Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 367 My Son Will Make You a Landlord

"Weiwei, something happened to the farm you want to run in Xiapu." This time, Xiapu's farm is managed by Su Xiaoming.

Because of Su Wei's character who likes to run around, how could he care about this matter.

In fact, what Su Xiaoming encountered this time was not a big deal.

He can solve it himself, but he is a little undecided.

That's why I called Su Wei and wanted to hear his opinion.

"Something happened, what happened?" Su Wei remembered that when he called his father a few days ago, his father was still talking on the phone.

He had a good chat with the county and the town about the farm this time.

If there is no problem, the contract should be signed in a few days.

Why is there a problem when signing the contract now?

"Didn't you say last time that you want to raise chickens and ducks on the island, so I went to see the place you mentioned and found that there are dozens of small islands there, and the best ones are all close to the island. There are four islands in Qingniu Village.

And these four islands happen to be surrounded by two big mountains. As long as the outside of the two mountains is surrounded, the land area is about 2000 mu of land, not counting the water surface.

So I plan to lease all these four islands and two mountains. The price set by the town is 100 million a year, and then rent for 20 years, and the rent will be paid every five years." Su Xiaoming went to Qingniu Village for inspection this time. , I didn't plan to cover so many places.

After all, what Su Wei meant was to raise some free-range chickens to eat at home.

But the counties and towns, of course, are not willing to do it.

After all, Su Wei is such a big boss, how could he just let him own one or two islands.

So these days, they have been doing ideological work with Su Xiaoming.

It is said that one hundred chickens are raised, and ten thousand chickens are also raised.

Such a good place can be contracted to build a large-scale breeding farm.

The chickens and ducks raised with their high standards will definitely be in short supply in the market.

"100 million a year, 20 million in 2000 years, what happened to such a high price? Could it be that Dad, you don't have enough money?" Su Wei frowned at this price.

Because he knew that place, and knew that it was just a wasteland before.

Although there are mountains and water, no one lives there.

After all, there is no road in the mountains.

Su Wei knew this place because there will be more people playing aerial photography in a few years.

This place is on Douyin, and it has become a little popular.

"I still have more than [-] million here, and I am not short of money now.

It’s like this, we discussed this matter with the county, the town, and their village, and after the people in their Qingniu Village found out, they were unwilling to rent it to us.” Su Xiaoming is really not short of money now, because this The second time his hometown repaired a house, Su Wei gave him 3 million in cash.

He still has a face in Shanghai, and director Guan will pay him a sum of money every quarter.

So Su Xiaoming now has a lot of stuff in his bag.

"That mountain is not private, why don't they want it, and don't we pay 100 million rent to their village every year?" Su Wei really didn't understand why the people in Qingniu Village didn't want it.

Could it be that there is no treasure in this barren mountain?
Or do you think farming will ruin their feng shui, so you don't want to?

Or they feel that the current price is low, so they want to raise the price.

"They just think that we have 100 million yuan a year. After discussion in their village, they feel that the money is less. Now they mean that they want us to add a little more money, otherwise they will not be allowed to sign the contract." Su Xiaoming is also speechless about this matter, because At that time, he was about to sign the contract with the town.

However, dozens of people from Qingniu Village directly forcibly broke into the town government office.

Then use the sit-in method to express protest.

It was only after the other party saw that the signing ceremony was disturbed that they expressed their demands.

"Add a little money? How much do they want to add?" Su Wei had a sarcastic expression on his face, and he guessed the reason.

And this reason turned out to be the reason he hated the most.

"Son, they want to add 100 million yuan to one mountain, and 200 million yuan to rent two mountains to us." The person who spoke at this time was Su Wei's mother, Zhang Guihua.

This time she contracted this land, she really felt a lot of anger.

Originally, the county wanted to make money from their family, but now it seems that their family begged the villagers to rent the land to them.

"Two million for two mountains? It will cost 200 million in 20 years. There are only barren hills there. Why should we pay so much?" Su Wei doubled the price when he heard the people from Qingniu Village.

He is also speechless, after all, there is a barren mountain.

And if they want to start a breeding farm, they have to help them build a road to get out.

After all, every village is connected, and that is only where there are people.

And the place Su Xiaoming chose this time is in a mountain that is inaccessible.

"It's not that they think our family is rich, so the people in their village feel uncomfortable if we don't extract some oil from us." This is not Zhang Guihua's nonsense.

And when she was going to the bathroom, she heard the words from the women in Qingniu Village chatting with her own ears.

At that time, Zhang Guihua was angry and almost got into a fight with them.

"Weiwei, what I mean is to give them an appropriate increase. I will pay 150 million yuan a year for that place, do you think it's okay?" Su Xiaoming is willing to increase the money this time because he has taken a fancy to Qingniu Village that place.

Although the county and the town were brainwashing him this time, it was also his own initiative to get in.

Because people of their age don't have the dream of being a landlord.

"I think 100 million a year is too expensive. It was just two barren hills. Now that we know that our family is the contractor, we shout the price to the sky. I would never pay such an expensive price." Although Su Wei didn't I have contracted mountain land, but I also know that the price must be expensive.

After all, since my family is so rich, it is impossible for the county not to have more points.

The original price was very high, but now the price is increased when the contract is signed.

Then how could he be willing, after all, he is not being taken advantage of.

If he compromises now, he doesn't know how many pitfalls are waiting for him in the future.

"It's not your father. When he saw his friends raising horses, he wanted to build a horse farm in Xiapu Mountain. After people in the village knew about it, they would not rent it to us without increasing the price." Zhang Guihua wanted to increase the price when he saw Su Xiaoming. 50 a year, she couldn't sit still.

Just tell Su Xiaoming why she wants to rent this land.

It turned out that Su Xiaoming wanted to build a horse farm, and felt that the valley in Qingniu Village was suitable for horses to run.

"Dad, if you want to build a racecourse, there is no need to do it in China.

After all, domestic venues are all rented, so we can completely shift our focus from domestic to foreign.

At that time, buying tens of thousands of acres of land abroad will not be as comfortable as opening a horse farm in the mountains. When you are free, you can take people to hunt in the mountains you bought yourself." Hearing that Su Xiaoming wants to build a horse farm, Su Wei I was speechless.

If you want to open a racecourse, how can you open it in China?

After all, the domestic venues are rented. If there is a policy, it is very likely that the racecourse will be closed.

And in China, the land area is limited.

But it’s different when you come to a foreign country. Not to mention that the land is privately owned, and there is no limit to the area, you can buy as much as you want.

"Several tens of thousands of acres of land? Then our family is not a big landlord. Can foreign countries buy such a large piece of land? The price must be very expensive." The two thousand acres of mountain land made Su Xiaoming very excited.

I would rather pay 150 million every year, but also take it down.

Now I heard from Su Wei that tens of thousands of acres of land can be bought.

For Su Xiaoming, who wants to be a landlord, the temptation is not insignificant.

In fact, this is because Su Wei became rich too quickly.

As a result, Su Xiaoming hasn't gotten used to the fact that he is super rich now.

"Dad, you are now 150 million a year, and you will need 20 million in 3000 years. With this money, you can buy a super large piece of land in the United States or New Zealand." Why would Su Wei want to go to the United States or New Zealand? Buying land was a decision he had just made after consideration.

Although Australia and Canada, it must be the place with the largest area.

But the main reason why the population of these two places has been unable to increase is that except for a few limited cities.

Most other areas are uninhabitable.

The environment in Europe is quite suitable, but there are too many people and the land is expensive.

It is not an easy task to buy a large venue.

The only places left are the United States and New Zealand.

"If I buy tens of thousands of acres of land in the United States or New Zealand, will that land be mine?" Su Xiaoming never forgets that he is still a landlord.

After all, in their generation, who has never farmed.

After many bosses get rich, they will go abroad to become farmers, because they miss themselves decades ago.

"Yes, as long as you buy foreign land, it will be yours.

By the way, I'm in Europe this time, and I bought gifts for you and my mother." In fact, not only Su Xiaoming wants to be a landlord, but even Su Wei, who has never farmed, also wants to be a big landlord.

After all, no matter what era, land is the most valuable thing.

"We'll talk about the gift when you come back, but we won't run the Xiapu farm?" At this time, Su Xiaoming had already dreamed of becoming a big landlord.

As for the mountains in Xiapu Qingniu Village, he no longer cares about them at all.

"We still have to do it, but we don't want to do it too big, just make something that can supply our own food."

. . . . . .

"How is Ah Wei? Is it okay?" Zhao Yayou had a very bad temper when she saw Su Wei calling.

I thought something was wrong, and I was planning to comfort him.

"A little thing, it's done now.

By the way, Diana, I want the 120 million and 200 million watches, pack them for me." Although Su Wei was disgusted by Qingniu Village, he was in a good mood.

After all, without this incident, he would not have thought of buying land abroad.


It took less than 5 minutes to look at the watch before and after.

The rest of the time, he was on the phone all the time.

"Forget it, the watch I want, you don't have anything here." The watches that Su Wei wants are all at the watch king level.

After all, he already has a Vacheron Constantin giant crocodile totem watch king, and he no longer looks down on ordinary watches.

"Mr. Su, what watch do you want? Maybe we have it here." Sun Qingqing said this with confidence.

After all, their store is the headquarters store of Patek Philippe.

If they don't have it here, then there won't be any other stores.

"I want the 5175 in your museum, as long as you sell it, you can pay whatever price you want." If the watch is better than 6002, it must be 5175.

This watch is Patek Philippe's 175th anniversary commemorative model, which is more precious than 6002.

After all, the 6002 has an output of five pieces per year, and the 5175 watch has produced a total of 7 pieces.

The remaining 6 watches have already been bought.

The remaining piece is now exhibited in the Patek Philippe Museum.

"I'm afraid this is not possible, because the 5175 in the museum has been permanently collected." Sun Qingqing shook her head when she heard that Su Wei wanted 5175.

After all, she has no right to make decisions about this watch.

"That's it, I can't buy this watch, so I don't have any watches to buy." When Su Wei said 5175, he was also joking.

Because he also knew that Sun Qingqing would definitely not be able to make decisions.

After all, there are so many rich people in the world, if 5175 is so easy to buy, it would have been bought by others.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Su, to make your experience bad, then I'll record the system for you on the newly bought watch.

Huh?Mr. Su, are you our Patek Philippe super VIP?Have you reserved the 6002 watch king for next year? "Sun Qingqing turned on the system and entered Su Wei's name.

Only to find out that he turned out to be Patek Philippe's super VIP, and he also ordered the 6002 watch king.

No wonder he doesn't like other watches, it turns out that he will be able to get the king of this watch next year.


"No wonder you, Mr. Su, are not very interested in our other watches. It turns out that you have already ordered a 6002.

But Mr. Su, if you like 5175, then you know that we have released a new watch this time, except that the appearance is different from 5175, but the inside is exactly the same as 5175. I don’t know if you are interested.” Knowing that Su Wei is a super VIP, grandson Qingqing definitely wants to curry favor with him.

At this time, she remembered that there seemed to be a watch comparable to 6002 and 5175.

"You don't mean 6300, do you?"

. . . . . .

"Awei, what's the matter with you, you're not happy to be the watch king?" After coming out of Patek Philippe, Zhao Yayou saw that Su Wei was a little depressed.

Of course she knew that Su Wei was unhappy about something, so she deliberately teased him.

"How happy do you want me to be? I thought I could take away the 6300 watch today, but it turned out that I won't be able to give it to me until next month." Su Wei actually doesn't like the 6300 very much.

Because of the 6300 watch, the case is too plain.

At that time, he really thought he could get the watch immediately, so he paid 275 million euros.

As a result, this form will not be given to him until next month.

"Hahaha, who asked you not to ask clearly, after all, how can this kind of watch king get the watch immediately?" Although there is no limit to 6300, it is only three yuan a year.

But compared to this watch, the 6002 is much more fragrant.

Not to mention five yuan a year, the price is 100 million euros, and the most important thing is that the case is handmade.

"Let's not talk about the watch, let's go to see the fountain. I have been looking at it from a long distance, but I haven't seen it close yet." This man-made fountain in Geneva can spray up to 140 meters high.

Su Wei has been watching the fountain in his room this morning.

Now that he finished buying the watch, he must take a closer look at the true face of this big fountain.

"Then let's hurry up, it's almost the hour, I'll take you to a good place" At this time, Zhao Yayou thought of a place and planned to take Su Wei there.

She promised that after Su Wei went, he would never forget it.

"Hoohoo, this is the location you mentioned, hey, where are you going?" Su Wei hurried, and finally ran to the big fountain before the hour.

At this moment, seeing that Zhao Yayou was about to leave after taking him to a place, he directly grabbed her hand and refused to let her go.

"Let go of me, the fountain is going to spray soon." Zhao Yayou brought Su Wei to the place where it is easy to get drenched.

Now that Su Wei didn't let her go, she panicked.

Originally, he planned to trick Su Wei, but he didn't want to get involved himself.

"You said it yourself. This is a good place. I want you to stay with me." Before Su Wei came, he knew that this place would get wet.

After all, the water at the place under his feet has not been dried yet.

"I won't lie to you again next time, let's go, if we stay here, we will really be ruined, ah, drive, woo"

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