Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 360 She Is Not My Relative

The next day.

"President Su, Walibu wants to follow us to Geneva so much, why did you refuse her?" Zhang Ruoyu was in a great mood from the moment she got on the plane.

Because there was finally no such woman as Warib by her side.

She had been mad at that Warib all day yesterday.

Although she didn't beat her or scold her, she kept using Su Wei to disgust her.

"It was just a deal, and she's a bit confused about her position." As for the fight between Walibu and Zhang Ruoyu yesterday, Su Wei didn't bother to care about it.

After all, Walibu was just playing with him, and Zhang Ruoyu knew about it.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Ruoyu still wants to fight and get angry, which can only be caused by himself.

Warib thought she would be successful, but she was wrong.

She thought of Su Wei too simply, and didn't know how many women he had experienced.

"Isn't it all your fault, Mr. Su, to give her the feeling that the two of you are in love?" Why Zhang Ruoyu was angry was all because of Su Wei.

Because the feeling he showed yesterday is completely different from Warib's attitude towards playing with him.

The two held hands and took a group photo, making them look like real couples.

How could Zhang Ruoyu not be angry in this situation.

"Okay, okay, I'll be more careful next time.

Did you arrange the hotel for them to pick us up, we are going to Geneva soon." Su Wei pulled Zhang Ruoyu from the chair next to him and sat on his lap.

The way he was yesterday, he really wasn't caught in the tenderness of Wariboo.

He just fits well with Warib because she has a really good sense of the camera.

She is very good at finding angles every time, which makes Su Wei's photos look much better.

But he won't tell Zhang Ruoyu about this kind of thing. After all, he is so careful, he just needs to know it.

"I've already arranged the hotel. The hotel I booked this time is the Four Seasons Hotel's Geneva Presidential Suite." After Zhang Ruoyu was pulled onto Su Wei's lap and sat on it, she immediately became honest.

She buried her head very low, not wanting others to see her hot face.

The main reason is that she is not alone on this plane, there are bodyguards like Liu Qiang and the others.

Those foreign bodyguards may come to Europe after returning to China, and they may not necessarily be the guards next time.

It is mainly Liu Qiang and the others, because they will follow them back to China.

"Why did you book the Four Seasons Hotel? It's not the best hotel in Geneva, but the one named Wilson." Su Wei had heard of the Wilson Hotel before he came to Geneva.

It is said that the room on the top floor costs hundreds of thousands of RMB for one night.

This time when Su Wei came here, he planned to live here.

Although hundreds of thousands a night is expensive, Su Wei can still afford it.

"I called this hotel to inquire about it. The suites on the top floor are mainly rented to companies and government personnel, so I went to book the Four Seasons Hotel." Zhang Ruoyu really didn't intend to save money for Su Wei this time. After all, he made tens of billions this time.

After she called the Wilson Hotel, she found out that the top floor of his place was not for private people.

Its price will be as high as hundreds of thousands a night, the main reason.

It's because there are twelve suites on the top floor, and there are several conference rooms that can be used.

This kind of place can be known as soon as you hear it, and it is not for private people to live in at all.

If Su Wei is really arranged to live there, Zhang Ruoyu doesn't even have to think about it, Su Wei will definitely scold people when the time comes.

"So it was for office use? I still wanted to live in this room worth hundreds of thousands a night. It's such a pity."

. . . . . .

"This is the second largest city in Switzerland? It feels so small." Because she has been in international cities like London and Paris for the past few days, Zhang Ruoyu was very surprised by the scene of Geneva in front of her.

After all, she had heard that Geneva was the second largest city in Switzerland, so she thought it was also a metropolis.

It was only after she came that she realized that she was so wrong.

Because if such a city is in China, it is at most the size of a small county.

"Small countries in Europe, small countries in Europe, you think it's called for nothing.

By the way, is the car from the Four Seasons Hotel here? Why didn't you see it? "Su Wei has already arrived at the gate of the airport, but he still hasn't seen the car from the Four Seasons Hotel.

I don't know what's going on here in Geneva today, it's raining heavily.

Although he was wearing a coat, he still felt relatively thin.

"Maybe I haven't arrived yet, I'll make a call and ask." Zhang Ruoyu contacted the Four Seasons Hotel very early, logically speaking, she shouldn't be late.

But now it is late, Zhang Ruoyu can only call to ask what is going on at the hotel.

"Then you call and tell them to hurry up, the efficiency of the Europeans is too low." The most unbearable thing for Su Wei is the laziness of Europeans.

Although we know that they are a high-welfare country, they are also a capitalist country.

Their group spent [-] to [-] euros a night, do they need to wait here forever.

"Kunna, what are you looking at?" Cara called the hotel and suddenly found that her colleague had stopped talking.

Turning her head, she realized that her Asian colleague had been looking at one place.

She followed her gaze and found a pair of Asian men and women there.

"I seem to know that person over there." Zhao Yayou came to Geneva this time to receive training at the headquarters.

Because it is very likely that she will be promoted to the vice president of Huaxia District this time.

After she and her colleagues got off the plane, they found that it was raining in Geneva today.

Then her colleague quickly contacted the hotel and asked them to send a car to pick her up.

At this time, she suddenly saw a pair of young Asian men and women not far away.

Originally, she was still thinking about which family's son came out.

After all, with so many bodyguards around him, he looked like a chaebol.

But after looking carefully, she realized that the man seemed to be Su Wei.

"Isn't it? Isn't this a coincidence?" Kara is from Germany, and she also came to participate in the training this time.

She knew that this training would probably allow them to be promoted to management.

So she and the colleagues she trained with this time are working hard to build a good relationship.

"I'm not sure, because I haven't seen him for a while." Zhao Yayou and Su Wei met once last year.

The latter two were chatting on WeChat.

The main reason is that Su Wei is often not in Shanghai, and the timeline of the two of them has not been found correctly.

"Then you'll know if you go over and see, he seems to be very rich." With so many bodyguards around Su Wei, any fool would know that he must be very rich.

As the store manager of Rolex in Berlin, Kara certainly knows the benefits of getting to know rich people.

After all, if you want to train a super rich person into a super VIP of your own brand.

So as long as a new watch is released, no matter how outrageous the price is, someone will come to take it.

"President Su?" The image of Su Wei now is quite different from that of years ago.

In addition, Zhao Yayou has only met Su Wei once in real life, so now she really dare not admit it.

So she was just at the side and called out to Mr. Su softly first.

If she made a mistake, she apologized and left.

"Aunt Zhao? Why are you here?" Su Wei looked back when he heard someone calling Mr. Su.

It turned out to be Zhao Yayou, I didn't expect that she was also in Geneva.

Su Wei hadn't seen her for a long time, and when he saw her today, he found that she looked even better.

In the previous period of time, Su Wei often chatted with Zhao Yayou.

But because she has too many things to do, it is not so timely to reply to the message.

In addition, Su Wei also had a lot of things to do later, the two of them didn't chat much afterwards.

"I'm here for training at the Rolex headquarters. How about you, Mr. Su?" Zhao Yayou looked at Su Wei and found that his current clothes had improved a lot.

The clothes he wore in the past all had big logos on them.

The clothes that go abroad in the circle of friends are all the kind with logos all over the body.

But now Su Wei, the obvious logo can no longer be seen on the clothes he wears.

I don't often buy their clothes, and I basically don't know which brand of clothes he is wearing.

Most importantly, he started wearing suits.

"My, I came here to buy a watch. By the way, Aunt Zhao, did you go to the Eiffel Tower in Paris yesterday?" Su Wei came to Geneva this time to buy a watch.

Because he hasn't finished the formalities for the Ausone Manor and the yacht, he's coming here to relax.

After all, there are so many countries in Europe, it's good to go around.

"That's right, how did you know?" Zhao Yayou has been in Geneva for almost half a month.

Although they came to the headquarters for training, they would also be on vacation.

After all, the teacher has to rest too, so how could he be in class all the time.

So yesterday she and her colleagues flew directly to Paris.

I will go there mainly because things in France are much cheaper than in Switzerland.

And she did go to the Eiffel Tower yesterday.

"Because I saw you yesterday when I was taking the elevator in the Eiffel Tower, but at that time I was going up the elevator and you were going down the elevator. I'm hallucinating?" Su Wei has always had thoughts about Zhao Yayou.

And this idea, Zhao Yayou definitely knows.

After all, when Su Wei was flirting, these words were more explicit.

"Boss Su, you made fun of me again, this time I happened to have two days off with my colleagues, so I went to Paris to play around.

By the way, why didn't you see Xiaoyuan?" Zhao Yayou hurriedly looked around when she heard Su Wei's words.

After all, she knew Wang Xiaoyuan's parents, if she knew that Su Wei teased her like this.

I still don't know what they think about themselves.

And she knew that Wang Xiaoyuan was Su Wei's real girlfriend.

"Xiaoyuan didn't come to Geneva this time, she is still in China.

Aunt Zhao, you said to invite me to dinner, it has been almost half a year, do you still invite me? "This time Su Wei has been out for so long, Wang Xiaoyuan even called to complain.

If she hadn't been able to take a long-distance flight, she would have booked a ticket directly to fly here.

"Then why don't I treat you to dinner tonight?" Zhao Yayou's promised meal has never been fulfilled.

That's because she knew that Su Wei had thoughts about her.

Regardless of the chat records between him and her, as long as she thinks of the way Su Wei looked at her that day, she knows that he will never let her go if given the chance.

Because it was on WeChat before, she still had room to turn around.

Now being pressed on the spot, she can only say that she will invite him to dinner tonight.

Anyway, here is in Geneva now, so she doesn't believe that Su Wei dares to do anything.

"President Su, the car from the Four Seasons Hotel has arrived. They were blocked outside the airport just now." When Zhang Ruoyu came back, she saw Su Wei chatting with someone.

She looked at the person Su Wei was chatting with, and found that it was a beautiful woman.

Zhang Ruoyu was puzzled, where did this person escape from?

"Aunt Zhao, our car is here. Where are you going? Would you like me to deliver it to you?" Su Wei showed a satisfied expression after getting the answer he wanted.

Tonight, he will definitely not let Zhao Yayou go.

After all, she had been avoiding him before.

But now in the little place of Geneva, he wanted to see where she could hide.

"No need, our hotel car will be here soon." Zhao Yayou didn't dare to get into Su Wei's car now.

After all, she came here with her colleagues this time.

Who knows if this colleague of hers is a person who likes to gossip.

And her colleague has already called the hotel's car.

"Okay, Aunt Zhao, you have booked a restaurant tonight and call me."

. . . . . .

"Xiao Zhang, do you think I look good in this dress?" Su Wei received Zhao Yayou's WeChat at around four o'clock in the afternoon.

She has already booked a restaurant, which is called Fortune Restaurant. You can tell from the name that this is a Chinese restaurant.

This restaurant is very close to the Four Seasons Hotel, and it only takes a few minutes to walk there.

Su Wei started to pack up early for the evening date.

"Compared to this dress, I still think the blue cashmere suit just now looks better." Although it is May, the temperature in Geneva is only over ten degrees.

In addition, it has just rained, so Zhang Ruoyu recommends that Su Wei wear thicker clothes.

After all, it's very cold in Europe at night, so don't wear more clothes.

"Okay, then I'll wear that dress. By the way, will you come to dinner with me at night?" Su Wei himself also likes that blue cashmere suit better.

Because of that dress, it will make him look a little more straight.

But what he couldn't figure out was why Zhang Ruoyu didn't go to dinner with him.

In the past, no matter who he went to eat with, she would follow him.

"I won't go, sister Xu still has something to do with me at night." Xu Liyang has already settled down the winery in the past few days.

Now she has arrived at the headquarters of Leshun, and will change the name of the yacht tomorrow.

Tonight, Zhang Ruoyu will prepare materials for Xu Liyang.

She will definitely not bother Su Wei with these things, after all, they can handle these things by themselves.

"Then do whatever you want." Seeing that Zhang Ruoyu would not go, Su Wei didn't force him.

After all, compared to Zhang Ruoyu, he certainly hoped that she would not go.

"Boss Su, is this Auntie Zhao, which relative of yours?" Another reason why Zhang Ruoyu didn't go was because she heard Su Wei call her auntie.

She thought this woman was really Su Wei's relative.

Zhang Ruoyu was afraid that after she went, Su Wei's relatives would chew her tongue behind her back.

If Wang Xiaoyuan found out, she would be dumbfounded.

That's why Zhang Ruoyu didn't eat this meal in order to avoid suspicion.

"She is not my relative, she just knows Xiaoyuan's parents, so I follow Xiaoyuan and call her Aunt Zhao"

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