"Hello, do you two have a reservation?" Xiao Hu is 24 years old this year, and he has been here in Geneva for more than 3 years.

He would come to work here in Geneva, mainly because his uncle opened the restaurant here.

Xiao Hu was sent to work in his uncle's restaurant by his parents after finishing junior college because of poor grades.

After all, working here is much higher than domestic wages.

And during this time in Geneva, he also learned French.

The main reason is that Geneva is a French-speaking area, and most of the locals here communicate mainly in French.

In order to communicate with people, Xiao Hu can only study French hard.

"No, we just went shopping here, is there no place?" For this kind of communication in French, Su Wei will definitely not be able to attend.

Because he can still chat in English, let's forget about French.

So the person in charge of communication this time is of course Zhao Yayou.

Because she works at Rolex, she must be able to communicate in French normally.

Otherwise, if she came to train, she would basically be listening to the scriptures.

Because most of the teachers in charge of training here speak French.

"There are still places in the store, but the private rooms are gone now, can I sit in the lobby?" Although Xiao Hu looked at the two people in front of him, they might be Chinese.

But if the other party didn't ask, he definitely wouldn't ask first.

After all, who knows if the person in front of him is a stick or a devil.

If you really ask this in front of them, you will probably be complained.

"That's fine, you can just arrange it for us in the lobby." Zhao Yayou actually wanted to sit in the lobby rather than a private room.

After all, it was now, and Su Wei still held her hand with no intention of letting go.

Who knows if he will undergo a transformation in the confined space.

"Okay, then you two, please come with me, how about the position here?" Seeing these two people, Xiao Hu felt that they should be [-]% a couple.

Because it's all in the restaurant, the hands of the two are still so tight.

Think about yourself, I am 24 years old now, and I haven't talked about a girlfriend yet.

Because of his clumsy speech, he didn't talk about it when he was in China.

When he came to Europe, he couldn't communicate because of the language in the early stage, and he didn't succeed in talking about a girlfriend once.

"This location is okay, you can just see the street view outside." Su Wei looked at it and thought this location was okay.

Because the location the waiter arranged for them happened to be by the window.

Although this restaurant is not open on the shore of Lake Geneva, there is not such a beautiful environment by the windows.

But this street is still full of exotic customs.

Watching while eating, Su Wei thought it was quite interesting.

"Are you really Chinese?" Xiao Hu heard that Su Wei was speaking in Chinese, so he immediately asked a question in Chinese.

After all, if you can communicate in Chinese, it will be much easier than French.

Although he has been here for three years, he still can't understand the complicated things.

"Of course we are Chinese, otherwise why would we come to a Chinese restaurant.

By the way, do you have authentic Chinese food here? My girlfriend and I came to Europe this time, and this European food really made me vomit." Su Wei discovered that the European cuisine is basically French food One big family.

Others, such as Italian dishes, British dishes and German dishes, are all local dishes, and none of them are popular.

They are different from Huaxia, which has eight major cuisines in one country.

If it is a smaller branch, there are dozens of cuisines.

Su Wei was here in Europe during this time, and he basically ate French dishes.

"If you want to eat Chinese food, then you have come to the right place. What we cook here is authentic Chinese food, because our chefs are all recruited from China.

Sit down first, I'll get you the menu, the menu on the table is for fooling foreigners." Uncle Hu's restaurant is full of Chinese people.

All the menus on the table are for foreigners.

Because most of them foreigners are not used to authentic Chinese food.

Those who feel that their country’s food is rubbish after eating a Chinese meal.

Those who want to eat Chinese food in the future are all because they want to earn Huaxia's money.

It is very difficult for a person to change his taste.

Without a few years, it is simply impossible.

If they fell in love with eating Chinese food so easily, then authentic Chinese food should have become popular all over the world long ago.

But the really popular Chinese food is all the improved Chinese food with sweet and sour taste.

In the truly authentic Chinese restaurants, basically only Chinese people will go to consume.

"You can let go now. If you don't let go, how can we sit down later, and we have to eat later?" Zhao Yayou was led all the way by Su Wei, and she didn't want to say anything anymore.

After all, she had told Su Wei to let go before, but he pretended not to hear.

But now that she was about to sit down, she could only continue to ask Su Wei to let go.

After all, when the food is served, it is impossible for him to still hold hands.

"Ah, I'm still holding your hand. Why didn't you remind me? I almost forgot about it." Su Wei played this trick to make Zhao Yayou get used to Su Wei's existence.

As long as the time is long, there is no need to confess that two people can be together.

But this trick can only be played against those with a good temper, if you play this trick against those with a bad temper.

At the least, it is just a few words of scolding, and at the worst, it may become a full martial arts practice.

"Two, this is the menu of our store, you can take a look." There are quite a lot of Chinese in Geneva.

Otherwise, in such a small city with more than 20 people, there would be no less than dozens of Chinese restaurants.

So most of the Chinese restaurants here have two menus.

The menu on the surface is of course for foreigners.

Only this kind of menu that is not brought out is made for fellow villagers.

"Wow, look at the picture and you will have an appetite. This is Chinese food. Give me Sichuan-style fat sausage, boiled beef, hot and sour potato shreds, Mongolian fat lamb, cumin lamb, ants climbing trees, and spicy chicken.

Aunt Zhao, what do you like to eat, you can order the rest." Su Wei saw so many dishes that his mouth was watering.

If it weren't for the exotic scenery outside the street, he almost thought he had returned to China.

After all, these dishes are really all his favorite dishes.

Because the dishes that Aunt Li made before were mainly Sichuan dishes.

And Sichuan cuisine, like Hunan cuisine, is mostly pepper-based.

So for Su Wei, Sichuan cuisine is like finding home.

"You two, do you have any friends coming later? You can't finish eating so many dishes." Xiao Hu was confused when he heard Su Wei call Zhao Yayou Aunt Zhao.

Could it be that in the past few years when I have been abroad, the name of my girlfriend in China has already started to be called aunt?

And the two of them ordered too many dishes.

Prices here in Geneva are among the highest in Europe.

The few dishes they ordered couldn't be bought without a few hundred euros.

"It's okay, we mainly want to have a taste.

Aunt Zhao, how do you look?Haven't thought of something yet? "Su Wei only ordered so many dishes just now because he has already ordered all the dishes he wants to eat.

The rest of the dishes were not ordered because he didn't like them.

Otherwise, he can just order a menu.

And when he eats vegetables, he likes to eat a little of everything.

"Then I'll order a Sichuan-flavored eggplant stew, and a steamed sea bass. I'm almost done." Su Wei's acquisition of the Yang Group this time is such a big deal, how could Zhao Yayou, who is in Shanghai, not know about it.

Although she came to Geneva later, the news kept coming.

This time Su Wei made so much money, Zhao Yayou had no plan to save him money.

And it's just a meal, how expensive it can be.

"It's tasteless for the two of us to eat like this. Aunt Zhao, would you like something to drink?" Zhao Yayou, a young mature woman, is no longer a 20-year-old ignorant little sister.

People of their age don't understand anything.

Su Wei just wanted to rely on chatting, but he couldn't win Zhao Yayou at all.

So at this time, he needs auxiliary tools to play.

"Stop drinking, I have training tomorrow." How could Zhao Yayou not know why Su Wei wanted to drink.

But she really didn't want to get any closer to Su Wei.

Because if she is with Su Wei, who knows if Su Wei is just playing around.

She didn't want to be put to sleep for a little money.

As the store manager of the flagship Rolex store, Zhao Yayou's salary is more than one million a year.

Even if she is looking for a man now, she must be looking for someone who can marry.

Because people in her family have been urging her to get married now.

After all, she is already 31 years old this year, and she is not too young in the city of Shanghai.

"It's okay, let's just drink some red wine and have a drink.

Brother, what brand of wine do you have here? "Su Wei saw that Zhao Yayou didn't explicitly refuse, so what are he waiting for.

Quickly ask the waiter brother what drinks are in the store.

She refused to drink for fear that it would be too late.

"As for the drinks, you can pick them yourself. All the wines in our store are stored there." When Xiao Hu heard them ask about the drinks, he pointed directly to the drinks area.

There is an area in their restaurant, which is full of drinks.

Guests can order whatever they want to drink.

"Aunt Zhao, let's go, let's go and see what to drink." Su Wei saw Zhao Yayou's reluctance, so he went directly to hold her hand.

Zhao Yayou was afraid that Su Wei would hold her hand again, so she quickly got up and walked to the front.

"There are a lot of wine here, red and white, and this Moutai is too cheap." Zhao Yayou came to the wine area and found that there are quite a variety of wines here.

Not only red wine, but also white wine, beer, whiskey and champagne.

As long as you can think of alcohol, it's all here.

Zhao Yayou saw Moutai at a glance, after all, this wine is almost becoming a financial product in China.

Wines that are so expensive in China are just too cheap here.

The price is less than 250 euros, which translates to about 2000 yuan.

"Huh..." Su Wei really didn't expect that the wine of Chateau Ausone could be found in this store.

When he saw Ausone wine before, he didn't feel anything.

But now that this winery has become his own, he will pay more attention to it.

"What's wrong with Ah Wei? You also like the wine of Chateau Ausone, why don't we use this bar?" Zhao Yayou looked at it and found that Su Wei was looking at a bottle of Chateau Ausone wine in 2014 .

She prefers the red wine from Chateau Ausone.

Moreover, the longer the Ausone wine is kept, the stronger the taste of the wine will be.

"No need, let's just take a bottle of Lafite." It's not that Su Wei doesn't support his own wine, but because this Ausone wine is a second brand.

If it was genuine, then he must have won it directly.

He was the one who invited Zhao Yayou to dinner today, and he didn't want a bottle of second-brand wine to affect this date.

So he chose a bottle of more than 1000 euros, the 2006 Grand Lafite.

"Awei, can you stop calling me Aunt Zhao?" After returning to his seat, he took advantage of the waiter's arrival.

Zhao Yayou suggested to Su Wei not to call her Aunt Zhao.

Because she already felt guilty towards Wang Xiaoyuan, and the waiter was a Chinese.

Su Wei kept calling her that, which made her want to find a hole to drill down.

"Why? Didn't I call you that all the time?" Su Wei found out that when he called Zhao Yayou Aunt Zhao, he would have a very exciting feeling.

Although Zhao Yayou was only a few years older than him, after he called Aunt Zhao, the feeling was completely different.

Now he holds the hand of ordinary girls, basically he doesn't feel much.

Like when he's holding Warib, he really doesn't feel it at all.

But when he holds Zhao Yayou, he will find that his heart beats faster.

"I don't call you Boss Su anymore, I call you Awei now, don't you call me by a different name?" How could Zhao Yayou not know what Su Wei was thinking.

That's why she wanted Su Wei to change her name.

After all, Su Wei was acting perverted, but she couldn't accept it.

"Then change it to what? Change it to Youyou?" Su Wei tried it, and the name Zhao Yayou is not easy to choose a nickname.

Xiao Zhao, this will definitely not work.Xiaoya, it's too rustic.Xiaoyou's words are barely enough.

But Xiaoyou definitely couldn't do it, so he changed to Youyou.

"You can call me Kunna, that's what my friends call me." When Zhao Yayou heard Su Wei call her Youyou, of course she disagreed.

After all, it is too ambiguous to call out this name.

So she hoped that Su Wei could call her by her English name.

"That won't work. I'll call you Auntie Zhao or Youyou. You can choose one of the two." As for her name, where are these two names?

After all, a name is stimulating, and a name is ambiguous.

"Then you should call me Aunt Zhao." Zhao Yayou is more acceptable to Su Wei calling her Aunt Zhao than Youyou.

The name Youyou is really too ambiguous.

"You two, do you need to open the wine now?" Xiao Hu walked over with the wine and decanter.

This top red wine must be sobered up in advance.

"Give me the Seahorse Knife, and let me do it myself." Su Wei took the Seahorse Knife and lifted the cork out.

Then pour a whole bottle of red wine into the decanter.

After all, this red wine has been sealed for so many years and has never breathed fresh air.

Letting it in contact with the air for a while will make the red wine taste more rounded.

"Okay, the dishes will be ready soon." Xiao Hu saw that he had nothing to do here, so he went on to entertain other guests.

After all, just inside the store, a group of big men came in.

He wants to go over and take a look, and nothing will happen to his colleagues.

"Awei, I think you were surprised to see the red wine from Chateau Ausone just now?" Although the price of Lafite is higher than that of Ausone.

But compared to the taste of Lafite, Zhao Yayou still prefers the taste of Ausone.

She clearly saw that Su Wei was going to take it at the time, but she didn't know why he chose Lafite instead.

"I'm really surprised, I didn't expect there is Au Song's wine here." Su Wei thought that there were so few Au Song's wines, there should be very few in the market.

He really didn't expect that there was Ausone's wine in this ordinary restaurant.

"Do you like this wine? Why don't you order it?" Zhao Yayou was curious why Su Wei chose Lafite in the end.

Just now she thought that Su Wei would like the same wine as her.

"The bottle of Ausong just now, it's the second brand. Why, you like Ausong's wine?" Su Wei didn't expect that Zhao Yayou actually liked Ausong's wine.

Isn't it a coincidence, Ausone is his winery.

"I think the taste of Ausone is quite in line with my taste, so I personally like it." Compared with brands like Lafite White Horse, Ausone is more suitable for Zhao Yayou's taste.

There are still several bottles of Ausone in her house.

However, there is only one bottle in it that is the real brand, and the others are secondary brands.

"Are you free the day after tomorrow?" Su Wei saw that Zhao Yayou liked Ousong wine, and suddenly remembered something.

That is, he will go to Bordeaux the day after tomorrow, because Chateau Ausone has changed its name.

He wants to meet the current management of Chateau Ausone.

After all, those people haven't met Su Wei, the new owner of the winery, until now.

"The day after tomorrow? My training will end tomorrow, so I should be free the day after tomorrow." Of course Zhao Yayou is free the day after tomorrow, but she wants to know why Su Wei asked her out.

If it was boring, she might go back to China directly tomorrow night.

So when she spoke, she didn't speak to death.

"I'm going to Ausone Chateau the day after tomorrow, do you want to go with me?" Doesn't Zhao Yayou like Ausone Wine, so he will take her directly to Ausone Chateau.

Presumably Zhao Yayou will be very happy when he gets there.

"Go to Chateau Ausone? Really? What are you going to do?" Zhao Yayou really didn't expect that Su Wei would go to Chateau Ausone.

She thought that after Su Wei knew she liked Ausong wine, he brought her there specially.

Although she still couldn't accept Su Wei now, she was really moved in her heart.

"Just say whether you want to go or not." Su Wei doesn't want to tell Zhao Yayou now that he has bought Chateau Ausone.

He planned to wait until the place to announce it.

"Of course I'm going. I'm just going to buy a case of Ausone's authentic red wine."

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