Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 375 V I 100 show strength

"You really don't want to go up with me?" After seeing the house, Su Wei sent Wang Xiaoyuan to Jiuli on the Bund of China Resources.

It has been five years since Wang Xiaoyuan's family moved here in 13.

When the car reached the basement, she had already asked her aunt to come down.

Because this time Su Wei gave her dad a case of wine.

She is pregnant now, so it is definitely impossible to move by herself.

Now, while waiting for her aunt to come down, Wang Xiaoyuan asked Su Wei if he wanted to visit her house.

After all, her mother often told her to take Su Wei home.

"I won't go up. Didn't I agree that I will go to your house for dinner again during the Dragon Boat Festival?" If Su Wei said today, he would definitely not go up.

After all, it would be embarrassing if he went today.

Because he is not prepared at all right now.

And he has already made an appointment with Li Renfeng and the others to have dinner together at that time.

Mainly because they told him that today they called more than ten girls.

"Then what if my parents find out about me like this?" Wang Xiaoyuan touched her stomach while speaking.

Now her stomach is slightly raised.

At this level, she hasn't told her family yet.

Wang Xiaoyuan also noticed that Su Wei had no intention of getting married.

But she is pregnant with a child, so it is definitely impossible to get rid of it.

Now she can basically only take one step at a time.

Sometimes she really wanted to just confess to her family that she was pregnant and forget it.

That way, she wouldn't have to worry about being discovered.

"If they find out, then I'll come to your door tonight." Although Su Wei is relatively scumbag in terms of emotions, he is really not a scumbag.

If Wang Xiaoyuan's parents really knew about her pregnancy.

Then he would definitely go directly to Wang Xiaoyuan's house, and then go to ask for a crime.

After all, if he didn't go and let Wang Xiaoyuan face this kind of thing alone, he couldn't do it.

"Really?" Wang Xiaoyuan felt better when she heard what Su Wei said.

If she were to face this matter alone, she would really lose control of her emotions.

"When did I ever lie to you? Well, here comes Auntie." It's not that Su Wei has never lied to others, but his lies are all related to feelings.

For things like this, he really never lied.

At this time, seeing Wang Xiaoyuan's aunt coming down, he stopped talking.

After all, if my aunt heard something, it would be a disaster for me to shake it out.

"Xiaobai got married on the 25th, remember to free the car for her on the night of the 24th, you promised her." Wang Xiaoyuan saw her aunt coming, so she stopped talking about pregnancy.

At this time, she remembered that Xiaobai was going to get married in a few days.

At that time, Xiaobai was ordered by Qian Dinglingwan to remind Su Wei.

They will borrow a car on the 25th, and they may have to drive away on the night of the 24th.

"Don't worry, but Xiaobai really doesn't plan to ask me to be the best man?" Su Wei hasn't seen Xiaobai for a long time, and he really misses her.

Especially when she is on the bed, she is really good at twisting.

And she is learning vocal music, she can sing much more than the average person.

He originally wanted to be the best man this time, because he heard that many of the bridesmaids that Xiao Bai was looking for this time were people he had never seen before.

"The groom has his own best man, so you don't need to be the best man, you just go to dinner with me that day." Wang Xiaoyuan knew Su Wei too well, and knew that he must be going for the bridesmaid.

But the relationship between the groom and him is normal, how could he be invited to be the best man.

"This groom doesn't know what he thinks, I'll be his best man, that's his great blessing, okay?" Su Wei wanted to be his best man, but he didn't even think about it.

Who doesn't know what he's thinking about.

Unless the groom's mind is trapped by the door, how could he let Su Wei be the best man.

He and Xiaobai had been ambiguous in the first place, if he were to be the best man, the groom would not be laughed to death.

"Okay, don't be poor, I'll go up first.

Mama Zhang, the things I need to move are in the trunk, which is this box of wine, be careful, it's very expensive." This time Su Wei brought so much wine when he came back, Wang Xiaoyuan must bring some at home.

After all, her parents know that Su Wei bought a winery abroad,
Even if they don't know, those who should be filial should not be forgotten.

"Do you want me to pick you up tonight?" Seeing that Wang Xiaoyuan was going up, Su Wei hurriedly opened the car window and asked.

After all, if Wang Xiaoyuan was going to Gubei No. [-] at night, he would arrange for a driver to pick him up at that time.

"Forget it tonight, I'm going to sleep at home overnight"

. . . . . .

"Dad, Mom, I'm back." Wang Xiaoyuan opened the door and saw that her parents were at home today.

Normally, she remembered that her father would come back later.

Why did you come back so early today, and you got home before six o'clock.

"Yuanyuan is back, come in quickly, you can wash your hands and eat.

Hey, where is Xiao Su?He didn't come up with you? "Wang Xiaoyuan's mother stood up immediately when she heard the door opening.

I went to the door and looked, and found that Wang Xiaoyuan came back alone.

Behind her ass, there is no one else except Aunt Zhang Ma.

"Awei, he didn't come up with me. He's rather shy, and didn't he agree that he'll come to see you again during the Dragon Boat Festival?" Wang Xiaoyuan finally figured out why her father didn't come up with me today. Come back so early.

It turned out that they thought that Su Wei would come to eat at home today.

This made Wang Xiaoyuan really dumbfounded.

"I also want to say that he sent you down today, and he should come to say hello at home. After all, you have been together for so long, and I have never seen Xiaosu in person." called back.

It was because when Wang Xiaoyuan called, she was talking about Su Wei sending her back.

That's why Yuanyuan's mother specially called Yuanyuan's father back.

"Ma'am, I just met Xiao Su. This young man is very energetic and handsome." Su Wei's appearance can only be regarded as upper middle class.

But the temperament he has cultivated for so long will make him look very energetic.

"Mother Zhang, next time, don't tell others that Xiao Su is a young man, and that my son-in-law is so powerful. If you say that about him, people outside will think that we are arranging him at home.

By the way, this is the bar in Xiaosu Winery, wow, there are 12 bottles." Yuanyuan's father was very dissatisfied with Zhang's mother calling Su Wei a young man.

After all, this son-in-law of mine is a bigwig in the business world of Shanghai.

A commercial acquisition directly earned tens of billions.

Now he is called a young man by the aunt at home.

If people who don't know anything outside listen to it, they will think that Su Wei is a young man who has just left society.

"Yes, this wine is from Awei Winery. The vintages are all from 2000. The price of this bottle of wine is more than 3 yuan." Originally, this time, Su Wei planned to get the same vintage as Wang Xiaoyuan. nearby.

But this wine was only hidden in 1995.

And Wang Xiaoyuan was born in 1993.

Since there were not enough birthdays, Su Wei chose 12 bottles of 2000.

"It's so expensive, so I'm going to open a bottle today, try this Ausone wine, and see why it's worth more than 3 yuan." Yuanyuan's father is also considered a rich man.

It's normal to drink tens of thousands of dollars for a meal.

But tens of thousands of yuan for a bottle of wine is still relatively small.

One is that it is unnecessary, and the second is that there are relatively few such wines in the market.

"You brought back so much wine, your dad is happy now.

By the way, didn't you go to see the house today? How does the house look? "When Yuanyuan's mother called Wang Xiaoyuan in the afternoon, she was looking at the house.

That's why she knew that Wang Xiaoyuan went to see the house with Su Wei in the afternoon.

"The house is already on the lookout, but the price is a bit different." Wang Xiaoyuan also went to the balcony on the third floor to see what the next door looked like after the renovation.

It was found that after their house was remodeled, it was indeed very charming.

There is really no comparison between the alleys in her house and this one.

"If you want me to say, you might as well live in the Tan Palace, and you will have face if you talk about it. If you buy houses in other places, there is no face in the Tan Palace.

By the way, which neighborhood house are you looking at this time?I heard that the fifth phase of Cuihu is about to open, in fact, you can wait for the house in Cuihu." Yuanyuan's mother's idea, of course, is to hope that her daughter will live in Sandalwood Palace.

After all, who doesn't know that Sandalwood Palace is the most luxurious mansion in Shanghai.

Speaking of this name can directly scare a lot of people.

"The Tan Palace is where Ah Wei lives for his parents, and he dislikes that the residents in that community are all old people.

We went to see the old bungalows this time, not the houses in the community." Of course Wang Xiaoyuan knew this truth, but she thought it was useless, but Su Wei didn't want to live there.

Because Su Wei felt that the villas there were basically lived by the elderly.

He is such a young man, so he won't go there to join in the fun.

"Old bungalow? Which road is it? How much is the price?" Yuanyuan's mother really didn't expect that Wang Xiaoyuan and Su Wei would go to see the old bungalow.

She thought that people of their age would like to live in the flat floor.

That's why she recommended Green Lake World to Wang Xiaoyuan, so that it would be more convenient for them to visit their daughter.

"It's on Changle Road in Huangpu. The price is 3.8 million. I've paid back 8000 million. Now I'm waiting for the agent to talk to the landlord." Zuo Qing told Wang Xiaoyuan that the price of this old house must be negotiable.

But she was not sure how much she could go on talking about.

Wang Xiaoyuan's base price is 3.2 million yuan, and it doesn't have to be 8000 million yuan.

"An old bungalow on Changle Road in Huangpu? This location is good, but the price is too expensive. I said, it's about 3.8 million yuan." Yuanyuan's mother can't even imagine an old bungalow with [-] million yuan.

After all, such a house is almost equal to his family's assets.

"This old bungalow covers an area of ​​2000 square meters. Ah Wei told me that [-] million is not insured." Wang Xiaoyuan would raise the price because she believed in Su Wei's judgment.

After all, this time, he made tens of billions at a time.

"Xiao Su is really good at making money. I wanted to chat with him today, but it seems that I can only wait for the Mid-Autumn Festival."

. . . . . .

"Master, Brother He hasn't come yet."

"Don't rush, Brother He must be on his way."

"That's right, who is Brother He? Do you think he's the same as you, and has nothing to do?"

In Li Ziwei's live broadcast room, there were originally a lot of monsters and ghosts.

But this time they knew that they were going to meet Su Wei, and they were rarely in a rhythm.

After all, Su Wei is a great god, and now he is a believer in Huya.

Who wouldn't want to lick a man worth over a billion dollars in a fight?

"Don't worry everyone, Brother He is already on his way, we'll see him later." Li Ziwei glanced at the live broadcast room and found that they were all from Su Wei.

He was really convinced by the group of six-year-olds in the live broadcast room.

When he broadcasted by himself before, the live broadcast room was full of rhythm.

Now knowing that Su Wei is coming, this group of sixth boys lost their rhythm.

"It's early enough, so it's just the two of you, where's Lao Li? You haven't arrived yet, right? And it's not like today is full of girls?" Su Wei opened the door of the box and found that there were only Li Ziwei and Jin Gaode inside. .

Neither Li Renfeng nor the large group of girls that had been agreed upon showed up.

"Most of the girls have just woken up at this point, you may have to wait a while to see them, don't worry, the ones who come this time must be Tiancai.

As for Ah Feng, he has gone to the bathroom and will be back later." These women in Shanghai basically only wake up in the afternoon or evening.

At this point, many of them are on their way here, and some of them may have just woken up.

"You say, Lao Li is so young, he must have a problem with his prostate gland." Anyway, Li Renfeng is not here now, so Su Wei still doesn't work hard to arrange him.

Anyway, he couldn't hear it, so the arrangement was arranged.

"It's not good to say, but he does urinate a little too much recently." Jin Gaode followed Su Wei's words and began to improve Su Wei's arrangement.

After Jin Gaode's perfection, it seems that there is such a thing.

"Then when he comes back, we have to ask him carefully." Su Wei arranged for Li Renfeng, which is quite normal.

Because during his absence, these people must have arranged him a lot.

"Brother He, I haven't seen you for a long time, my brothers in the live broadcast room, you can say hello to them, and I will download the broadcast after I say hello." Li Ziwei originally saw Su Wei coming, so he planned to download the broadcast .

But the people in the live broadcast room kept swiping to say hello to Su Wei.

Li Ziwei had no choice but to talk to Su Wei.

"Farewell, master, the girls haven't come yet."

"I want to see Brother He, I want to see Big Lai Lai"

"It would be great if Brother He could say hello to us, everyone, don't take the rhythm."

Most of the people watching the live broadcast have a voyeuristic mind.

Apart from young ladies, what they like to watch most is watching the anchor's private life.

But there are still reasonable people who know that Su Wei is not a professional anchor.

If it made him unhappy, he might just shut down the broadcast.

"Hi everyone, long time no see." Su Wei looked at the barrage, all of them were saying hello to him.

After all, he is now the No. [-] god on the Internet, and his cards are not bad.

"Brother He heard that you bought a super yacht, when can you show us to meet?"

Su Wei bought a yacht, even if he himself forgot.

The group of people in the live broadcast room can help him recall.

"The superyacht is still at sea. When it returns to China, I will ask Weiwei to take you up there for fun." Su Wei's White Crane is planning to sail to the Huangpu River.

At that time, there must be a bunch of people every day, coming to the side of the yacht to take pictures and check in.

Since so many people want to see it, he will satisfy them and let them look inside the yacht through the lens.


"Brother Crane, you're so awesome"

"Brother He heard that your value has skyrocketed, let's eat with V100"

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