Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 377 Have I Seen You?

Chapter 377 Have I Seen You?

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hello, I'm Jennifer." Jennifer is warming up at home at this point, and plans to go out for a morning run later.

At this time her phone rang, she picked it up and saw that it was a foreign number.

But she is not surprised by this, because her clients are all over the world.

After all, the United States is now the largest country in the world, and rich people from all over the world plan to come here to buy properties.

So more than one-third of her clients are from other countries.

"Old Liu, why is this a woman?" Su Wei's first reaction when he heard the call was to ask if this woman was the agency's girlfriend or wife.

But it's impossible to think about it, after all, everyone has declared themselves.

It was only then that Su Wei remembered that he hadn't asked Li Renfeng whether the other party was a man or a woman.

"She's a woman, didn't I tell you?" Li Renfeng deliberately didn't tell Su Wei that the agency was a woman this time.

Moreover, this female intermediary has a very high appearance and a very top figure.

Li Renfeng tried to flirt with her, but the other party didn't seem to accept the move.

"Grass, I really admire you, the sixth child.

Hello, my name is Sue, I'm Jacob's friend, I'm planning to buy a ranch, and he introduced you to me, he said you're a great real estate salesman" Su Wei originally wanted to find a male agent, In this way, the other party can better understand his needs.

After all, there are women who play hunting, but there are really not many of them.

But Li Renfeng has already been introduced, and he has already talked with the other party.

So even if it's a female intermediary, you can only try it out.

I believe that as long as I make my request clear, then she should be fine.

"Thank you, he and his family, for being a great client too.

What kind of ranch do you want to buy?Is it the same as Jacob's? "Jennifer was still wondering why she called at this hour.

But when she thought of Jacob, she knew that the call was from Huaxia.

Thinking of Jacob, she thought of the generosity of this Chinese guest.

At that time, after they took a fancy to the farm, they directly paid 500 million in one lump sum.

This time, if it was Huaxia's customer, he would be able to buy such an expensive farm.

Then she can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars this year relying on these two big clients.

"His ranch is too small. The ranch I want to buy must have large plains, large lakes, and large forests. It can also have mountains and hills." The farm of Li Renfeng's family only has more than 1000 acres of land.

How could Su Wei, who had planned to buy tens of thousands of acres of land from the beginning, be interested in such a small place.

"Wow, it seems that the ranch you want is very large, Su. Is there any size limit?" Jennifer heard Su Wei say that there should be a ranch on a large plain, a large lake, and a large forest.

And if there are mountains and hills, he doesn't mind sometimes.

She knew that Su Wei's ideal ranch must be very large.

And this price may be much more expensive than Jacob's.

"The larger the area, the better, because I want to hunt in my own territory." Hunting in my own territory, if I go out after running for a few minutes or ten minutes, it would be boring.

Su Wei's idea is that his family should at least be able to ride a horse to chase prey.

As for the size of the area, he didn't want to limit her ability.

If this Jennifer can find millions of acres of land, as long as he can afford it, then he will take it directly.

After all, who would think too much of land?

Occupy more land for yourself, then of course others will occupy less land.

"It's great to hunt in your own territory. Su, are you in China now? If we were in the United States, we could talk face to face." Jennifer was very sure at this time that she had met a super boss.

Of course, if it wasn't for Jacob's introduction, she definitely wouldn't have believed it.

But she had sold the farm to Jacob's family and knew that his family was very rich.

His family's villa in Irvine, California is worth more than 800 million dollars, more expensive than the thousand-acre farm.

As his friend, that family must also be very rich.

She couldn't wait to meet him and talk to him face to face.

After all, a client like him would be snapped up in the United States.

"I'm still in Huaxia. I'll fly over when you're sure you've found a pasture here." Su Wei is definitely not in a hurry to go to Laomei's side now.

After all, his Baihe office building will open tomorrow, and Xiaobai will get married the day after tomorrow.

At the very least, he will wait until the end of May or the beginning of June before leaving for the United States.

"OK, I've found the ranch you requested, then I'll send you an email to tell you." Jennifer originally planned to go for a morning run, but she answered the phone call.

How could she still be in the mood to go for a run, so she quickly turned on her computer and started working.

After all, she didn't know how many agencies this Su had contacted.

If other intermediaries are ahead of her, take this client down.

To put it bluntly, she may regret it for 10 years.

For such a large order of more than [-] million, an intermediary may not be able to open a single order in a lifetime.

"Brother Su, I'll show you something nice. This is the photo of the agency." Seeing that Su Wei hung up the phone, Li Ziwei showed Su Wei Li Renfeng's phone.

When Su Wei called just now, Li Ziwei and Li Renfeng had been seeing the agency.

Li Ziwei really didn't expect that this agency was so beautiful.

Not to mention the blond hair, the key is that she has a thin waist, buttocks, big breasts, and a pretty face.

"Fuck, you're so top-notch. When did you come, Lao Jin? There are so many girls here." Su Wei took the phone from Li Ziwei and realized that this agency was too top-notch.

With such good conditions, wouldn't it be better to be in Hollywood.

No wonder Li Renfeng's expression was wrong just now, maybe he has fucked him before.

Only then did Su Wei notice that there were many more girls in the box.

Jin Gaode, who went out before, has also returned.

"We came early, but you were on the phone just now, so I didn't bother you. Are you really buying a ranch?" Jin Gaode didn't go out for a long time, and the girls he had dated came over one after another.

He led them to the box, and saw that there was no sound in the box.

It turned out that everyone was listening to Su Wei making a phone call in English, even if there was something they didn't understand, it didn't spoil the atmosphere.

After listening for a while, Jin Gaode understood that it was Su Wei who was contacting Laomei's real estate agency.

"Brother Su even called the agent, so it must be true." Who is Su Wei? He is the owner of the Gemini Building.

He is the man who bought Chateau Ausone and two yachts worth more than [-] million euros.

He was the man who defeated the Yang Group and earned tens of billions at a time.

To him, buying a ranch is not easy.

"Awei, you are going to buy a ranch this time, so bring me with you when the time comes, and I can give you a reference when the time comes, after all, my family just bought a farm." Li Renfeng wanted to go to the United States this time. Give Su Wei guidance.

He was actually thinking about the past, to see if he could chat with Jennifer.

After all, she might have just met her, so she was a little shy.

But this time, he and Jennifer are not strangers.

If he could take Jennifer down, he'd be blown away.

"Yes, yes, bring me with you. I can still broadcast live at that time. Have you ever seen this kind of live broadcast content?" Li Ziwei wanted to go to the United States, but it was not a live broadcast at all.

After all, the place Su Wei went to this time must be in the mountains.

In places abroad, the signal is okay except in cities.

In that kind of mountainous area, the signal is as bad as possible.

On this condition, there will be ghosts if you can broadcast live.

He wanted to go there, but in fact, he wanted to play.

"You two b, really pretended that I didn't know you were after the girl." Li Ziwei just showed Su Wei the photo of Jennifer.

Now that I told him that I wanted to go to the United States together, it would be strange if anyone couldn't see their purpose.

But Su Wei didn't care, at least the road wasn't boring when they went.

"Okay, okay, let's go to the table, almost everyone has come, as for those who haven't come yet, don't wait for them.

Waiter, it's time to serve." Jin Gaode started to call eight girls this time, and he planned to have two girls for each of them.

But many girls in the back were late, so he called a few more.

There are already ten girls in the box.

There are two other girls on their way.

"Eat and eat, brother Su just came back from Europe this time, we must have some drinks.

Waiter, do you have Ausone wine here?" This time Su Wei hasn't seen each other for so long, they must have some drinks.

If it was before, it must be any wine.

But it's different now, after all, Su Wei bought Ausone wine.

Since Su Wei is the owner of Ausone Wine, of course they must drink Ausone Wine.

"Ausone wine? Is it whiskey? I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it." The wine that the waiter knows is basically available in the store.

The name Ausone Wine, she thought it was some brand of whiskey.


"Brother Su, you bought this Chateau Ausone this time. Although it is one of the eight famous chateaus in Bordeaux, it is still too low-key in China." Jingao De and the others laughed silly when they heard the waiter's words.

Because the wine from Ausone, one of the eight famous chateaus in France, was actually asked if it was whiskey.

"I don't want to keep a low profile, but my winery has more than 100 acres of land and produces tens of thousands of bottles of wine a year. You understand that a smart woman can't live without rice." The wine of Ausone Chateau is undoubtedly good wine.

But its output is really too little.

The genuine brand produces more than 2 bottles a year, and only more than 1 bottles will be sold.

Distributed all over the world, it is really inconspicuous at all.

"Brother Su, you still have a winery in France? That's amazing." Tiantian didn't expect that Brother Su actually had a winery in France.

In that case, his family must be very rich.

No wonder when Jin Gaode talked to him, he felt that he was flattering this Brother Su.

"Your brother Su's winery in France is one of the eight famous chateaus in Bordeaux, as famous as Lafite." Li Ziwei now really feels that Su Wei is the best.

Especially the winery I bought this time, it is one of the eight famous wineries in France.

Mr. Ma is such an awesome person, the best winery he bought was only in the third rank.

Compared with Su Wei's, his winery is really worse than 01:30.

"Really? Wouldn't that bottle of wine cost thousands of dollars?" These girls have also drank domestic French red wine.

But the best wine I drank was the red wine from the third-growth winery, which was a little better than the table wine.

That is Gege and Mr. Ma, the level of the best winery under their name.

"Of course it costs thousands of bottles, but it's not RMB, but Euros." After Su Wei bought Chateau Ausone this time, Jingao De and the others specifically checked the chateau.

I didn't know how good it was before, but after checking the information, I found out that it is the emperor of the right bank of Bordeaux.

If it weren't for the low output, the reputation would be even greater.

"Awei, didn't you say that this time you come back, you want us to drink enough of the Ausone wine? Where's your wine now?" Li Renfeng and the others have been waiting for Su Wei's wine for a long time.

After all, what they can buy outside is basically after 2010.

As for Ausone wines, the best ones are aged over 10 years.

"The wine must be enough for you to drink. I have already asked someone to pick it up. I will bring a case of wine later. I want to see how much you can drink." When Su Wei was on the table before, he had already sent a message to ask the bodyguard to pick it up wine.

When he went out today, he brought two boxes of wine specially.

One box was for Wang Xiaoyuan's father, and he kept the other box for himself to drink.

It's not that Wang Xiaoyuan didn't give more, but that he planned to stay on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"President Su, the wine is here." The bodyguards who went to Europe this time are all resting today.

It was not just as simple as taking a day off, Su Wei also rewarded each of them with 2 yuan.

The rest of the people are all performing well.

When thinking about going out, Su Weineng would take them with him.

"Okay, let's go down." Seeing the wine coming, Su Wei opened the box directly.

I saw that there were exactly twelve bottles of red wine.

In fact, a box of twelve bottles of Bordeaux red wine is very particular.

Because the oak barrels in Bordeaux can hold exactly 300 bottles of red wine.

And twelve bottles of red wine happened to be a weight that an adult male could easily carry.

"I'll see if it's a vintage wine. You won't give us the wine from last year, right?" Li Renfeng asked Su Wei to take the wine this time because the vintage wine of Ausone is not easy to buy in the market.

Even if you can buy it, the price is too high.

"Look clearly, it was released in 2007, and it's all over 10 years old." Su Wei was grateful in his heart, fortunately he found thousands of bottles of hidden wine.

Otherwise, he would be humiliated if he went to the market to buy a bunch of Ausone's new wine to entertain people.

"Brother Su, isn't the shelf life of this wine only ten years?" At this time, a girl was puzzled when she heard Su Wei's words.

Because she saw on the wine label before that the shelf life of red wine is only ten years.

This 2007 wine has been 11 years old, isn't it already expired?

"The red wine you bought before, it was because of the national regulations that you must mark the shelf life, so the red wine is marked for 10 years." Because the alcohol content of red wine exceeds 10 degrees, it can be stored for a long time.

That kind of wine that has been for decades, at worst, just turns into vinegar.

But for the human body, there is no harm.

"Oh, that's right. Then I'll hoard a batch of red wine for ten years, so I'll get rich." The girl thought red wine was the same as white wine.

The longer it lasts, the higher the price will be.

"If you hoard a case of red wine for ten years, you will get a case of garbage. Not every kind of red wine tastes good when it is aged. This wine from Brother Su is because of the status of the famous chateau, so Only by hoarding can you make money." Su Wei's Ausone wine, that's because the best taste is more than ten years later.

But for ordinary table wine wines, the best taste is within two to three years.

After this time, the taste of the wine will not work.

"Come on, girls, you all stand up, let's toast Brother Su first, after all, Su Wei provided hundreds of thousands of wine today"

. . . . . .

"Brother Su, why don't you go in when we get there?" The place to eat is next to the KTV.

The girl next to Su Wei is, of course, Tian Tian.

It was hard for her to stand firm in this position.

"I still have to wait for someone, you go in first." Su Wei came to the door of KTV with Tiantian in his arms, and he didn't leave.

Because he had already sent Xiang Qing a message when he was eating, she should be there soon.

Tonight Su Wei plans to play a little bigger and bring a few more girls to the hotel.

Didn't Xiang Qing beg him? He wanted to see if she could accept such a play.

"Brother Su, why don't I wait here with you, so that you won't be bored?" Tiantian managed to grab the seat, afraid that someone else would take it for her.

So she thought, she might as well wait here with Su Wei.

"No need, I saw her car has already arrived." At this moment, Su Wei saw Xiang Qing's Mercedes-Benz A approaching.

And she didn't come alone this time, because there was another person in the co-pilot.

"Okay, Brother Su, I'll go in first." Tiantian saw that Su Wei clearly refused, and there were also girls in the car.

She went in a little sullen, because she wanted to talk to Su Wei about a never-ending relationship.

From the looks of it now, he was not a big fish that she could catch.

"Hey Brother Su, I'm not late today, am I?" When Xiang Qing came over, she saw that Su Wei had already arrived.

I thought I was too late.

Mainly because of her, I went to accompany my best friend at night.

"You didn't come late, it should be just right, who is this?" Before Su Wei, he just felt that the girl of Xiang Qing's co-pilot was very pretty.

But after she got out of the car, Su Wei frowned.

Because of this woman, he felt that he had seen it before.

"This is my best friend Shi Feiyu. She has been staying at home by herself every day recently, so I took her out to play today." Xiang Qing received a call from her best friend this afternoon.

Said that she was so bored at home, let her go to accompany her.

She used to be a playmate for three hours, and when it was time to leave, Shi Feiyu had to follow her out.

Xiang Qing had no choice but to take her with her.

"Hello, I'm Shi Feiyu, what's the matter, is there something dirty on my face? You keep looking at my face" Shi Feiyu came here this time, just for fun.

She didn't know Su Wei's identity at all.

All he knew was that he was Xiang Qing's client, and Xiang Qing was selling him a house.

When I saw Su Wei, I found that this man was quite handsome.

It's just strange that he kept looking at her with straight eyes.

"Have I seen you?"

(End of this chapter)

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