Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 383 I Don't Know Her Well

"Have a grudge against me? Oh, I see, it turned out to be her." Su Wei heard that he had a grudge against him, and suddenly remembered who Shi Feiyu was.

No wonder he thought about it for a long time, but felt that she looked familiar.

But I still don't have the slightest impression of who she is.

That was mainly because he had never seen her in person, but only seen her photos.

"Do you know who she is?" Li Renfeng, who was about to reveal Shi Feiyu's identity, was dumbfounded at this moment.

He hasn't said it yet, how could Su Wei guess it so quickly.

"I know, Yang Jiayu's mistress." The photo of Shi Feiyu was seen by Su Wei when he was investigating the Yang Group.

At that time, he also felt that this woman's methods were really amazing.

After breaking up with the old one, he immediately hooked up with the young one again.

Unexpectedly, when he really met her, he couldn't resist her charm and fell in love with her.

"What are you talking about, Yang Jiayu's mistress? Isn't she Yang Ye's girlfriend?" Li Renfeng remembered that the first time he met Shi Feiyu was at a banquet.

At that time, he went to a banquet with his family.

When Yang Ye came in at that time, he brought Shi Feiyu in with him.

Li Renfeng thought at the time that this person was Yang Ye's daughter.

I found out later that this woman is Yang Ye's little girlfriend.

Now listening to Su Wei, how did he become Yang Jiayu's mistress?
"She and Yang Ye broke up for two or three years, and later got together with Yang Jiayu." When Su Wei saw the news, he really felt that it was too ridiculous.

This woman broke up with Yang Ye less than a month ago, and she got together with Yang Jiayu.

Does she not care about other people's opinions at all?

"This is too ruinous, so if you fuck her now, what are you going to do?" Li Renfeng said it was ruining Sanguan, but he would definitely fuck her if Shi Feiyu was really in front of him.

After all, how could such a good-looking girl be violent.

"What should I do? I slept with her, but she slept with me.

And this time, she should thank me." Su Wei didn't think that if a man and a woman sleep together, only the woman suffers.

And this time he killed the Yang Group, Shi Feiyu should thank him.

Without him, she would be a bird in a cage now.

It was Su Wei who broke the shackles on her, gave her freedom, and gave her glory and wealth.

"She thanked you? You took her cash cow to prison. You'll be fine if she doesn't hack you to death. Don't you plan to raise her?" Li Renfeng knew that Su Wei's daughter Wang Xiaoyuan is not the only friend.

Now that Shi Feiyu has no backer, she might really be supported by Su Wei.

If that's the case, Shi Feiyu really wouldn't hate him.

And Su Wei is very generous, Shi Feiyu has found a new backer.

"She is not short of money now, and she doesn't need me to support her, you will know about it later.

Let's not talk about this matter, let's go out to have a meal together at night." Shi Feiyu is about to become a rich woman, how could she still need someone to support her.

This time Yang Ye sold the Yang Group to Fan Wenqi, leaving nearly tens of billions of money to Shi Feiyu's children.

As long as Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu are dead, the trust fund will be activated.

At that time, relying on the child, Shi Feiyu will be able to live in prosperity and wealth for a lifetime.

"Dinning again tonight, let's forget it. I really need to take a rest today. I overdid it yesterday." When Li Renfeng got up today, he walked limply.

Mainly because last night, there were too many good-looking girls in the box.

Su Wei picked Shi Feiyu at that time, so he brought a few more back.

"I told you yesterday that you won't be able to carry three of them home, so believe it now.

We don’t play with flowers for dinner today. We just have a simple meal. The main reason is that Xiaoyuan bought a new house and she wants to celebrate. You bring Xiaoya with you tonight.” Yesterday Li Renfeng brought three girls back, and Su Wei even persuaded him .

After all, how could a rich second generation like him stand up to their torture?

But he insisted on going his own way and took the three girls away.

Hearing his weak voice now, Su Wei almost couldn't laugh out loud.

"Did Xiaoyuan buy a new house? Where is it? You paid for it?" No need to think about it, the house Wang Xiaoyuan bought this time must be tens of millions.

On Wang Xiaoyuan's own words, she must not be able to afford it.

So Li Renfeng guessed that this house should be paid by Su Wei.

"What do you care about so much, just come and eat.

By the way, if you call Li Ziwei and the others, I won't call them one by one." Since Li Renfeng called, he didn't bother to call Li Ziwei and the others.

After all, it is very troublesome to notify one by one.

Since there is free labor such as Li Renfeng, it is useless.

"Leave it to me, they happen to be in the next room to me"

. . . . . .

"Where's Zuo Qing? Why didn't I see her?" Su Wei finished calling, and when he came to the yard, he only saw Wang Xiaoyuan and Zhang Ruoyu.

And the two of them didn't communicate with each other, they just looked at themselves there.

Su Wei looked around, but found that Zuo Qing was nowhere to be seen.

"Miss Zuo had something to do back at the company, so she left after changing the locks." Zuo Qing originally planned to stay after changing the locks.

But Zhang Ruoyu didn't look good on her, so she stayed for a while and left.

After all, Zhang Ruoyu knew about Zuo Qing and Su Wei.

"It's too fast to leave, I wanted to ask her if she knew the designer of the bungalow renovation, it seems that I can only ask next time.

Yuanyuan, how do you see it? Have you thought about how to decorate it? "When Zuo Qing and the others take clients to find a house, they also know how to read the materials.

If a house is designed by a big-name designer, then they will be a selling point.

So Su Wei wanted to ask her which designer designed the old bungalow better.

But she has already left, so we can only talk next time.

Anyway, this house will not be moved for a while.

"I haven't thought about it yet. Ms. Zhang and I went in to have a look just now, and found that although there are many rooms in this house, the area of ​​each room is not large." The previous houses did not have much space inside.

Even if it is a wealthy family, the area is the same.

Mainly the previous beds were relatively small.

Therefore, when repairing the house, the space in the room is relatively small.

"President Su, because of the age of this house, the indoor area is indeed relatively small, and the later reconstruction may require more attention from the designer." Looking at the house as a whole, Zhang Ruoyu is not very optimistic.

Because the room size is not only small, but also does not have a bathroom.

So if you want to look good, but also be practical.

Then you can only find a designer who is very good, because ordinary designers can't do it.

"It's not easy to rebuild. If it's not easy to rebuild, then tear it down. Let's build a new house." Su Wei has been holding the idea of ​​tearing down and rebuilding since he left yesterday.

After all, he would definitely not pay [-] million if he relied on transformation alone.

If you have the money, wouldn't it be better to buy a commercial villa.

"Can this be done? If I can build it myself, then I can make a fortune buying this house." Wang Xiaoyuan is also very dissatisfied with the main body of this house.

Even if the room is small, there is not even an elevator inside.

If she was really allowed to climb up and down every day, she might have to move back to the Daping floor within two years.

So if it can be demolished and rebuilt, it can be built according to her own requirements.

"President Su, this method won't work. Now this kind of old bungalows are not allowed to be demolished." Zhang Ruoyu has classmates who live in old bungalows.

That person is her best friend, and her family has an old bungalow.

Zhang Ruoyu didn't know how to listen to her, how many times she complained that the old bungalow was not easy to live in.

So Zhang Ruoyu knows that old houses can only be rebuilt, not demolished and rebuilt.

"Normal old bungalows cannot be demolished and rebuilt, but if this house is a dilapidated house, can you tell me whether it can be demolished and rebuilt?" Since Su Wei had this idea, he must have asked someone.

If this house is a former residence of a celebrity, even if it is a dilapidated house, it may only be a remedy.

Although the location of this house is so good, it is not the former residence of celebrities.

If it is really a dilapidated building, it may really be demolished and rebuilt.

"The dilapidated house can definitely be rebuilt, but this house does not seem to be a dilapidated house." Of course Wang Xiaoyuan hopes to be demolished and rebuilt, but this house does not seem to be a dilapidated house.

Even if she is not a professional, she can tell that the main body of the house is still in good condition.

If there is no accident, it may not be able to fail in another 50 years.

"Whether this is a dilapidated building or not, we have to ask experts to decide whether we want to say it or not.

Old Liu, come here." Whether the house is dangerous or not is up to the experts from the Real Estate Bureau.

As long as he is human, then Su Wei can handle him.

Even if it's not a dilapidated house, Su Wei can turn him into a dilapidated house.

"Boss Su, look for me." Liu Qiang went home yesterday to rest for a day, feeling full of energy today.

I was bragging outside just now, but I heard Su Wei calling him inside.

He hurried inside, afraid that something might happen to Su Wei.

"Old Liu, I want to turn this house into a dangerous one, do you have a way?" Although Su Wei intends to find someone to build this house this time.

But in order to cause unnecessary controversy, he planned to secretly turn the property of the house itself into a dilapidated house.

He couldn't trust anyone else, but Liu Qiang was the only one he could trust.

"Mr. Su, there are too many ways. The easiest way is when we can decorate, ask the workers to knock down these load-bearing beams secretly, or ask someone to drive the car and directly smash the house at once. "Collapse" Liu Qiang listened for a while, and knew Su Wei's plan.

I just want to turn this house into a dangerous one, and then demolish it and rebuild it.

Then this method is too simple, just destroy it directly.

Anyway, this is my own house, and no one will take care of me.

"I'm going to Laomei's place recently, can you find someone here?" Liu Qiang's method, Su Wei has actually thought about it a long time ago.

Since Liu Qiang brought it up, he asked Liu Qiang to find someone by the way.

If something happened, he would be easy to catch people.

"Boss Su, it should be fine." Liu Qiang is very capable of handling this kind of thing.

Because he has several relatives who work on construction sites.

At that time, find a few workers and destroy the load-bearing beam first.

Then find someone to drive and knock down the house.

As for what to do if something happened, Liu Qiang never thought about the consequences.

Because his boss is so good, if something happens, he can get it back for him.

"That's fine, I hope that when I come back from Laomei's place, this house will already be in dilapidated state."

. . . . . .

"Awei, this time you are going to the US to buy a ranch, do you want to get a green card?" Wang Xiaoyuan talked to her parents about going to the US this time.

Her parents both asked her if she wanted to apply for a green card.

So Su Wei just happened to be going to the United States this time, and she wanted to do it together.

"Why do I apply for a green card, and I don't intend to immigrate?" Of course Su Wei knew that a green card is not a change of nationality.

But if you want to get American citizenship, a green card is a prerequisite.

But Su Wei didn't think the United States was so good, so he didn't want to get a green card.

"No, a green card is not an immigrant, but a permanent residence permit. If you apply for a green card, you will not need a visa to go to the United States in the future. If you invest so much money at one time, the pass rate is super fast." Can stay in the US forever.

Moreover, the price of the ranch that Su Wei bought this time will definitely not be cheap.

With conditions like his, the United States should not welcome him too much.

After all, apart from not accepting the poor, the United States wants everyone else.

"Then what is the difference between this American green card and American citizenship, and what are the benefits for me to apply for it?" Su Wei was a little interested when he heard that a green card is a permanent residence permit.

Because if this is the case, he can stay here for a long time to hunt in a few years.

"With a green card in the United States, your nationality is still Chinese, but your taxes are the same as those of Americans. The only difference is that you do not have the right to vote and be elected." With a green card, there is no problem with working and going to school.

The only difference is that you cannot vote like Americans.

"The right to vote and the right to be elected have nothing to do with me.

But with a green card, the taxes can be lower, and you can buy guns, right?" Su Wei didn't care about the right to vote and be elected.

After all, after living for so many years, he has never chosen.

The only good news may be that you can play with guns freely.

After all, a man, who can refuse the temptation of a Desert Eagle.

"Yes" Wang Xiaoyuan understands this well because there are too many immigrants and green card holders in Shanghai.

Among her relatives, several are now living in the United States.

So she really doesn't understand the difference between a green card and an immigrant.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"My partner, why did you call me today.

Hey, what is Mr. Fan looking for from me? "Su Wei was planning to have a detailed chat with Wang Xiaoyuan when the phone rang.

Picking it up, it turned out to be Fan Wenqi calling.

This time he went to Europe, but she didn't make a single call.

Now as soon as he came back, she called.

This made Su Wei wonder if she had used the power she shouldn't have used to investigate him.

"Boss Su, why didn't you call me when you came back from Europe?" Fan Wenqi received the message right after Su Wei's plane took off from Europe.

After all, her power is beyond comprehension by ordinary people.

Of course, she contacted Su Wei this time because something really happened.

"Why did I call you when I came back from Europe? You have something to talk about. I'm very busy here. I'll have dinner with my girlfriend later." When Su Wei spoke, he specifically emphasized his girlfriend.

This is to ask Fan Wenqi to pay attention when speaking.

Don't say things that are easy to misunderstand, after all, his girlfriend is by his side.

"That's right, I heard that Xu Meng came to Shanghai from Kyoto today." When Fan Wenqi had just slept with Su Wei, he really gave her a completely different feeling from a woman.

During those two days, she still missed this feeling.

But she is curvy after all, and this feeling comes and goes quickly.

During Su Wei's absence, she still felt that women were more fragrant.

The reason why I called Su Wei this time was because Xu Meng came to Shanghai.

From the looks of it, she should have come to Su Wei for help.

"What does her coming to Shanghai have anything to do with me, I don't know her well"

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