Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 385 Sister Fang, You Are Here Too

"Xiaobai, you are going to hold a wedding tomorrow, why do you need to come out in person now? In fact, just give us a call." Wang Xiaoyuan received a call from Xiaobai within half an hour after returning home, saying that she was coming visit.

Then within 5 minutes, they had already arrived downstairs.

It turned out that the purpose of their visit this time was to ask Su Wei to borrow a car.

Wang Xiaoyuan didn't think it was necessary for her to come here. In fact, she could just call and send someone over.

After all, she is getting married tomorrow, so there must be a lot of things going on.

"What's the point of making a phone call? After all, Brother Su's cars cost hundreds of millions of dollars." This time, Xiaobai had to come over in person to borrow such an expensive car.

After all, Su Wei lent the car out to save her face.

Mo didn't know how many people wanted to borrow a car, but Su Wei just never borrowed a car.

If she is not sensible, just make a phone call and have the car driven away.

In Su Wei's case, her behavior must be very embarrassing.

"A car is something that you can drive when you buy it. You don't care how much it's worth." Although Su Wei doesn't have many friends, there are quite a few people who borrow cars like him.

I don't know what kind of psychology those people used to say this to him.

Because they didn't know Su Wei actually, so he refused without hesitation.

This time I lent Xiaobai a car mainly because he had slept with her and she was also Wang Xiaoyuan's best friend.

"Brother Su is right about that, a car is indeed just a means of transportation." Xiaobai's husband, Gao Yu, also came over this time.

Before that, he didn't miss Su Wei and the others very much.

Because at that time, he felt that everyone was a rich second generation, and there was no need for me to rush to curry favor with you.

But now, he has decided to develop in Shanghai.

So for Su Wei, of course he wanted to curry favor with him.

After all, Su Wei's resources are beyond his reach.

Any leaking out would be enough to fill him up.

"I've already prepared the cars you want this time. One Rafa, one 918, and two Phantoms. A total of four cars is enough." Among the four cars, three are Su Wei. Yes, one of the Phantoms belongs to Su Xiaoming.

These four cars were given to Xiaobai, and Su Wei felt that she had enough.

After all, this time Xiaobai heard that he was not the only one who borrowed the car.

And Su Wei himself had to leave one or two cars to drive.

It is impossible to borrow all the cars and then make yourself without a car to drive.

"Brother Su, there is one more thing I would like to trouble you with, that is, can you go over and help pick up the bride tomorrow morning?" Seeing that Su Wei had arranged four cars, Xiaobai felt that he was really kind.

After all, the prices of these four cars are all over tens of millions.

Especially the convertible Lafah inside, which is now over 5000 million.

When she got the key, she remembered that she still wanted to invite Su Wei to help pick up the bride.

"Didn't your best man find a good man? Why do you want him to go?" Wang Xiaoyuan was surprised. Didn't Xiaobai's husband find a good best man?

What kind of operation is calling Su Wei to pick up the bride now.

"It's like this. The best men I'm looking for don't dare to drive such amazing cars as Lafa and 918, so I can only trouble Brother Su to drive this Lafa in person." The best man Gao Yu found this time, All his friends and classmates.

They didn't say it, and they didn't dare to mention Rafa.

The main reason is that Xiaobai doesn't let them drive, and Su Wei and other car owners must drive by themselves.

After all, if such an expensive car is hit or scratched, it will be a big deal.

So the best way is to let these car owners drive themselves.

"Then what about my 918? Who will drive it?" Su Wei heard this reason, and it really makes sense after thinking about it, so let's go and do it yourself.

After all, my Rafa is really too expensive.

But he is alone, what about the remaining 918?
"I have already agreed with Ruirui, she will drive this 918 tomorrow." Originally, Xiaobai arranged for Li Ziwei to drive this 918.

But when he called, Li Rui happened to be right next to him.

She snatched the phone and said that she would call 918.

It doesn't matter to Xiaobai, because Li Rui has driven 918 before.

So it was decided that Li Rui would drive Su Wei's 918.

"What time is it tomorrow? If it's too early, I won't be able to get up." Although Su Wei promised to help, it's too early.

After all, he sleeps late every day, and getting up too early in the morning is like killing him.

"It may be very early, at least after seven o'clock, because I will pick me up at my house at 10 o'clock." Xiaobai got married this time, and the time for picking up his relatives was set at 10 o'clock.

It takes more than seven o'clock, mainly because they may have to dawdle.

By the time we set off, at least it will be after 08:30.

Xiaobai's wedding room was bought in Lujiazui, Pudong.

And Xiaobai's parents' home is in Hongyuan in Xuhui.

If you come over there, there will definitely be a traffic jam at that point on the road.

So although the journey was only half an hour, they left an hour and a half on the road.

"Seven o'clock? Can't do it, it's too early, I'll send a driver." Su Wei waved his hand quickly when he heard that he was going to get up at seven o'clock.

It is simply impossible for him to get up at this point.

After all, he didn't go to bed until seven o'clock in the morning most of the time.

If that's the case, he might as well just stay awake in the morning.

So he decided to call Liu Qiang over to drive.

Anyway, apart from him, Liu Qiang drove the most Rafa.

"Brother Su, why don't you go? I've already made an agreement with Brother Feng and the others. They're already waiting for you in the Grand Hyatt Hotel, okay?" Xiaobai arranged for Li Renfeng and the others to pick up the bride this time. .

After all, her husband will stay in Shanghai for a long time to develop.

It was true that the relationship between them was not very good before, but now she wants to resolve the conflict between them.

And the key person here is Su Wei.

If he doesn't care about it, many things will be easier to handle.

"Xiaobai begged you so much, Ah Wei, you can go." Wang Xiaoyuan asked Su Wei to go, which was also selfish.

Because isn't Xu Meng coming to Shanghai now, she happened to send Su Wei away.

At that time, even if she came to the door, she would not be able to find Su Wei's person.

"Okay, give me your hotel room key, I'll go there later"

. . . . . .

"Hey, Miss Fangyuan, where are you?" Su Wei didn't plan to stay at the Grand Hyatt tonight.

Because the Grand Hyatt hotel is in Pudong.

And tonight, he has other things to do.

So his plan is to go there tomorrow morning.

"Me, I'm working out outside, have you returned to China?" Fang Yuan and Su Wei have been chatting on WeChat recently.

After chatting for a while, she felt that this little brother was not as unreasonable as he had acted before.

When she was working out today, the mobile phone on the stool rang.

When Su Wei asked where she was, her heart rate slowed down.

Because of asking like this, it is obvious that he has returned to China.

"That's right, the first thing I do when I return to China is to come to you." Here at Fangyuan, Su Wei didn't intend to eat her up so soon.

But he is going to the United States the day after tomorrow, and now the time has become tight.

In addition to Fangyuan, he didn't intend to fall in love.

Of course, if you can eat her earlier, then eat her earlier.

"Why, are you willing to let my family's car out?" Fang Yuan was the first one to come to her when she heard Su Wei said that she had returned to China.

Although she is married, she is still very happy.

But she wanted to know what Su Wei was planning to do when he came to find her.

"Sister, you misunderstood me. I want to know that Sister Fang Yuan is so reasonable, so I definitely wouldn't block your car." If he didn't know Fang Yuan's good looks later, this car might really block her. Just kneel down and beg for mercy.

After all, they were too unreasonable when they called.

But women are beautiful, so there must be preferential treatment in Su Wei's place.

Although there is preferential treatment, kneeling and begging for mercy is unavoidable.

"Why are you so glib, you can just go to the garage and just drive the car away." Although Fang Yuan has been married for so many years, she has always taken care of herself and kept fit.

Hearing Su Wei praise her now, the corner of his mouth smiled unconsciously.

But she knew that she couldn't give this little crane a good look.

Otherwise, he would have climbed up the pole.

She thinks this way because every time Su Wei chats with her, the topics go a little beyond the boundaries.

"That's no good, you won't forget it, I gave you a few things for Daigou, don't you plan to take it?" Su Wei knew the radius, but he was actually very depressed.

Because Su Wei started flirting with her after chatting with her twice.

Although she said not to talk about it, she never stopped it firmly.

"I'm in the gym near the gymnasium. I'll send you the address. Come and call me." Fang Yuan dragged Su Wei this time, bringing her a bag, a pair of shoes and a set of cosmetics.

If Su Wei hadn't reminded her, she would have almost forgotten about it.

After all, it was already half a month ago when I said it.

"I'm not very far away from you, I should be there soon"

. . . . . .

"Hey, Sister Fangyuan, have you been waiting for a long time?" Su Wei's car today was his big Mercedes-Benz G.

He drives this car because it is the only car, the most low-key one in his garage.

No way, his other cars are too high-profile.

If he drives another car, then his character design will not exist.

And even if he wants to drive, he doesn't have a car now.

"Xiaohe? This is your car?" At the beginning, Fang Yuan thought that Su Wei was just an office worker in the company.

But seeing him driving a Mercedes-Benz G now, it feels like she misunderstood something.

After all, this car costs 200 million.

Well, she thought it was a G500, not a G65 AMG.

"Yes, I bought it for my family, but I don't like it very much. Sister, get in the car." Su Wei really doesn't like this car very much.

Because this car is driving in the city, it is useless except for pretending.

I don't want to talk about the general feeling of driving, and the seat is too straight to sit on and it is uncomfortable.

So after buying this car for so long, Su Wei has never driven it.

"You don't need to get in the car, just give me the things." When Fang Yuan didn't see Su Wei at first, she thought he should be a little milk dog.

But now that she met her, she knew that he was obviously a little wolf dog.

Because he looked at her as if he was hunting.

Although she said that she didn't want to get in the car, in fact, she was already being bumped by a deer in her heart.

"Let's go, I've already made an appointment with Shen Manyin, let's have a meal together later, and let's clarify the matter of this parking space.

Otherwise, there will always be conflicts between the two of you, and I don't want to see this kind of thing happen again." Seeing Fang Yuan, Su Wei was embarrassed, and went directly to open the door and took her hand to get on the co-pilot.

This time Su Wei went to eat and asked Shen Manyin to go with him.

Mainly because of the two of them, he was afraid that she would be too defensive.

After all, she is a decent person, not the kind who spends money to accompany her for dinner.

"Don't eat. I'm working out recently. If I eat, my recent efforts will be in vain." Fang Yuan was pulled into the car by Su Wei just now, making her face red.

After all, she has kept a distance from men since she got married.

She has never experienced this kind of hand-holding between a man and a woman for many years.

After calming down, she still refused Su Wei's offer to eat.

Because she hasn't eaten at night since she started exercising.

And at this point, it was already past 9 o'clock, and she was going to sleep later.

"Sister Fangyuan, you have such a good figure, do you still need to exercise?" Su Wei looked at the circle below and found that her figure was really good.

Because she is working out today, she is wearing tights.

Really, the place that should be straight is straight, and the place that should be warped is warped.

Although Su Wei didn't get started, she was at least C+ by visual inspection.

"Don't praise me, I'm already in my 30s." Fang Yuan was only 18 when she was with her husband.

When the two of them were arguing about the certificate, the eldest of her family was already over a year old.

So although she is only 32 years old now, the eldest of her family is already in the first grade of junior high school.

"Sister, you are in your 30s, and I thought you were about the same age as me.

But you can't eat while exercising, so how about this, let's go clean up and sit down for a while, it's okay." Although Fang Yuan is in good condition, he can still see it.

There is a difference between her and the girls in their early 20s.

But 20-year-old girls and 30-year-old women are Su Wei's favorites.

Su Wei picked a girl, he only cared about whether he wanted to fall in love with her.

He didn't intend to let Fang Yuan's looks and figure go.

"Go clean it, it's okay" If Su Wei suggested going to the bar, Fang Yuan would definitely go home directly.

But if she goes to clean up, then she doesn't care.

Anyway, Xiaohe's girlfriend, Shen Manyin, will also come over at that time.

"Then let's pick up Shen Manyin first, she lives not far from here." Shen Manyin has looked for Su Wei many times since she knew Su Wei was back.

But at that time, Su Wei had more important things to do.

Now he took the time to settle the matter between Shen Manyin and Fang Yuan.

"Didn't she go to the capital for a business trip?" Fang Yuan came to his senses at this moment, didn't Shen Manyin go to the capital?

Looking at Xiaohe's driving route, it doesn't look like going to the airport or the high-speed rail station.

"I lied to you when I went to Beijing. After blocking your car at that time, I was afraid that your family would retaliate, so I asked Shen Manyin to move outside." If Su Wei was not going to Europe at that time, this matter would have It should have been fixed a month ago.

He was also very embarrassed that it took so long this time.

After all, because of this incident, Shen Manyin stayed in the hotel for half a month.

"Then you and Shen Manyin are really boyfriend and girlfriend?" The matter of going to the capital can all be false.

Then the relationship between him and Shen Manyin couldn't be fake.

"Of course not. She and I are just friends. I said that at the time because I could intervene for this reason." Su Wei wanted to go up to Yuan, but of course he would not admit that he and Shen Manyin were boyfriend and girlfriend.

In addition, he and Shen Manyin are indeed not boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Xiao He, is that girl in front of you Xiao Shen?" Originally, when Fang Yuan wanted to see Shen Manyin later, he felt like a thief going to see the owner.

Now that she knew that Shen Manyin and Xiaohe had nothing to do with each other, she immediately felt relieved.

At this time, I saw a girl in front of me, who seemed to be Shen Manyin.

"Which one? Oh, the one in the dress seems to be her indeed.

Shen Manyin, get in the car." Su Wei followed the direction of Fangyuan's finger and saw a girl in a white dress by the side of the road.

He drove the car a little over and found that it was indeed Shen Manyin.

Open the window of the co-pilot and ask Shen Manyin to get in the car.

"Awei, you're here, Sister Fang, are you there too?"

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