Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 381 This House Is For You

Chapter 381 This House Is For You

"Xiaoyuan, you all know that he is raising a mistress, why aren't you angry at all?" Huang Shaojie couldn't understand why Wang Xiaoyuan wasn't angry at all.

After all, her boyfriend is raising a mistress outside.

No matter who this kind of thing is on, shouldn't they all be furious?
Could it be that Wang Xiaoyuan couldn't show it because they were there?

"If a man is too rich, there must be a lot of temptations outside. I can understand him about these things." It's normal for Su Wei to find Xiaosan.

But as long as he doesn't bring that woman home, Wang Xiaoyuan doesn't care.

Anyway, she is pregnant now, and her position is very stable.

When she gave birth to a son at that time, her position would be more stable.

Why is she so sure that she will have a son, because Zhang Guihua and she have already gone to check it.

"Who said, our Shaojie is not like this, he is not this kind of person" Mrs. Huang can tell now that Wang Xiaoyuan's boyfriend's family conditions should be very good.

If everyone is a rich second generation, her son Huang Shaojie is even more outstanding.

He is different from those rich second generations, he has never been in trouble.

And because he likes Wang Xiaoyuan, he hasn't found a girlfriend until now.

"That may be because my boyfriend is too rich." Wang Xiaoyuan was drunk, so there is no such comparison.

But the mother thinks her son is great, so she can't say anything.

I can only tell her tactfully that her boyfriend is super rich.

"Xiaoyuan, what you said is wrong. What do you mean your boyfriend is too rich? Do you mean that Shaojie has no money?

Shaojie’s current game company is valued at [-] million by others.” Mrs. Huang was unhappy when she heard Wang Xiaoyuan’s words.

Your boyfriend is rich, it's only because of the good conditions of the family.

It looked like her son there, a business genius.

At the age of less than 30 years old, he is already worth hundreds of millions.

"The company is valued at [-] million. That's really good. Congratulations, Shaojie." If it was last year, Huang Shaojie would be pretty good.

But this year, a valuation of [-] million is not enough.

Because if the valuation cannot be realized, it is like a flower in the moon in the mirror, which can be seen but not owned.

As for Su Wei's acquisition, he actually made tens of billions in cash.

"Thank you, in fact, my goal is to successfully lead the company to go public." Huang Shaojie was just shy in front of Wang Xiaoyuan, not because others were stupid.

On the contrary, he is also very smart.

Otherwise, no one would be optimistic about his company and invest in it.

This time he wanted to move to Baihe Building because someone invested 2000 million in his company.

"Xiaoyuan, in fact, Shaojie has always liked you. Because of this reason, he hasn't had a girlfriend until now. You see, your boyfriend is in two boats. You" Mrs. Huang said so much, and kept talking. She didn't get the response she wanted.

At this time, she planned to say it directly.

Because if she couldn't let Wang Xiaoyuan break up, wouldn't she be talking for nothing this time.

If she wanted to chat with Wang Xiaoyuan in the future, she would not have such a good opportunity.

But who knew she was interrupted by Wang Xiaoyuan before she could speak.

"Mrs. Huang, you don't need to talk about it. I don't want outsiders to interfere with my boyfriend's affairs." Wang Xiaoyuan originally saw an acquaintance, let's chat.

If they rent an office in Baihe Building, then she can see if she can get a discount for them.

But what she didn't expect was that this Aunt Song kept provoking her and Su Wei's relationship.

So she didn't intend to give her face, and interrupted her directly.

And her name has also changed from Aunt Song to Mrs. Huang.

"Why am I an outsider? Our family and yours are family friends." Mrs. Huang heard Wang Xiaoyuan say that she was an outsider, which pissed her off to death.

Because she felt that her actions were all for her, Wang Xiaoyuan's good.

In the end, I didn't expect that she would let it go if she didn't appreciate it, and even revealed that she wanted to draw a clear line with her.

This made Mrs. Huang start to move out of Wang Xiaoyuan's parents in desperation.

"Xiaoyuan, my mother didn't mean that, she really did it for your own good." Huang Shaojie didn't know what was going on with Wang Xiaoyuan, his mother told her that her boyfriend was just his true face.

Why is she unhappy instead, and now her words have become tense.

"My name is Wang Xiaoyuan, our family and yours have no business outsiders, so they are not family friends.

And you said it was good for me, but in the end you didn't even know who my boyfriend was, and you even tried to encourage me to break up under the banner of being good for me. Don't you think I can watch it if I break up with my boyfriend? On Huang Shaojie? "In the name of being good for her, he actually wanted to persuade her to break up.

Wang Xiaoyuan is not used to such behavior.

If she couldn't see it, they told her the purpose of this matter.

She knew that Huang Shaojie liked her a long time ago.

It's just that she didn't know about it because she didn't have any contact with it before.

But now Mrs. Huang is going too far, and she doesn't intend to be polite to them.

"Wang Xiaoyuan, you are too uneducated for saying this, thanks to our family, Shaojie, who likes you so much.

And you compare your boyfriend with Shao Jie, how dare you?" Wang Xiaoyuan saw Xi Shi in her lover's eyes, and really thought her boyfriend was very good.

But her son, Huang Shaojie, is considered top-notch in the rich second generation circle of Shanghai, that's really outstanding.

Many rich second generations of this age are still asking their families for money.

As for Shaojie from his family, someone has already invested 2000 million in his company.

I believe it won't be long before his son's worth will skyrocket.

"Xiaoyuan, you, do you just look down on me like this?" Huang Shaojie must have his own arrogance for such an achievement at his age.

It is really unacceptable for him to be said by his own goddess now.

These rich second generations in the circle, he knows their virtues too well.

He knows how to go clubbing, play with cars, and play with women every day.

Huang Shaojie has seen his friends take pictures of Wang Xiaoyuan's boyfriend, mostly in bars.

With such a person, she actually felt that he was inferior to her boyfriend.

"This watch is a gift specially chosen for me by my boyfriend when he went to Geneva, and its price is 1600 million.

Recently he wants to buy me an old bungalow with a price of around [-] million yuan, so do you really think I will take a fancy to a company with a valuation of [-] million yuan? "Since Wang Xiaoyuan has already spoken, she doesn't intend to show mercy to them.

She doesn't care about a company with a valuation of [-] million now.

Because the watch that Su Wei bought her this time cost only 1600 million.

The price of the old bungalow we are talking about this time is as high as nearly [-] million.

The possibility of Huang Shaojie wanting to reach Su Wei's worth is too low.

And she didn't like Huang Shaojie either, otherwise the two of them wouldn't have had a little interaction.

"Wang Xiaoyuan didn't expect you to be this kind of person. You are really dazzled by love. I bought you an old bungalow worth [-] million yuan. Do you think this kind of thing is possible?" Mrs. Huang heard Wang Xiaoyuan say [-] million yuan. Old bungalow, she felt that she must have been cheated.

Because her boyfriend is so young, how could he give such an expensive gift.

The house where their family lives now is only tens of millions.

"Is there anything impossible, we will sign the contract for that house in the afternoon.

Yuanyuan, when I was answering the phone, why did you quarrel with someone? Do you know them? "Su Wei heard Mrs. Huang's words when he came back from the phone call.

He even questioned him, saying that he couldn't afford such an expensive house.

At this time, Su Wei had completely forgotten about meeting Mrs. Huang before.

"I've only met a few times, but I'm not very familiar with them." Since Wang Xiaoyuan has already broken her face with them, she has no intention of getting along with them.

And they told her that Su Wei was looking for mistress, she didn't want Su Wei to know.

Because if Su Wei found out, in case he told her about it.

Isn't it very possible that Su Wei will bring that woman into the room.

So the best result is now that she doesn't expose him for looking for mistress.

Then Su Wei didn't take Xiaosan home, but kept him outside.

"Xiaoyuan, I really didn't expect you to be such a vain person, it's just that I misjudged you before." Obviously it was Huang Shaojie's mother who mentioned these things first.

But now Huang Shaojie blames Wang Xiaoyuan for being a vain person.

The main reason is that Huang Shaojie's elite character design was smashed to pieces by Wang Xiaoyuan.

"I'm sorry, both of you, you are yelling here, which has affected other people, and you may need to go out for a while." The security guard was actually standing next to him for a while.

But they didn't get the order, so they have been standing still.

After all, among the few people who had a dispute was the boss' girlfriend.

Wait until the boss gets involved and gives them hints.

They just walked up to Mrs. Huang and the two of them and began to invite them out.

"What are you security guards doing, instead of chasing these two people, you came here to chase us away.

Do you know who we are, we are here to rent a venue, if you dare to drive us away, don't you want to do it anymore?" Mrs. Huang was so angry that she saw the security guards coming to chase her away.

After all, she has been in Shanghai for so many years, when has she been treated like this before?

She came to Baihe Building this time to rent an office.

And the area is not small, I plan to rent a thousand square meters.

Calculated at seven yuan per square meter here, it costs more than 20 yuan per month for a thousand square meters.

"I don't know who you are, and I don't want to know who you are, but one thing I know is that you are not welcome in Baihe Building." Su Wei almost couldn't laugh out loud when he heard Mrs. Huang's words.

In a building as big as his, it would be impossible without her as a tenant.

You must know that the champagne he is using today is all Dom Perignon.

After the opening of this business, at least a few million will be spent.

"Baihe Building is up to you, who are you?" At this moment, Mrs. Huang was already thinking about finding the owner of Baihe Building to sue.

If he doesn't pay attention, then she will find a reporter to expose the expulsion of people from his building.

She has been in Shanghai for so many years, how could she not know a single reporter.

"Who am I, I am the owner of Baihe Building, my name is Su Wei"

. . . . . .

"This is where you plan to use it as your future office?" After driving Mrs. Huang and her son out, Wang Xiaoyuan asked Su Wei to show her his future office.

The two of them took the exclusive elevator and soon reached the 55th floor.

Now here, there are workers who are busy in and out of the decoration.

"Yes, the second half of this floor will be designated as my office." The single-floor area of ​​Baihe Building is about 2850 square meters.

Su Wei used half of it as an office, after excluding the area of ​​the common stalls and corridors.

His office area is not less than 1200 square meters.

"But it's too big here, isn't it too spacious to be an office?" Wang Xiaoyuan looked at Su Wei's office, and it was really too big.

Because there is no partition yet, she feels that the area is super large.

If this area is used as a basketball court, it feels like it can be used as three standard courts.

"No, at that time, there will be a part of the place here, and I will divide it into a lounge." Su Wei's previous office in Gemini was only a few dozen square meters.

In fact, he was dissatisfied at the time, but since he didn't go to Pudong very much, he let it go.

Now the Baihe Building is on Xuhui's side, and it's very close from Gubei No. [-].

When Su Wei is sure to be fine, he will come here for a walk.

So he arranged an office for himself, which must be bigger.

"There's nothing to see here, what about the upstairs? Is it the roof?" Because of the renovation, the glass is covered with a protective film.

Wang Xiaoyuan wanted to look outside, but couldn't see anything.

So Wang Xiaoyuan thought, go to the rooftop to have a look.

After all, Baihe Building is considered a super high-rise building in Xuhui.

Seen from here, there should be a feeling of seeing all the mountains and small mountains.

"If you want to see it, then let's go and see it." Su Wei had never been here before.

Director Guan is in charge of all the decoration design here now.

"Here, you designed it as a landing pad?" Wang Xiaoyuan opened the door of the roof and found a big letter H on the roof.

With this letter, it means that this is an apron.

"Yes, I will park a helicopter at this place." Su Wei has always been a little worried about this kind of super high-rise building.

So when he explained to Director Guan, he specially asked him to design the roof as a landing pad.

Just like his yacht, there are two helipads on it.

So this time, Su Wei bought a total of three helicopters.

Just wait for the decoration here to be completed, and the plane will be parked at that time.

"Wow, from here, you can have a panoramic view of Xuhui." Wang Xiaoyuan didn't forget what she was doing here this time.

Around the edge of the roof, slowly looked around.

Apart from the limited number of two super high-rise buildings, Baihe Tower is now the third tallest building in Xuhui.

"Okay, that's all, let's go to lunch.

By the way, have you brought your ID card?" Su Wei and Wang Xiaoyuan felt differently, he thought the scenery here was very ordinary.

The main reason is that there are a lot of construction sites that are under construction nearby.

Looking to the side, it is basically all iron frames.

It may take a few years for the environment here to improve.

"ID card? I brought it. What's the matter? Do I still need to bring my ID card for dinner?" Wang Xiaoyuan was curious when Su Wei asked for his ID card.

Could it be that he chose a weird internet celebrity restaurant, and did he need an ID card to eat?

"Didn't I just say that the landlord of the old bungalow has already agreed to sell the old bungalow to us, and I just answered the phone to talk about it with Zuo Qing.

So I thought, after dinner we'll go over and hand over the account." Su Wei had just finished chatting with Lu Lingyue when Zuo Qing called.

It was said that the landlord agreed to a deal of [-] million yuan.

But they have a condition, that is, a one-time payment.

If Su Wei buys something, he will definitely not get a loan, so of course he agrees.

It happened that the Southeast Asian guest was in Kyoto.

At that time, I had already made the earliest flight and flew to Shanghai.

"Is it really for sale? He also sells it for 8000 million yuan less? Then, is our price too high?" Wang Xiaoyuan felt a little regretful when she heard that the other party sold it for [-] million yuan.

I feel that my price is too high, otherwise the other party will not be so happy to make a deal.

"Less is not less. After all, the location is there. When the time comes to rebuild, this old foreign house will be great." Su Wei bought this old foreign house, and what will be left for it will be only a little skin up.

If it's too much, just turn it into a dilapidated building and then rebuild a similar one.

Anyway, this house is on the side of the road, it is not normal operation to be hit by a big truck and collapsed.

"Then you can just bring your ID card, why should I bring it?" Wang Xiaoyuan remembered at this moment that an ID card is required for the transfer.

But she couldn't believe that Su Wei really wanted to transfer the ownership of this house to her.

After all, what she said to Mrs. Huang before was just to raise herself up and scare them.

"Didn't I just say it at the beginning, this house is just for you"

(End of this chapter)

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