Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 368 I am the owner of Chateau Ausone

The next day.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Old Guan? What's the matter with you calling at this hour?" Su Wei slept soundly, but was woken up by the phone call.

After looking at it, I found that it was Manager Guan of Gemini Property.

If ordinary people call at this hour, he must have lost his temper.

The main reason was that he had been chatting with Fangyuan last night.

After this period of communication, he was about to take her down.

But Director Guan called, so there must be something for him to make a decision.

Otherwise, with his personality, it would be impossible to call Su Wei.

"President Su, are you still sleeping? Why don't I call back later?" When Director Guan made this call, it was already afternoon in China.

He was also shocked to hear that Su Wei was still sleeping at this time.

I wondered if I should call later, because now who knows if Su Wei slept alone.

"I was already woken up by your phone call. If you don't say anything now, do you want to disturb me again later?" Su Wei didn't get up after being woken up, but leaned against the head of the bed.

He was really amused by Director Guan's words.

After all, he had already been woken up, so if he didn't say anything now, it would have woken him up in vain.

"It's like this, isn't it that the finishing work of the Baihe Building has been completed.

And now there are more than 60 companies, and they have begun to settle in." The Baihe Building is the newly built building of the Yang Group in Xuhui.

It had no name before, but after Su Wei bought it, he named it Baihe Building.

In fact, Baihe Building could have opened a long time ago, but the Yang Group was acquired by Fan Wenqi at that time.

So Yang Ye's plan was to survive this crisis before opening.

Who knew that the crisis was not over, and the building just fell into Su Wei's hands.

"That's a good thing, you don't just want to tell me about it, do you?" Su Wei was not surprised that 60 companies had settled in Baihe Building.

After all, Director Guan wanted to extend the hand of Gemini Property Management to Baihe Building.

He already knew that he must have many bosses who wanted to start a company in Xuhui.

Su Weicai didn't believe that Director Guan would call him because of this matter.

"These companies that have settled in now, they mean, Mr. Su, do you want to hold an opening ceremony and advertise?" This matter is not only mentioned by the customers who rented the building, but also by many bosses who are talking about it. .

After all, the name of Baihe Building is really not as loud as Gemini Building.

Many taxi drivers don't know about this place without advertising.

"Advertising? Is Baihe Building difficult to rent?" Su Wei thought that Baihe Building was difficult to rent when he heard Director Guan's words.

After all, there are so many office buildings in Shanghai, so the competition is already fierce.

As a new office building, Baihe Building is not easy to rent.

"It's not that it's not easy to rent, but the companies that have settled in our building now think our building is too low-key, and people outside don't know the name of our building." In fact, the tenants of the building are quite satisfied with the building.

After all, it is a newly built building, and the equipment inside is brand new.

But there is one bad thing, that is, when the Baihe Building was reported to the outside world, few people knew about it.

"Our building is too low-key? We are in Xuhui, who can't look up.

Forget it, let’s do one. I’ll be back around the 20th. After you set a time, I’ll come to participate.

By the way, you keep the top two floors for me, I want them all." Su Wei thought for a while, and felt that he really needed to make a name for himself.

After all, even if everyone can see the building when they look up, many people don't know about the building yet, and they have started renting out the building.

As for the two floors above Su Wei, it was because he had already set up an investment company.

After all, it is a bit too wasteful to have so much cash in your own hands.

Plus, on his small mobile phone, people ask him to be an angel investor every day.

Now that he has set up an investment company, those who want to attract investment should not come to him, just go to the company under his hands.

"Alright Mr. Su, then I'll go and study it"

. . . . . .

"dong dong dong"

"Xiao Zhang? What's the matter, you knocked on the door so early, did you miss me?" Su Wei just put down the phone when he heard someone knock on the door.

He got up and put on some clothes, then went to open the door.

First, he looked through the cat's eyes and found that Zhang Ruoyu was standing outside, so he opened the door.

"I just called you, Mr. Su, and found that the line was busy all the time, so I had to come and knock on the door." Zhang Ruoyu called Su Wei just now, wanting to wake him up.

After all, there are a lot of things today, so don't wake up too late.

"It's only 10 o'clock, you woke up too early." Although Su Wei said so, he didn't plan to go back to sleep.

After all, people have already woken up, and they can't fall asleep even when they go back to sleep.

He simply went to the bathroom and started to wash up early.

"President Su, we are going to Bordeaux today, have you forgotten?" Zhang Ruoyu came so early today because he is going to Bordeaux today.

Xu Liyang has taken care of the matter of Ausone Chateau in the past few days.

They are going now, just to meet the management of Chateau Ausone.

After all, Chateau Ausone has changed owners, and they also want to look at Su Wei as the owner.

What is the future plan of Chateau Ausone?

"I haven't forgotten, but it's only ten o'clock, it's a little too early, and what are you looking for?" Su Wei saw Zhang Ruoyu looking around in the room while brushing his teeth.

Su Wei thought she had dropped something at first, but later found that what she was looking for didn't seem to be a small item.

Because the places she was looking for were all under the wardrobe, under the bed or behind the curtains.

"It's nothing, I didn't want to see if the woman who slapped President Su yesterday is there?" Zhang Ruoyu came here so early today, just to see if that woman is in the room.

But she had almost searched the room, but she couldn't find any trace of another person.

And she also touched the bed, only one place was hot.

There are only two possibilities. One is that Su Wei slept alone yesterday, and the other is that the woman left very early this morning.

"Who gave me a slap, it's nothing, did Lao Liu tell you, Lao Liu is far away, he probably didn't see clearly." Su Wei was really slapped yesterday, and that slap was Zhao Yayo called.

At that time, the two of them were beside the big fountain, and when the water from the fountain was pouring down, he directly kissed Zhao Yayou.

Who knew that Zhao Yayou would directly slap Su Wei in the face when she was provoked.

Hearing Zhang Ruoyu say this now, he thought it was Liu Qiang who said it.

"Brother Liu didn't tell me, but I happened to be on the balcony yesterday and planned to watch the fountain on time. When I saw Liu Qiang and the others next to the big fountain, I knew you must be there, Mr. Su, so I took the one in the room. Look through the binoculars "Liu Qiang and his eight bodyguards, the outfits are really eye-catching.

Although they were quite far away, Zhang Ruoyu still saw them at a glance.

So she took the binoculars in the hotel to see what Su Wei was doing.

Who knew that at this glance, he saw Su Wei and the woman he met at the airport arguing.

Then came the cuddle, followed by the kiss.

At that time, she still scolded that woman, thinking she was too shameless.

In the end, she saw a scene that shocked her, that is, Su Wei was slapped.

After that, Su Wei left alone, and the woman kept chasing after him.

When they were about to arrive at a park, after being persuaded by the woman, the two of them seemed to have reconciled.

Afterwards, Zhang Ruoyu didn't know because her sight was blocked.

"Hey, this telescope is quite clear from such a distance.

By the way, I bought you a gift yesterday, see if you like it." Su Wei was really angry after being beaten yesterday.

Even though Zhao Yayou kept apologizing, he was still very angry.

It was Zhao Yayou who burst into tears at the back, and Su Wei finally calmed down a bit.

Su Wei was so angry mainly because he was sure that Zhao Yayou had a crush on him.

But being slapped, he never expected it.

If he wasn't sure that Zhao Yayou had a crush on him, he wouldn't kiss him.

But Zhao Yayou's reaction also shows that she is not a messy person.

"This, this is too precious." Zhang Ruoyu saw the Vacheron Constantin watch box handed over by Su Wei, and knew that Su Wei was changing the subject.

She opened the watch box and looked at it, and her eyes were immediately attracted.

Because the watch in the box turned out to be a female watch full of diamonds.

Compared with the Jaeger-LeCoultre in her hand, this watch is really much more beautiful.

Although the price of her Jaeger-LeCoultre was hundreds of thousands, she always felt a little awkward because it was a male watch.

"How precious can it be? It's not as expensive as the piano I gave you. Just take it." The Steinway piano that Su Wei gave Zhang Ruoyu is worth several million.

And this Vacheron Constantin female watch is full of diamonds.

But its value is less than 100 million, which is much cheaper than Steinway pianos.

"Okay, then Mr. Su, are we going to leave? I heard that Chateau Ausone is quite far from Bordeaux Airport." Zhang Ruoyu thought for a while, and it was the same reason.

After all, she has collected millions of pianos, and now she still drives a car worth millions, so she doesn't care about this watch.

"Well, then I will contact someone, and then we will set off"

. . . . . .

"Mr. Su, welcome to Bordeaux. It's been a hard journey. I've got the car ready." Xu Liyang really flew around several cities during this time.

After taking Su Wei to Chateau Ausone today, she will fly to Bremerhaven in Germany tomorrow.

"What kind of hard work are we, the one who really worked hard this time is you, Xiao Xu.

Don't worry, I'll give you a big surprise when I return home after I've been busy.

Find us a restaurant first, I'm hungry now." Su Wei didn't know if it was an illusion, it just felt like he hadn't seen him for a few days.

Xu Liyang can be seen with the naked eye, and she has lost a lot of weight.

The secretarial class that he had been putting off before was set up immediately when he planned to go back.

There are only Zhang Ruoyu and Xu Liyang around, and the manpower is indeed a bit insufficient.

Especially on Zhang Ruoyu's side, who often ran with her, the pressure was all on Xu Liyang.

"Then I'll thank Mr. Su in advance. Let's get in the car. The nearest restaurant is in downtown Bordeaux." Xu Liyang didn't eat well or sleep well during this time.

There is no way, the work efficiency in Europe is very slow.

She arranged the transfer of the Ausone winery and the super yacht together.

Not only has she not been resting these days, even the Gulfstream G650 has not been idle.

Take her all the time, flying back and forth between the two cities.

"It's closer to the city, or the winery? If the winery is closer, we can go directly to the winery." Su Wei is not familiar with Bordeaux, only that it is divided into east coast and west coast.

He didn't know whether the airport was on the east coast or the west coast.

If the urban area is too far away, he would rather go directly to the winery.

"Of course it is much closer to the urban area. The place we are now is on the left bank of Bordeaux, and the winery is on the right bank of Bordeaux.

And if we go to the winery, we will also pass through the urban area.” The left bank and the right bank of Bordeaux are separated by a river.

Ausone Chateau is almost [-] kilometers away from the airport in a straight line.

If you don't drive for more than an hour, don't even think about the place.

"Xiao Zhang, Aunt Zhao, let's squeeze the three of us in the back, Xiao Xu, you take the co-driver, I have something to ask you." The relationship between Su Wei and Zhao Yayou is now a lot closer because of what happened yesterday. step.

But if you really want to go to bed, it's still a little short.

"Okay, then Master Liu, you assign the positions yourself.

Mr. Su, do you want to ask me about Chateau Ausone? "Xu Liyang arranged for two Mercedes-Benz S-classes and two E-classes this time.

It's not that she doesn't want to rent all the S-class cars, but that none of the car rental companies here are large.

She didn't plan to care how their eight bodyguards sat.

"Aren't we going to Chateau Ausone soon? I'm asking you, have the captain and crew found it?" The matter of Chateau Ausone can be said after passing.

And the matter of the crew on the White Crane is what he really cares about.

After all, the White Crane is ready to launch now.

The bad thing is that the captain and crew are not in place. As long as they are all there, they can sail back to China immediately.

"President Su, I was just about to tell you. The headhunters have pushed me several messages of captains one after another in the past few days. I have asked them to come to Chateau Ausone before noon tomorrow, so that you can meet President Su in person." Of course, Xu Liyang has no resources to find the driver of this super yacht.

But there are so many headhunters in Europe, of course Xu Liyang has to use them reasonably.

This time, the headhunting company she was looking for recommended a total of 5 captains to her.

She has already contacted these captains and asked them to come to Chateau Ausone to meet them.

After all, as long as the captain is in place, then the crew can be recruited.

"You arranged for them to come here? That's fine. If I like it, you can take him directly to Bremerhaven." Hearing Xu Liyang, Su Wei called the captains to the Chateau Ausone.

That's right, after the selection, go straight to Bremerhaven.

After all, there are so many sailors there, it is very simple to recruit people.

"Wow, Ah Wei, look, this place is full of vineyards." Zhao Yayou heard that Su Wei had finished chatting with his assistant, and she pointed to the vineyards outside the glass and said to Su Wei.

When she was at the airport before, she didn't feel this much.

Now I am really walking on the road in Bordeaux, and I can see vineyards everywhere on both sides.

"This is Bordeaux, the home of red wine in the world." After what happened yesterday, Su Wei and Zhao Yayou haven't had sex yet.

But holding hands and hugging waist, Zhao Yayou no longer resists Su Wei.

"Awei, do you have any cooperation with Ausone Chateau?" Zhao Yayou heard Su Wei's assistant, and casually called him to Ausone Chateau.

No matter how stupid she is, she also knows that Ausone Chateau must have something to do with Su Wei.

But she just thought that there was cooperation between the two parties, and she didn't dare to think about the change of ownership of Chateau Ausone.

After all, Château Ausone is so famous that it is one of the eight famous chateaus in France.

"I have no cooperation with Chateau Ausone because I am the owner of Chateau Ausone"

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