Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 378 Can You Add Me One

Chapter 378 Can You Add Me

"Have I met you?" Although Su Wei was not sure, he felt that he should have seen the woman named Shi Feiyu in front of him.

But he just couldn't remember where he had seen her.

So when he asked, he wasn't sure.

"Probably not, because I don't have any impression of you." Seeing Su Wei looking at her like this, Shi Feiyu felt a little unhappy in his heart.

After all, today she just wants to come out and relax because there are too many things going on recently.

But Xiang Qing's client in front of him wanted to strike up a conversation with her.

She can be sure that she absolutely does not know this man.

Because she looked at people so nakedly, if she had seen it before, she would definitely be impressed.

"Brother Su, you must have identified the wrong person. My best friend, I haven't been out much in the past two years." Xiang Qing and her best friend have known each other for many years.

But in the past few years, although I have been in contact, it is not as frequent as in the beginning.

Because in the past few years, she basically stayed at home.

But recently, the relationship between the two of them has begun to increase again.

She looked at Shi Feiyu's expression, and knew that she really didn't know Su Wei.

"Okay, maybe I've identified the wrong person. I was a little too drunk just now, so let's go in." Su Wei thought for a long time, but he really couldn't think of anything.

He felt that he might have misremembered, because if he had seen this woman before, he would definitely not forget it.

After all, she was really good looking.

Today, Shi Feiyu was wearing a dark T-shirt, a black knit jacket outside, and an orange skirt underneath.

So Su Wei thought he had drunk too many people, so his memory was a little off.

Since he admitted his mistake, he didn't continue to dwell on this matter.

"Qingqing, who is this person?" Shi Feiyu looked at Su Wei's back, wanting to know who this person was.

If you want to strike up a conversation with her, just use such a bad excuse.

After being denied by her, she was dragged back to [-] to [-].

"He is one of my clients, and now he plans to buy an old bungalow." She didn't want Shi Feiyu to know about the matter between Xiang Qing and Su Wei.

After all, it's really embarrassing to say that kind of thing.

And today, she came here to accompany her.

Who knew that her best friend would definitely follow her.

Xiang Qing brought Shi Feiyu here when she really had no choice.

"Buy an old bungalow? He doesn't intend to play the unspoken rules on you, does he?" Shi Feiyu knows that his best friend is engaged in high-end real estate.

In their industry, unspoken rules happen from time to time.

So Shi Feiyu's first reaction was whether her best friend was being manipulated by this man.

If this is the case, then she must not agree.

"Why, he came out to sing today, I'll come over to socialize." Su Wei didn't want to unspoken rules, but Xiang Qing was eager to be unspoken.

After all, the unspoken rule is to sleep for others, but sleeping for whom is not sleeping.

Moreover, Su Wei is so young, looks good, and the most important thing is that he has a lot of money.

With such a perfect match, Xiang Qing still hopes to play for a long time.

"It's not the best. Now I'm rich. You are my sister. After a while, I will take care of you when I get the money." Shi Feiyu really didn't boast this time.

What she has been busy with recently is taking over some assets.

It's just that the money hasn't arrived in her card yet.

In other words, the money will never reach her card.

But the living expenses paid to her every month are enough for her to squander.

When she has money, taking care of Xiang Qing is just a simple matter.

"You are the best for me." Xiang Qing didn't believe a single word of Shi Feiyu's words.

Because she said this three years ago.

But in the past three years, except that her tone has become louder, the living conditions have really not changed much.

But what I have to say is that there are indeed more people around her.

"Here we are, this is the box, but my friend called a lot of girls today, they like crowded people, so don't be too surprised later." Now there are more than ten girls in here.

Su Wei vaccinated them in advance, otherwise he might scare them later.

After all, there are only four men including him, and there are so many women, so everyone would think too much.

"This person is too pretentious, a little bit so arrogant." Shi Feiyu really thought, why is this person so arrogant.

There are more people inside, so I have to talk about this matter specifically.

Did he think that this was the first time he came to this kind of place, and he would be surprised by the number of people in the box?
"I know you're going to become a super rich woman in a while, and then you can hit him in the face with money, but wait until I get this bungalow in order." As long as Xiang Qing's business is done, That's a few million commissions.

When the time comes, her buying a house in Shanghai can be put on the agenda.

If this is ruined by her best friend, she will really cry.

"What I said is true. I will become super rich in a while, definitely richer than him." Seeing that Xiang Qing didn't believe her words, Shi Feiyu really didn't know what to say. .

The main reason is that she knows that she has said such things too many times before.

Now she is really going to get rich, but her best friend doesn't believe it.

"Okay, okay, I believe you, let's go, we're going in." Xiang Qing said she believed it, but she really didn't believe it in her heart.

After all, the story of the wolf is coming, it will be boring to talk too much.

"Hey, after a while, you will believe me"

. . . . . .

"Brother Su, I just said why did you go there? I didn't see anyone when I came in. It turned out that you took the girls by yourself today." After Jin Gaode and the others came in, they searched for a long time but did not see Su Wei.

After asking Tiantian later, I found out that Su Wei went to pick him up.

They really didn't expect that Su Wei would pick up a girl.

After all, there are already more than ten girls in this box.

There are many good-looking ones.

And most importantly, most of these people are students.

Not much else to say, it's really tender.

"Brother Su, you brought the girls here yourself. Are the remaining girls all from the three of us?" Li Ziwei said so, but he was really not in such a hurry now.

Because since he opened a brokerage company, he has passed too many women.

The woman he chose today, he didn't flirt with her much.

It made the woman think that Li Ziwei was not interested in her.

It made her doubt her own appearance.

"There are so many girls, how can you eat?" Su Wei also knew that they were just having fun.

There are more than ten girls here, but one person can get four girls.

If it's the kind of person who hasn't been in bed for a long time, Su Wei believes that he might be able to do it.

But rich second generations like Li Ziwei and the others roll around among women every day.

To them, so many women are not enjoyment, but torture.

"Awei, have you ever fucked the two girls you brought, especially the one at the back?" Li Renfeng saw Shi Feiyu with a glance.

Because she is the best-looking one in the whole audience.

And compared to the other girls in the box, she has more charm.

So his plan is, if Su Wei has never fucked this woman, then he will take the initiative to attack.

"This girl in stockings is a colleague of a friend of mine, but my friend has a bit of a problem with her, so I called her over today because I actually planned to teach her a lesson in bed at night.

As for the other woman is her best friend, she brought her here, and I just met her." Su Wei didn't expect that Xiang Qing would bring a best friend here today.

And this best friend of hers is actually so good-looking.

Originally, his plan tonight was to drag Xiang Qing into the toilet and do it for her directly.

But now that her best friend is here, she definitely can't do this.

After all, Su Wei wanted to take down Shi Feiyu more than taking down Xiangqing.

"This woman must have come here to look at her best friend, she was afraid that her best friend would be picked up by someone drunk.

Would you like me to be your wingman, or I'm afraid you won't be able to take her down?" Li Renfeng thought that Shi Feiyu came here to supervise Xiang Qing.

So his plan is to let him be his wingman.

Go specifically to talk to Shi Feiyu, and then create opportunities for Su Wei.

"No, I've always had a good appetite, I can eat two of them." Su Wei only ate two, so there's nothing he can't eat.

He was on the European White Crane, but he ate more than ten models at a time.

Although my feet were soft when I got off the boat, I did eat them all over.

"But I seem to know this woman." Li Renfeng stared at Shi Feiyu's face, feeling that she looked familiar.

But he thought for a long time, but he didn't remember who she was.

"You feel this way too?"

. . . . . .

"Tiantian, what's the situation? Where did these two girls come from?" Qiqi called Tiantian to come this time, when she saw Xiang Qing and Shi Feiyu.

Quickly ask your best friend, what is the situation.

After all, didn't she accompany Su Wei well, why did Su Wei call other girls over.

"I don't know, it seems to be his friend." Tiantian was speechless when she encountered this incident.

Originally, she was thinking whether this Su Wei would be a warm man.

After all, when there were so many women during the meal, he chose himself.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a sugar cane man.

The only time to warm her was during a meal, and then she was thrown aside.

So after Tiantian entered the KTV box, even if she saw Su Wei coming, she didn't say hello.

"Do you know this Brother Su, who is he?" Tiantian's best friend Qiqi, saw Tiantian's indifferent look.

She was really going to be pissed off, this Tian Tian probably didn't know who Su Wei was.

"Who is he? Is he famous?" Tiantian looks so pretty, so she still has a lot of licking dogs.

For a sugarcane man like Su Wei, she certainly wouldn't give him a good look.

Seeing her girlfriend's appearance, she really didn't think so.

"It's not just famous, he's famous, you can see for yourself, this is his information." Seeing Tian Tian's appearance, Qi Qi could only turn on the phone.

Find out all the information about Su Wei.

Then hand the phone to Tiantian and let her look at it by herself.

"No way? He is so rich?" Tiantian was stunned after seeing Su Wei's information.

Unexpectedly, there are several buildings under this person's name.

And in terms of worth, it is conservatively estimated to be more than tens of billions.

What she thought before was that Su Wei's worth might be several hundred million.

Only now did I realize that he was a hundred times richer than she had imagined.

"Otherwise, why do you think I'm in such a hurry? If you date him, you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life." If it wasn't for the fact that Su Wei chose Tiantian instead of her.

At this time, she must have already pounced on it.

After all, such a rich boss, to be honest, who would not be greedy.

Now that my best friend has this opportunity, of course she must persuade her not to miss the opportunity.

After all, my best friend's life is better, if you take her with you casually, she will also get rich.

"No wonder Jin Gaode and the others licked him so much, but he brought his own girlfriend today." Tiantian only knew at this time why Jin Gaode and the others licked Su Wei.

If her best friend was so rich, she would have started working as a maid a long time ago.

But now Su Wei has brought two girls, especially the one wearing a black knit jacket, she really has no confidence,
Because this girl is really beautiful.

"What are you afraid of? You drink so well. If you get them all drunk, who will he bring home? Who knows?" Qiqi was completely speechless after hearing Tiantian's worry.

Tiantian has such a good drinker capacity, she just drinks people down.

At that time, everyone will be drunk, so she will go back with Su Wei and it will be settled.

"You're right, then I'll go to toast him." Tiantian thought for a while, and it was indeed the truth.

In terms of drinking capacity, she is indeed a heroine among women.

At home, her father is no match for her.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? Why are you going to toast him? Let's get these two girls drunk first." Seeing Tian Tian holding the wine, Qi Qi planned to run to Su Wei's place.

She stopped her directly. After all, Tiantian's main opponents are those two women.

If Su Wei and the others are drunk directly, what will those two women do if they want to take Su Wei away.

So the best way, of course, is to drink them all down.

"Oh, yes, yes, first get rid of these two people who are in the way."

. . . . . .

"You are Su Ge's friends, right? Why are you just sitting here and not singing?" Tiantian came to Shi Feiyu and the others, and found the two of them watching others singing.

When she started, it was impossible to show hostility when it was hot.

Of course, she has no enmity with these two people.

To be precise, it was she who wanted to snatch Su Wei away.

"Aren't they singing? Let's wait until they stop singing before we go on." This time Shi Feiyu wanted to follow, because Xiang Qing came to the KTV.

And she came here this time to be a wheat bully.

Because she was so happy recently, she wanted to vent it.

The environment she usually lives in is really too depressing.

"It's boring to sit here, why don't we play dice together, after all, sitting is not a problem." Tiantian sat next to Shi Feiyu for a while, and found that she seemed to really come to sing.

Because her whole body has been singing to the screen.

As for the other one, he has been staring at Su Wei.

Tiantian felt that this time was the best opportunity, so she proposed three people to play dice.

"Roll the dice? Yes, whoever loses will drink." Shi Feiyu has not come to KTV for more than two years.

This time she came to KTV mainly to vent.

If you can't sing now, then playing dice is also good.

After all, you can also yell when you roll the dice.

"You want to roll the dice? Can you add me?"

(End of this chapter)

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