May 21st.

Pudong Airport.

"President Su, wake up, we're here." Seeing that the plane was about to land, Zhang Ruoyu went to the small bed at the back of the plane to wake up Su Wei.

This time she stayed in Europe for more than half a month, and finally returned to China.

The only thing that is a little uncomfortable is that she came back this time to sleep on a chair.

Because Xu Liyang also came back together, she could only watch Su Wei go to bed alone.

"Are you there? It turns out that you have already arrived at Hongqiao Airport. I slept so well this time." Su Wei started to sleep from the moment he got on the plane this time.

Mainly because he was too tired yesterday and played too crazy.

On his second day at Ausone, he picked a Maltese to be the captain and a Chinese to be the first mate.

Then he stayed at the Chateau Ausone for a few more days before flying to Calais.

Because his White Crane had already arrived at Calais after several days of driving.

As for Zhao Yayou, she only stayed in Bordeaux for one night, and then flew back to China.

After all, she is different from Su Wei, she has to go to work later.

When Su Wei was on the White Crane this time, he really let go.

For Warib brought some of her sisters, and Josephine brought some of her little sisters.

Jack's side was the highlight, and he even brought a few supermodels to the White Crane.

Su Wei stayed on the yacht for a day and a night, and when he got off the boat, his whole body was limp.

After finally getting on the plane, he fell asleep in bed.

If Zhang Ruoyu hadn't come to call him, he could have continued to sleep.

"Boss Su, do you want to wash your face?" Although Zhang Ruoyu didn't go on the boat this time, she knew it must be a forest of wine and meat.

After all, Su Wei brought more than 100 bottles of Ausone wine up there, but they drank all of them.

And judging by the weakness of his legs, it was obvious that he must have been overworked.

But it's not easy for her to take care of this matter.

Because she has not been eaten by Su Wei until now.

"No, let's talk about it after we land.

Old Liu, is the arrangement in place? "Su Wei got up and rubbed his eyes, then walked to the front and found a seat to sit down.

He asked Liu Qiang if he had arranged someone, in fact, he asked if the person who moved the goods had arrived.

Because this time he brought back 100 cases of red wine from the Chateau Ausone.

And the 650 boxes of red wine directly packed his Gulfstream G[-] to the brim.

"Boss Su, I've already arranged the people. They drove two trucks this time, and they will definitely be able to load the luggage and wine." The [-] boxes of red wine will definitely not fit in an ordinary truck.

Even if it can be loaded, how many cars will it take to do it.

So Liu Qiang directly arranged for a pickup truck.

"This is the bad thing in China. The car can't be driven in directly, otherwise there is no need to move the wine around." When Su Wei and the others were in Bordeaux, they drove the car directly into the airport to load the goods.

Now here in China, this is definitely not allowed.

It's not that it's not allowed, it's just that most people can't do it.

"President Su, let's go first later, and the people behind them will take care of things." It's almost 6 o'clock now, and the sky is getting dark.

And Su Wei is going to eat at his parents' place tonight.

So what Liu Qiang meant was that they went to Mingyuan Villa first.

For the wine, I will leave it to the bodyguards who came this time. There is no need for Su Wei to wait here.

"Alright, then you can ask someone to clear out Xiaozhang and Xiaoxu's things first, and the two of them can go home directly later. This business trip is so long, they should be homesick." Others don't know, anyway Su Wei is very homesick.

The main thing is that I want to eat these authentic Chinese food in China.

This time in Europe, he really didn't have a few good meals.

Except for a little novelty at the beginning, the actual eating later became a coping.

"You don't need to get it for me first, just get it for Sister Xu first, I have to drive to Gubei No. [-]." Zhang Ruoyu also planned to walk with Su Wei for a while.

Because Xu Liyang has been around these two days, she hasn't posted with Su Wei yet.

"Is that the Phantom? I've already asked someone to drive it together." Of course Liu Qiang knew that the Phantom was Assistant Zhang's car now.

With the relationship between Assistant Zhang and Su Wei, he forgot that no one can forget her.

Otherwise, if she listened to the wind, Liu Qiang would be out of luck.

"Really, thank you, Master Liu." Zhang Ruoyu was really dumbfounded when she heard this.

But she can't be unhappy yet, after all, Liu Qiang will do this.

It's because she, Zhang Ruoyu, has weight in his heart.

He probably regarded her as the proprietress, not just an assistant.

"It's okay, this is what I should do"

. . . . . .

"Old Liu, did you bring all my watches?" Su Wei got into the car and only thought of the watch.

After all, he is going to Mingyuan Villa now, so the gift for his parents must not be forgotten.

"President Su, don't worry, I've already brought the watch over, it's in the co-pilot, do you want to check it?" If Zhang Ruoyu was around, she would definitely do this kind of thing.

But now Zhang Ruoyu has already driven home.

So these things were naturally handed over to him.

And he didn't know why, Assistant Zhang looked a little unhappy when he went back.

"No, I'm relieved when you do things. By the way, tell me if you have taken your wine." The most reassuring person around Su Wei must be Liu Qiang.

Since he ordered it, there must be no problem.

When he went to Mingyuan Villa this time, he planned to bring a few boxes of wine with him.

"I got it, this time I put a total of five boxes of wine in the trunks of the two cars." Liu Qiang took five boxes of wine for Mingyuan Villa this time.

He didn't take more because he knew that Su Xiaoming liked to drink baijiu more.

If the consignment was white wine this time, then he would definitely bring some more for Mr. Su.

"I'm relieved. By the way, it's about me in Europe. Don't talk nonsense, you know." This time Su Wei was in Europe, although most of the time he was very ascetic.

But when you really play it, it's a thrill.

Especially in the Strait of Dover when he had the models on board with no clothes on.

Moreover, the matter between him and Zhao Yayou cannot be spread.

At that time, Zhao Yayou will have no way to be a human being, and it will be difficult for him to explain to Wang Xiaoyuan.

"President Su, this time in Europe, haven't you been busy with the Ausone winery and the White Crane yacht?" Of course Liu Qiang knew that Su Wei's affairs in Europe could not be disclosed.

After all, Su Wei was the one who paid him his salary and even single-handedly promoted him.

Even if he betrays anyone, he will not betray Su Wei.

"I'm at ease with you, but for those three people under your command, tell them not to talk too much.

Also, I will give you a day off tomorrow, and you will accompany me to the new company the day after tomorrow." Su Wei will go to see the house tomorrow, so Liu Qiang is not needed to accompany him.

Moreover, Liu Qiang has been away for so many days this time, and he hasn't rested yet.


. . . . . .

"Why hasn't this Weiwei arrived yet, Yuanyuan, are you hungry, do you want to eat something first?" Zhang Guihua looked at the watch and found that it was already 06:30.

The food at home has been prepared very early, just waiting for Su Wei to arrive home.

But now that Su Wei is late, she is afraid that her grandson will be hungry.

"Mom, I'm not hungry yet. I just sent a message to Ah Wei, and he said he will be there soon." Wang Xiaoyuan and her relationship with Zhang Guihua are not so good now.

On the one hand, it is because she is pregnant now, on the other hand, it is also the result of her deliberate fawning.

The reason why Wang Xiaoyuan has such a good temper in Mingyuan Villa is because she knows something clearly.

Su Wei's parents may not be able to decide who their daughter-in-law is, but they can decide who is not their daughter-in-law.

"Hey, I heard the sound of a car in the yard, is it Weiwei coming?" Su Xiaoming heard the sound of a car coming from the yard at this time, and guessed that Su Wei should be back.

After all, except for Su Wei, basically no one else would drive in.

Outside this villa, there are still quite a lot of places to park.

"He's finally back. If he doesn't come back, my grandson will be starved." Now that Zhang Guihua has a grandson, she doesn't care as much about Su Wei as before.

After all, as the old saying goes, old people like to kiss each other from generation to generation.

And there is another reason, that is, she likes Wang Xiaoyuan, the daughter-in-law.

She has met many girls now, but only Wang Xiaoyuan makes her most satisfied.

"Mom and Dad, I haven't seen you for so long, do you miss me?" Su Wei walked into the living room and saw everyone in the living room.

After going abroad for so long this time, he really misses his parents a little bit.

When he was in China before, he would come back for a meal every week.

Only this time, there is no way to think about it again.

"What do you have to think about, wash your hands quickly and eat." Zhang Guihua's words are deceiving.

After all, he was his own son, so he ran so far away.

If she wasn't worried, how could it be possible.

But people of their generation basically don't know how to express their emotions.

And because of her son, she won't have any good things to say.

"Parents don't miss me, do you miss me?" Su Wei couldn't be more clear about his parents' personalities.

Seeing the two of them going to the restaurant, she stepped forward and hugged Wang Xiaoyuan into her arms.

"Of course I miss you. I thought you would come back in a few days this time. Who knows that you have been gone for half a month, and you have lost a lot of weight." At the beginning, Wang Xiaoyuan really thought he would go for a few days just come back.

After all, the auction was on the 6th, and he went there on the [-]th.

As a result, she found out later that he also bought a winery.

Because of the transfer issue, it has been delayed until now.

"You know the food in Europe, it's really unpalatable." Su Wei went to Europe this time, and really lost several catties.

The main reason is that the food there is very different from that in China.

Su Wei has already decided to wait until Ausone Manor is repaired.

When he arrives, he must bring a domestic chef there.

Otherwise, he would lose a few pounds every time he went there, and he would not dare to go there in the future.

"Then let's go to dinner quickly. Today, Mom cooked for herself and made two of your favorite dishes." Seeing Su Wei, Wang Xiaoyuan really felt sorry for him.

Her little dissatisfaction before, all disappeared when she saw him.

"Don't worry, I brought you a special gift, see if you like it." Su Wei took out the watch box for Wang Xiaoyuan from his bag.

The watch he gave to Wang Xiaoyuan is the sailing boat worth 200 million euros.

This watch was also the most expensive female watch he had seen in Geneva.

"Patek Philippe's watch? This watch is pretty nice, how much did you pay for it?" Wang Xiaoyuan didn't think it was particularly expensive when she first saw the wind sailing boat.

Because this watch has no tourbillon, no perpetual calendar, and no minute repeater.

According to her estimate, the price of this watch will not be higher than 100 million RMB.

"200 million euros, what do you think?" How much Su Wei spent was how much he spent.

He would not do the kind of thing that cost 100 yuan and said it only cost [-] yuan.

What's the difference between such a person and a pure injustice.

"It's so expensive, then you can bring it to me." 200 million euros, or 1600 million RMB.

And this was said by Su Wei, of course Wang Xiaoyuan believed it 100%.

In the past, Wang Xiaoyuan would refuse Su Wei to give her expensive gifts.

But since she got pregnant, she never thought about it that way again.

After all, if she took more, the child in her belly would get more.

"Well, um, it looks better than when you wore your Rolex before.

Let's go, let's go to dinner, I also brought gifts to my parents"

. . . . . .

"Mom and Dad, I went to Europe this time and brought you some presents." Su Wei just sat down and asked Liu Qiang to bring the presents.

Then he handed the two gift boxes to his parents.

"What? It's a watch again? Did you buy us a watch because you didn't know what to buy?" Su Xiaoming opened the gift package and found out that it was a watch.

He seriously suspected that this was a gift that Su Wei chose because he didn't know what to buy.

After all, the last time he returned to City H, he gave them a watch as a gift.

"How is it possible? I bought you this watch because the previous watch was too rich. I want you to change your image." Although Su Xiaoming guessed randomly, he really guessed the essence of the matter.

Su Wei bought these watches because he didn't know what gift to buy.

Su Wei always felt that it was too cheap to buy other things.

There is only a watch, which is expensive and can be given as a gift.

"Oh, this watch is good. If I didn't look carefully, I thought it was a bracelet. Mom, let me put it on for you." At this time Zhang Guihua opened the box, and Wang Xiaoyuan was very cooperative and exclaimed.

Wang Xiaoyuan's amazement, although exaggerated.

But she really felt that this watch was too exaggerated.

It doesn't look like a watch at all, more like a diamond bracelet.

"Yeah, I think this watch is a bit too high-profile, and it's not convenient to wear it normally." Zhang Guihua said so, but she was very happy.

After all, how could her previous watch compare with this one.

If this is taken out, who will shine brighter than her?

"Mom, you don't wear this watch in normal times. You wear this watch when you attend banquets or important occasions." Wang Xiaoyuan has a lot of experience in this area.

After all, her family is rich, and of course she knows it well after being influenced by her ears and eyes since she was a child.

"Is this watch very expensive? Look at the watch shining under the light." Zhang Guihua looked at the watch, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

After all, women, who doesn't like things that sparkle under the lights.

"It's not very expensive, about RMB 600 million." The price at that time was 76 euros.

Now RMB and Euro are one to eight.

If calculated, it is indeed more than 600 million.

"It's not expensive, so what about my watch?" Su Xiaoming saw that Zhang Guihua's watch cost more than 600 million.

He looked at his watch and felt a little too ordinary.

And there is not even a single diamond on the dial and case.

"Dad, your watch costs 150 million euros, and 1200 million yuan in RMB." The appearance of Su Xiaoming's watch is really not very good.

But the most important thing about this watch is that it has the function of three questions.

And the original design intention of this watch is to show low-key luxury.

"This watch is so expensive, so I want to have a drink tonight." Su Xiaoming heard that his drink cost more than 1000 million.

This made him feel much happier.

Tomorrow he must take this watch and show it to his friends.

"Dad, don't take white wine, I brought some wine back from the French winery today.

Old Liu, go and get two bottles of wine, let's all drink some." Compared with white wine, Su Wei still prefers his father to drink red wine or rice wine.

Because liquor is too harmful to the human body.

"It's the wine from your winery, right? Then you can bring it here. How about I have a taste of the wine?" The fact that Su Wei bought the winery is basically known to the family.

This time Su Wei proposed to drink red wine, Su Xiaoming's first reaction was the wine from his winery that Su Wei took.

"Then dad, give me a taste and see how it tastes. This bottle is from 2005, and the current market price is tens of thousands of yuan a bottle."

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