"Aunt Zhao, are you full just now?" Su Wei and the two of them ate for more than an hour before coming out of the restaurant.

At this time, there were very few pedestrians on the streets of Geneva.

Mainly at this point, basically other stores except restaurants are closed.

If it wasn't for the fact that the bodyguards were behind Su Wei, he would have been a little scared.

After all, foreign countries are different from domestic ones. There are many homeless old blacks here.

"You ordered so many dishes, and I have two chopsticks for each dish, which already fills me up." Zhao Yayou basically didn't eat at night.

She also moved a few chopsticks tonight because she had dinner with Su Wei.

Usually, at night, she would eat some fruit instead of dinner.

If not, she is 30 years old this year, how could she maintain such a good figure.

After all, the metabolism of a 20-year-old and a 30-year-old are completely different.

"Aunt Zhao, where are you from? It seems that you don't like spicy food very much." When Su Wei spoke, he stretched out his hand tentatively.

After all, in such a good environment now, it would be boring if we didn't walk hand in hand.

It's just that when he stretched out his hand, Zhao Yayou's hand quickly covered his heart with a fist.

"I, Xiaoyuan and I are in the same place." Zhao Yayou felt that Su Wei's hand wanted to hold her, and immediately took it back.

After all, Su Wei and her are both drunk now.

Although two people shared a bottle of red wine, neither of them drank too much.

But Zhao Yayou was afraid of Su Wei, he would use alcohol to mess around.

"No wonder, next time we go out for dinner, we won't choose this Sichuan restaurant." Su Wei didn't hold Zhao Yayou's hand, and he didn't regret it either.

After all, he basically doesn't cherish a woman who can get up for the first time.

And he can see that Zhao Yayou is not the kind of casual person.

He wants to fuck her unless she wants to.

In addition, Su Wei only went to Warib yesterday, so he will have no problem holding back tonight.

"It's okay, it's good to eat this kind of heavy-flavored dish once in a while, just sweat.

Ah Wei, I'm already downstairs in your hotel, you go up first." After walking for a while, the two of them arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel where Su Wei stayed.

When Zhao Yayou saw that the Four Seasons Hotel had arrived, she finally felt relieved.

Otherwise, she would have to be on guard at any time, what Su Wei might do.

"I won't go back now, I'll take you back to the hotel first, after all, it's night now.

It just felt like it took us a long time to run in, but when we came out, we found that the distance was so short." For the first time, Su Wei discovered that time passed so fast and the distance was so short.

The small city of Geneva is really too small.

It's a long way to walk for more than ten minutes, so bicycles are very popular here.

After all, cycling can keep fit and save money.

"Okay then, the hotel I'm staying in is just in front of the Mandarin Oriental.

By the way, Ah Wei, is there something you want to do when you come to Geneva this time?I forgot to ask during the meal just now." Zhao Yayou's hotel this time is the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

It is also a five-star hotel, and the price is around 700 euros.

They came to the training this time, and the accommodation expenses were fully covered by their headquarters.

After all, as the most profitable watch, Rolex is indeed very wealthy.

"I came to Geneva this time, of course it was just for you, Aunt Zhao.

Well, well, I actually reserved a watch, and this time I came here for that watch." At the beginning, Su Wei wanted to say that he came for Zhao Yayou.

After all, he believes that every woman must like to hear this.

But Zhao Yayou didn't seem to like this, and kept staring at him.

Su Wei was flabbergasted by her, so he could only tell the truth.

He came to Geneva because he wanted to buy a Vacheron Constantin watch.

"For a watch? Ah Wei, the watch you ordered must be very valuable. Which brand is it?" Su Wei is so rich that he can make a special trip to Geneva.

If you want to come to that watch, it must be worth a lot.

It's a pity that there is no watch suitable for him in Rolex.

Otherwise, she would definitely recommend a few yuan to Su Wei.

"It's Vacheron Constantin's Pavilion Craftsman series. I don't know the price yet, because it's an orphan product, so I can only find out when I go to the store tomorrow." Last time in the London store, none of them knew the giant crocodile totem s price.

Because this table is not sold out, they don't know the price.

And because this watch is an orphan, there is only one in the world.

So it must be much more expensive than Feng Laiyi.

"Vacheron Constantin's Attic Artisan series? Ah Wei, you already have a piece." Zhao Yayou knew that Su Wei had a Attic Artisan series.

After all, he's been wearing it on his hand today, and it's not like she doesn't know him.

And when she knew about the watch, Wang Xiaoyuan hadn't given it to Su Wei yet.

"I have a piece of craftsman in the pavilion, Aunt Zhao, how do you know about it?" Su Wei's piece of craftsman in the pavilion is not known to anyone in the Vacheron Constantin store in London.

They just know that this watch belongs to Vacheron Constantin, and it is probably from the Pavilion Craftsman series, but they are not sure.

Could it be that Zhao Yayou is so powerful that he even knows Vacheron Constantin's watches like the back of his hand?

"Because I happen to know the person who helped Xiaoyuan bring the watch to the mainland. When I saw you today, I found that you were carrying this watch." The person who brought the watch to Wang Xiaoyuan at that time was also Zhao Yayou's. friend.

At that time, she showed Zhao Yayou the watch, so Zhao Yayou would also have an impression.

"I mainly want to buy a top-notch watch. As you can see, the best thing I have now is this watch from the Pavilion Craftsman series that Xiaoyuan gave me, but it's a pity that it doesn't have three repeaters.

Aunt Zhao, do you have friends who know Patek Philippe? "It was only then that Su Wei realized that Zhao Yayou might be able to help with watches.

After all, the bezel is also a circle, and her news must be much wider than her own.

Su Wei's current situation is that the high-level can get through directly, but there are too few sources of information at the middle level.

"Patek Philippe? I have friends who are at the headquarters in Geneva. What do you want to do?" Zhao Yayou has worked in Rolex for so many years, how could she not have any friends.

The Patek Philippe store manager who was in the domestic magic city before, she has a good relationship with her.

"What can I do, I just want to find a watch king of the 6002 series." Now Vacheron Constantin's watch king, he is about to win it.

At this time, he has only one goal, and that is to win Patek Philippe's 6002.

Although Patek Philippe said it would give him a quota next year, he couldn't wait any longer.

"Forget about the 6002 series. There is only a quota of five watches a year, and this year's watch has already been reserved. I can't help you with that." When Zhao Yayou heard that Su Wei wanted 6002, she hurriedly refused.

Because of Patek Philippe's watch king, her friend also doesn't have the ability to handle it.

Her friend is only a middle-level member of Patek Philippe, and has not climbed to the position of an executive at the headquarters.

"Then see if you can help me find a limited edition. I plan to wait for Xiaoyuan's birthday and give it to her then." Su Wei didn't shy away from having a girlfriend at all.

Because he found out that if you keep avoiding it, you will tell more and more lies.

Besides, Zhao Yayou knew that she was Wang Xiaoyuan's boyfriend.

"Birthday gift for Xiaoyuan? Then I'll ask you tonight. It just so happens that I'll finish training tomorrow afternoon. Then I'll accompany you to find her." When Zhao Yayou heard that it was for Wang Xiaoyuan, she planned to take it seriously. look for it.

After all, she has known Wang Xiaoyuan for almost 10 years, and the relationship between the two is quite good.

The reason why she keeps rejecting Su Wei is because of Wang Xiaoyuan's existence.

In addition, she didn't know Su Wei's thoughts, so of course she kept Su Wei at a respectful distance.

"Aunt Zhao, the hotel you're staying at has arrived, would you like to invite me up for a cup of coffee?" Su Wei had already walked very slowly, but the Mandarin Oriental Hotel was still here.

The main reason is that Mandarin Oriental is only a few hundred meters away from the Four Seasons.

Of course, Su Wei was unwilling to go back like this, so he thought about seeing if he could go up.

"Don't drink it, or I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep at night, bye, then I'll go up." How could Zhao Yayou let Su Wei go up, wouldn't that lead the wolf into the house.

In fact, tonight, she really changed her mind about Su Wei.

In the past, she always felt that Su Wei should be the kind of arrogant and domineering person.

After getting in touch with him, I realized that Su Wei is actually quite funny.

It's even better if he doesn't want to take advantage of himself.

"Wait a minute, we are in a foreign country now, shouldn't we learn from foreigners and give me a hug before we leave?" Su Wei saw that Zhao Yayou was about to turn around and leave, so he hurriedly grabbed her.

After all, it's not his style to end like this.

"Okay, ok, ah, you Su Wei, why are you like this?" Zhao Yayou heard Su Wei said that she wanted to hug her, she thought she hadn't held his hand just now, so she planned to satisfy him a little.

But who knew that just after hugging her, Su Wei kissed her hard on the face.

When Zhao Yayou came back to his senses, Su Wei had already run more than ten meters away.

"Haha, Aunt Zhao, I'll go first, remember to dream of me at night"

. . . . . .

The next day.

"Xiao Zhang, I'm going to Bordeaux tomorrow, will Xiao Xu go?" Su Wei made an appointment with Zhao Yayou today to watch his watch together in the afternoon.

So when Su Wei woke up in the morning, he didn't go even though he knew that Vacheron Constantin was very close to him.

It was because he was waiting for Zhao Yayou and wanted to go shopping with her.

"Sister Xu will fly to Bordeaux tonight, and then she will fly to Germany tomorrow night." Zhang Ruoyu really has a lot to do in the past two days.

Because Su Wei bought a winery and a yacht this time, he had to pay taxes.

On Xu Liyang's side, he must not have the authority to spend so much money.

Therefore, Zhang Ruoyu can only cooperate with Xu Liyang to complete the formalities.

Fortunately, the winery has already finished, and she will be free again in the next few days.

"Xiao Xu has worked hard this time, and I will give her a big reward when I return to China after this busy period." Xu Liyang really worked hard this time.

When Su Wei returns to China this time, she must be rewarded.

As for the reward, of course it is a direct payment.

After all, only money is real.

"President Su, do I have my share?" Zhang Ruoyu asked, not asking for credit.

She did this mainly because she was acting like a baby with Su Wei.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Wait, let me answer the phone first.

Hello, Aunt Zhao, have you finished your training? "Su Wei was about to tease Zhang Ruoyu when suddenly the phone rang.

Picking it up, it was Zhao Yayou calling.

It's already past one o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Yayou called, it must be that the training has ended.

"The training is over, so I'll call you to see if you're done." After Zhao Yayou's training this time, the headquarters gave her a week's leave.

Because she is no longer the store manager, she doesn't have to continue to be on the front line when she goes back.

At the end of her training today, her position has become the vice president of Huaxia District.

She has been promoted from a front-line employee to an executive in Huaxia District.

"Is there anything I can be busy with? Where are you? I'll come and find you." Su Wei got up early this morning, and he was almost bored to death by now.

If it wasn't for Zhao Yayou not coming, he would have already left.

"You don't need to come here, I'm coming out of the hotel, and I'll be at your hotel later." When Zhao Yayou called Su Wei, she had already left the hotel.

The positions of the two people are only a few hundred meters apart.

"Are you coming soon? Okay, then I'll come down right away." Su Wei heard that Zhao Yayou was coming soon, so he put on his coat and planned to go down.

After all, he hasn't gone to Vacheron Constantin's store yet because he has been waiting for Zhao Yayou.

Now that Zhao Yayou is here, of course he went straight down.

"Boss Su, is your Auntie Zhao here?" Zhang Ruoyu, who was in a good mood at first, suddenly lost her mood when she heard Zhao Yayou's arrival.

Because when she came to find Su Wei this morning, she saw Su Wei sleeping alone.

She thought that there should be nothing between her boss and Zhao Yayou.

But now she knows that her boss is not a cat who doesn't eat fish.

"Yes, I asked her to help me find a watch yesterday, do you want to go with me?" Su Wei didn't know what happened to Zhang Ruoyu.

How can a good mood suddenly turn bad.

When he took her to eat Cantonese breakfast this morning, she was quite happy.

Why was she depressed when he came back from answering the phone.

"I won't go, I haven't finished my work yet." For the first time, Zhang Ruoyu felt that she didn't want to work so much.

In the past, she always wanted to train and prove herself, but when she really had a job, she was extremely annoying.

Because in this case, she can't run with Su Wei.

"Xiaozhang, thank you for your hard work. I'll bring you a gift when I come back."

. . . . . .

"Aunt Zhao, you are so beautiful today." When Su Wei came down, he saw Zhao Yayou was already waiting in the hotel lobby.

Today she is wearing a pale yellow lace shirt with a plaid suit on the outside.

While making her feminine, she also looks very capable.

"Is there? I'm not beautiful." Today, Zhao Yayou would dress like this because she wanted to look old-fashioned.

But it seems that her dress is useless instead.

Because the way Su Wei looked at her, he seemed to like what was going on.

"Today's dress makes you more alive, Aunt Zhao." When Su Wei spoke, he naturally took Zhao Yayou's hand.

I don't know if it's too natural, but Zhao Yayou didn't feel anything wrong at all.

"That's right, I can match this dress casually.

By the way, Vacheron Constantin has two stores in Geneva.

The nearest one is on the island between our two hotels, and the far one may take about 10 minutes to walk there. Which one do you think is better for us to go to? "Today, Zhao Yayou was held by Su Wei, but she really didn't realize it.

Because she was full of things in her heart.

The most important thing, she hasn't told anyone about her promotion.

"That's it, then let's go to the Vacheron Constantin store in the far distance. After buying the watch, we can go to see the big fountain." Su Wei was very clear about the locations of these two stores.

And after buying the watch, you can also go to see the Grand Fountain of Lake Geneva.

"Okay, then if we go to the Vacheron Constantin store far away, we should turn left." Zhao Yayou is very familiar with these two stores.

Because she was in Geneva this time, but she had been there for half a month.

She has visited not only Vacheron Constantin stores, but also Patek Philippe stores, Jaeger-LeCoultre stores, etc.

"Aunt Zhao, are you in a good mood today?" Su Wei took Zhao Yayou's hand, seeing that she didn't respond, he changed his gesture naturally.

Instead of holding hands with ten fingers, he found that Zhao Yayou still didn't notice.

This made him wonder. Could it be that she figured it out after she went back and planned to accept herself?

So she didn't realize it now, but it was all fake?

"Why do you say that?" By this time, Zhao Yayou still didn't find anything wrong.

The main reason is that her promotion really made her so happy that she ignored what happened outside.

"Because I've been holding your hand for a long time, and you haven't noticed?"

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