Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 379 Let You Embrace Beauty

Chapter 379 Let You Embrace Beauty

The next day.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Huh?" Shi Feiyu was woken up by the phone call, opened his eyes with difficulty and realized something was wrong.

Because this room is very strange to her.

And there was another person lying beside her.

This person was not her best friend Xiang Qing, but Xiang Qing's male client.

The most important thing is that she is still with the other party, and the other party's legs are still pressing on her buttocks.

You don't even need to lift the quilt to know that the two of them must be naked now.

For this scene, she was completely dumbfounded.

Because she went to KTV yesterday, just planning to sing to vent.

She really never thought about being slept by someone.

At this time, seeing that the other party was about to wake up, she quickly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Xiao Zhang? What's the matter so early?" Su Wei was sleeping soundly, but was woken up by the phone call.

He opened his eyes and looked, and found that Shi Feiyu was still sleeping.

He took the mobile phone by the bedside and checked that it was Zhang Ruoyu's call.

I looked at the time, it was only after eight o'clock in the morning.

"President Su, at 10 o'clock this morning, our Baihe Building will be opening at 10 o'clock this morning. You will not forget, right?" Zhang Ruoyu arrived at Gubei No. [-] just after [-] o'clock because the Baihe Building was going to open at [-] o'clock today.

I didn't know until I entered the door that neither Su Wei nor Wang Xiaoyuan came back.

She was afraid that Su Wei would forget about it, so she called to ask about it.

After all, as her boss, if she drank too much the night before, it is not impossible to forget about it.

"I didn't forget, it's just that it's not nine o'clock now, so I plan to sleep again.

In this way, you go to the Baihe Building first, and I will come over later." Su Wei only remembered at this time that the ribbon-cutting of the Baihe Building is going to open today.

He, the owner of the Baihe Building, must be present.

Before he went to KTV yesterday, he still remembered this incident well.

As a result, I was having fun in the KTV, so I forgot all about it.

If Zhang Ruoyu hadn't reminded him now, he might not be able to remember it until now.

"Alright Mr. Su, then I'll go there first." Zhang Ruoyu didn't say much after seeing that Su Wei knew about it.

She turned around and went downstairs, then drove straight to Baihe Building.

"Fuck, luckily Xiaozhang called, otherwise I would have forgotten about it.

Shi Feiyu, wake up, it's time to get up." After Su Wei made the phone call, he had time to care about the woman beside him.

Pushed her, intending to wake her up.

He carried Shi Feiyu back last night, that was a waste of his strength.

So yesterday in bed, he didn't let her go at all.

"Don't disturb me, I want to sleep." Shi Feiyu was so ashamed at this moment, how could he open his eyes.

After all, she hadn't thought about how she would face this man.

Although her memories of yesterday were intermittent.

But she knew one thing, that was, she was slept by someone last night.

"Pretending to be asleep, right? You forced me to do this." Su Wei wanted to wake her up, in order to understand why she looked familiar to him.

After pushing it a few times, I found that she just couldn't get up.

And when she turned over, there were many gaps.

There are many places on her body that can't be covered.

Seeing this scene, Su Wei's thought of chatting with him faded away, so he tore off the quilt and jumped on it.

Anyway, the two of them didn't have any clothes on, so it happened to save them taking off their clothes.

"Ah, what are you doing?"

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Answer the phone, why don't you answer the phone.

Ok?Why did this call come from next door? "Just now when Shi Feiyu was on the bed, Su Wei directly beat her into convulsions.

After she recovered, Su Wei had already left.

At this time, she planned to ask Xiang Qing what happened yesterday and why she came to this hotel.

But the phone on the other side rang for a long time and no one answered. At this time, she heard the ringing of the phone from the next door.

She put on her bathrobe and opened the door to find out.

The place where she stayed last night was a hotel suite.

And it was another room in the suite that rang Xiang Qing's cell phone.


"Xiao Yu? What's your situation? You're here, why are you calling me?" Xiang Qing, who had just connected the phone, looked at the open door with a confused face.

Because the person who called her is now standing at the door.

"I didn't know you were sleeping next to me, so I called to ask you, how did the two of us get here yesterday?" Shi Feiyu really didn't remember what happened yesterday.

All she knew was that she was playing dice with them and drank a lot of wine.

Then she went to dance and was kissed many times by Xiang Qing's client Lou.

At this time she remembered, but she kissed back.

After that, she didn't know.

"I don't know. My head is about to explode right now. I really can't remember anything about yesterday." Xiang Qing was the first one in the box to be poured last night.

It would be strange if she could have an impression.

"Oh, by the way, Qingqing, who is that client of yours?" Shi Feiyu pretended to be asleep after waking up before, thinking that he was crushed by a ghost last night.

But after Su Wei left, she wanted to know who he was.

So he pretended not to care, and tried to get Xiang Qing's customer information out.

"Why are you inquiring about him? Did you fall in love with him?" Xiang Qing really didn't expect that she slept alone yesterday.

It's all because of the drink yesterday, otherwise she would have taken Su Wei down.

At this time, when she heard Shi Feiyu's words, her first reaction was that something was wrong with her best friend.

After all, she disdained Su Wei yesterday.

"No, I'm just curious, he seems to be very rich." Shi Feiyu inquired about Su Wei, but really didn't plan to do anything.

After all, with her current status, it is impossible for her to marry someone else.

So she just wanted to know who the person who slept with her was.

"He is indeed rich, because the price of the old bungalow I recommended to him this time is [-] million." Su Wei didn't sleep with her last night, Xiang Qing is very melancholy now.

Because she didn't know whether Su Wei would buy that old bungalow now.

"Two hundred million? Does he have so much money at such a young age?" Shi Feiyu didn't expect Xiang Qing's client to be so rich.

The house I saw was worth [-] million yuan.

But he looks like he is in his 20s.

"You don't care about him. He may be a super rich second generation. I don't know, because he was a client of my colleague before. My colleague recommended him an old bungalow worth nearly [-] million yuan." Xiang Qing didn't feel guilty at all for prying Zuo Qing's client.

After all, what is a colleague compared to offending a colleague and getting millions.

"Then do you know his name? I'm about to get rich, I want to see if I can cooperate with him." At this time, Shi Feiyu had a bad guess.

After all, he is so rich in Shanghai, and his surname is Su, and he is still so young.

All she knew was that one person.

If it was really him, then she would be really dumbfounded.

"You want to cooperate with him? Well, well, his name seems to be Su Wei, right, it's Su Wei." She knew the name Su Wei from chatting with her colleagues.

At that time, those colleagues said that anyone who hugged Su Wei's thigh would be angry.

That's why Xiang Qing knew that Zuo Qing's client was named Su Wei.

"Su Wei? His name is Su Wei? He's really Su Wei." Shi Feiyu didn't expect that Xiang Qing's client was really called Su Wei.

She opened Baidu tremblingly, but she didn't expect to find Su Wei's photos and entries.

Although that photo was not a high-definition artistic photo, Shi Feiyu still recognized Su Wei at a glance.

After all, the battle between her and Su Wei has only been less than half an hour now.

"Xiao Yu, what's the matter with you, what's wrong with him being Su Wei? Don't scare me." Xiang Qing didn't expect that he just told his best friend that his name was Su Wei.

But Shi Feiyu's performance was like losing three souls and seven souls.

"I'm fine, I'm going home, those people at home have already called me a few times, so I'm leaving first.

By the way, I slept at your house yesterday, Qingqing, you must remember."

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, you're finally here, if you don't come, Director Guan plans to postpone the opening ceremony.

Ah, Ms. Wang, you are here too." Zhang Ruoyu was at the gate of Baihe Building, and waited until almost 10 o'clock before seeing Su Wei's Rolls-Royce Phantom coming.

When she opened the door to the back row, she realized that Wang Xiaoyuan was there.

This made her breathe tight, for fear that Wang Xiaoyuan would hear her acting like a baby just now.

"Just now, Ah Wei was delayed because of me, so he didn't come late." Wang Xiaoyuan got up early today because she planned to attend the opening ceremony of Baihe Building.

At 09:30, she called Su Wei and said she wanted to come over.

So Su Wei made a special detour to Huangpu before coming to Xuhui.

"I didn't come late, I didn't come late, the time was just right." Director Guan knew that this Wang Xiaoyuan was Su Wei's official girlfriend.

Don't say she didn't come late, but if she was really late, it would be a big deal to change the opening time.

After all, this building belongs to her boyfriend.

"Why does it feel like there are so many people here today?" The opening of Baihe Building this time took up the entire first floor.

The area of ​​this floor is more than 2800 square meters.

Such a big place can still feel crowded, which can only prove that there are really a lot of people here this time.

"There are indeed quite a lot of people here today, besides the tenants of Baihe Building, there are also many customers who plan to settle in our building.

On the other side of the Gemini Building, there are also many companies who sent people to attend our opening ceremony." Baihe Building has now settled in more than 80 companies.

There are also clients to talk to, plus people sent by the company over at the Gemini Tower.

At this scene, there are at least a few hundred people inside.

"Are you still inviting reporters today? There are so many here?" Su Wei saw a group of reporters outside the gate at this time taking pictures.

He didn't think that these people were filming him.

After all, although he is very famous, compared with that kind of real boss, his influence is still a little bit worse.

"We did have reporters, but most of them didn't come for us.

It's because President Lu arranged for several singers and girl group members to come, and most of these reporters came with them." Now Lu Lingyue's media company has more and more people.

So this time when she moved to Baihe Media, her company directly occupied three floors.

Originally, she planned to occupy the fifth floor, but was rejected by Director Guan.

"It turned out to be an entertainment reporter, Director Guan. Later, I will give each of them a red envelope of 1000 yuan to make them feel happy." Su Wei gave these reporters red envelopes mainly because his building had just opened.

He doesn't need them to rent him out, he just wants to make a name for himself.

After all, when others rent an office, the most important thing is to see their reputation.

"Boss Su, this is the speech I will use when I go on stage." Zhang Ruoyu thought that Su Wei was going to go on stage today, so she wrote a speech overnight yesterday.

After all, as Su Wei's assistant, this is her job.

"The writing is good, but I won't go up, you can go up on my behalf later." Su Wei really has no interest in this kind of publicity.

After all, he bought this building only because he felt it was a pity to sell it.


"What's wrong with Yuanyuan?" Seeing Wang Xiaoyuan paused, Su Wei thought something was wrong with her.

After all, she is pregnant now, and there is nothing wrong with being overprotective.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm just a little thirsty, so I want a bottle of water, but I see it's full of champagne here." Wang Xiaoyuan paused because Su Wei gave Zhang Ruoyu the opportunity to speak.

She actually had a lot of ideas about going on stage.

After all, as long as she comes on stage, it means that she has secured her position as young mistress.

"Miss Wang, I'll get it for you" Zhang Ruoyu saw that Wang Xiaoyuan wanted to drink water, so she turned around and ran to get it.

At this time, she didn't know that she had offended Wang Xiaoyuan because of her appearance on stage.

"Thank you, sorry for your inconvenience"

. . . . . .

"Shaojie, what are you looking at? Oh, it turned out to be Wang Xiaoyuan, but why is she here?" Mrs. Huang came to inspect Baihe Building with her son Huang Shaojie and the company's subordinates today.

Because her son was planning to become independent, a new office space was needed.

After looking around, they fell in love with Baihe Building.

After all, the Baihe Building is newly built, and the security facilities are the best in the market.

"Maybe she is the same as us, and she came to see how the venue is." Huang Shaojie remembered that when he saw Wang Xiaoyuan for the first time, he was fascinated by her.

But he is not sociable, so he and Wang Xiaoyuan just stay in a state of familiarity.

Seeing Wang Xiaoyuan this time, he thought she was also here to see the venue.

Because he remembered that Wang Xiaoyuan said that she would open her own fashion design company.

"Shaojie, you have such a fate with her, why don't you confess to her, after all, you like her so much?" Mrs. Huang was really worried about her son's lifelong event.

After all, he is already 28 years old and will soon be thirty.

But so far, he hasn't even found a girlfriend.

For a while, she thought that her son was a fellow.

"Mom, forget it. Wang Xiaoyuan has already found a boyfriend. If I confess my love again, then I will become a mistress." How could Huang Shaojie confess, after all, she already has a boyfriend.

It was true that he thought about confessing his love before, but he was afraid of becoming a stranger after being rejected.

Sometimes late at night, he really hated himself for being cowardly.

I feel that as long as he is given a chance, he will definitely not back down back then.

"Wang Xiaoyuan is looking for a boyfriend? How do you know? Didn't you have no contact with her?" Mrs. Huang already knew that her son liked Wang Xiaoyuan.

But she knew it was useless, because the other party didn't know.

The main reason is that her son is really too cautious in terms of emotions.

"Although I have no contact with her, I am not isolated from the world. I can often hear people talking about her and her boyfriend." About Wang Xiaoyuan and Su Wei, no rich second generation in Shanghai knows about it.

As a rich second generation, Huang Shaojie must have friends.

How could his friends not know that he likes Wang Xiaoyuan.

So there was no need for him to go out of his way to find out, the news just kept coming.

"Those people are really gossips, when they talk about a boyfriend, they can chat so enthusiastically.

Hey, why is he here too? "Mrs. Huang felt that those who talked about Wang Xiaoyuan and her boyfriend in front of her son were gossips.

After all, her son is different from them.

Her son has never been in love until now.

At this time, Mrs. Huang saw someone who surprised her.

"Mom, do you know Wang Xiaoyuan's boyfriend?" Although Huang Shaojie didn't know Su Wei, he had seen his photo.

Some of those photos were sent by his friends, and some were sent by Wang Xiaoyuan.

Of course he was very impressed with this man who stole his beloved woman.

"Who are you talking about? Wang Xiaoyuan's boyfriend? The one next to her is her boyfriend?" Mrs. Huang originally thought that Su Wei just knew Wang Xiaoyuan.

But she didn't expect that he would be Wang Xiaoyuan's boyfriend.

But she remembered that this man had a girlfriend.

"Yes, that's him. I've seen him in Wang Xiaoyuan's circle of friends." Huang Shaojie will read every circle of friends posted by Wang Xiaoyuan many times.

In the past, Wang Xiaoyuan's Moments were basically catwalks and life.

In Wang Xiaoyuan's current circle of friends, it is basically life and Su Wei.

"Shaojie, let me ask you, do you still like Wang Xiaoyuan?" Mrs. Huang liked Wang Xiaoyuan very much.

After all, Wang Xiaoyuan's temperament is really liked by elders like her.

If Wang Xiaoyuan becomes her daughter-in-law, she will be very happy.

"Mom, why are you asking this? I've said it all. They already have boyfriends." Huang Shaojie has liked Wang Xiaoyuan for so many years, and it's not for nothing.

If he could forget her so quickly, he wouldn't have been single for so long.

"That is to say, if she doesn't have a boyfriend, you will go after her, right?" For the happiness of her son, Mrs. Huang plans to be a villain for a while.

She wants to tell Wang Xiaoyuan that her boyfriend is stepping on two boats at once.

I believe that a person who is so proud of Wang Xiaoyuan will definitely choose to break up with him immediately.

When Wang Xiaoyuan is sad, then her son's chance will come.

"Mom, what do you mean? What do you want to do?" Huang Shaojie knew his mother well and knew what she said, so he must have something on her mind.

Although he does look like Wang Xiaoyuan and becomes his girlfriend.

But he was very afraid, very afraid that his mother would hurt Wang Xiaoyuan.

"I just happen to know something, something that will make you embrace the beauty"

(End of this chapter)

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