Chapter 358 Playmate
The next day.

"Why did you get up so early, don't you stay a little longer?" Su Wei opened his eyes and saw Josephine was getting dressed beside the bed.

He was on the yacht last night and brought Josephine back to the hotel directly.

Of course he was able to bring her back, and that was largely due to Jack.

Because he was the one who helped Su Wei and filled Josephine with wine yesterday.

Without him, even if Su Wei could bring Josephine back, he would definitely be too drunk.

Whether it will be able to proceed to the next step, no one knows.

"I'm going to fly to Berlin this afternoon, and there's a show there tomorrow." Josephine felt crazy when she thought of the scene last night.

Now that she sobers up, she just wants to get out of here as soon as possible.

Because the scene here is really embarrassing for her.

"That's really a pity. I was thinking that you two could accompany me to stroll around Paris today." Su Wei didn't bring only one woman back last night.

After all, he is going to Geneva tomorrow, and before he leaves, he must eat up the two girls he likes.

So yesterday besides Josephine, Warib was also here.

"It's okay, Miss Josephine is not free, and I can accompany Su to visit the attractions in Paris." At this time, a small head popped out from Su Wei's right side.

The man was none other than Warib.

She was thinking about getting acquainted with Su Wei first yesterday.

As a result, she was educated by the agent, saying that she didn't know how to make money even if she had money.

He also asked her, didn't she say that she still planned to go to college.

Here's an opportunity to make a quick buck and go straight to college.

After an ideological struggle, Warib finally compromised.

After all, she wanted to go to college, and she couldn't do it without money.

"Su, how long will you stay in Europe this time? Can I come and see you when I finish my work?" Josephine came over yesterday, but she didn't take the business order.

At that time, she and Walibu had similar ideas, and wanted to get in touch with Su Wei first.

Who knew that Su Wei took her, who was drunk, back to the hotel together with Walibu at night.

Thinking of the scene last night, Josephine really knew for the first time that three people could fight like this.

She will still want to find Su Wei, one is to see if she can develop it, and the other is that Su Wei's ability makes her very satisfied.

"I don't know the time yet, but when the procedures for my yacht are completed, I should be going back to China." When Su Wei spoke, he felt that the feet of Warib who was sleeping next to him were dishonest.

But he didn't bother with her, because she was quite comfortable like this.

This time, Su Wei planned to wait until the procedures for the yacht were completed before returning home.

The main reason is that he is not used to living here, and he is not used to eating.

"I really don't know if I have the chance to sit on your yacht." Su Wei's yacht must have a world ranking after it is launched.

After all, where the length is, so is the amount of production.

Josephine is so proactive, completely disregarding her aloof image.

It's not because Su Wei has already bought that super yacht.

And she was quite afraid of one thing, that is, after today, she might never see Su Wei again.

"When the formalities for my yacht are completed, I will drive the yacht to the English Channel and let you go on it to have fun." Su Wei really has no resistance to this kind of long-legged girl.

Those two pairs of legs of the two of them were almost directly strangled by him yesterday.

After all, Josephine is 179cm, and Warib is 182cm.

Anyway, when the yacht returns home, it will pass through the English Channel.

At that time, he can organize a party on a super yacht by himself.

After all, his yacht is much larger than the yacht on the Seine River yesterday.

"Su, did you buy a yacht this time? How big is it?" Most of the wealthy people here in foreign countries buy a yacht for fun.

So when Warib heard it, he didn't react too much.

She thought that Su Wei just ordered an ordinary yacht.

Although she slept with Su Wei, she really didn't know Su Wei's strength.

"Su, he bought a super yacht this time, which is more than 150 meters long." Josephine thought of the last time he went to take pictures on the yacht, and it still felt like a lifetime away.

At that time, she never thought that the man in front of her would really buy the yacht.

What was even more unexpected was that he would put himself to sleep.

And it's not just sleeping with her, but sleeping with him alone and two women in total.

"A 150-meter-long superyacht? That's great, can I also go on it?" Warib's family conditions are average, otherwise she would not think of being a model to earn college fees.

She had only seen a yacht of more than 150 meters on TV.

Who told her that she is just an ordinary little model now.

She couldn't reach this kind of high society stuff even on tiptoe.

"Of course, but now there is something more important that needs your help." Su Wei invited Josephine to the yacht this time, originally planning to have fun.

Now that Warib was volunteering, he couldn't wait.

But no matter how exciting that yacht party is, that is for the future.

He was put under the quilt by Warib, and he had already been teased to death.

Now he has to find someone to fight.

"What's the matter? Ah" Josephine heard Su Wei say that she needed their help.

She walked up to Su Wei and wanted to ask if she could help him.

Su Wei was directly pulled into the quilt in one fell swoop.

And all the clothes on her body were quickly taken off by Su Wei.

After all, after Su Wei has practiced for so long, his achievement of understanding people's clothing has already reached the level of perfection.

"Although it's because of Warib, don't try to run away in a hurry"

. . . . . .

"Hey Su, why are you still free to call me now?" Jack was sleeping in a daze when he was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

Picking it up, it turned out to be a call from Su Wei.

At this time, shouldn't he be sleeping with Josephine and Warib on the bed?

"Miss Josephine has gone back, please send me the account number." Su Wei was on the bed in the room just now, and had already taught Josephine and Walibu a lesson.

After he came to Europe this time, he had held back his dissatisfaction for so long, and he didn't vent all of it last night.

After this morning, he finally vented all his anger.

Warib was cleaned up and fell asleep straight away on the bed.

As for Josephine, although her legs were weak and she couldn't walk anymore, she still insisted on going back.

Su Wei had no choice but to personally help her into the taxi.

"Su, Josephine doesn't take business orders, and yesterday's one wasn't a business order either." Jack introduced Warib to Su Wei yesterday because she didn't accept business orders.

That's why he joined forces with Warib's agent to brainwash Warib.

And Josephine didn't accept business orders, mainly because he still wanted to make Josephine a good impression on Su Wei.

If Josephine succeeds in taking over the position, the two of them will really be together.

"I know, but if Miss Warib has it, Miss Josephine must also have it. This is fair." The price for Walib to accompany him is [-] euros a night.

She is leaving tomorrow, so Su Wei will pay her [-] euros then.

The price of a small model like Warib is very low.

But because Su Wei liked her, the price was higher.

In fact, many models who have walked through Paris Fashion Week are not much more expensive than Waribou.

The price Su Wei plans to give Josephine this time is [-] euros.

The main reason is because she is more famous than Warib.

"Su, you are really good, then I will call you the account number later." Jack had already received tens of thousands of agency fees yesterday.

At that time, he was still thinking that this time, Josephine was at a loss because she didn't get anything.

Unexpectedly, Su Wei is a fastidious person, and he planned to make up a sum of money for Josephine.

"Old Liu, why are you alone? Where is the girl you brought back to the hotel yesterday?" Su Wei hung up the phone and was about to go back to the room, when he walked through the hotel buffet area.

I saw Liu Qiang eating steak by himself.

He stepped forward and teased Liu Qiang where his sister went last night.

"President Su, she, she just left." Liu Qiang had just sent yesterday's girl away, and unexpectedly met his boss when he was filling in the Wu Zang Temple.

He was on the yacht last night and got stalked by one of Jack's models.

He had already made it very clear to her that he was just a bodyguard.

But that girl didn't listen, she kept pestering him, and praised his sexy muscles.

"Old Liu, it's fine to play with the wild flowers, don't be emotional." Su Wei said this, not afraid of being struck by lightning.

Because Lao Liu's original plan yesterday was not to bring that woman back.

But after Su Wei found out about this, he strongly urged Liu Qiang to take the girl back to the hotel.

"President Su, don't worry, I know, I just haven't played with such a big horse before, so I'm a little curious and" when the girl approached him yesterday, Liu Qiang was really moved.

After all, although the model is not very famous, she is definitely not bad looking.

When did a traditional man like Liu Qiang come into contact with such a big ocean horse?

Just because he was working at the time, he could only refuse.

Unexpectedly, Su Wei found out about this matter, and directly opened a separate room for him, asking him to bring the girl back.

"Then how do you feel after playing Dayang Ma?" Su Wei has always known that Liu Qiang is a bit sullen.

Looking at Liu Qiang's expression yesterday, he knew that he wanted to fuck that woman.

So he pushed the boat along the way and directly fulfilled him.

"It feels so-so, mainly because they have a smell on them. I still prefer Asians." Liu Qiang took that white girl back to the hotel last night, which was completely a novelty.

When the two of them just returned to the room, he was so excited.

But after the excitement, lying on the bed, he began to dislike the smell of others.

"Otherwise, why do you think Europeans and Americans invented such things as perfume?" The purpose of perfume was first invented to cover up the smell of Europeans and Americans.

Because most of them, both male and female, have a bit of body odor.

And the smell of sweat on their bodies is also very strong.

So the reason why perfume is so popular in Europe and America is because they have a heavy body odor.

"Ah, the perfume is here for them to cover up their own smell? No wonder" Liu Qiang used to think that this perfume is for women to smell good.

But after what happened last night, he realized that even women in Europe and the United States have body odor.

"You just know, by the way, after you finish eating, let them know that we will go to downtown Paris in the afternoon." Su Wei finally had nothing to do today, so of course he was going to visit various attractions in Paris.

When he went to London last time, he regretted not visiting those attractions.

Now here in Paris, it must not be the same as in London.

"Good Mr. Su"

. . . . . .

"Waribu, where are we going to wait?" Su Wei got into the Mercedes-Benz arranged by the Peninsula Hotel, and Walib immediately wrapped his arms around him.

Because Waribou is French and has been in Paris for a long time.

So of course, Su Wei's itinerary for the afternoon was arranged by Walibu.

"The hotel we live in is the closest to the Arc de Triomphe, but it's very boring there, so let's go to the Eiffel Tower as our first stop." Not far from the Peninsula Hotel is the Arc de Triomphe.

But Warib couldn't figure out what's so good about the Arc de Triomphe.

So she directly gave up on the Arc de Triomphe and planned to take Su Wei and the others to the Eiffel Tower.

"Eiffel Tower? We can see it right here in our hotel, do we still have to go to see it?" Zhang Ruoyu was full of thorns when she spoke.

Because Su Wei didn't take her to the party last night.

And this stinky and shameless person even brought two girls back to the hotel.

Now that one woman has left, the other one doesn't plan to leave.

When I first got on the bus, there were originally three seats in the back, but this Walib took up two seats by himself.

Zhang Ruoyu had no choice but to sit with the co-pilot.

"Zhang, then you are wrong, you have to get closer to the Eiffel Tower to feel its charm." Warib stayed this time, and she actually had a purpose.

One is that if she stays with Su Wei for one more day, she will get an extra 5 euros.

And if she can win Su Wei, then she will reach the sky in one step.

She knew that Su Wei's assistant liked Su Wei, so she deliberately took up two positions by herself just now.

"Old Liu, tell them to lead the way, let's go to the Eiffel Tower first." Su Wei thought for a while, and decided to go to the Eiffel Tower.

Although he can see the Eiffel Tower directly from the suite at the Peninsula Hotel.

But if you don't look closely, what's the difference between watching videos and photos on the Internet?

"Good Mr. Su" The person who drove Su Wei today was Liu Qiang.

Because they suddenly discovered that the domestic driver's license can be used to drive in France for a short period of time.

"Su, I'm here too. Why do you speak Chinese? I can't understand it at all." When Walibu heard Su Wei speak Chinese, she was in a dazed state.

After all, she really doesn't know anything about Chinese.

She is already thinking about whether she should learn a Chinese while she is studying.

"My boss said, why are you all black here in France? Is it occupied by black people?" Zhang Ruoyu now starts to hate her whenever Warib speaks.

But Zhang Ruoyu is right, because the streets of Paris are full of black people.

Zhang Ruoyu went to several European cities this time, and no place has so many black people.

"I don't know about this either. It seems that our French labor force is insufficient, so we brought in it." Hearing Zhang Ruoyu's words, Warib certainly knew that she was laughing at her.

But Zhang Ruoyu was telling the truth, and she really couldn't refute it.

After all, there are indeed many blacks on the streets of Paris.

"Xiao Zhang, what's your situation? I think you're in a bad mood." Su Wei planned to have fun today, but he didn't want to wait for Zhang Ruoyu and Walibu to quarrel.

He remembered that Zhang Ruoyu was not so stingy in the past.

At lunch today, she wasn't so angry yet.

Su Wei still didn't know that the fuse was caused by Warib who just occupied two seats in the back seat.

"I'm in a good mood. After all, my boss found a new girlfriend in Paris." Although Zhang Ruoyu knew that Su Wei was impossible, she went to find this Walibu to be her girlfriend.

But she is not Su Wei, who can be 100% sure about this kind of thing.

"Are you jealous? Walib is just a playmate of mine in Paris, she will leave tomorrow, don't worry." Su Wei is crazy to find a European and American girlfriend.

Not to mention whether they have experienced this matter, just because they are getting old so fast, it is impossible for Su Wei to find them as girlfriends.

And Su Wei doesn't want to increase the number of his girlfriends now.

"It seems like someone was worried." Zhang Ruoyu felt a little better when she heard that she was just a playmate.

She was really afraid that this Walib would really become Su Wei's girlfriend in Europe.

In that case, she might not even plan to come to Europe again.

"Su, why are you speaking Chinese again? Are you afraid that I can understand what you are saying?" Walibu knew, as long as she held Su Wei firmly.

Then in this life, she can directly step into the upper class.

So she always wanted to join Su Wei and Zhang Ruoyu, the conversation between the two of them.

If they kept speaking Chinese, they wouldn't be able to join even if they killed her.

"My assistant told me, Walibu, you are the most beautiful girl she saw in France" Su Wei said this, Zhang Ruoyu would not say that.

But there is one thing to say, Walibu's appearance in the model circle is really very resistant.

Otherwise, Su Wei wouldn't have to sleep with her.

"Zhang, thank you for your compliment"

(End of this chapter)

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