Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 380 Your Boyfriend Raises Little 3, Why Are You Not Angry?

"Boss Su, I've been looking for you just now, but I didn't expect you to be behind here." Lu Lingyue came to the venue very early today because she had something to do.

In addition to because the company's children are going to be on stage, it is also because she has something to do with Su Wei.

But after she came, she realized that Su Wei, the host, hadn't come so early.

It wasn't until after the opening ceremony that she found out from the staff that Su Wei was here.

"The sound in front is too loud, the location here is good, this is my girlfriend Wang Xiaoyuan.

Yuanyuan, this is Lu Lingyue, President Lu, the general manager of Baihe Media." Su Wei's original position must be the most central seat in the first row.

But because Wang Xiaoyuan is pregnant now, and the stereo in the front row is too loud.

So he purposely picked a seat at the back so that it wouldn't be too noisy.

Anyway, as the owner of the building, it doesn't matter where he sits.

"Hello, I'm Wang Xiaoyuan." When Wang Xiaoyuan heard that Lu Lingyue's company was called Baihe Media, she knew it should be Su Wei's company.

And this Lu Lingyue, as the person in charge of the company, is already considered an executive in Su Wei's place.

Su Wei directly introduced her girlfriend to them, which made her feel like she was about to be announced to the world.

"Miss Wang is so beautiful, she is so beautiful when she is with Mr. Su." Before Lu Lingyue, she always thought that Su Wei was single.

I was also thinking about whether to introduce him to a girlfriend, in case he made up his own mind.

But I didn't expect that he already had a girlfriend, and she was so beautiful.

"Mr. Lu is really beautiful. If it wasn't for Ah Wei's introduction, I would have thought you were an artist from a media company." Lu Lingyue's appearance is indeed very beautiful.

It is really a pity for TV and movie viewers not to mix in the entertainment industry because of her looks.

When Su Wei didn't introduce her before, Wang Xiaoyuan really thought she was an artist from a media company.

After all, with such good looks, who would give up the chance to make a lot of money and go behind the scenes instead.

"Miss Wang is too flattering, I wonder if I can borrow Boss Su to go over and talk alone for a while" Lu Lingyue came to the venue today, but she had important matters to ask Su Wei.

Because she has something that must be done by Su Wei.

And this matter has troubled her for a long time.

If it continues, there may be no chance after today.

"It's okay, then Ah Wei, you can go, it's okay for me to sit here alone for a while." As the person in charge of the company, Lu Lingyue must have something to come here to find Su Wei.

After all, this kind of occasion is not an important matter, who will come to the door.

"Then I'll go over and talk, and I'll be right back."

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, the one singing on the stage is a newcomer from our company named Tang Ling." Lu Lingyue led Su Wei to the other side of the venue.

I chose this location mainly because of the small number of people.

After all, it's not good for too many people to know what we're going to talk about later.

"She can sing well, has she made her debut yet?" Su Wei is not a professional, and he can't quite tell whether she sings well.

But her appearance is very pleasing to Su Wei.

Because in the current domestic music circle, those female singers all look like Kefu.

When standing there without talking, I felt that the people in front of the TV owed them 800 million each.

And this Tang Ling's appearance is not of that style, but of that sweet girl style.

As long as she stands there, it will make people feel like a spring breeze.

"She hasn't made her debut yet. This time, Mr. Su, you arranged for her to sing the theme song of your movie, and she will use this song to make her official debut." Su Wei voted for a movie worth 3000 million yuan. Doing it.

Later, he founded Baihe Media and recruited Lu Lingyue as the general manager.

Of course, Lu Lingyue took over the studio.

Ge Xiang is currently on the set, and has been evacuated by Lu Lingyue.

Everything except filming was taken over by Lu Lingyue.

There are five songs in this movie, and Lu Lingyue arranged for Tang Ling to sing three of them.

"If you don't tell me, I will forget about it. How is my movie going now?" If Lu Lingyue hadn't mentioned this movie today, Su Wei would have completely forgotten about it.

After all, when he said he wanted to make a movie, it was just a whim.

But now that there are so many things going on, he doesn't want to go anymore.

"That movie will start shooting next month, and now all the candidates have been finalized, and the supporting roles in it are all handsome men and women from the Film Academy." Now that a movie is starting to shoot, there are not too many people who want to be in the movie.

Lu Lingyue just leaked a little bit of news, and a bunch of actor materials were sent to her immediately.

Fortunately, she still remembered that Su Wei said that all actors must be good-looking.

So she rejected a lot of capital recommendations, and chose good-looking actors with no background.

After all, Su Wei relied on this movie to reshape the audience's aesthetics.

"Next month, next month I will still be able to spare time to make a movie, after all, it has always been my dream to act in a movie myself.

By the way, how is the girl I recommended before, how is she doing now? "Su Wei didn't even plan to play the role at first, but he changed his mind when he heard that the supporting roles were all handsome men and women.

After all, next month, he should still be able to find time to come.

Anyway, he does the literary and opera by himself, and he does the martial arts for him.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have recommended a singer to the company.

"Aries, she worked very hard. Now she has passed the semi-finals of Good Voice, and she just waits for the blind selection." Before that, Lu Lingyue always thought that Su Wei attached great importance to Aries.

But now listening to Su Wei's meaning, it seems that he doesn't value Aries very much.

Because he doesn't even seem to know the name of Aries.

"You came to me today not only to talk about these things with me, but tell me, what do you want?" Su Wei saw Tang Ling stepped down from the stage, and he came back to his senses.

After all, Lu Lingyue has been in the entertainment circle for so many years, how could she come to chat with him about these trivial matters.

So he told Lu Lingyue not to go around in circles, but to get straight to the point.

"Mr. Su, it's like this. Isn't Baihe Media moving here soon? I'm interested in floors 28-30. It just so happens that there are no companies on these three floors, so I want to rent all three floors." Although Baihe Media belongs to Su Wei, the Baihe Building also belongs to Su Wei.

But Baihe Media rents an office, and that also requires money.

It's just that Baihe Media will give a little discount on the rent.

"Since no one rents it, it's fine if you take it. What do you mean?" Lu Lingyue wanted to move, and Su Wei knew it all along.

Now I moved to Baihe Building, because it just opened, there are plenty of places.

She has taken a fancy to which floor, so just talk to Director Guan directly.

As long as the two floors on the top floor are not required, I believe Director Guan will agree.

After all, the two floors on the top floor have already been taken by Su Wei.

On the top floor, half of Su Wei used it as his office.

The other half floor is used as the secretariat, assistant room, and bodyguard lounge.

As for the lower layer, Su Wei plans to use it as Baihe Investment Company.

"President Su, now that Baihe Media has just been established, it is impossible to put all the money on the rent, so what I mean is, can you give me a discount?" 28 million a month.

In one year, that is more than 2000 million.

Su Wei invested a total of [-] million in Baihe Media.

The annual rent of more than 2000 million yuan accounts for more than 20.00% of the funds.

If there is no discount, then she must be able to reduce the office area.

But if Baihe Media doesn't take down these three floors now, will it change places if it wants to expand in the future?

"Discount? Didn't Director Guan give you a discount? It's impossible." Su Wei's first reaction was disbelief when he heard this.

Because it's not that Director Guan doesn't know that this media company is his property.

And on Gemini's side, it's also cheaper for them.

There was no reason to come here, so I started charging them rent at the original price.

"President Su, Director Guan gave us a discount, but he just gave us a [-]% discount. This price is still too high for the company." Of course Director Guan and Lu Lingyue knew each other, so he gave Lu Lingyue a discount. Monthly discount.

It's just that this discount is just a [-]% discount.

The 300% discount does seem to be more than [-] million cheaper in one year.

But after calculating the 140% discount, it would cost nearly [-] million a month.

Then after one year, it will still cost more than 1700 million.

So when she found Su Wei this time, she wanted another discount from him.

"But I don't care about this matter. You should stop discussing it with Director Guan." Although Baihe Media is Su Wei's property, it is impossible for Su Wei to have unlimited blood transfusions.

Moreover, he had originally handed over the matter of the building to Director Guan.

Looking at today's opening ceremony, it can be seen that Director Guan held it very well.

"Mr. Su, this time the company has recruited a large number of trainees. Many of them are good-looking. They often ask me when the big boss of the company is free. They can go and see their rehearsal results." Lu Lingyue There is no other way but to resort to a beauty trick.

Anyway, there are so many trainees in the company who want to be promoted, she will arrange a few to accompany Su Wei when the time comes.

I believe that not only will they not hate her, but they will thank her instead.

"The [-]% discount is definitely a bit expensive. After all, Baihe Media is also my property. How about another [-]% discount? How about a [-]% discount?" Su Wei is actually not very interested in trainees.

What he was really interested in was actually Lu Lingyue herself.

Because these trainees were amateurs before their debut.

Since he's an amateur, what's the difference between him and those girls he called out from the bar?

"That's really a big thank you to Mr. Su. I'll give you a toast." Before Lu Lingyue knew it, Su Wei set his mind on her.

She thought her beauty trick had worked, so she took a glass of champagne and toasted Su Wei to celebrate.

. . . . . .

"Xiaoyuan? It's really you." Mrs. Huang brought her son to Wang Xiaoyuan's side.

He pretended to be surprised, as if he just recognized her.

It's just that her son's performance was not so good. When he saw Wang Xiaoyuan, he was at a loss.

"So it's Aunt Song and Shaojie, it's a coincidence that you are here too." Wang Xiaoyuan was watching a performance above, when she heard a voice saying hello from beside her.

Looking back, it was Huang Shaojie and his mother, Aunt Song.

The relationship between her and Huang Shaojie is very ordinary.

After all, the intersection between them is really very, very little.

She is so polite, but she regards herself as the host and the other party as the guest.

"Yes, my mother and I came here today to see how this Baihe Building is. If it's good, we plan to rent half a floor as a studio. Are you here to rent an office?" Huang Shaojie saw Wang Xiaoyuan speak, his whole body Everyone is very excited.

It took a lot of courage to say such a big paragraph.

This time, because he wants to become independent, he plans to rent half a floor to work.

After all, he came out not alone, but with the whole team following him.

"No, I came with my boyfriend." Wang Xiaoyuan came here today to accompany Su Wei.

After all, this building belongs to Su Wei.

Even if she wanted to rent an office space, she didn't need to come here in person.

"Boyfriend? Is that him? Xiaoyuan, do you know him as your boyfriend?" Mrs. Huang exchanged pleasantries with Wang Xiaoyuan before planning to have a showdown with Wang Xiaoyuan.

Because the closer she got to know Wang Xiaoyuan, the more she wanted Wang Xiaoyuan to be her daughter-in-law.

As for Wang Xiaoyuan's boyfriend, she has already sentenced him to death.

"I still understand. Aunt Song, if you have something to say, you can just say it." Wang Xiaoyuan heard Aunt Song talk about her boyfriend, and thought they knew that Su Wei was the owner of Baihe Building.

So I want to get a cheap price through her.

For the sake of acquaintance, if she can help, she will definitely help.

"Originally, I didn't intend to talk about it, because it would make me appear to be a gossip.

But your parents and I have known each other for so many years, and our two families can be regarded as family friends, so I think I should tell you because of love and reason." If it wasn't because her son likes Wang Xiaoyuan, she would definitely not care about this kind of thing.

After all, it's not routine for rich people to raise mistresses.

Don't talk about others, just her husband, Lao Huang.

Just outside, raising more than one lover.

"It's about my boyfriend?" Wang Xiaoyuan realized at this time that Aunt Song seemed to be planning to say something bad.

But she didn't stop her from talking, but wanted to hear what she wanted to say.

"Yes, it's about your boyfriend. Your boyfriend is raising a mistress outside, and he is probably raising her with your money." Since Mrs. Huang was going to say it, she definitely didn't plan to keep her hand.

After all, Su Wei slapped her in the face at the Fendi store that day.

She has been in Shanghai for so many years, how could she have been treated like this before.

"Aunt Song, how did you know about this?" Wang Xiaoyuan originally thought that she was going to talk about the Yang Group.

Unexpectedly, she just said that Su Wei had a mistress.

This matter is in Wang Xiaoyuan's heart, so it really can't stir up any waves.

After all, Su Wei is so rich, it would be strange if there is no mistress.

Moreover, too many people have told her about Su Wei's lust.

"Because the mistress he was looking for, I just happened to know each other.

That woman used to be the housekeeper in the Presidential Suite of the Four Seasons Hotel, look, this is her WeChat circle of friends." Mrs. Huang imagined that Wang Xiaoyuan should be furious when she heard the news.

But don't talk about being furious now, there is simply no reaction at all.

She thought Wang Xiaoyuan didn't believe it, so she opened Li Jiawen's WeChat Moments to show Wang Xiaoyuan.

If you want to prove that what she said is true, you, Wang Xiaoyuan, should react a bit.

"She's pretty, it's my boyfriend's favorite." Wang Xiaoyuan took the phone and looked at it, and found that the girl was very good-looking.

It's normal for Su Wei to like her.

"Xiaoyuan, you already know that he is raising a mistress, why aren't you angry?"

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