"What does her coming to Shanghai have anything to do with me? I don't know her very well." Hearing Fan Wenqi's words, Su Wei felt inexplicable.

Because his relationship with Xu Meng is really ordinary.

After all, the two of them had only met three or four times in total.

"If that's the case, then I don't worry, I thought you would intercede with her, after all, you have pursued her.

Hey Hey hey?Such a big man really can't afford it." Su Wei's pursuit of Xu Meng was rumored in Kyoto at that time.

Fan Wenqi originally lived in Kyoto, so of course she had heard of this matter.

Although she knew it was fake, it was pretty good to tease Su Wei out of it.

The man named Su Wei didn't show any pity to her at that time.

But she didn't expect Su Wei to be so stingy.

After listening to what she said, he hung up on her directly.

But Fan Wenqi didn't have anything, anyway, she had achieved her purpose of calling.

It was enough to know that Su Wei would not care about Xu Meng.

"Who is coming to Shanghai? Why do you look unhappy?" Seeing that Su Wei hadn't finished listening, Wang Xiaoyuan hung up the phone.

And on his face, it was as if he had eaten something unpalatable.

This is very strange to her. After all, if Su Wei encountered this situation before, he would immediately start greeting each other.

But this time, he just put on a bad face instead of swearing.

"No one, it's Xu Meng from the capital." Of course Su Wei knew that Fan Wenqi's words were teasing him.

Because of his and Xu Meng's situation, she should be very clear about it.

After all, Fan Wenqi wanted to swallow the Xu family, but had been collecting information about their family.

"What's the matter, she came to look for you?" Wang Xiaoyuan frowned unconsciously when she heard that Xu Meng was coming.

Because of this, Xu Meng had been rumored to have an affair with Su Wei before.

This time she was coming to Shanghai, Wang Xiaoyuan's instinctive reaction was that she was here to find Su Wei this time.

Otherwise, Su Wei's partner would not have come to inform him. .

"She came to Shanghai, and it has nothing to do with me. I deleted all her contact information." Su Wei really has no affection for Xu Meng.

After all, the two of them had never even slept together.

Since the separation of the real estate bureau, he blocked all her contact information.

She called Zhang Ruoyu's phone, but he didn't answer it once.

"Then why is she coming to Shanghai?" Wang Xiaoyuan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

Because Su Wei was very calm when he spoke.

Since he didn't come to look for Su Wei, then Wang Xiaoyuan has nothing to worry about.

"Maybe she wanted to come to me for help?" Su Wei asked why Xu Meng came to Shanghai, and why Fan Wenqi called.

He didn't live in a vacuum, how could he not know what happened in Kyoto recently.

The main reason is that this time Fan Wenqi has already started to attack Xu Meng's family.

When Xu Meng was desperate, he planned to come to Su Wei for help.

"Help? What happened to their family?" Wang Xiaoyuan knew that Xu Meng's family was quite rich.

In comparison, her family can't compare to Xu Meng's.

"The money their family borrowed from the bank has not come out now, and the company is likely to go bankrupt." If there is no one to target, Xu Jinguang has a way to pay back the money.

But who knew that he was unlucky enough to meet Fan Wenqi and the others who had no money.

Although Fan Wenqi is rich now, the other second generations are still very poor.

And for the other second generations, they spent manpower and material resources on this matter this time.

So the Snake Tunxiang plan is still going according to the original rhythm.

"Xu Meng's family owed us [-] million yuan and didn't pay it back. Now she dares to come to Shanghai to ask you for help? Husband, you won't help her?" After Xu Jinguang broke the contract last time, he still hasn't paid back the [-] million yuan to Su Wei. .

After Wang Xiaoyuan found out, she really hated Xu Meng's family to the extreme.

After all, they were the ones who failed to fulfill the contract at that time, and now they have the face to refuse to refund the deposit.

So she really didn't know what face Xu Meng had.

"Of course not, I'm not being cheap." At that time, Xu Jinguang didn't pay back the money, mainly because he cheated and wanted to continue to complete the contract.

But how could Su Wei continue to deal with a person like him who has no faith in his words.

There is actually a reason why Su Wei didn't take the money back.

Because he joined the Snake Tunxiang Project at that time, this [-] million was intended as a backup.

When the acquisition situation was deadlocked, he went to the court to sue Xu Jinguang for paying back the money.

Xu Jinguang and the others had no money at that time, so they took them away in a wave.

"Tomorrow is Xiaobai's wedding, so let's go to America the day after tomorrow." Whether Xu Meng's family is bankrupt has nothing to do with Wang Xiaoyuan.

She only knows one thing, and that is that her family is Lao Lai.

After all, a person who can even blackmail the deposit is such a good family.

She was afraid that Su Wei would be merciful, so she planned to leave for the United States the day after tomorrow.

When the two of them couldn't see each other, Xu Meng wouldn't continue to pester her.

"It's not necessary, Xu Meng came to the magic city, it's fine if I don't see her." Su Wei has a lot of things to do when he returns to the magic city this time.

Zhao Yayou had a good impression just now, and he was planning to strike while the iron is hot.

As for Shen Manyin and Fangyuan, he also had to go there this time.

Because Fangyuan's BMW has been blocked by Su Wei for more than half a month.

Moreover, Fang Yuan and him are on WeChat, but they have already chatted very passionately.

"This time we will go to the United States earlier, and we will return to China just before the Mid-Autumn Festival. If we go too late, I'm afraid we won't have enough time." Wang Xiaoyuan wants to go to the United States earlier this time, mainly because she wants to avoid Xu Meng.

But going to the United States to buy a ranch may indeed take a long time.

After all, the ranch that Su Wei bought this time is not that small ranch.

"It's too late. I'm afraid Mom and Dad didn't pack it up. Maybe it's two days later." If we set off the day after tomorrow, it would be too late for Su Wei.

So he wants to use his parents to play this delaying tactic.

"It's okay, I'll talk to my parents"

. . . . . .

"Ning Jie, thank you. Without you this time, I don't know what to do." Xu Meng didn't come to Shanghai alone this time.

She came here this time, and her best friend Xiang Ning Jie accompanied her.

As for her other girlfriends, they all have their own affairs to attend to recently.

Of course she knew that this was just an excuse.

After all, something happened to her family now, and those people wanted to deal with her coldly recently.

"We are good girlfriends, you are in trouble now, I will definitely help you." Xiang Ningjie and Xu Meng have known each other for more than ten years.

The relationship between two people has been cultivated since childhood.

Now that Xu Meng's family is in trouble, she will definitely not sit idly by.

But she can't help with her family's affairs.

I can only accompany her and come to the magic capital.

"I hope this difficulty in my family can pass sooner." Xu Meng didn't know if it was all right, why would someone maliciously buy their family.

And it only owes the bank 10 billion, so how could it make their family seem to be going bankrupt.

The accounts of their family outside add up to more than 20 billion.

"Are you sure you will meet Su Wei when you come to Shanghai this time?" Xiang Ningjie mustered up his courage to accompany Xu Meng to Shanghai.

After all, Su Wei let her slap her own face in the capital before.

At that time, she was still thinking that she would show him a good look in the future.

Unexpectedly, now, she would accompany her best friend to the devil's capital to beg him for help.

"I've already asked someone to find out. Su Wei lives in Gubei No. [-] in Shanghai, and I already know his license plate. Tomorrow we will go directly to the door." Xu Meng has already made up his mind when he comes to Shanghai. .

This is not the time for her to be reserved.

No matter what conditions Su Wei would ask, she would agree to Su Wei's request.

"But this time the opponent is aggressive, can Su Wei resist them?" They already knew who they were dealing with the Xu family this time.

After all, the opponent has so many hands and feet, how could he hide it.

In other words, the other party didn't intend to hide.

With such a large group of second generations, Xiang Ningjie doubted whether Su Wei could stand against them.

"I don't know if Su Wei can resist, I only know that he is the only life-saving straw for my family now." Whether Su Wei can resist these second generations, Xu Meng doesn't know.

All she knows now is that Su Wei is the only life-saving straw for her family.

As for what will happen to Su Wei after saving people, that's out of her control.

After all, her hero must be a powerful warrior.

If she collapsed in order to save others, it would definitely not be her final destination.

"Then we'll go find him when we wake up tomorrow."

. . . . . .

"Wow, you're all here. Awei and I were talking about who would be the last to arrive, but we didn't expect that we would be the last to arrive." Wang Xiaoyuan opened the door of the box and found that everyone inside had already arrived.

Just now, she and Su Wei were chatting on the road, thinking that these people would definitely not come so early.

After all, there are many of them, but they only get up at night.

"Didn't we hear the news about your buying a house? We rushed over here immediately, and we must have a good meal for you." Li Rui looked at Wang Xiaoyuan, feeling really sore in her heart.

Because now that Wang Xiaoyuan is with Su Wei, she really exudes nobility.

"How much can I eat? By the way, someone will pay anyway." Now that Wang Xiaoyuan is out with Su Wei, she definitely doesn't have to pay for it.

After all, she is different now, she is the mother of Su Wei's child.

"After Xiaoyuan and Brother Su got together, they really became more and more powerful." When Li Ziwei spoke, he even glanced at his sister.

After all, he had heard a little about his sister and Su Wei.

But now that Wang Xiaoyuan is pregnant, basically his sister has no chance.

"Hey Xiaoyuan, which neighborhood did you buy your house this time? I'll see if I can be your neighbor." Aya and Li Renfeng are going to buy a wedding house soon.

She wanted to see where Wang Xiaoyuan bought it, and she would buy it there too.

After all, Li Renfeng and Su Wei are brothers, and she and Wang Xiaoyuan are best friends.

Wherever you want to go to play, you can just go out together with a phone call.

"The house I bought is not a community house, but an old bungalow." Wang Xiaoyuan treated guests to dinner, so she must have thought of showing off.

After all, a house worth [-] million won't be worthy of such an expensive house.

"Holy shit, is it an old bungalow? The old bungalows in the market are going crazy now, Xiaoyuan's house is at least half a billion." Most of them grew up in Shanghai.

They know a little bit about the old houses in Shanghai.

After all, I don't live in an old bungalow, and there are always relatives and friends living there.

"You really don't understand the market, half a billion old bungalows, either the location is very remote, or the house has no room for activities at all.

And you can see the smile on the corner of Xiaoyuan's mouth, then this house must be worth hundreds of millions, right Xiaoyuan "Jing Gaode has studied bungalows before.

Although 5000 million is a lot, it is only for the Daping layer.

In old bungalows, 5000 million is really not very expensive.

Especially this house must have been bought by Su Wei.

The value of this house, he guessed blindly, was in the hundreds of millions.

"I didn't see it, Lao Jin, you still have research on bungalows." Su Wei didn't expect that Jin Gaode actually had such a research on bungalows.

He wouldn't be surprised if someone else said that.

But Jin Gaode said this, so he was quite surprised.

After all, in this room, he and Jin Gaode didn't grow up in Shanghai.

"My dad took a fancy to a bungalow on Julu Road before. The year before last, it only cost 3000 million yuan. My dad thought the price was a bit expensive, so he planned to wait to buy it. Some time ago, he went to see the bungalow and found that the house had already risen to 7000 million.

Brother Su, how much is your house? "Jing Gaode's father took a fancy to an old bungalow on Julu Road in [-] years.

At that time, the landlord quoted 3000 million yuan, and the price was still negotiable.

But Jin Gaode's father disliked that the house was only more than 200 square meters, and there was no transaction afterwards.

As a result, I went to see the house two months ago, and found that the old bungalow was sold for 7000 million at the beginning of the year.

"Then the old bungalow we bought is a bit expensive. It cost more than [-] million yuan." The old bungalow Su Wei bought this time is considered a top luxury house in the entire magic city.

After all, with such a high price, few individuals can take over.

"How much? More than [-] million? With this money, you can go to the beautiful Irvine to buy a manor." Li Renfeng felt that the price of [-] million was too worthless.

After all, the big villa his family bought in Irvine only cost $800 million.

More than three billion RMB, that is around 5000 million US dollars.

With so much money to buy a house in the United States, it is really possible to buy a super large manor.

“Irvine is, after all, just a suburb of Los Angeles.

As for Yuanyuan's house, it is on Changle Road in Huangpu, only a few hundred meters away from Xintiandi." Of course, Su Wei felt that the price of [-] million was not worth it.

After all, the living conditions of Chinese people are not comparable to those in Europe and the United States.

But if you don't buy it now, it will continue to rise here in the future.

After all, it is only 2018, and its housing prices are far from peaking.

"This location is awesome. It's a few hundred meters away from Xintiandi. There is sky, land and gardens. It really is a sky-high priced house." Hearing that this house is near Xintiandi, everyone reluctantly accepted it.

After all, this location is really top-notch.

The prices of the high-rise buildings near here are generally in the hundreds of thousands.

"Awei, after dinner, let's take a look at this [-] million house." Li Renfeng wanted to go and see this old house worth [-] million.

Why is it worth so much money.

"Okay, if you want to see it, let's go together later.

By the way, we are going to the United States the day after tomorrow, Lao Li, I will ask you to arrange it then." Su Wei has never been to the United States before.

Wang Xiaoyuan has been there, but only to travel there.

The person I am most familiar with in the United States here is Li Renfeng.

After all, he often goes to the United States, and his family has bought a house there.

"Going to go the day after tomorrow? Then we will fly directly to Los Angeles John Wayne Airport. After we get there, everyone will live in my house. Anyway, my house is big enough.

After contacting the agent, we can go to see the ranch." Li Renfeng originally thought that it would take at least the end of the month to go to the United States.

After all, Su Wei just came back, so he had to rest for a while.

Who knows that they will go the day after tomorrow, so let's go.

Anyway, his home in Irvine is now empty and unoccupied.

After everyone passes by, they can live in his house.

"Go to America? I want to go too." Aya didn't know before that Li Renfeng wanted to go to America with Su Wei and the others.

Now that she knew it, of course she strongly demanded to follow along.

After all, with so many people going to the United States, it must be fun then.

"Okay, then when the time is confirmed, go to my place and gather, then we will set off together"

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