Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 372 You may not like it

The next day.

"Why did you wake up so early today? I thought you would sleep until the afternoon today." When Wang Xiaoyuan was reading a parenting book in the living room, she was surprised to find that Su Wei had woken up.

She looked at her watch and found that the time was indeed just past nine o'clock in the morning.

Usually when Su Wei is at home, he only gets up in the afternoon.

Get up in the morning, unless she specifically yells, it's almost the same.

"I slept too long on the plane yesterday. By the way, are you okay this afternoon?" Su Wei slept for more than ten hours on the plane back home yesterday.

Then he drank with his father at night, and he fell asleep in bed immediately after drinking until after 9 o'clock.

When he woke up, it was the result of lying on the bed for more than an hour.

"This afternoon? I have nothing to do this afternoon, but I have to go home tonight. What can you do?" Wang Xiaoyuan thought about it, and she had nothing to do this afternoon.

In the evening, her family called her back for dinner.

Because every time she ate with them recently, she didn't eat much.

So her parents, usually every few days, would ask the chef to cook her favorite dishes for her in different ways.

The main reason is that they still don't know that Wang Xiaoyuan is in the early stages of pregnancy.

"Didn't I tell you last time that the agent recommended an old bungalow to me. I just had time today, so I made an appointment to see the house in the afternoon." Su Wei bought this house this time mainly for Wang Xiaoyuan.

Otherwise, he wouldn't want this kind of old bungalow in Shanghai.

After all, the structure of this kind of house over 100 years old is definitely not as good as it is now.

Moreover, the appearance of this kind of old bungalows is basically immovable, and many of them are historically protected buildings.

And because the location is in the urban area, their gardens are relatively small.

As for the kind of villa that Su Wei likes, both the house and the garden must be very large.

But now it is bought for Wang Xiaoyuan, of course it is according to her preferences.

"It's okay to watch it in the afternoon, then let's go and watch it after lunch." Wang Xiaoyuan really likes the old bungalow.

After all, when she was young, there were many, many old bungalows in Shanghai.

And when she was young, her family lived in an old bungalow.

Now that Su Wei is going to buy an old house, she is the happiest one.

Don't say that there is nothing to do this afternoon, even if there is something to do, she won't go.

"Okay, ouch, I forgot to call Li Renfeng." Su Wei suddenly remembered that he forgot to call Li Renfeng.

What if it was a little later and he woke up.

Su Wei will choose this point and call Li Renfeng.

That's because only calling him at this time will make him miserable.

After all, Li Renfeng, like him, slept until the afternoon before getting up.

"The intermediary you are looking for is Li Renfeng, right?" How could Wang Xiaoyuan not know that Li Renfeng still has this resource.

After all, she had known Li Renfeng for a few years.

Basically he doesn't do serious business, just eats, drinks and has fun every day.

That's why Wang Xiaoyuan was so surprised when Su Wei said he was looking for Li Renfeng.

"No, I was looking for him because I chatted with my dad yesterday and said that I was going to become a landlord in the United States. You forgot." When Su Wei was drinking with Su Xiaoming yesterday, Su Xiaoming kept pulling him to talk about becoming a big landlord in the United States. thing.

This matter was originally initiated by Su Wei, so of course he will do what he says.

After all, he has this ability, and he also has this plan.

"Does Li Renfeng have the resources?" Only then did Wang Xiaoyuan realize that she had misunderstood.

But she was even more confused at this time, Li Renfeng still has resources from the United States?

Because according to Su Wei's thinking, the land to be bought is not a small area.

When she heard Su Wei's thoughts yesterday, she was almost stunned.

"The last time I heard him say that his family just bought a farm in the United States, and it cost more than 500 million dollars.

And if he doesn't understand, I can ask him to give me the agent's phone number, and I'll talk to the agent myself." Su Wei's idea of ​​buying land from Laomei was because Li Renfeng talked to him last time.

It is said that his family lives in Laomei and bought thousands of acres of land.

That's why Su Wei immediately planned to change places after encountering that kind of incident in his hometown.

After all, he still prefers Laomei's permanent property rights to this kind of leased land in China.

"Then I will go to the United States this time. I know what you want to say. I have already asked the doctor. She said that I am more than three months pregnant and the fetus is stable. It is no problem to fly." This time Su Wei went abroad, and Wang Xiaoyuan planned to follow.

Because she is pregnant now and can't go anywhere, she is going crazy.

"I'm not stopping you from going, you can go when you want to go"

. . . . . .

"Ah Feng, are you awake? The sun is drying your ass." When Su Wei called Li Renfeng, he deliberately walked into the room.

Because no one knows if there will be something that shouldn't be said on the other side.

It would not be good if Wang Xiaoyuan heard it then.

"Awei, what are you doing? Are you jet-lagged, and now you are here to mess with me?" Li Renfeng was sleeping with his sister in his arms, but was woken up by the phone call.

Looking at the phone, I found that it was Su Wei who called.

He guessed that Su Wei's call at this time must be on purpose.

Because they are all about the same, they only get up in the afternoon.

It is impossible for Su Wei not to know that he is sleeping at this point.

"You're thinking too much, I'm mainly looking for something to do with you." Su Wei called at this point, it was on purpose.

When anyone wants him to be in Europe, he is often harassed by them on the phone.

Because of the time difference, they often called him in the middle of the night in Europe.

Now that Su Wei is back, he must come back for revenge.

"What's the matter with you? Could it be that your yacht has returned to China?" There are quite a few people who know about Su Wei buying a yacht.

After all, someone broke out in the auction house at that time.

It's just that because his yacht did not return to China, there was no enthusiasm for it in the follow-up.

But these little friends of Su Wei will definitely not forget.

When calling, he often asked him where the yacht was.

"If the yacht wants to go to China, it will definitely not be able to arrive in less than a month.

I want to ask you, didn’t your family buy a farm from Lao Mei last time? I also have some thoughts recently, so I’m here to ask you.” When Su Weifei came back, the yacht had just arrived in the English Channel.

It will take at least 20 days to bring the yacht back.

Moreover, yachts are different from airplanes in that they have to pay taxes.

It can only be released after the tax is paid.

"Damn it, you're just asking me about this? Then you can ask me at night." Li Renfeng knew that Su Wei was doing it on purpose when he heard Su Wei asking him about the farm.

After all, it was already agreed to get together tonight.

At this time, the female companion next to him was woken up by his phone call.

Just as she was about to say something, Li Renfeng directly made a gesture of shutting up, and then pressed her head below his waist.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, we made an appointment to meet tonight, that's it, I'll talk to you tonight, I hung up" Su Wei achieved his goal, Li Renfeng was woken up by the phone, and he Going to hang up the phone.

Anyway, we are going to meet at night. If we really want to talk about this matter, we can meet and talk at night.

"No, I'm all up, if you want to talk, talk now.

What kind of farm do you want to buy this time?What is the purpose?Have you figured out which state?" Li Renfeng had already called Su Wei, which woke everyone up.

Su Wei wanted to hang up the phone at this time, so how could he be willing.

And now he also wants to know what Su Wei intends to do when he buys this farm.

"I haven't decided which state, but the main reason I bought this land is to raise some animals such as cattle, sheep and horses, and then grow some melons, fruits and vegetables that can be self-sufficient. Just go hunting.” There are 50 states in the United States, and each state is very different.

Su Wei really didn't know which state was more suitable for him.

After all, the main reason he bought this land was to be able to hunt on horseback.

Here in China, if a dog is killed, a bunch of people will come out to condemn it.

But it’s different when you go to Laomei, where hunting is legal.

Which man has never dreamed that he is a sharpshooter in the jungle.

"That's it? There are too many states that meet your requirements. Why don't you come to Texas, I think this place is quite suitable for you, and the agricultural tax is relatively low. The most important thing is that the place here is big enough." Su Wei's this Requirements, at least more than 40 states in the United States are suitable for him.

But Li Renfeng still recommended Dezhou to Su Wei, because he had been there.

And in Texas, there are also the most Chinese farmers.

"Texas? Isn't California good? Don't you mean that all the Chinese are in California?" Before Su Wei called, he was still thinking about going to California.

After all, 100 of the 80 Chinese who went to the United States went to California.

Moreover, most of the most familiar American cities in China are in California.

Such as Los Angeles, such as San Francisco, such as Berkeley and so on.

"Boss, I hear what you mean. Your farm is intended to be bought for fun. Land in California is much more expensive than in Texas. If you want to buy a house, then I definitely suggest you buy it in California, but being a farmer is fine. Because many places in that mountain are short of water.

And my family's farm is also bought in Texas, when the two of us go to the United States, we will have a companion on the way." If Su Wei buys a house, he must recommend California.

After all, there are many good schools in California, and there are more rich areas.

But being a farmer in California is no better than Texas.

And judging from what Su Wei meant, he must have bought this land mainly for hunting and recreation.

If you buy it in California, there are many rules and regulations, and many animals cannot be killed.

The most important thing is that if Su Wei's farm is also bought in Texas, he will be able to use his plane when he goes to the United States in the future.

"Water shortage in California? Forget it, don't think about it.

I heard you say that Texas is not bad, how is the weather in Texas? "When Su Wei buys land, there must be grasslands, lakes, and forests.

California lacks water, so there must be bald hills everywhere.

And what Li Renfeng said moved him a little bit, that is, the agricultural tax is low.

Although Su Wei has never been to Laomei's place, he still knows a little about their taxes.

He didn't plan to do business, he just planned to play with his family.

If you pay too much money every year, the loss outweighs the gain.

"The temperature in Texas is not bad, similar to the temperature here in Shanghai, but it is a bit stronger than Shanghai in winter." The average temperature in Texas is more than 20 degrees.

In summer, it is basically above 35 degrees.

Some days in a year, the temperature will exceed 40 degrees.

"The temperature is so high? Then this place won't work. Is there a state with a lower temperature and richer water resources?" Su Wei originally planned to consider Texas, but was frightened by the temperature.

After all, summer in Shanghai is really hot to death.

And this is because the city is close to the sea, but Texas is not close to the sea.

Originally, he wanted to hide in a cooler place in summer, but it turned out that the stove was replaced by a stove.

In this case, Su Wei doesn't plan to consider Texas anymore.

"Then I'm not sure about that. Come over tonight and I'll give you the agency's phone number. You can talk to her yourself." Su Wei didn't consider Dezhou, and that touched Li Renfeng's knowledge blind spot.

Because he is in the United States, he has been to California and Texas.

California is because his family bought a house there, while Texas is because his family bought land there.

As for other places, he has never been there.

I can only wait to contact my family and ask them to send me the number of the agency that sold the land to his family last time.

"Okay, then I'll call you tonight"

. . . . . .

"Zuo Qing, here." After lunch, Su Wei and Wang Xiaoyuan came to Xinhua Road in a Rolls-Royce.

Because Gubei No. [-] is quite close to Xinhua Road, Zuo Qing hadn't arrived when they arrived.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Su Wei saw Zuo Qing's little Benz turning around.

"President Su, long time no see. I didn't expect you to arrive before me. Who is this?" Zuo Qing received Su Wei's WeChat message today, and even dressed up when he went out.

After all, every time two people meet, there will definitely be a big battle.

And this time Zuo Qing hasn't seen Su Wei for so long, her body can't wait to see him.

It's just that when she saw Su Wei, she found that Su Wei didn't come by himself, but also brought a woman with him.

"She is my girlfriend Wang Xiaoyuan, and the main reason to look at the house today is to satisfy her.

Xiaoyuan, this is Zuo Qing, it was from her that my parents bought the house in Mingyuan Villa." Su Wei mentioned Mingyuan Villa in front of Zuo Qing.

Just let Zuo Qing know, not to mention that he bought other houses.

After all, there are other women living in those houses now.

"Hello Ms. Zuo, I'm sorry to trouble you today." Wang Xiaoyuan looked at Zuo Qing and found that this woman was a bit too beautiful.

And today's makeup looks a little too delicate.

People who didn't know thought she was out on a date.

"Where is that, I still hope that Mr. Su and Ms. Wang will trouble me a lot. After all, only if I trouble me can I have food. If I don't trouble me, then I will starve to death in the devil city." Zuo Qing now fawns on Su Wei After this big fish, several luxury houses have been opened in just half a year.

Her family has also changed from the original small two-bedroom to the current small three-bedroom.

The only difference is that she has changed from two people to a single person.

That's why she was so anxious to see Su Wei this time.

Because she hasn't eaten meat for a long time, she desperately wants to eat meat today.

"Is the house this time on this street?" Although Wang Xiaoyuan guessed a little bit, this woman should be a little ambiguous with Su Wei.

But she doesn't mind, because she doesn't take Zuo Qing seriously.

Such a woman is basically Su Wei's flirting buddy.

She can even tolerate Li Rui, let alone real estate sales like Zuo Qing.

"Yes, the old bungalow to be sold this time is on the Xinhua Road behind us." Seeing that Su Wei brought his girlfriend out today, Zuo Qing couldn't help but be disappointed.

I can only cheer up and plan to sell the house properly.

After all, only by selling the house can she make money.

"Which one is it?" Although Xinhua Road is located in Changning, it is also a very prosperous area.

Wang Xiaoyuan is quite satisfied with the environment here.

Of course, compared with the house that her family moved out before, this Xinhua Road is still a bit remote.

But the bungalow in her house can only be regarded as an alley, after all, it doesn't even have a garden.

"The house is a little ahead, we don't need to drive, we can walk there in 2 minutes.

Arrived, this is this bungalow, the appearance of this house is not bad, please, we can go in and have a look inside." The one Zuo Qing introduced to Su Wei today is No. 315 Xinhua Road.

This house is one of the best on Xinhua Road in terms of land area and garden area.

Zuo Qing contacted Su Wei as soon as he knew the house was for sale.

Sure enough, when Su Wei heard about this house, he decided to come and see it.

In addition, when she saw Wang Xiaoyuan walking over just now, she nodded frequently, and she felt that the deal of this house must be a sure thing today.

"It's this bungalow? If it's this one, then we don't need to look at it." Wang Xiaoyuan didn't expect Zuo Qing to bring her to No. 315 Xinhua Road.

This house is on Xinhua Road, which is also very famous.

She may not know other houses, but not only does she know this house, but she has been here before.

"Is there something wrong with this bungalow? Why not?" Su Wei looked at the appearance of the bungalow and thought it was pretty good.

Looking in through the glass window, the inside has been renovated.

Although I didn't take a closer look, I could tell that the interior should be well decorated.

"Because I know the situation of this house, it was used as a private restaurant before, but I didn't expect it to be sold now." The place at No. 315 Xinhua Road was rented out to a private restaurant in the past.

Wang Xiaoyuan had dinner here with her parents before.

Of course, Wang Xiaoyuan is not satisfied with such a place.

"Ah, this house was used as a private restaurant before? That's really not allowed.

Zuo Qing, do you have that kind of old bungalow that hasn’t been rented out, preferably with a larger garden area?” Su Wei heard that this place was used as a private restaurant before, and his first reaction was to not want it.

The second reason was that he disliked that this place was in Changning.

After all, buying a bungalow is buying a location, so of course he wants to buy it in the city center.

"An old bungalow that hasn't been rented out before, with a larger area? There are old bungalows like this, but I'm afraid you, Mr. Su, won't like it."

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