Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 359 Touring Paris

Chapter 359 Touring Paris

"Wow, there are too many people under the Eiffel Tower." After parking the car, Zhang Ruoyu followed Warib to the bottom of the Eiffel Tower.

She had seen the Eiffel Tower on TV before.

After she came here, she realized that it was completely different from what she had imagined.

First of all, there is a huge open space under the Eiffel Tower.

In addition to shops next to the open space, there are many small stalls selling souvenirs.

"Waribu, what are they doing here? Why are they queuing up?" Su Wei didn't understand why there was such a long queue here.

Originally, what he thought was that after arriving under the Eiffel Tower, he could take a photo with his mobile phone and leave.

But after coming here, he seems to be a little different from what he thought.

Because the Eiffel Tower seems to be able to go up.

In his previous impression, he thought that the Eiffel Tower was just like the electric towers in China, just an iron frame.

"People queuing here, they're all going to take the elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Su, should we go up too? "Although there are five elevators in the Eiffel Tower, there are too many people coming every day.

In addition, the height of the top of the tower is very high, and it takes a lot of time for an elevator to go up and down.

Walibu brought Su Wei here, of course he wanted to go up.

After all, if you want to create a romantic atmosphere, it is definitely impossible to be here.

"Can you go up by elevator? Of course we have to go up. After all, it's not easy for us to come here. It would be a pity if we don't go up." Su Wei knew that the Eiffel Tower could go up, so of course he wanted to go up.

After all, they were already under the Eiffel Tower, so how could they just leave like this.

Of course he wanted to go up and see what the scenery was like.

"There are two ways to go up the Eiffel Tower. One is to climb the stairs. After buying a ticket, you can climb up to the second floor.

Another way is to take the elevator, you can go to the first floor, the second floor and the top floor.” The Eiffel Tower is the most profitable man-made attraction in Paris, and it has never been liked by the French.

But after the Eiffel Tower caught fire, it became a symbol of France.

Parisians also despise the Eiffel Tower from the beginning, and now think it is the pride of France.

"Oh, these people take the elevator, right? Then we must also take the elevator. My feet can't bear to climb up to such a high place." After Su Wei checked the height, he directly chose to take the elevator.

After all, now that Su Wei is asked to climb six floors, he may have to gasp for breath when he climbs up.

It seems that this floor will not be lower than 10 floors, how could Su Wei choose to climb.

After all, he was so rich, so of course he chose to take the elevator.

"Boss Su, there are so many people here, it may take us a long time to wait in line, why don't we take the elevator up after climbing to the first floor?" Zhang Ruoyu said this completely to tease Su Wei.

After all, she has been by Su Wei's side for so long, and she hasn't seen her, the boss, exercising much.

She looked down the stairs and felt that if Su Wei climbed it, he would definitely kill him.

Who wants him not to exercise, he only knows how to pick up girls.

"No, the stairs are too high. I'll go to the front and ask if anyone is willing to give up my seat." After Su Wei heard Zhang Ruoyu's proposal, he shook his head hastily.

After all, if he climbed such a high staircase, his feet would definitely be weak.

It's okay to have soft feet, he's afraid that it will affect him teaching Warib in bed at night.

"Boss Su, they have waited in line for so long, how could they give us their seats?" Zhang Ruoyu saw that Su Wei was going to ask, and felt that he was thinking in a whimsical way.

After all, it was hard for someone to get to the front, so how could they give up their seats.

She felt that Su Wei had two options for the next step, or he would wait in line slowly.

Or just give it a go, climb the stairs to the first floor and then take the elevator up.

"Hello, are you selling this position?" Su Wei's idea is very simple, that is to spend money to buy the position.

He went straight up to the person at the front of the line and asked if their place was for sale.

After all, they had been waiting in line for so long, and he never thought about asking them to give up their seats without spending money.

"Sell a seat? What do you mean?" The little brother in the front row was confused by Su Wei's question.

Because he was chatting with a friend just now, Su Wei came up and asked him if the place was for sale, and he would be confused whoever would change it.

"I don't want to line up, so you can sell me your seat, and then you go to the back and queue again?" Su Wei didn't think about it, so he bought a ticket and put it in the front.

His idea is that he bought the position of the person at the front of the row.

Then those who got the money obediently went to the back to line up again.

"No, we've been in line for a long time. If we give up to you guys, we'll have to line up again." The little brother understood what Su Wei meant, but he didn't want to sell.

Because it took him and his friends more than half an hour to get here.

"How about 100 euros, you have only waited for a while, as long as you give me your seat, you will earn 100 euros." The value of 100 euros is not the same as the value of [-] yuan in China.

Even if they earn euros here, they also spend euros.

Su Wei felt that his price was already very generous.

After all, it's just a queue for a while, but you can earn a hundred euros.

"No, five of us will share 5 euros, and we don't have much money, so let's forget it." The younger brother and a few friends looked at it, but still rejected Su Wei.

After all, there are five of them, and each of them can only get 20 yuan.

Although he and his friends came over from Brussels this time, they were struggling financially.

But the 20 yuan still couldn't impress them.

If it was changed to 50 yuan per person, then they might agree.

After all, they are still students now, and they don't have much money in their hands.

If they can spend half an hour queuing in exchange for 50 yuan, then they must be extremely happy.

"I may not have made it clear. What I said was 100 euros per position." When Su Wei said 100 euros, he saw the eyes of these young men move.

At first he thought they agreed, but it turned out that they had misheard the number.

What Su Wei said was 100 euros for one position, it was 100 euros in total.

"Are you sure?" The little brother and their friends heard that it was one hundred euros.

All of them widened their eyes in disbelief.

After all, these five positions cost 500 euros.

If they had this money, they would have a much better life these days.

"Xiao Zhang, hand me my bag.

As long as you give up your position, I can give you money now." Seeing the expressions of the little brother and the others, Su Wei knew that they were already moved.

He asked Zhang Ruoyu to give him his bag, and then took out a wad of money.

This money is still in the bank here, which he specially exchanged for euros.

Because here abroad, the payment method is still the traditional cash and credit card.

"Sir, we are right behind them, they don't sell, I, I can give you the place of our family." A white couple with a child in the back looked at Su Wei and their communication in a strange way.

For Su Wei's behavior of wanting to exchange 100 euros for five positions.

They seem noncommittal, after all, only one person can get 20 yuan.

But I didn't expect that he made a mistake. It turned out that it was 100 euros per person.

Then he began to think carefully, thinking about selling his position.

After all, his monthly salary is only 4000 euros.

After paying insurance and taxes, you can get more than 2000 euros a month.

If he could get the 300 cash, it would be equivalent to working for 4 days, and the time he wasted was only half an hour.

"We are ahead, of course we sell first.

Sir, there are 5 of us here, and we will sell our place to you." The little brother became anxious when he saw someone scrambling to sell it.

Originally, he was going to sell it just now, but he was too surprised all of a sudden.

But I didn't expect the uncle behind him to sell it so shamelessly.

So he hurriedly told Su Wei that the five of them were all planning to sell their seats.

"Don't worry, because we need 11 positions, I bought all the eight in front of you, and we need three positions in the back.

Old Liu, 11 positions are available, you go and send them money." Su Wei didn't buy three or four positions this time.

Rather he was going to buy 11 slots because there were so many of them.

Four bodyguards in China, plus four bodyguards in Europe, as well as Warib, Zhang Ruoyu and himself.

"Su, you shouldn't just take out the money, the thieves in Paris will be after you." Seeing that Su Wei took out the money directly, Warib quickly persuaded him kindly.

After all, here in Paris, there are too many thieves.

She no longer knows how many times her things have been stolen on the streets of Paris.

As a result, she dare not put more than 20 yuan in her wallet.

"Well, if they come, I hope they can resist the beating." Su Wei is not afraid of thieves in Paris, after all, he has so many bodyguards around him.

If caught, the thief would not be able to bear it if one person punched him.

Moreover, thieves are not stupid, and they dare not mess with people like Su Wei.

After all, there are a bunch of bodyguards around, who would look for trouble when nothing happens.

"Oh, I forgot, Su, you have so many bodyguards by your side." Warib's thought just now was to put himself into it.

She almost forgot that there were so many bodyguards around Su Wei.

"Boss Su, the location has been fixed, we can go and line up." If it was in another place, Zhang Ruoyu would definitely try to persuade Su Wei.

After all, there is no need to spend so much money for these 11 positions.

But Warib was here, and she certainly couldn't say that.

"Su, your idea is really good. Last time my friend and I queued here for an hour before going up." The last time Warib came over, it happened to be last year's summer vacation.

At that time, a lot of students came to Paris to play.

She and her friends had to wait in line for an hour before going up.

"Then next time you see so many people, just use my method." Since Su Wei became rich, his thinking has become much simpler.

If you think you can use money to solve the problem, then use money to solve it.

"That can't be done. Except for a rich man like you, ordinary people like us can't afford this method." If Walibu could be so chic, she wouldn't come to accept business orders.

After this incident, she wanted to hold on to Su Wei even more.

"President Su, the elevator is here, we can take the elevator up." How could Zhang Ruoyu fail to see what this Warib was planning.

But by tomorrow, she will know that all her thoughts are in vain.

"The elevator is here, let's go, huh?" The elevator quickly squeezed in more than 10 people, and then began to rise.

At this time, Su Wei seemed to see someone he knew through the glass.

But because her elevator was going down and Su Wei's was going up, he wasn't sure if it was her.

"What's wrong with President Su?" Zhang Ruoyu followed Su Wei's eyes when he heard Su Wei's "huh."

I saw a group of young girls just getting off the elevator.

So she naturally thought that it was Su Wei who saw a girl who was attracted to her again.

"It's nothing, I just saw a friend who looks very similar to a friend I know, but I must have misread it. She should be in China now." Su Wei thought, probably he had misread it.

After all, even if she came to Europe, she should not be in Paris.

"That may be Mr. Su's mistake. After all, the world is so big, how can there be such a coincidence?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't believe Su Wei's words, thinking that he must have been looking at the little girl just now.

After all, the world is so big, if this happens, you can buy a lottery ticket.

"Su, we've reached the top floor, let's take a photo." Seeing the top floor arrived, Walibu took Su Wei's arm and walked out of the elevator.

She wanted to become Su Wei's girlfriend, and this chapter was the biggest obstacle.

So she must want to let Su Wei have less contact with her and more contact with herself.

"Yes" Su Wei came here, it must be to take pictures.

If you don't take some pictures, who knows where you went.

"Su, look at the North Shore, isn't that the Peninsula Hotel.

Zhang, can you take a picture of me and Su? "The top floor of the Eiffel Tower, the tallest building in Paris.

And there are many telescopes prepared on it, tourists can watch the city below for free.

The Peninsula Hotel where Su Wei and the others stayed yesterday can be seen with the naked eye.

It's the same as when they are in a hotel and can directly see the Eiffel Tower.

"Okay, but I'm not good at taking pictures." When Zhang Ruoyu heard that Walibu asked her to help take pictures, she didn't want to agree.

But thinking that if she didn't agree, Walibu could go to Liu Qiang and the others for help.

So even though she was gnashing her teeth, she still agreed to help take pictures.

Anyway, she said in advance that her photography skills are not very good.

"It's okay, I can take pictures for you later"

. . . . . .

"Warib, where are we going next?" Su Wei and the others stayed on the top floor for less than half an hour, and everyone came down.

The main reason is that there is nothing interesting on it, just a little higher.

But they stayed on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower for a long time, because there was a nice cafe there.

"Next we will go to the Concierge de Paris, not far from the Notre Dame Cathedral, and finally we can go to the Picasso Museum." The route arranged by Waribeau is to walk along the Seine River.

The attractions she mentioned are all on the banks of the Seine.

Except that the Picasso Museum is a little farther away, but it is not far away.

"Picasso Museum? Why don't we go to the Louvre?" Su Wei wanted to go to the Louvre more than to the Picasso Museum.

After all, in the Louvre, I heard that there are many Chinese cultural relics that have been robbed.

Although he would not buy these things, he thought they were all dead things.

But Su Wei was very happy to go and see them.

"Haven't you been to the Louvre? Yesterday we had a show there." The Louvre and the Eiffel Tower are known as the two most famous attractions in France.

The reason why Waribou didn't exclude the entry of the Louvre was because the place where they had their show yesterday was in the Louvre.

But looking at Su Wei and the others, it seemed that they had never been there.

"Yesterday we didn't wake up until the show was about to start, so we didn't go to see it yet." Su Wei was asleep in the afternoon yesterday.

His current impression of the Louvre is the small square at the entrance and the triangular glass.

"In that case, let's go directly to the Louvre, and not go to other places. After all, there are so many things in the Louvre, and it's too late to go. If we can't see a few things, the museum may be closed." For other attractions, of course the Louvre is the most anticipated.

Warib checked the time, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

If you go to the Louvre after going to other places, you will not have enough time.

After all, there are so many cultural relics in the Louvre, and it is impossible to see them all in a few hours.

And if it is there, it will close at [-] pm.

So Warib's idea is to go straight to the Louvre later.

"Let's go to Notre Dame de Paris first." Su Wei saw that Waribou cut down all other attractions, how could this work.

I have come to Paris, how can I not visit Notre Dame de Paris.

He also wants to see this, a place where even gods will not be able to cover it in a few years.

"Su, do you believe in religion?" Walibu really didn't expect that Su Wei would want to go to Notre Dame de Paris.

After all, compared with the Louvre, the Louvre is more popular here.

So she thought Su Wei was a devout believer.

"Because I have read the novel Notre Dame de Paris, so I want to go to see it." What can Su Wei say, tell Warib.

This Notre Dame de Paris will be destroyed in a fire in a few years.

Because of this fire, the hearts of believers all over the world have been damaged.

After all, the god I believe in every day doesn't even cover my own territory.

"So that's the case, let's go to Notre Dame Cathedral first."

(End of this chapter)

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