"Awei, you're here, Sister Fang, are you here?" Shen Manyin was really uneasy in the hotel this time.

Because Su Wei has already gone to Europe, and he has been there for more than half a month.

So she basically sends Su Wei a message every day, wanting to see when he will come back.

She was going to have dinner today, but Su Wei told her that he was back and wanted to have dinner with her tonight.

So Shen Manyin waited from six o'clock in the evening until nine o'clock now, and finally waited for him to receive his news.

And she was already at the entrance of the hotel, waiting for Su Wei for almost half an hour.

At this time, she saw a Mercedes-Benz G parked in front of her, and she planned to go further away.

There is no way, big cities are like this, there are super many people who strike up good-looking girls.

At this time, the glass came down, and Su Wei's voice came from the car.

Only then did she know that this was Su Wei's car.

And in the car, she unexpectedly met someone she never expected, that is Fang Yuan.

"Xiao Shen, I haven't seen you for a long time. This seat is yours. I'll go and sit in the back." Although Su Wei said that he and Shen Manyin are not boyfriend and girlfriend.

But Shen Manyin is so beautiful, Fang Yuan doesn't believe that Su Wei has no idea about her.

So she was in the co-pilot, really awkward.

"No need, Sister Fang Yuan, you can just sit down, Shen Manyin can sit in the back" Su Wei saw Fang Yuan thinking about it, so he was immediately caught by Fang Yuan's hand.

After all, compared to Shen Manyin, he is actually more interested in Fang Yuan.

After all, Fangyuan really wanted to have good looks and a good figure.

Most importantly, her identity made him feel more exciting.

As for Shen Manyin, her appearance is indeed not bad, but her figure is too rich.

"Yes, Sister Fang, you can just sit down, and I'll just sit in the back." Shen Manyin really couldn't figure out what Su Wei was doing.

And when did he actually get in touch with Fangyuan.

Didn't he say that he wanted to give her a head start?

Why are they so ambiguous between him and Fangyuan now?

And the radius is also true, doesn't she already have a husband.

In such a situation, she is not afraid of being known by her husband.

"Xiao Shen, I'm really sorry this time, causing you to stay in a hotel for half a month, why don't you move back to stay tonight?" Fang Yuan felt really embarrassed when he saw Shen Manyin.

After all, if it wasn't for their family, Shen Manyin wouldn't have come to stay in the hotel.

Of course, if Shen Manyin hadn't come to stay in the hotel, her husband would definitely have come to make trouble at that time.

"I'd better move tomorrow, after all, there are quite a lot of things in the hotel." Shen Manyin actually didn't care if he moved or not.

Because Su Wei is here in the hotel, he still has half a month's rent left.

And she is renting a house there, only ten days are due.

If the rent is not paid by then, she may be evicted.

So in comparison, she prefers to live in a hotel.

"Then I'll help you move it tomorrow. I just happen to have nothing to do tomorrow." Her BMW X5 will come out tomorrow.

Her car is at least an off-road vehicle.

And Shen Manyin's car was just an A-class sedan.

In contrast, of course, its car is more capable of loading.

And Shen Manyin would stay in a hotel, that's entirely because of their family.

She went to help, and she should.

"Okay, since everyone is here, let's go." Seeing Shen Manyin getting into the car, Su Wei shifted into D gear.

He can't wait now, he wants to drink Fangyuan wine in the bar.

After all, if she doesn't hurry up, what should she do if she regrets not going.

"Are you going to eat now?" Shen Manyin originally thought that she and Su Wei were two people.

But now that Fangyuan is by his side, it is definitely impossible to go on a date alone.

"Sister Fangyuan doesn't eat when she works out at night, so we're going to find a clean bar to sit down." Su Wei went to the clean bar, which is also very particular.

Because if he starts to suggest going to bars or KTV, Fang Yuan will definitely be wary.

In that environment, it may not be easy to pour alcohol.

But Qing Bar is different, at least the atmosphere is much better.

You can drink while listening to music, in this case it is easy to get drunk.

"Then there is a Qing Bar at the corner in front, I often pass by there when I come back." There is a Qing Bar in front, and Shen Manyin went there before.

After all, she lived here for half a month, and sometimes she and her little sister would find a place nearby to get together.

Shen Manyin felt that the atmosphere in that place was indeed first-rate.

"Then let's go there"

. . . . . .

"The environment here is okay, I thought it was not very good outside just now." Su Wei entered the Qing Bar and found that there is quite an artistic atmosphere here.

It was really similar to the taverns he saw in France.

But the only bad thing is that the singing voice of the singer on stage is a bit loud.

When two people talk, they can only talk closer.

"It should be located too far away, so many people didn't notice it." The business of this bar is really not good.

It's past nine o'clock now, and there are only a few tables of guests in the bar.

"Then let's order something to drink, Sister Fangyuan, Xiaoyin, what do you two want to drink?" Others don't like this kind of place where the singing is too loud, but he likes it very much.

Because when two people talk, after all, they can only hear clearly if they are close to their ears.

This is like whispering, and it is easy for two people to have an ambiguous feeling.

If we had some more wine at this time, the evening would basically be over.

"Have some wine, I rarely come to this kind of place." Although Shen Manyin is not a frequent visitor to the bar, she still comes here occasionally.

But now that Su Wei is here, she plans to pretend.

Because she remembered that she was regarded as a goddess by many people because of her innocence.

"What about Miss Fangyuan? What are you drinking?" Su Wei was noncommittal to Shen Manyin's words.

Because Shen Manyin said that she hadn't been to the bar very much, just like a man who had never smoked.

In a big city like Shanghai, women who have never been to a bar are too rare.

Anyway, Su Wei didn't believe that Shen Manyin would be this kind of person.

"I won't drink, I have to go home later." Fang Yuan is now with Shen Manyin, she just feels very embarrassed.

Because when taking the seat, Shen Manyin sat opposite, and she and Su Wei sat together.

It made Shen Manyin look at her resentfully.

She wanted to change it, but Xiaohe refused.

"It's okay, we'll call a driver later, anyway, it's not far from where you live, you two girls, then I'll order a bar with a lower alcohol rating.

Hello, bring me a dozen Fujia whites, a bottle of Jinro, a bottle of Coke, some ice cubes, another big glass, and some appetizers." Su Wei ordered Jinro and Coke, which is particular of.

Because of Jinro, it tastes great with beer.

Even people who can't drink alcohol will feel that this wine tastes very smooth.

Su Wei was afraid that Fang Yuan would not be used to drinking, so he made a special bottle of Coke to taste.

"Xiaohe, why do you order Jinro? I've drank this bongzi wine before. It's terrible." Fang Yuan likes watching bangzi dramas very much, and knows that people in Bangzi Kingdom like to drink Jinro, the shochu.

So she also went to buy Jinro wine to drink after watching TV.

But when I drank it myself, I realized that it was really so bad that I wanted to vomit.

Now seeing Su Wei ordering this wine, she hurriedly stopped him.

"That's right, but I heard from my friends that when Jinro is mixed with beer, it tastes non-alcoholic and very smooth." Don't look at Jinro's shochu, which has a low alcohol content, and the beer has a low alcohol content.

But since Jinro is distilled alcohol, it will ferment if mixed with beer.

This thing is the latest fragment wine on the market.

Don't say it's an ordinary woman, it's just a big man who drinks a lot, that's what you say.

"I've never heard of this one. Just when the wine is here, let's try it and we'll know." Shen Manyin knew that Su Wei's wine order this time must not be that simple.

But in order for Su Wei to save her, of course she would not express her doubts.

And even if Su Wei doesn't help him, she doesn't dare to offend Su Wei.

"This waiter is fine, but he brought a beer barrel. That's just right. Let's put all the ice cubes in it, then pour this bottle of Zhenlu into it, pour another five bottles of beer, and then have a bottle of Coke to stir it. Now it's almost It's ready to drink." When Su Wei was speaking, he poured a glass for Fang Yuan and Shen Manyin.

He poured pure Fujia white beer into his glass.

After all, he is the main force in sports at night, and it would be a joke if he was drunk.

"Let me try a cup first, um, the taste is really good, it seems that there is really no alcohol." Fangyuan heard Su Wei's words so nicely, but Su Wei handed over the wine.

Of course, she couldn't dry it all in one breath, but took a sip first.

I found this blend to be really good.

And she didn't taste alcohol in it, so she couldn't help but took a big sip.

"Well, then I'll try it, um, it's really delicious." Hearing Fang Yuan say this, Shen Manyin also took a sip.

I found that this mixed wine really doesn't have any alcohol taste at all.

Could it be that she misunderstood Su Wei, he really just brought them to the bar to mediate disputes?

"Now the wine has been adjusted, let's go first." Seeing the two of them drinking this wine as a drink, Su Wei knew that tonight was safe.

There was actually a reason why he made such trouble.

That is him tonight, the target is not just one person.

After all, I'm going to the United States the day after tomorrow, and these two days are tight and the tasks are heavy.

"Xiaohe, why do you drink beer instead of the wine you made yourself?" Fang Yuan saw at this time that Su Wei was actually drinking pure beer.

And he didn't drink a sip of the wine he mixed himself.

"I still like the feeling of a little alcohol. This tastes like a drink, and it's only suitable for you women." Su Wei drinks this kind of craft beer, and drinking half a dozen by himself is fine.

But he couldn't drink five full glasses of such a mixed wine.

In that case, of course he chose to drink beer.

"I didn't realize that Xiaohe is such a good drinker, so let's drink more." Hearing Xiaohe's words, Fang Yuan thought he looked down on these women.

So instead of waiting for Su Wei to persuade him to drink, she started to persuade Su Wei to drink instead.

"Sister, let's drink the wine slowly. Our main purpose today is to solve the problem of the parking space. Xiaoyin, do you think so?" Su Wei didn't expect that Fang Yuan would start drinking himself without him drinking. .

But this wine was too easy to get drunk, so he planned to let her drink it slowly.

After all, within half an hour of coming in, she was carried to the hotel, which is not interesting.

"Xiaohe, don't ask me, I know, I was really wrong before, I shouldn't often occupy Xiaoshen's parking space, but I definitely won't do it in the future." Fang Yuan said this today mainly because of Su Wei's presence.

Otherwise, how could she say this to Shen Manyin.

After all, her temper didn't develop in a day.

"Since you've said that, Sister Fangyuan, let's have a drink with Xiaoyin to clear up the quarrel." Su Wei had previously agreed to give Shen Manyin a head start.

Since he said this, then this matter must be done.

It was impossible for him to take this matter lightly just because he wanted to go up.

"This wine is delicious, it feels like drinking a drink." Fang Yuan didn't expect that Zhenlu could still drink like this.

If there is a party in the future, she can show her skills.

"It's just a drink. Think about it. Beer and Jinro have a low alcohol content. I added ice cubes and cola, so there's no alcohol in it now." Su Wei obviously opened his eyes and told nonsense .

Because Fang Yuan's face had already started to turn red.

It's not obvious yet, but the alcohol has definitely taken effect.

"The environment of this bar is very good, but the singer up there sings too badly." Fang Yuan was really satisfied with this bar.

The only dissatisfaction is the singer above.

I don't know what he sang, anyway, she doesn't like it very much.

At this time, she didn't realize that she was already a little bit over the top.

"Oh, sister Fangyuan is still a hidden singer?" Su Wei always has a preference for talented girls.

After all, talent is really a bonus item.

Especially if you sing well, singing in bed is simply a kind of enjoyment.

That kind of girl with a duck voice is what Su Wei hates the most.

Because their singing voices are too ugly, just like a man, it's very depressing.

"I shouldn't be allowed to go up here, next time I go to KTV, I'll show you off." Fang Yuan felt a little embarrassed about singing on stage.

Because she grew up so big, she hasn't performed on stage yet.

"Don't do it next time, just today.

Waiter, come here." Su Wei saw that Fang Yuan had the idea of ​​going on stage.

If that's the case, then please satisfy her.

"What's the matter, sir?" The waiter was envious of Su Wei.

After all, he was alone and brought two girls to the bar.

And these two girls look pretty good.

"My girlfriend wants to go up and sing, is there a way?" Su Wei said, directly being his girlfriend.

Anyway, it's just saying something, it's not serious, and it can also draw girls' favor.

"I'm afraid this is not possible, because if we want to go up to sing, we need the consent of our music director." Although the business of their bar is not good.

But there are positions that should be there, such as this music director.

As long as the whole bar is related to music, he is doing it all.

"The words are so awesome, and the above-mentioned singing is so ugly, it seems that you, the music director, are not very good.

Here is 1 yuan, as long as my girlfriend goes up to sing a song, the money will be yours, can you do it?" Su Wei didn't talk nonsense about the waiter.

He took out 1 yuan directly from his bag.

As long as the waiter can do it, he can take the money.

"Sir, are you kidding?" The waiter didn't expect that he would encounter the scene on TV.

It's just that he wasn't sure if the guest was talking casually.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Su Wei will take out 1 yuan, mainly in cash.

It is impossible for him to withdraw money from the 1 yuan when he is pretending to be aggressive.

In that case, it's better not to pretend to be so LOW.

"Xiaohe, there's no need to spend this money, why don't we go to KTV to sing?" Fang Yuan really didn't expect that Su Wei would throw money at the slightest disagreement.

And what she dropped was not small money, but 1 yuan.

Using this money as a tip for the waiters, it is better for them to go to KTV to spend, and they don’t need so much money.

"Let me ask our music director, I think the singer on stage is really not good at singing." This 1 yuan is higher than a waiter's salary for a month.

Whether it can be done or not, he must try it.

"Then you go ask." Su Weineng could clearly sense that Fang Yuan had drawn him closer because of the money.

Of course, it's not that Fang Yuan is less than ten thousand, but that Su Weineng spent so much money for her because of such a trivial matter.

"Xiaohe, you don't need to spend the 1 yuan. If you like it, we can go to the KTV and sing enough." Although Su Wei's behavior is really taken advantage of.

But Fangyuan really felt warm in his heart for Su Wei's performance.

"Singing in a bar is different from singing in a KTV. As long as you like it, it's worth the money."

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