Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 382 It was her

"Miss Wang, congratulations on buying a house you are satisfied with." Walking out of the real estate bureau, Zuo Qing let out a long sigh of relief.

This old house worth [-] million yuan was finally sold by her.

And the owner of this house, as she expected, wrote Wang Xiaoyuan's name.

"It's also thanks to Ms. Zuo. Without you, we could have found the house we are satisfied with so quickly." When Wang Xiaoyuan got the real estate certificate, it felt like a dream.

After all, the real estate certificate in her hand is worth [-] million yuan.

And there was only her name, Wang Xiaoyuan, on it.

For Zuo Qing, she really thanked her.

Because if it wasn't for them to find a relationship, she wouldn't be able to get the certificate on the spot today.

Although they did it for the agency fee, this move made her feel at ease.

"Ms. Zuo, let's have dinner together tonight. Let's celebrate my buying a house." Wang Xiaoyuan began to call Zuo Qing Ms. Zuo, mainly to remind her.

She is older than both her and Su Wei, and she weighs her age when doing anything.

Now Wang Xiaoyuan is not so hostile to her, but she is used to the name, so she didn't deliberately change it.

"I'm really sorry, I'm afraid I can't do it tonight, because after I sold this house today, I still have some finishing work to do." Zuo Qing sold this old house today, and no one dared to take care of her if she wanted to rest.

But today Wang Xiaoyuan is the host, unless she is a fool, she will go.

Because Wang Xiaoyuan is the host at night, all her friends must be there.

If she went, maybe it would be embarrassing.

Of course, if it was another customer, she would definitely go.

"Since Zuo Qing doesn't have time, let's forget it." Seeing Zuo Qing, Su Wei felt a little itchy in his heart.

But with Wang Xiaoyuan around, he can't do anything.

So Zuo Qing didn't care if she went or not.

"Well, it seems that we can only make an appointment next time.

Ah Wei, we have already bought the old house, why don’t we go and see it again, anyway, it’s still early, I can just think about how this house should be remodeled.” Before I went to see this house, because I didn’t buy it, So there will be faults everywhere.

Now that I really bought it, my feelings for that house are different.

After all, this house belongs to her completely now.

"If you want to see, then let's go there together, Zuo Qing, do you want to go?" Wang Xiaoyuan wanted to see the house, but Su Wei didn't care.

Anyway, when he got there, he happened to have something to tell Zhang Ruoyu.

Originally, this matter should be explained to her tomorrow.

"I'll go too, I just want to go over and change that lock." Before that, Zuo Qing's key was dropped by Xiang Qing.

At noon today, she had already received the key from the landlord.

But now that the place has been sold, she still needs to change the key and lock together.

Because of the landlord's key, she didn't know how many intermediaries she had given.

"Then let's go"

. . . . . .

"Sister Qing, I see that you have been looking at this old bungalow today, are you going to make a bill?" Xiao Zhou went out today and walked around, and when he came back, he saw that Xiang Qing, who was sitting next to him, was still looking at the house.

And the house she looked at was still the same.

He poked his head over to look at Xiang Qing and found that she was taking notes.

The notebook is divided into 12345 items, which say the advantages of this old bungalow.

In addition to the advantages, the notebook also wrote several disadvantages.

"Almost, my client likes this house very much." After Xiang Qing came to the company today, the first thing she did was to look for information on the old bungalow.

After all, she planned to sell this old house and successfully buy a house in Shanghai.

She sent a message asking Su Wei if she wanted to come out to view the house today.

But Su Wei ignored her, she could only summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the house first.

In case Su Wei asked her, she would be able to answer immediately.

"Recently, both you and Sister Qing have customers of this kind of old houses. I really envy me." People like Xiao Zhou who open bills every few months are of course envious of Xiang Qing and Zuo Qing who often bill. .

After all, many of the houses they sell are high-end properties.

As long as you sell a house, it is really easy to get hundreds of thousands.

The problem is, not everyone can bill.

Many people can't open an order for a few months, so they leave their jobs.

After all, if you don't bill, you can't support yourself with a basic salary.

"What's the use of having customers with old foreign houses? In the end, you have to make an order. Otherwise, take it to see it every day. What's the difference from fishing?" When Xiang Qing said this, she was actually mocking Zuo Qing.

Because she had already stolen the house, she didn't even know about Zuo Qing.

The price difference between a 3.8 million bungalow and a [-] million bungalow is too big.

And that 3.8 million bungalow is no different from a ruin.

"What Sister Qing said is that I'm too straightforward, so it takes a few months to open an order. It seems that I have to change my mind." Hearing this, Xiao Zhou thought that Xiang Qing was pointing at him.

After all, he has a lot to look at, but he just can't make a smooth transaction.

"You really have to change your mind, and you have to play routines." Xiang Qing didn't care about Xiao Zhou at first, but he didn't expect him to take the seat himself.

But think about it, this Xiao Zhou's belt looks really high.

But his deal was really made in the past few months.

If he hadn't made an order, he might have run away by now.

"The boss is back, I said why didn't I see anyone else this afternoon?" At this time, there was a noise at the door, Xiao Zhou looked at it, and it turned out that the store manager had returned.

Moreover, the store manager's face had an unconcealable joy.

"Everyone, stop what you're doing and listen to something I'm happy about.

Sister Qing opened a big order in the afternoon today. In the evening, all the people in our store will go to sing K together, and the company will reimburse the cost of singing K for dinner.” Today Zuo Qing is in charge of negotiating the price and signing the contract, and the store manager used to find a relationship to help transfer the ownership .

This time Zuo Qing made such a big order, he must want to stimulate other people in the store.

After all, in a store, there are only a few who can make an order.

The rest of them left after less than two months.

But selling a house is actually a very professional job.

If you want to open a bill after working for two months, it's just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

Just use this matter to let those newcomers settle down.

"Boss, Sister Qing's order today must be huge, why didn't I see the happy news?" Generally, the house is sold, and the work group must send out a happy news.

If the amount is particularly large, it will be sent to Moments for peers and customers to see.

The others saw that the store manager was going to treat guests at night, so they knew that Zuo Qing's list must be big.

But they searched for a long time in the work group and circle of friends, but found no news at all.

"Sister Qing's list is indeed very big. This year's entire market in Shanghai is probably the largest list." Although there are many rich people in Shanghai, there are very few orders worth hundreds of millions.

As for this kind of real estate transaction of more than [-] million yuan, it is even rarer.

Maybe in a few years, just a few.

"It's so big? Then why didn't you send out the happy news? It can't be that there is a problem with the transaction process." Xiao Zhou knew that the order must be huge after hearing what the store manager said.

After all, if the company can spend money to sing, how big is the list.

But now that I haven't seen the promotion, I thought it was a discount on the agency fee.

But this is not right, the agency fee is discounted, and it does not affect the publicity.

"There is no problem, it's just that neither the buyer nor the seller wants to publicize the matter, so we can talk about it, but we can't post it on Moments or online." The buyer of this old house is a very influential Chinese in Southeast Asia family.

One of the reasons for selling this house this time is because there are no relatives living here.

The second is because they lack money, otherwise they would not agree to cut the price by 8000 million.

As for Su Wei, he also intends to keep a low profile.

After all, if something goes wrong in the decoration later, it's unlikely that everyone will be able to find out the details.

"This customer of Zuo Qing, wouldn't be buying the 3.8 million old foreign house on Changle Road?" Xiang Qing realized at this moment that the store manager couldn't be talking about Su Wei's house.

After all, among Zuo Qing's clients, he is the one who most resembles someone who can afford such an expensive house.

In the bar last night, everyone was full of praise for him.

"How do you know? Oh, I forgot, last time you brought the key to Sister Qing.

That's right, the house this time is the old bungalow on Changle Road in Huangpu worth 3.8 million yuan, but this time the transaction price is 3 million yuan, and the landlord has reduced it by 8000 million yuan, and the commission for this house is fully charged "Generally, for such a luxury house, many customers will ask for a discount on the commission.

Because don't look at it, it's a [-]%, [-]% commission.

But after the total price of the house is high, the commission of the house can cost millions at a time.

This time, Zuo Qing's commission for this house was as high as 600 million.

"For an old house worth 600 million yuan, the agency fee is [-] million yuan. No wonder the company is so generous. Then we won't come home drunk tonight." Others calculated and found that the company had made a lot of money this time.

After all, so much agency fees are only a drop in the bucket compared to the money spent on drinking at night.

"[-] million old bungalow, [-] million old bungalow" Xiang Qing was dumbfounded when she heard the news.

After all, Su Wei was still saying yesterday that this house is too expensive.

Why turned around today and booked this house.

If that's the case, what about her house? She gave him a dental spa yesterday.

"Xiang Qing, what's wrong with you?" The store manager saw Xiang Qing blankly at this moment, and asked her what's wrong.

After all, she is the best billing employee in the store besides Zuo Qing.

"It's okay, I just heard that there are so many agency fees, I'm so envious." When Xiang Qing spoke, she gritted her teeth.

At this time, she also understood that she was put together by Su Wei and Zuo Qing.

No wonder Zuo Qing didn't care at all when she followed her yesterday.

Xiang Qing guessed that Su Wei and Zuo Qing must be having an affair, otherwise how could she be so calm.

But now she knew it was useless, she could only accept the dumb fault.

"Shop manager, this time Sister Qing placed a big order of [-] million yuan, and we, Sister Qing, have a big order of [-] million yuan waiting here soon." Who doesn't know the people in the store, yesterday afternoon Xiangqing and Zuo Qing almost quarreled.

Xiao Zhou and Xiang Qing have a better relationship, after all, they are neighbors.

Seeing that Xiang Qing was silent just now, he thought it was because she was rather disappointed.

So he helped Xiang Qing announce the good news that she was going to sell the house soon.

Although this house is not as expensive as Zuo Qing, but a house worth [-] million yuan is not bad at all.

"Really? Xiang Qing, if you have any difficulties, the company will help you if you can.

As long as your business is settled, then our store is in the group this time, and the first place of the year is basically impossible to escape. When the time comes, we will win the prize. Each person in the store will be given [-], and each of your heroes will be [-]." Manager Unexpectedly, Xiang Qing also had a big order of [-] million yuan waiting.

In this case, is there any doubt about the number one store in the group? It must be won directly.

After all, with a performance of [-] million yuan, which store is not panicking.

"I will work hard"

. . . . . .

"Miss Wang, is this the house you bought for [-] million yuan this time?" Zhang Ruoyu was dumbfounded when she got out of the car and saw the house.

Before she knew that it took three months to buy the old bungalow this time, she thought it was the former residence of some celebrity.

It turned out that after getting off the car, the house was almost in ruins.

You can tell at a glance that no one has lived here for many years.

"Yes, it's this building, don't you think it's broken?" Before, Wang Xiaoyuan looked at this house very unpleasantly.

Although she is still not pleasing to the eye now, she is much better than before.

After all, this is her house, and it will definitely be remodeled later.

"This old bungalow is a bit broken, but I think Miss Wang, you must have your own reasons for buying it." If Zhang Ruoyu was given [-] million yuan, she would definitely not buy this place.

After all, apart from the good location, there is nothing good here.

But this house was bought by Wang Xiaoyuan, how dare she say anything bad about it.

"Actually, I will buy this house because Ah Wei said that to buy a house is to buy a location.

It just so happens that the location of this house is in the city center, and I believe its price will definitely get higher and higher in the future." What Wang Xiaoyuan said actually makes sense.

Because there are actually many villas in Shanghai.

For example, Jiujiantang, Huazhou Junting, villas on Sheshan and so on.

But because these villas are located in the suburbs, the price is incomparable with Wang Xiaoyuan's old bungalow.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Why is Lao Li looking for me now? Yuanyuan, take a look for yourself first, and I'll answer the phone.

Hey, what's the matter, Lao Li? "Su Wei was planning to chat with Wang Xiaoyuan about decoration when the phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and found that it was Li Renfeng calling.

Talked to Wang Xiaoyuan and the others, and then ran to the side to make a phone call.

"Awei, did you sleep with the girl you brought back last night? Did she do anything to you?" Li Renfeng felt that the woman looked familiar to him yesterday.

When he was dreaming today, he actually dreamed of the scene where he saw her.

The first thing I did after waking up was to call Su Wei.

"What's the matter with you? Let's talk about something." Hearing Li Renfeng's words, Su Wei was stunned.

What's his situation?There is no need to ask if he slept or not.

If he didn't sleep, he would still be called Su Wei.

"That woman, I'm not mistaken, her name is Shi Feiyu?" Li Renfeng knew that Su Wei had put her to sleep when he heard that Su Wei didn't answer directly.

This made him completely dumbfounded, what the other side was doing.

Doesn't Su Wei know her, and doesn't she know Su Wei?
"Yes, do we really know her?" Su Wei didn't take it seriously at first, but Li Renfeng was very serious.

He knew it was serious.

But why he couldn't remember who this woman was.

"Of course I do. You still have a grudge against her." Now thinking about their relationship, Li Renfeng's head really felt dizzy.

Because he never expected that they would get together.

"Have a grudge against me? Oh, I see, it turned out to be her"

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