.

And there are so many models backstage, he also wants to get to know him, has he missed some treasure girls.

"Then follow me, let's go this way." Jack took Su Wei to the backstage from the side path.

While walking, he also told Su Wei some interesting stories about the show.

For example, there are child models and elderly models.

The weirdest thing is that there are catwalks specially designed for gays.

"It looks so tall from the front, but the back of this place is comparable to a construction site." Zhang Ruoyu looked at the backstage scene of the catwalk, and it was so messy.

If she hadn't followed Jack, she would have thought she had come to some construction site.

Because the environment here can only be described as dirty and messy.

Although what Zhang Ruoyu said was a bit exaggerated, it was also because she looked too tall from the front.

"The environment here is already considered good. If you have seen a catwalk held in the Tuileries Garden and come to the backstage, then you will really feel that it is outrageous.

Su, this is where the models put on makeup and change clothes, but your bodyguards are not allowed to go in, because the scene inside is not suitable for him.” The place they held this time is at least in the Louvre.

The Tuileries Garden is an open-air place.

If there was a catwalk show there, the backstage environment would be really bad.

It's okay to throw leftover lunch boxes around, and it's really disgusting if there are people defecating everywhere nearby.

When Jack first entered the industry, he took the models under his hands to participate in the catwalk held in the Tuileries Garden.

When he just went there, he was still looking forward to it, but going there really ruined his three views.

"Old Liu, wait for me here for a while, and Xiao Zhang and I can just go in." Su Wei didn't say anything when he heard that Jack refused to let Liu Qiang in.

After all, this is Jack's territory, so he must have a reason for saying so.

"Then President Su, call me if you have something to do." Although Liu Qiang wanted to follow in and have a look, there was nothing Jack could do if he didn't let him in.

It could only be outside the dressing room, waiting for Su Wei and the others to come out.

"Su, go inside later, remember, don't be surprised when you see any scene." The reason why Jack didn't let Liu Qiang go in is actually very simple.

It was because he was dressed so much like a bodyguard.

If he's dressed casually, it's fine to let him in.

After all, it was just the backstage of a catwalk, not a military base.

But when he entered the door, he specifically told Su Wei and Zhang Ruoyu not to make a fuss when they got inside.

"Is it so mysterious?" Su Wei thought that Jack was playing tricks.

After all, it's just a backstage of a catwalk, so could it possibly scare him?
So of course Su Wei didn't believe it, thinking that Jack was creating a sense of mystery.


"What's wrong with Zhang Ruoyu?" Su Wei walked behind Zhang Ruoyu, and just as he went in and turned a corner, he heard her yell.

Su Wei thought something was wrong, so he took two quick steps.

It's just that when he saw the scene Zhang Ruoyu saw, he was so dumbfounded that he even forgot to speak.

"It's okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Zhang Ruoyu yelled, and saw the models near the door staring at her.

She was embarrassed by these models, so she quickly apologized to them.

After all, the scene in front of me is really surprising.

"I have already reminded you just now, so don't be surprised, believe it now.

Because there are too many models, it is impossible to have so many dressing rooms for them to change clothes, so these unfamous looks of them just find a place to change." Jack just reminded Su Wei, in fact, it is now this scene.

After all, the backstage of this catwalk is all naked models.

And because this time it is mainly women's clothing, the background is basically some female models.

As if no one else was there, they took off the displayed clothes and put on their own clothes.

And it's not just here in the Louvre, it's basically the same in other places.

Because of time constraints, I had to change into a set of clothes immediately after the walk.

With dozens of models, how could there be so many dressing rooms for them.

So except for those who are slightly famous, you might want to cover them up.

The rest of the newcomers and those who are not well-known may still be eager to be exposed after stripping.

After all, the change of clothes was exposed, and the fame might spread.

So many times the photos of the models changing clothes are released by themselves.

"President Su, there are so many men and women here, wouldn't they be shy to change clothes in public?" These unknown models really seemed to have no sense of shame.

She and Su Wei came in just like that, and they ignored them completely and changed their clothes.

Among them, several female models made provocative movements towards Su Wei.

This really made Zhang Ruoyu dare not imagine at all, after all, which young girl has never imagined herself standing on the catwalk.

But thinking of those models just now, Zhang Ruoyu has lost any interest in being a model now.

"Is there a big difference between these models' underwear show just now and being naked?" Su Wei entered the backstage of the show, as if entering a world of flowers.

It was the first time he saw so many naked women gathered together.

And these women, he thinks most of them are pretty good-looking.

"Hi, Warib, hello, I'm Jack." As soon as Jack came in, he first looked for the area where Warib was.

He had already found out who Warib's agent was before.

After all, Su Wei said he likes her. Although he is not her manager, he is very helpful.

"I know you, you're manager Jack." While Walib was taking off her makeup, she suddenly heard someone calling her.

She turned her head and saw that it was Jack, a well-known model agent.

"It's great that you know me, can we talk?" Jack was relieved to see that Warib knew him.

What he is most afraid of is the kind of people who have just entered the industry as models.

Because they are a group of people who are very difficult to deal with.

After they have been in the modeling circle for a while, they will lower their heads.

"I'm afraid it won't work, because I'm afraid my agent will be unhappy." Seeing Jack approaching her, Walib thought Jack was trying to poach her.

But she is quite happy with her current agent.

She has no interest in changing agents now.

"I don't want you to come to my company, but I have a friend who wants to get to know you." An old man like Jack knew what Warib was worried about.

In fact, Warib was really worried for nothing, because she was not famous.

With her appearance, Jack can always find someone who can replace her in those schools in Europe.

That's why Jack couldn't be stupid enough to poach people, after all, he would have to pay for it.

With the money from poaching people, he can recruit dozens of models to test the waters.

"Really?" Only then did Walib realize that he had misunderstood.

Just now, she thought that she was going to catch fire.

Even the agents of other companies are coming to poach her.

"Of course, he is my best friend, and he is also a super rich man, I called him here to let you know.

Hey Su, come here, I've already told Miss Warib." When Jack spoke, he also approached step by step.

At the beginning, he just said that he was Su Wei's friend.

So far, he has already said that he is Su Wei's good friend.

"Hello, Miss Warib, my name is Su." When Su Wei came over, Walib was already taking off his makeup.

So he didn't know whether this Warribu changed clothes in public.

If she didn't change her clothes in the changing room just now, but in the lobby.

Then he would be at a great loss, because he missed such a wonderful moment.

"Hello, are you from Huaxia?" Upon hearing Su Wei's introduction of himself in one word, Warib asked curiously if he was from Huaxia.

A big reason why she can talk so easily is that Su Wei was brought here by Jack, and he also said that he is a rich man.

Warib was not someone she would believe when told.

But look at the Gucci haute couture suit on Su Wei, and the Vacheron Constantin with a tourbillon on his hand.

She already believed that Su Wei was a rich man.

"Yes, I'm from Huaxia, your catwalk show today is great." Su Wei thought this Walibu was pretty when he was in the audience before.

Looking closer now, she is even more beautiful.

Holding her hand, I didn't want to let go.

If you just wanted to sleep with her before, now you must sleep with her.

"Thank you. I'm a rookie. Actually, I'm quite nervous when I play." Although Walibu is only 19 years old this year, she is not a fledgling.

After all, in the big dye vat of the Paris model circle, who doesn't want to be famous and make a lot of money.

Models, like celebrities, also rely on people.

A model that no one likes can only walk in third-rate shows, and after a few years, there will be no such person.

As for the models that are admired, even if they don't go well, they can still go to Paris Fashion Week.

"Okay Su, Miss Warib has to take off her makeup, let's talk about it at the party." Seeing Su Wei's state, Jack quickly pulled him away.

After all, Su Wei's intentions are too obvious, before he knows what Warib's plan is, he must not make her dislike Su Wei.

"You guys are going to the party at night too? That's great, then we'll see you at night." Walibu was relieved when she saw Su Wei was taken away.

After all, Su Wei's intentions are so obvious, how could she not feel it.

"Then we won't bother you, bye." Su Wei didn't know why Jack was pulling him away.

He wanted to chat with Warib for a while, mainly because she hadn't touched her hands enough.

"Su, this is your first meeting with Miss Warib. You can't be too enthusiastic, or you will be very passive." Although Jack is a part-time intermediary, he doesn't want to just do a one-shot deal with Su Wei.

After all, someone like Su Wei who can afford super yachts is worth at least several billion euros.

Such a boss, of course he wants to get his long-term friendship.

"Did I act very enthusiastic just now?" Su Wei felt that he was not very enthusiastic just now.

He was just a little nervous because it was his first time behind the show, working with a model he liked.

"Boss Su, you acted too much just now." Zhang Ruoyu didn't know what to say, why Su Wei was such a pig.

Judging by the way he looked at Warib just now, his eyes were too straight.

Moreover, he held someone's hand and refused to let it go.

"I don't think she's beautiful, Jack, do you think I can win Miss Warib tonight?" Su Wei didn't plan to stay in Paris for a long time this time, so he wanted to make a quick decision.

If he can take Warib tonight, he has no intention of delaying it until tomorrow night.

"I know her agent, her name is Henry, I'll help you get to know her first" To get to know her is to get to know what kind of person she is.

Because of such a business order, not all models will accept it.

"Then I will depend on you tonight." Su Wei understood what Jack said when he heard it.

In fact, this kind of thing can be solved with money is the best.

After all, if he really plays with feelings, he doesn't have the time to spend here.

"Don't worry Su, we are good friends after all.

Hey, Josephine, look who is here" Jack heard Su Wei say this, and knew that Su Wei had begun to trust him.

Fortunately, he knew Warib's agent, and even if she didn't want to, he would ask her to submit.

After all, in the model circle, no matter how big or small, there will be such business involved.

"Su? Long time no see." Seeing Su Wei coming, Josephine gave him a big hug.

After all, she already knew about Su Wei buying the yacht.

She didn't take it seriously when she was on the plane.

But when the news came out that it was really a Chinese person who bought it, she realized what her reserve had missed.

"Miss Josephine, your performance on the stage just now was really great, even I was fascinated." Su Wei really didn't expect that Josephine looked quite tall.

But her actual height was not as tall as Waribou.

"Really? I haven't stood on the runway for several years, and I'm still quite nervous today, thinking that I would not perform well." Josephine's words were humility.

Because she only walked through it once when she was in London.

At that time, she had already recovered her status.

"Then Sue, I'll go take care of things first." Jack is still very busy today, and the models under him have to worry about it.

And Warib's agent, Hunter, also needs him to go out in person.

But at this time, he himself was enjoying it.

After all, the busier he is, the more money he makes.

"Then you go, I will chat with Miss Josephine for a while"

. . . . . .

"Hey Su, why did you come here by yourself, where is your female partner?" After the evening show, everyone went back.

After all, they are going to a party at night, and the models also need to go back and change their clothes.

When Jack received Su Wei, he found that he came alone.

The female companion who was inseparable by his side before did not even bring her here.

"It's not suitable to bring her here on an occasion like this evening." How could Su Wei bring Zhang Ruoyu with him at this evening.

After all, he came to pick up girls at night, and taking Zhang Ruoyu with him would only make her get in the way.

"Haha, yes, today's occasion is really not suitable for her." Jack thought for a while, and it was indeed not suitable.

When everyone drinks too much, who knows if the female companion will be taken advantage of by others.

Not bringing it directly also reduces the trouble in this regard.

He knows that men in Huaxia care more about this aspect.

"Is this the yacht where the party is held today?" The address Jack gave Su Wei tonight is on a pier.

And nearby, only this yacht is brightly lit.

Su Wei is not a fool, how could he not guess that the venue is here.

"Yes, wait until [-]:[-], and this yacht will swim along the Seine River" This time the party was held on a large yacht.

At that time, the yacht will look at the city of Paris along the Seine River.

"Then can my bodyguard go up?" At this kind of party, Su Wei definitely didn't want to go up alone.

Who knows if someone on the yacht drinks too much, will they go crazy on it?

"Yes, but you can only bring one bodyguard up."

(End of this chapter)

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