"Forget about the V100, I can't get it out, how about this, I will take a photo, and you will post your Alipay number and surname on the barrage, as long as your number and surname are in the photo I took, then I will give it to the person in the picture." Send 1 yuan" The people who watch the live broadcast are basically students.

Because only they are the ones who have the most time and don't know what to do.

Although they said V100 this time, this sentence is just a joke.

But Su Wei still planned to give them a little reward.

Of course, this ten thousand can only be a small reward for Su Wei.

But for the people in the live broadcast room, this reward is already great.

"What's the matter? Why did I hear that you wanted to send money as soon as I came here?" At this time, the door of the box was opened, and it turned out that Li Renfeng had returned.

As soon as he opened the door of the box, he heard Su Wei say that he would send money live.

This made him puzzled, thinking that Su Wei had been framed.

"I should ask you, why are there so many girls behind you?" Su Wei looked back and found that Li Renfeng was followed by several girls.

And the looks of these girls are all good looking.

Su Wei already guessed that these girls should be called by Jin Gaode.

But he wondered why these women came with Li Renfeng.

"Just now after I went to the toilet, I happened to meet them, so we came in together.

What are you doing, taking pictures?You're old-fashioned, now that Huya has a TV function, you don't need to draw a lottery like this." Li Renfeng met these women at the door of the toilet.

Two of them were touching up their makeup outside the toilet, and the other was planning to send a message to Kingaode which room was in it.

At this time, a girl who was touching up her makeup happened to know Li Renfeng.

So the four of them went back to the box together.

"You know what a fart, I'm the only one right.

Weiwei, come here and get the live broadcast room, I will take pictures, and we must ensure fairness in the lottery draw." Su Wei is a reborn person, how could he not know that Huya has a TV function.

Why didn't he use it? Of course he didn't want to be cheated.

After all, the TV function of Huya was designed by the technical department.

If it was a small prize, the people in Huya's technical department would certainly not be tempted.

But Su Wei doesn't believe in the character of this kind of barrage that draws tens of thousands.

After all, if this kind of thing wants to be fake, it costs them nothing at all, it's just a matter of moving their fingers.

So Su Wei gave up the function of going on TV, but took pictures by himself to draw a lottery.

Only in this way is the most fair.

"Brother Crane is awesome"

"It's still the atmosphere of Brother He"

"Brother He, can I come to the devil to find you and hang out with you?"

Most of the people in the live broadcast room are not fans of Li Ziwei's family.

Because of Su Wei's launch, there are now fans from various companies in the live broadcast room.

They didn't expect that Su Wei would come to a lottery for taking photos at this time.

In this case, it means that everyone can participate.

As for the barrage lottery on TV, although fans are not required, it costs [-] silver beans to draw once.

Everyone knows that if you want to win the lottery, it is best to post more barrage.

That's why Su Wei's participation method is so popular.

"Three, two, one is good, the filming is finished, let me take a look, there are five bullet screens on it, but only three bullet screens are the dialed numbers and surnames, let me show you, it is indeed three numbers, then I just transferred money to these three people, and the other two don’t have numbers, so there’s nothing I can do.” Li Ziwei took the live broadcast room, and Su Wei took pictures with his mobile phone.

After counting to three, a photo was taken.

Here in the anchor shot, only five barrages can pop up each time.

So the number of people drawn by Su Wei is five people.

Of the five drawn by Su Wei this time, only three of the bullet screens were numbers and surnames.

As for the other two bullet screens, one is playing hahaha, and the other is confessing to her goddess.

The two of them did this because they thought they would not be drawn.

Unexpectedly, they were drawn.

"These two evil pens are wasting the opportunity for nothing"

"That's right, why don't you give me a chance?"

"You want to confess your goddess, go directly to reality, who do you want to impress by posting on the Internet?"

In this lottery, a total of five people were selected.

The number of people who participated this time was no less than 5.

They saw that two of them were useless, and the lungs that were so angry were about to explode.

I think these two people, if they don't play this barrage, they might be drawn.

After all, this is 1 yuan, whether it is shopping or looking for a girl, it will be fun for a long time.

"Okay everyone, now that the prize draw is over, I'll download it." Seeing that the prize draw was over, Li Ziwei immediately downloaded it regardless of the group of people in the live broadcast room.

After all, he has already opened a live broadcast company now, and he no longer needs his own high-intensity live broadcast every day.

After a while, he may not broadcast live often.

. . . . . .

"Why are there so few people here? Please sit down with my friend first, and I'll go out and make a phone call." Jin Gaode looked at it and found that only three women had come.

In other words, there are still five women who have not come.

He made an excuse to go out and make a phone call, except to urge them.

Another reason is that these three women are not divided enough.

After all, now including him in the box, there are a total of four men.

"Can you do this, why don't I call some girls?" Li Ziwei saw three of Jin Gaode's girls, and he started to tease him.

Because in the past, it was true that Jin Gaode had a lot of girls.

As long as he makes a phone call, they will not worry about not having a girl at night.

After all, Jin Gaode's family has a good relationship with the bar.

But now it is different from the past, Li Ziwei opened a live broadcast company.

Now the last thing he lacks around him is a girl.

As long as he makes a phone call, he can call a group of girls at any time.

"Stop calling those female anchors of yours, and it was agreed today that I will come to find someone." Jin Gaode was extremely contemptuous of Li Ziwei's behavior of calling a female anchor.

Because there are not many female anchors in his company who are good-looking.

That is to say, in the camera, those women can still see.

When it comes to offline, there aren't many good looks that can compare with the girl he called.

"Okay, okay, come here, come here" Li Ziwei just said hello, because the quality of the girls in his company is really average.

Don't look at the goddesses of many people on the Internet, but in reality, many of them die after seeing the light.

If Jin Gaode really asked him to find someone, he would be dumbfounded.

After all, if Su Wei is here today, he must be looking for that kind of female anchor of Tiancai level, but this kind of temporary search is not easy to find.

"Old Jin, talk to them carefully, don't get angry." Su Wei knew that Jin Gaode would really lose his temper with women.

Because there are too many girls around him, he really never lacks beautiful girls.

"Don't worry, I'm calling." Jin Gaode went out this time, and if he wanted to call some more girls over.

Because these girls who didn't come, it would be bad if they let him go.

Thinking of this, he began to dig out his WeChat.

Then find out the WeChat accounts of those good-looking girls and ask them if they have an appointment tonight.

"Hey, don't stand there, come and sit, we don't eat people, you come to my side.

That's right, what's your name? "Of the three girls who came in this time, Su Wei picked the tallest one at a glance.

Because there was still childishness on her face.

The other two seemed to be much more sophisticated than her.

Although the two of them are also very beautiful, Su Wei still didn't choose them.

"Hello, brother, my name is Tiantian." Tiantian is a sophomore this year, and she came here with her friends today.

Because Jin Gaode promised them that as long as they come out, they will each give three thousand.

The task is to accompany them to dinner at night, and then go to KTV or bar to drink.

"I don't think you should be called Tiantian, you should be called Xiangxiang." Seeing that Tiantian was sitting a little far away from him, Su Wei hugged her waist and lap.

I smelled it on her and found that she smelled so good.

Of course it's not body odor, but the smell of perfume.

"Oh, brother, you are so bad, you scared me just now." Xiangxiang doesn't know Su Wei, she came here today just for money.

After all, a meal and a drink cost 3000 yuan.

As for being taken advantage of by a man in the middle, she had already realized it before she came.

"Hey Brother Su, I heard from Brother Feng that you plan to buy a ranch from Laomei." Li Renfeng had already publicized the fact that Su Wei wanted to buy a ranch.

So not only Li Ziwei knew, but even Jin Gaode knew.

What Li Ziwei didn't know was what Su Wei planned to do with the ranch.

"I have this plan. My dad wants to be an owner, but the domestic side can only rent, so I put the idea on Laomei." It was originally a choice between New Zealand and Laomei.

But the place in New Zealand is relatively small, and the price has no advantage compared to Laomei.

So Su Wei and his father decided to choose Lao Mei.

"Ranch? Is uncle planning to raise cattle and sheep?" Tiantian didn't expect this man to choose her.

His father actually wanted to go to Laomei's place to engage in breeding.

This proves that his family's conditions should be okay.

Tiantian is already considering whether to have a formal relationship with him.

After all, if their family develops in Laomei, they are likely to immigrate later.

When she gets on this train, she will be able to immigrate to the United States successfully.

"Basically, I mainly want to buy a piece of land. When the hunting season comes, I can take someone with a gun to hunt on my own land." Su Wei glanced at Tian Tian and thought how could she ask such a stupid question .

It took a long time to realize that she might not know herself.

It made him feel like a failure, that he was still not that famous.

The reason why Su Wei bought the ranch this time is very simple, because he can hunt freely there.

When Laomei's hunting season comes, they can hunt wolves and black bears.

When the time comes, he will bring a group of people into the forest to hunt bears. It will be exciting to think about it.

"Ah Wei, how much land do you want to buy? You want to hunt on your own land?" At the beginning, Li Renfeng thought that Su Wei would only buy a land of hundreds or thousands of acres.

But he heard from Su Wei that he still planned to hunt on his own territory.

In that case, the required area would be in the sea.

"Yes, I expected at least tens of thousands of acres of land, because if the place is too small, it won't be interesting to play." Since Su Wei wants to be a big landlord, the area to buy must not be small.

He went online to read that someone had bought tens of thousands of acres of land.

In this case, he also planned to at least buy such a large land.

"Ten thousand acres, that's more than 6 acres of land, Weiwei, show me how big is Huangpu?" Li Renfeng almost choked when he drank water when he heard Su Wei's words.

Because their family spent more than 500 million dollars to buy more than 1000 acres.

When he saw it, he felt that his family's farm was extremely big.

But what Su Wei means now is that he plans to buy land ten times the size of his family.

And it just so happens that the smallest district in the city is Whampoa.

Li Renfeng planned to see if Huangpu had [-] acres of land.

"Wait, let me check first. The Internet says that Huangpu has 20 square kilometers, and the area of ​​one square kilometer is 1500 mu. What the hell, Huangpu only has [-] mu of land? Brother Su, you want to buy two places as big as Huangpu for hunting? Li Ziwei took out his mobile phone and checked, and found that Huangpu did not have [-] acres.

Not to mention 5000 acres, there are only about [-] acres.

After all, within the 20 square kilometers of Huangpu, it also includes nearly two square kilometers of sea area.

In terms of land area, Huangpu may not even reach 5000 acres.

"Two Huangpus for [-] acres? That's too small, so I have to buy at least tens of thousands of acres. By the way, what's the phone number of your agent, Lao Li?" Two Whampoa big.

Then he made a mistake in his calculation. It would take at least [-] acres.

After all, the area of ​​Huangpu is really small.

In particular, he also needs mountains, lakes, forests, and plains.

Looking at it this way, at least [-] acres are enough.

"I've already looked for it, this is the phone number, you, you won't call her now, right? It's only past six o'clock in the morning at Laomei's side." Domestic time is 12-13 faster than Laomei's hours.

It's not even seven o'clock domestic time yet, so Laomei should be around six o'clock in the morning.

When Li Renfeng saw that Su Wei was going to make a phone call, he hurriedly stopped him.

"If he wants to make money playing with women, then he is not afraid that I will wake him up." Su Wei bought the land this time, at least tens of millions of dollars.

This must be the other party, it's time to accommodate him.

If the other party has a temper, at worst he can change someone.

After all, the real estate agents on Laomei's side are really scary.

"That's right, the ranch that Brother Su is going to buy this time, if the agent can make the deal, he can stay up for three days and three nights." The real estate agent on Laomei's side has a very high draw.

On the domestic side, at most [-]% to [-]% is about the same.

As for Laomei, they smoked [-]%.

So Li Ziwei is right, if Su Wei's deal can be successful.

That intermediary can be fed for a year with this order.

"I'm superficial, then Ah Wei, you can fight." Li Renfeng thought for a while, and it was indeed the case.

If he keeps blocking, I'm afraid the other side will blame him if they find out.

After all, compared to making money, being woken up early is nothing.

"Oh, by the way, is this person white or Chinese?" Su Wei started dialing, and then remembered to ask Li Renfeng if this person was white or Chinese.

Because Su Wei knew that Li Renfeng didn't like black people.

So when his family bought the farm, they must not have been looking for black people.

"That must be a white person. Outside, it's best not to touch those Chinese. They like cheating people the most." Generally, it's when fellow villagers see fellow villagers, with tears in their eyes.

But after going abroad, it is best not to have such thoughts.

Otherwise, if you are sold out, the other party may still call you stupid.

"I know, I understand everything"

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hi, I'm Jennifer"

"Lao Li, why is this a woman?"

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