"No, there's a lot of red wine here." Zhao Yayou and Zhang Ruoyu had been wandering around in the cellar just now.

Although this cellar was a mining field before, it has been transformed into a qualified cellar after renovation.

When they were wandering, they saw many warehouses with closed doors on both sides.

At first, they didn't care too much, after all, the light in the cellar was just mediocre.

But one of the wooden doors had cracked marks.

Driven by curiosity, Zhao Yayou took a look inside with her mobile phone.

Under the illumination of the light inside, the light was actually reflected.

Out of curiosity, the two turned on the lights of their phones.

This is incredible, and I found that there seemed to be bottled red wine inside.

"Isn't it normal to have red wine? This cellar is a special place to store wine." Su Wei didn't pay much attention when Zhao Yayou said that he saw red wine.

After all, there are hundreds of oak barrels in this cellar.

The first and second wines of 2016 and 2017 are now aging in oak barrels in the cellar.

"I know that this cellar is full of red wine, but what I'm talking about is not the red wine in the oak barrels, but the red wine that has been bottled." Of course Zhao Yayou knows that this cellar is a special place for storing red wine for fermentation.

But in the warehouse, what she saw was not oak barrels, but bottled red wine.

And it's not just a little bit, but a lot of bottles.

The most important thing is that she was not the only one who saw it, but Zhang Ruoyu saw it too.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" The communication between Zhao Yayou and Su Wei just now was in Chinese.

Roland is an old French man, how can he understand Chinese?

Seeing Zhao Yayou's anxious expression, he thought something happened.

After all, in this cellar, snakes would emerge from time to time.

If it's just scaring people, it's not a big deal.

What he was most afraid of was that the snake bit someone.

"My girlfriend told me that they found a lot of bottled red wine." When Su Wei heard Zhao Yayou said that there was red wine, his first reaction was impossible.

The second reaction was to think that Roland was lying to him.

After all, Roland just told him that there is no bottle of wine in the winery.

"Bottled red wine? Impossible, they must have misunderstood it, because if there are still bottled red wine, the people of the Vautier family will not take them away." Roland heard that there was bottled red wine in the cellar, and his first The first reaction is disbelief.

Because if there is red wine, the Wautier family can't let them go.

After all, when the Wautier family left some time ago, 10 trucks were loaded with things.

"It's true, it's in that room. If you don't believe me, I can take you to see it." Seeing that Su Wei and Roland didn't believe it, Zhao Yayou directly pulled Su Wei away.

After all, they don't believe what they say, but they will definitely believe it when they see the real thing.

Now she is a little accustomed to Su Wei saying that she is his girlfriend.

"Is this the warehouse you are talking about? But I remember it seems to be filled with sundries." Roland followed Su Wei to the place Zhao Yayou mentioned.

He looked at this place and found that this place was a warehouse dedicated to storing sundries.

Even if there is red wine in the wine cellar, how could it be in it.

Most importantly, who put them in.

"Aunt Zhao, you said you saw bottled wine from here? But the door is closed, how did you see it?" Su Wei looked at the tightly closed wooden door in front of him, feeling a little puzzled.

After all, if what Zhao Yayou said was true, how did they know.

He pushed the door and found that the locks here were all in good condition.

"We really saw it. Look at the top of the door, it has been broken into this state. We saw the situation in the room through this gap." Seeing that Su Wei didn't believe it, Zhang Ruoyu pointed to the gap on the wooden door.

It was through this gap that they saw red wine hidden in the warehouse just now.

"Can you see it here? I'll take a look too.

It looks like there really is red wine in here, Roland, do you have the key?If we have the key, let's open it and have a look." Su Wei passed through the gap, stuck it on the door and illuminated the inside with a light.

He found that there was really a reflection of the red wine bottle inside.

Su Wei got up and asked Roland if he had the key here.

After all, Roland is the general manager of Chateau Ausone, so he should be keeping these things.

"This warehouse has been kept by Mr. Alan himself before, so I don't have the key here." Roland was telling the truth, because Alan used to take care of it himself.

When he later became the general manager, Alan was already hospitalized.

"There is no key, if there is no key, let's just break it open for him.

Old Liu, go find something and come here, let's break open the door, I want to see what's inside." Su Wei heard that there was no key, so he called Old Liu to break open the door.

Anyway, Chateau Ausone is now his private property, and he can do whatever he wants.

Now he is super curious, wanting to see if what he just saw is red wine.

"Mr. Su, I think you'd better keep calm, because the scene inside may disappoint you." Roland saw that Su Wei was about to knock on the door in high spirits, so he began to pour cold water on Su Wei.

After all, he didn't believe that there would be red wine in it.

Because if there is red wine, it can only be hidden by Alan himself.

Because the key to this warehouse has always been in Alan's hands.

With the rhythm of the Vautier family emptying all the bottled red wine in the cellar, how could there be any red wine left here not to be moved away.

After all, they wanted to keep Chateau Ausone, and they had already started selling it.

Later, I found that selling and selling was not enough money, so I finally gave up.

"It doesn't matter, if there is no wine in it, just change the lock.

If there is really red wine in it, then just invite everyone to taste it." Seeing Roland's expression, Su Wei didn't panic at all.

Knowing that Roland should know nothing about the situation here.

Now if you want to know the situation inside, you can only know after the door is opened.


"Boss Su, there's a lot of dust inside. It looks like it hasn't been taken care of for a long time." Liu Qiang ran outside the cellar and found a random stone to come in.

He came directly to the lock on the door and broke it open.

When he got inside, he wanted to turn on the light, but found that there was no response.

He could only hold the phone light and look inside.

The place where the light shines is full of thick dust. It seems that no one has cleaned it for a long time.

After all, with such thick ash, it is impossible to produce so much in a few months.

"The red wine we saw before, based on its height, should be in this position.

Eh, it's really red wine, Ah Wei, come and see." Zhao Yayou was the second to come in, because she most urgently wanted to know if there was red wine in it.

This time she knew that when Su Wei spent so much money to buy this winery, there was no bottle of wine in the end.

She really despised the Wautier family to the extreme.

Zhao Yayou also took a flashlight and looked inside, and found that the things in the room were piled up very high.

But these things are all tightly blocked by cloth.

She compared them according to their heights, and found that the position where they looked in through the gap in the door was exactly at the same level as her thighs.

She found the spot and found that there happened to be a hole there.

Looking inside from the hole, you can indeed see a glass wine bottle inside.

Zhao Yayou hurriedly called Su Wei and asked him to come and see it in person.

"Old Liu, ask two people to come over and move all the rags in this room outside." Following Zhao Yayou's guidance, Su Wei also saw the glass wine bottle inside the cloth.

Now that it was confirmed that there might really be red wine in it, of course he wanted to remove the cloths.

If he didn't remove it, he wouldn't know what was going on inside.

"I buy it, here, here, it's all red wine.

Mr. Su, this, this is the 2003 Ausone genuine wine." As the cloth was opened, the iron shelf for the red wine was exposed.

And these iron shelves are full of red wine.

This startled Roland, because he really didn't expect that all the wine here was filled.

He picked up a bottle of red wine and found that they were indeed Chateau Ausone.

And it's the real brand wine, not the second brand wine.

The vintage is 2003, the Ausone wine of this year is the best.

"Are you sure this wine is the authentic brand of Ou Song Winery? How many warehouses like this are there in this underground cellar?" Su Wei became excited when he saw that it was really red wine. .

Although there are even 1 bottles of wine in it, it is only worth a few million euros.

And in this warehouse, it is obviously impossible to have so many.

But at first he thought that he was going out to buy his own red wine.

Unexpectedly, a batch of hidden wine was found in the cellar.

Then his idea of ​​bringing a large amount of wine back to China can be achieved this time.

"I brewed this wine, and I can be sure that this batch of wine is authentic.

There are a total of 10 warehouses in this cellar, all of which are managed by Mr. Alan himself, and there may be wine in other warehouses." Roland has been at Chateau Ausone for 23 years.

During these 23 years, all the wines of Chateau Ausone were brewed by him.

So whether it is true or not, he knows better than anyone else.

"There are so many ten warehouses? Old Liu, call everyone down, and then follow Mr. Roland to open the other warehouses to see if there is still red wine in those warehouses." Su Wei heard that there were ten warehouses, and his whole body Excited.

Because there is so much red wine in one warehouse, how much would there be in ten warehouses.

He won't be the last, he can get tens of thousands of bottles of red wine.

"Good Mr. Su"

. . . . . .

"Aunt Zhao, what are you doing?" The originally quiet cellar became noisy because of the red wine found in the abandoned warehouse.

Su Wei's bodyguards and the staff of the winery all went to find the red wine.

At this moment, Su Wei discovered that Zhao Yayou's three women were actually wiping the red wine taken out of the warehouse with a rag.

"Awei, don't you want to drink tonight, so let's clean a few bottles of wine." The servants of the winery had already left with the Wautier family.

Now the only people staying in the winery are the staff of the winery.

Just now Su Wei announced in public that he would invite everyone to drink red wine tonight.

That's why Zhao Yayou and the other three daughters came to clean the wine bottles.

Although these wines are of great value, their image does suffer a bit.

If you don't clean it, it's really embarrassing.

"You guys helped me find so much red wine this time, tell me, what reward do you want?" Without Zhao Yayou and the others, this batch of wine would definitely be discovered in the future.

After all, there will be constant temperature facilities here in the later stage, but the time will be delayed.

At that time, Su Wei may still spend a lot of money to buy his own wine.

"Reward, if you want to give me a reward, can you give me a few bottles of wine?" Zhao Yayou really likes Ausong wine.

And this time Su Wei had already given her a piece of Vacheron Constantin, so she was too embarrassed to mention other things.

When Su Wei gave her the watch, she didn't want it.

But Su Wei was very tough at the time, so she could only accept it.

"I want wine too." The person who found the wine this time, besides Zhao Yayou, was Zhang Ruoyu.

The reason why she wants red wine is very simple, it is for her parents.

This time she was in Europe, although she also helped them buy some things.

But compared to what she got herself, her parents' things were a bit too cheap.

"It's not easy to ask for wine. I'll give each of you two boxes when the time comes, and you will have it too, Xiao Xu." Su Wei heard that they asked for wine, it was too simple.

After all, what I found this time was at least a thousand bottles of red wine.

This eased his embarrassing situation immediately.

And there are two boxes of red wine per person, so there are 24 bottles.

"Mr. Su, all the red wine in the cellar has been counted. There are 3800 bottles in total, 5 of which are broken, and there are still 3795 bottles. The vintage is from 1996 to 2014. The value of this batch of wine is more than 200 million euros." Roland I really didn't expect that there were so many red wines hidden in these warehouses.

And there are a lot of red wines, all of which are of the best vintages.

If the Vautier family got so much red wine at that time, they might have changed their minds.

"Have you found out why there are so many red wines here?" Su Wei is still confused about finding so many red wines in the warehouse.

Because there are so many red wines, who is hiding them?

The Vautier family was so short of money at the time, why didn't they find this batch of wine.

If they found this batch of wine, they might not necessarily sell the winery.

Because in their eyes, Chateau Ausone is a chicken that lays golden eggs.

"Because Mr Allan has passed away, there is no definitive answer to this question.

But I guess, this should be the wine that Mr. Alain hides every year, because the quantity of it is exactly 200 bottles per year, and the time of wine storage happens to be in 1996, that is, when he became the owner of Château Ausone Years" Although Alan had passed away, Roland guessed that he must have hidden it himself.

Because this time is indeed too coincidental.

The time of wine storage happened to be the year in 1996 when he went to court and became the head of Chateau Ausone.

And only Alan has the keys to these warehouses.

Except for him, no one can hide so much wine without anyone noticing.

"Then why is there no wine in 2015? It stands to reason that there should be wine in 2015." 200 bottles of wine are stored every year, starting in 1996.

Including the 2016 and 2017 in the current oak barrel, there is exactly 2015 bottles of 200.

"In 2015, Mr. Alan happened to be seriously ill, and I also became the general manager in that year." It was because there was no wine in 2015 that Roland was sure that it was Alan himself.

If there is 2015 in this batch of wine, then he really doesn't know who released it.

"Alan hid so much wine and didn't tell the Wautier family, didn't they check the warehouse themselves?" This matter is indeed what Su Wei is most puzzled about.

Alan didn't tell their children that he had hidden so much wine so he didn't say anything.

Didn't his children go to the warehouse to look for it?

"I don't know about this, but they may have looked for it, because I saw that the locks of two of the warehouses were opened, and those two warehouses were really filled with sundries." When Alan was seriously ill, People are already in a dazed state.

When he died, he did not tell his children about it.

After his death, his children came to the warehouse to find valuables.

But after opening the two warehouses, I found that they were full of worthless old wooden barrels and picking tools.

Because it was too dirty, they didn't even open the door of the warehouse behind.

"It can only be said that they are unlucky. By the way, I will call the staff of the winery tonight, and I will treat everyone to dinner."

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