"President Su, don't you really need to ask the hotel to drive us?" Liu Qiang and the others received a message from Su Wei after resting in the room for a while.

Ask them to go down at 05:30, because he will be out by then.

Su Wei said that it's 05:30 until now, and they definitely can't really arrive at 05:30.

Liu Qiang got down alone at five o'clock, and then asked the concierge to coordinate the vehicle.

What he didn't expect was that Su Wei planned to walk there.

"That's a fart. I just looked at the map on my phone. The place where I was invited to dinner is less than 100 meters away from the Four Seasons Hotel. It's not raining now, so we can just walk there." This time Zhao The restaurant Yayou was looking for was right next to the Four Seasons Hotel.

Such a short road, of course Su Wei didn't want to drive there.

After all, in a small place like Geneva, walking around is also very emotional.

"Ah, the person who eats is right next to him. Then Mr. Su, I'll take an umbrella and go, so it won't rain." Liu Qiang and the others are just bodyguards, and they don't know where to eat.

Only now do I know that the place is next to the Four Seasons Hotel.

There is really no need to drive, because it will arrive just after the start.

And in cities on the European side, parking is really a hassle.

Because the streets here are very narrow and there are so many cars.

"Here, it should be here, it looks okay." Su Wei walked along Lake Geneva and arrived at the address Zhao Yayou gave in less than 5 minutes.

I looked up at this restaurant and found that it turned out to be a Chinese restaurant.

He was in Europe recently, and he was really tired of eating steak.

In fact, when he was in London, he also ate at a Chinese restaurant.

But that restaurant is very unauthentic, it is the kind of restaurant that specializes in serving foreigners.

When Su Wei ate that sweet Zuo Zongtang's chicken that day, he wanted to scold his mother.

Seeing this store now, he only hoped it was really a Chinese restaurant.

"Boss Su, you're here." Zhao Yayou was waiting at the door of the restaurant early this morning.

She saw Su Wei approaching from a long distance away.

It's not that Su Wei shines at night, but because the eight bodyguards behind him are too conspicuous.

Now that she saw Su Wei coming, she immediately went up to him.

"Aunt Zhao, you're being too polite, why do you need to come and greet me in person?" When Su Wei saw Zhao Yayou, he froze for half a second.

Because of Zhao Yayou in the daytime, she wears that kind of intellectual style.

The inside is a T-shirt, and the outside is a woolen coat.

And now at night, she is wearing a dress inside and a lady's casual suit on the outside.

Su Wei really likes this style of light mature women, he has absolutely no resistance to girls with this style.

"I invite a big person like you to dinner, shouldn't I come out to greet you?" Although Zhao Yayou didn't want to develop a relationship with Su Wei, she also dressed up specially when she went out today.

Seeing Su Wei's expression now, she knew that her dressing up today was very successful.

It's not in vain. She spent more than two hours matching in the room today.

"Don't just call me Mr. Su and call me Shengfen. How about you, just like Xiaoyuan, just call me Awei?" Zhao Yayou is not his employee, so there is no need to call him Su all the time. total.

After all, he was still thinking about developing a relationship with Zhao Yayou.

If she kept calling him Mr. Su, those two people would still develop a shitty relationship.

"Well, then, Ah Wei, let's go in for dinner first. There are still friends inside. I'll introduce you later." Zhao Yayou will come out to welcome Su Wei today, the big reason is because of the people inside.

She had to tell him clearly what was going on with the people inside.

Otherwise, if Su Wei went in and saw it directly, he would definitely misunderstand it.

"Why are there other people? Aunt Zhao, didn't you come here to invite me to dinner today?" Su Wei was a little upset when he heard that there were still people inside.

Because today he thought he was dating Zhao Yayou alone, so at that time Zhang Ruoyu couldn't say it, so he couldn't wait for it.

But what does it mean now? Why is she still bringing people here.

Did she not trust herself, so she came here to find someone to escort her?

"I originally planned to invite you, Ah Wei, to dinner today, but there are always people who come here uninvited, and I can't help it." Zhao Yayou's appearance is here, so how could it not be attractive.

The person who came uninvited this time was one of her suitors.

He ran over with a faceless face, which made her very speechless.

You can only tell him about it when you come out to pick up Su Wei.

Let him know the people inside, really don't want her to call over.

"Then why don't we eat at another restaurant? Leave them here?" Su Wei felt better when he heard that it wasn't Zhao Yayou who called him.

After all, if this is the person Zhao Yayou called, then there is no need to eat this meal.

Now that Su Wei knew that the people inside came uninvited, he made a plan to drag Zhao Yayou away.

"This is not very good. After all, the people inside are all my colleagues, and there is a colleague among them. I have a good relationship with her." Zhao Yayou had dinner with Su Wei today. I really didn't expect that the colleague who pursued her would also will come.

If he had been alone, she might have let him go outright.

But her good friend Kara was also there, so it was not easy for her to say such things.

"Let's go, it's just a colleague, you don't want to have dinner with someone you don't like either." Su Wei saw Zhao Yayou's hesitation, he took her hand and ran away.

If it takes too long, she may not want to.

Su Wei did this to help her make this decision without giving her time to think about it.

"Ah, slow down, my shoes are going to run off"

. . . . . .

"Karla, do you know who Kunna is inviting to dinner this time?" Mike sat in the restaurant, feeling a little restless.

Because he didn't know who Kunna invited to dinner this time.

When he came to the headquarters for training this time, he fell in love with Kunna, the manager of the flagship store in Modu, at first sight.

After knowing that she was single, he immediately pursued her fiercely.

But I don't know if his way is wrong, Kunna has always ignored him.

In the hotel tonight, he saw Kunna dressed so beautifully.

His intuition told him that Kunna should have an appointment with a man tonight.

So at night, he half coaxed and half deceived Kara into Kunna.

"Mike, I really don't know who Kunna is inviting to dinner this time. Wouldn't it be good for us to follow here?" Kara found that Kunna has a very good personality during the training this time.

So after getting along for this period of time, she and Kunna have become good friends.

When she was pulled over by Michael today, she didn't know what he meant at first.

She didn't understand Mike's plan until she saw Kunna in the restaurant.

"No, Kunna has such a good personality, she won't mind." Although they have only trained together for half a month, Mike already knows that Kunna has a relatively soft personality.

She is not a person who will speak too much.

That's why he called Kara up, and it was when Kunna saw them.

Although very surprised, but still did not say anything serious.

"Although she doesn't say it, she definitely doesn't like us like this in her heart." Among the people who came to train, the youngest is 30 years old.

How could you not know, such behavior is very annoying.

Even if you don't say it in person, you must feel uncomfortable in your heart.

After Kara went through this incident, she already planned to ignore Mike's affairs in the future.

After all, her relationship with Kunna is better than her relationship with Mike.

"You're not her, how do you know she doesn't like this.

And I brought you here this time, just thinking that the training here will end tomorrow, and we will have a meal together at the end." Mike wanted to quibble at first, but he saw Kara looking at him all the time.

He had no choice but to change his explanation, saying that the three of them had a breakup meal in advance.

After all, he was right. His training will end tomorrow.

At that time, whether they want to play here for two days or go back to China, the headquarters will not care.

"Mike, although Kunna and I haven't known each other for a long time, let me tell you sincerely that she doesn't like you." Kara saw that Mike was still trying to quibble, and told him the truth directly.

She already knew that Zhao Yayou didn't like Mike.

His actions now will only make Zhao Yayou hate him even more.

"Don't be ridiculous, Kunna and I are both Chinese, and we have the same cultural background, and we will have more common topics. Do you think she will dislike me and like Paul instead?" Paul is a native of Geneva , he is also pursuing Kunna.

However, Kunna treated him in the same manner as she treated Paul, ignoring him.

It's just that Paul is not as thick-skinned as him, and he is shameless every day.

Mike, relying on himself as a native of Hong Kong, often pesters Zhao Yayou endlessly as a fellow villager.

"Kunna doesn't like you, and she doesn't like Paul, you two are not the only ones in the world.

Oh, it seems that the person Kunna invited has already arrived, it turned out to be him, I should have thought of it a long time ago." The position Zhao Yayou chose was right next to the glass.

The reason why she chose here is because Lake Geneva is just outside the road.

When eating in the restaurant, you can enjoy the view outside.

Kara clearly saw Su Wei's appearance from the glass.

Only then did she realize who Kunna invited tonight.

"Who is this person? Do you know Kara?" Mike looked at the man beside Zhao Yayou and found that he was a very young man.

Compared to a 35+ old man like him, the outside is simply fresh meat.

When Mike saw him, the alarm bells rang in his heart immediately.

"I don't know him. I only know that he is a friend of Kunna. I met him at the airport today." Kara didn't know Su Wei, but she had asked Kunna who he was.

At that time, she remembered that Kunna's expression was very subtle, and she just told him that this person was a friend of hers.

As for any more information, she refused to disclose it at all.

"Friend? Airport? Did he fly to Geneva specially for Kunna?" Mike wanted to rush out when he heard this.

After all, the man outside probably came here specially for Zhao Yayou.

If this is the case, then he is a strong competitor.

"I don't know about that, but it's very possible. After all, Kunna is so beautiful, it's normal to have suitors." Not all foreigners like exotic Asian looks, they also have normal aesthetics.

With Zhao Yayou's appearance, unless she is blind, how could she think she is ugly.

"This person doesn't look very good, I don't believe Kunna would like such a person.

I buy Karma, what are they doing? "Mike looked at Su Wei's height and appearance, and found that it was not particularly prominent.

Although he is now 35+ years old.

But the maintenance is not bad, and he feels that he has more charm.

But what he didn't expect was that the man dragged Zhao Yayou and ran away.

In such a short time, the two of them disappeared.

"I think the two of them should be going to live in the world of two." Kara originally felt that it was a mistake to come here by herself.

Now seeing that boy, he dragged Zhao Yayou and ran away.

Instead, she felt that this behavior was really great.

If the two of them are really together, she must send them the most sincere blessings.

"Then what should we do? She just left us alone?" Mike was dumbfounded now, he never expected this to happen.

He just predicted that Kunna would be a kind-hearted person.

Auntie brought Cara here, but he didn't expect to meet someone who didn't play cards according to common sense.

He actually took Kunna away in front of him.

So what's the point of keeping him here now?

"We were uninvited guests, and they left, but I think it's good." After this incident, Cara planned to completely ignore Mike.

After all, he's not very good at doing things.

Compared to Mike, that man is more reliable.

"No, I'm going to call Kunna, that man is not suitable for her"

. . . . . .

"How about it, is someone chasing after you?" Su Wei pulled Zhao Yayou, and ran directly from the entrance of the Fortune Restaurant to the street inside.

The two of them ran several hundred meters before Su Wei looked back to see if anyone was catching up.

"No, no one is chasing after him, even if he wanted to, he would definitely not dare to chase after seeing your bodyguard team." Zhao Yayou didn't know why this Su Wei was so childish.

She really didn't know that some bodyguards surrounded the people who came after her.

But she really didn't want to have dinner with Mike, so she acquiesced to Su Wei's behavior.

After all, she had just hung up on Mike several times.

"I want to take a break. I haven't exercised for a long time. I can't breathe after running so far suddenly." Su Wei suddenly ran such a distance of several hundred meters.

After all, people who have not exercised for a long time will be very tired if they run more than 500 meters.

"How are you? Do you want to sit down and have a rest?" Zhao Yayou was also very tired after running so far.

But because Su Wei pulled her to run, she was slightly stronger than Su Wei.

"Stop sitting, this chair is full of water, there is a Chinese restaurant in front of it, why don't we go there for dinner?" Su Wei looked around and found that there was a barbecue seller on the right.

And in front of the left is another Chinese restaurant called Boji Fushun Restaurant.

Unexpectedly, there are so many Chinese restaurants in Geneva.

"Yes, yes, but can you let go of my hand?" Su Wei has been holding onto her hand since the entrance of the Fortune Restaurant.

She tried a few times, but couldn't get her hand out each time.

Zhao Yayou could see it, if she didn't say it, Su Wei wouldn't let her go.

"Wow, this restaurant seems to be a Sichuan restaurant. I have been in Europe for so long, and now I am drooling when I see Sichuan cuisine."

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