The next day.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hello, who is it?" Fang Yuan heard the phone ringing in a daze, and that place was right next to her.

She touched it by feeling, and then connected to the phone.

At this time, Fang Yuan thought she was at home.

"Where's Su Wei? Find him to answer the phone" The first thing Li Rui did after waking up this morning was to find Su Wei.

After knocking on the door for a long time, I found that no one opened the door.

She went to the front desk to get a key card for Zhang Suwei's room, and when she opened the door, she found that there was no trace of anyone sleeping inside.

Judging from this, he didn't come to stay at the Grand Hyatt Hotel last night at all.

Li Rui had no choice but to call Su Wei.

Who knew that after the call was connected, it turned out to be a female voice, and this voice was not Wang Xiaoyuan's.

With a cold voice, Li Rui asked the person opposite to give Su Wei the phone.

"Who are you? Why should I listen to you, and I don't know who Su Wei is?" Fang Yuan immediately became angry when he heard the other party's words.

After all, she has grown up so much, and no one has ordered her like this.

And it can be seen from her frequent parking spaces that she has a bad temper.

"This call is for me, give it to me." After Su Wei was awakened by the sound of the phone call, he saw Fang Yuan holding his cell phone.

Pushing away Shen Manyin who was lying on top of him, she reached out and asked Fang Yuan for her cell phone.

After all, he was also afraid that it might be one of his girlfriends calling.

"Ahhh, why are you here, Xiaohe, and you are also here, Xiaoshen?" Fang Yuan had just been sobered up by the other person, when she saw a scene that shocked her.

There were actually two people sleeping beside her, one was Xiaohe and the other was Shen Manyin.

Only then did she realize that neither she nor them were wearing clothes.

Then what happened last night, isn't it obvious.

"I'll go out and answer the phone, you two can talk by yourself." Su Wei took the phone and looked, it was Li Rui's call.

This made him feel at ease all of a sudden.

Because of Li Rui's words, it doesn't matter if we let her know, she won't tell the truth anyway.

"Xiao Shen, what's the situation? Why am I here?" Seeing Su Wei, Fang Yuan left the room with no clothes on and took the phone.

And Shen Manyin's expression obviously seemed to know something.

After all, if she didn't know, Shen Manyin should be as surprised as she was.

"As you can see, it's like that." Of course Shen Manyin knew what was going on.

After all, last night, she had a deal with Su Wei.

So she worked extremely hard last night.

"Then where is this place? How did I get here?" Fang Yuan's face was really confused now.

Because where this place is and how she got here, she doesn't know at all.

And she didn't drink alcohol yesterday, how could she be broken?

The last scene she can remember was that she went to that Qing bar and sang several songs on the stage.

Fang Yuan still doesn't know that Su Wei's concoction is the wine of losing one's dignity.

"This is the hotel where I stayed for half a month. We came here after we came out of the bar yesterday." The place where they are now is the Ascott apartment where Shen Manyin lived for half a month.

The reason why Shen Manyin brought them here was to sleep with Fang Yuan and Su Wei.

That's because when Fang Yuan went to sing on stage yesterday, Su Wei and Shen Manyin reached a deal.

That is, Su Wei recruited Shen Manyin into his secretary department and paid her [-] yuan a month.

And she also paid back the more than 400 million owed by her father, on the condition that she be his secretary for five years.

"Why are you so calm? Both of us slept with Xiaohe yesterday?" In fact, the most shocking thing about Fang Yuan today was not being slept by Su Wei.

Because since she started drinking yesterday, she has actually thought about this happening in her heart.

What she really couldn't accept was why Shen Manyin was here.

"Did you really forget all about it? You were the one who took the lead yesterday." Fang Yuan was indeed the one who took the lead yesterday. After she was drunk, she hugged Su Wei's neck and refused to let go.

As for the rest, of course Su Wei took the initiative.

Now Shen Manyin and Su Wei are on the same boat, so of course she can't tell the truth.

After all, when Su Wei was rushing forward, she was holding up her mobile phone beside her.

"I took the head? I drank the fragments and I don't know anything." At this moment, Fang Yuan vaguely remembered that he had indeed broken Xiaohe's neck yesterday.

But even so, should she be put to sleep?

Besides, Xiaohe slept with her, why did he want to sleep with Shen Manyin.

Could it be that this Shen Manyin was shameless and wanted to post it herself? .

"Then what are you going to do? Do you want Su Wei to be responsible?" Shen Manyin already knew what kind of person Su Wei was through her contact last night.

He is not the same as he was in high school now.

If Fang Yuan wanted Su Wei to be responsible, it would only prove that she was wrong.

"What should I be responsible for? I'm married and have a husband.

Wait, who do you say he is?Isn't he Xiaohe? "Although Fang Yuan slept with Su Wei, she didn't want to divorce her husband.

After all, her husband loves her very much, and they have two daughters.

At this time, she suddenly came to her senses, the person on the phone just now was called Su Wei.

And when Shen Manyin mentioned Xiaohe just now, she also said that his name was Su Wei.

"The name Xiaohe, I don't know why you call him that, but his real name is Su Wei.

Yes, that name in your head"

. . . . . .

"Hello" Su Wei came to the living room naked without any clothes on.

Looking outside, I found that there were already a lot of pedestrians on the road.

"Young Master Su, are you done with the quarrel?" When Li Rui spoke, she had a strange look on her face.

After all, she just listened to the voice and found that there was more than one woman over there.

And from what that means, that girl should have been given alcohol by Su Wei yesterday.

This made her think of herself, that's how he fell asleep at that time.

"Where is there a quarrel, it's because you heard it wrong." Su Wei didn't expect yesterday that the matter of sleeping Fangyuan and Shen Manyin would go so smoothly.

In Fangyuan, he didn't need him to drink, she got herself drunk.

As for Shen Manyin, it was even easier, after he knew that her father owed several million in fundraising.

He promised directly that he could help her pay off all the debts.

The condition is that she will be his secretary for five years.

"Yesterday I lied to Xiaoyuan that you came to the hotel, and I knew you must have ghosts." Last night, Li Rui came to Su Wei's room and knocked on the door several times.

But there was no one in the room.

She didn't see anyone until this morning before she got the key and entered Su Wei's room.

"Say it directly, what's the matter with you calling?" When did Su Wei wake up so early?

So now, his eyelids are fighting, and he plans to hang up the phone and go back to sleep.

"What's the matter? Xiaobai is getting married today, and we're going to pick up the bride. You won't forget everything, right?" Li Rui was amused when she heard Su Wei's question.

He promised to come to pick up the bride yesterday, but now he actually asked her what's the matter.

"It's only seven o'clock, it's too early, why don't I ask Lao Liu to come over and open Rafa?" Su Wei really didn't want to wake up at this point.

Because it was too early, he still wanted to continue to sleep.

Anyway, just driving to pick up people, and sending Lao Liu to drive there, that's the same.

"Will you come or not? If you don't come, I'll tell Xiaoyuan that you didn't come to the hotel last night, and a woman answered your call today." Li Rui heard Su Wei say this, so why would she want to.

After all, if he didn't come, one could guess that he would still be fighting with the woman in the room.

How could she allow such a situation.

She wants to replace Wang Xiaoyuan as her best friend, and prevent him from finding any chance to steal.

"It's boring for you to play like this. Wait, I'll be right over." Of course Su Wei knew that Li Rui was talking about it.

Thinking about Xiaobai getting married today, he should go there.

After all, I have already promised others, it is really not good not to go.

"Small, fight with me"

. . . . . .

"Hey, Sister Fangyuan, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first, you can continue to sleep." Su Wei entered the room after calling, and saw Fangyuan and Shen Manyin buried themselves in the quilt.

He went over and found his clothes.

While getting dressed, she told Fang Yuan that they could continue to sleep.

"Su Wei, you put me and Xiao Shen to sleep, don't you say something?" Fang Yuan didn't expect that Su Wei came in so calmly.

His tone of voice was almost the same as yesterday.

But he slept with two women at once, isn't he going to say something?

"Say something, what are you talking about? Isn't it normal for everyone to sleep together after drinking too much?" What can Su Wei say, could it be that he specially arranged all this?
This is not the first time for Fang Yuan and Shen Manyin.

There's no need to make such a fuss, the three of them are not in a relationship.

"What about your identity? Are you Xiaohe or Su Wei?" Fang Yuan still couldn't understand how the Xiaohe who chatted with her on WeChat turned into Su Wei.

She knew the name Su Wei.

After all, no one in Shanghai knew about the killing of the Yang Group this time.

"Is it important? Do you want to continue to contact me in the future?" If it was yesterday, he would still defend himself.

But today, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, he has done everything he should kiss, touch and sleep.

Now that his identity is exposed, what does it matter.

"Are you treating me like this because you want to take revenge on me?" A rich man like Su Wei would play this trick to deceive her.

Fang Yuan guessed that this should be Su Wei's revenge.

After all, at that time, she mocked him condescendingly.

"This is really not the case, the main reason is that you are my type, that's why there was yesterday's show." Half a month ago, Su Wei told Fang Yuan to ask her to kneel down and beg for mercy.

If she wasn't so good-looking, she must have genuinely knelt down and apologized.

But she was so good-looking that Su Wei caught his eye. Su Wei gave her preferential treatment and only made her kneel on the bed and beg for mercy.

"Then, can I still contact you in the future?" Seeing that Su Wei was about to leave, Fang Yuan couldn't help asking.

After all, Su Wei is very special to her.

If she really broke contact, she was afraid that she would regret it in the future.

"Of course, I'm leaving first, bye" Whether or not I can get in touch in the future depends on whether Su Wei has a female companion by his side at that time.

If there were people around, he would most likely not attend the appointment.

If no one around had an idea, he would definitely go.


. . . . . .

"Why hasn't Brother Su arrived yet? It's already 08:30." Jin Gaode looked at his phone, and the time was already 08:30.

But at the gate of Vanke Emerald Riverside, there is still no sign of Su Wei.

"I don't know, my sister called him." During breakfast today, Li Ziwei originally planned to call Su Wei.

But she was held down by Li Rui, who said she had already called.

"Xiao Rui, it's not because Su Wei knew you were here, so he didn't dare to come, right?" No one of the friends around Li Rui knew about the matter between Li Rui and Su Wei.

When Wang Xiaoyuan is away, they will make their jokes.

"He will definitely come, because he has something in my hands." Li Rui felt that Su Wei would definitely come, after all, if she told Wang Xiaoyuan about that, then Su Wei would suffer.

Li Rui really thought that Su Wei had been taken advantage of by her.

"Hey, is that Brother Su's Mercedes-Benz Big G? It seems to be his car." At this time, Li Ziwei saw a Mercedes-Benz Big G driving not far away.

I didn't think it was Su Wei until I saw the Q7 team behind.

"It's so rare, I haven't seen him drive this car much." Li Renfeng knew that Su Wei had a Mercedes-Benz G, but he had never seen him drive it.

Su Wei usually drives sports cars and Rolls-Royce GT.

"What are you doing? Why don't you go in here?" Su Wei parked the car in front of Li Rui and the others, feeling very strange.

They don't go to the community, why are they all standing at the gate of the community.

"We don't know them well, so we came here to help pick up the bride this time, so there's no need to go inside." When Li Ziwei spoke, he really wanted to swear.

Because these people are purely here to help.

But Gao Yu's relatives actually ordered them there.

They were not easy to lose their temper, so they all ran to the gate of the community.

"Okay, okay, let's not say a few words, today is Xiaobai's happy day, if you don't like it, you can bear it for a day." Although Li Rui was also very angry today, she still asked her brother to talk less.

After all, today is a good day for Xiaobai, and they are here to help Xiaobai.

If it really makes a mess, it will be Xiaobai and his family who will be ashamed.

After all, Gao Yu and the others are not from the Modu.

"Brother Su, you are here, it's almost time, we can start now." Gao Yu searched inside for a long time, but couldn't find Li Renfeng and the others.

Tried to give them a call, but found no contact information for them.

At this time, he was still a relative, and he said that he hurried over when he saw them at the gate of the community.

When he came out, he planned to complain, but seeing that Su Wei was there, he could only swallow his words forcefully.

"Here, here is your Rafa key. When you start the car, Xiaobai's address will be sent to you." After watching Gao Yu leave, Li Rui gave the Rafa key to Su Wei.

This time Su Wei drives Lafa, his car is going to be the leader.

"Brother Su, drive harder later on." Li Ziwei was upset at first, and planned to let Su Wei drive faster later.

As for the wedding, what does that matter to him?

Who wants their man to drive so slowly.

"Don't worry, wait and see." Su Wei hasn't driven a sports car for a long time since Yang Jiale's incident.

Holding Rafa's steering wheel this time actually made him a little excited.

Li Ziwei didn't even need to say, he definitely wouldn't drive slowly.

"boom boom"

. . . . . .

"Wow, Takahashi, did Brother Yu borrow all of Rafa?" There were dozens of people from the man's side who came to Gao Yu's wedding this time.

One of the friends only found out today that Gao Yu had borrowed the car of Rafa.

He knew that Gao Yu's family was rich before, but this was the first time he knew that his family was so rich.

After all, Rafa is a car that cannot be borrowed with money.

"I've seen it too, the Rafa car is too handsome." Now the concept of the Sanshen car is really hotly debated.

Among them, Lafa is the most expensive, as long as there is something involved in the car, who would not know it.

"It's really handsome, it feels like Daniel and 918 are in front of it, and there is no sign at all.

Hey, by the way, what car did Brother Yu arrange for you? "This time Gao Yu found four best men, and Gao Yu arranged a car for each of them.

The one who spoke was Gao Qiao's friend, and Gao Yu would definitely not arrange a car for him.

"Brother Yu arranged for me a McLaren, this car belongs to my sister-in-law, isn't it handsome?" Xiaobai's car is a McLaren 570.

Although the price is not super expensive, but the appearance is really super handsome.

When Takahashi got the McLaren keys, he was super excited.

Because the car he drives now is just a BMW M3.

"What's so good about driving a McLaren? If you want to drive it, of course you want to drive a Lafair." Takahashi's friend actually wants to drive a Lafair himself.

But even if no one drives Rafa, it's not his turn, so he encourages Takahashi to drive.

After all, if Takahashi drives, he can sit in the co-pilot.

If it doesn't work out, he can also open Rafa once.

"That's right, I'll change it with the guy who drove the Lafa, and he'll just drive the McLaren." Takahashi was also envious of this Lafa.

After all, the number one sacred car in China is Ferrari Lafa.

Now it is so hot that even if Bugatti comes, it will retreat by three points.

"Let's go, let's go, I happened to take Rafa's co-pilot once." Takahashi's friend didn't expect Takahashi to be more anxious than him.

Seeing him walking towards Rafa, he felt that today was stable.

"dong dong dong"

"What's wrong?" Su Wei was replying to the message when he heard someone knocking on the glass.

Looking at their clothes, it seems to be the best man this time.

"Dude, you go and drive that McLaren, and I'll drive a Rafa." When Takahashi got on, he was a little nervous, because he was afraid that the owner was in the car.

But when the glass came down, he got excited again.

Because the man in the Lafayette was wearing a white T-shirt and shorts.

Takahashi looked at his appearance and felt that the person in front of him must not be the owner of the Rafa car.

It should be a friend of his brother's, who was specially called to drive.

"Why?" Su Wei frowned when he heard the man say that he wanted to change the car.

Because from the looks of the two of them, they looked like the kind of street thugs with some money.

"I'm Gao Yu's cousin. We have a saying that the family members drive auspiciously at first."

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