Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 388 Let him come to me on his own initiative

"I'm Gao Yu's cousin. We have a saying there that the family's first car is auspicious." Gao Qiao is not a fool, of course he would not say that he wanted to change the car because he likes Rafa.

After all, if he can be arranged to drive Rafah, he must have a good relationship with his brother.

"Gao Yu's cousin? But why didn't Gao Yu tell me about this?" Su Wei didn't even need to ask, he knew that the person in front of him must be talking nonsense.

He should have told the truth about the identity of Gao Yu's cousin, but it is basically impossible for Gao Yu to decide to change Kailafa.

After all, he, the car owner, is still here, so Gao Yu has no guts to play tricks with him.

Not to mention anything else, just the phantom of him getting married and picking up the bride, it's all his.

If you make him angry and drive the whole car directly, then the matter will be a big deal.

And Su Wei was not alone, Li Ziwei and the others would definitely leave if they saw him go.

When Gao Yu wants to find a car temporarily, where can he find such a high-end car.

"He's too busy getting married today, where is he free to come and talk to you about this, come down quickly." Seeing that Su Wei couldn't come down, Gao Qiao's friend was a little anxious.

After all, as long as the people in the car get off, they can get on the car.

Unexpectedly, the person in the car was rather stubborn and refused to give up his seat.

"I won't change the car, even if you are Gao Yu's cousin." Su Wei came here this time to save Xiaobai's face.

Logically speaking, he belongs to the woman's side.

Now it's a great face for Gao Yu to come to the man's side to pick up the marriage.

If Gao Yu didn't know good from bad, then he would be angry.

As for the consequences of his anger, then Xiaobai will suffer.

"Hey, what do you mean? I asked you to change the car and you still loaded it up, right? You don't think this car is yours?" Takahashi felt very upset when he saw this man's attitude.

Let him drive a car, he won't think that this car is his.

Today is such an important day for his brother's wedding, he even went out wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

This means that his brother has a good temper. If it were him, this person would still want to drive, even if he was married, he would not be invited.

"It's early in the morning, are you two planning to find trouble?

This car doesn't belong to me, so it can still be yours." Su Wei got up so early today, and he was already full of anger.

Seeing Gao Yu's cousin provoke him now, he got out of the car and planned to teach the two of them a lesson.

As for them being Gao Yu's cousins, what does that have to do with him.

The relationship between him and Gao Yu is just better than that of strangers.

"What's wrong with Brother Su?" Jin Gaode's big bull was closer to Su Wei's car.

When Takahashi and the others came to Su Wei's car, he had been observing here.

Now seeing Su Wei push the door down, he hurried down too.

"It's nothing, Gao Yu's cousin said that he wanted to change cars with me. Didn't he see that I didn't agree and his mouth was dirty?" After Su Wei got off the car this time, it wasn't just Jin Gaode who got off the car coming.

Li Ziwei and the others also came over.

Seeing so many people coming over, Su Wei's anger subsided a little at this moment.

"The two of them want to drive your car, isn't it funny.

Hello, do you know what car this is?Dare to run over and say that I want to change cars." Li Ziwei was really speechless when he saw that Gao Yu's cousin wanted to change cars with Su Wei.

They know what kind of car it is, so they dare to talk like that.

Even he didn't dare to drive such an expensive car.

"I know, Lafa, one of the three great cars, is worth 3000 to 3 million." Takahashi is now driving an M[-], which is also a performance car.

Since they all play cars, how could they not know Rafa's name.

It was because he knew that this was Rafa that he planned to drive this car to pretend to be aggressive.

This time, the bridesmaids on his sister-in-law's side are all pretty good-looking.

When the time comes to drive this car to pick up people, it will be a blockbuster, okay?

When the bridesmaids saw this car, they wouldn't let him choose at will.

"Cao Nima, so you two know, I thought you didn't know.

But there is one thing you said wrong, that is, Brother Su’s car is a convertible Lafayette, there are only five in the country, and the current market price is more than 5000 million. Do you two bums think that you two are worthy of driving this car?And don't say it's you, it's Gao Yu who deserves to drive this car." Li Ziwei came to pick him up today, so he was offended.

Now when he saw Gao Yu's cousin, he immediately started to spray people.

After all, these two people don't seem to be from very rich families.

If the car is really scratched and touched, how can they pay so much money?

"What do you mean? You are called by my brother, and you just say that about my brother.

My brother is inside right now, believe it or not, I will tell him the exact words, and I will see that you will not be able to show your face when the time comes." Gao Qiao, as Gao Yu's younger brother, must be upset to see Gao Yu being belittled of.

He didn't know what was going on with these people, but as a friend of his cousin, how could he say such a thing.

"Who the hell is Gao Yu calling here? If we didn't give Xiaobai face, what is Gao Yu? He really treats himself like a green onion, right?" Everyone here today feels unhappy of.

Li Renfeng was always treated politely no matter where he went.

I didn't expect that this time when I came to pick up the bride, I was actually pissed off by the man.

Now seeing that Gao Yu's cousin didn't know what to do, he immediately started scolding him.

Originally, their relationship with Gao Yu was not very good, and they just came to help Xiaobai this time.

After this wedding is over, everyone should know each other or not.

Even if Gao Yu and Xiao Bai got married, they would not accept Gao Yu.

"You think this is a magic city, and we are afraid of you. If it were in our place, I would make it hard for you all to walk around." Takahashi's eyes on these people were really irritating.

Because they looked at him as if they were looking at a beggar.

In Takahashi's hometown, he is also an awesome character.

Where has he been looked at by someone with such eyes.

Although he knew that the group of people on the opposite side might not be easy to mess with, he still kept his mouth shut.

"Oh my god, I planned to let you go, but you forced me to do this." Li Ziwei and the others scolded a few words, and their mood has calmed down a bit.

I didn't expect Gao Yu's cousin to be so aggressive and so arrogant at this time.

Li Ziwei couldn't hold back, and slapped him directly.


"Holy shit, how dare you hit me?" Takahashi was in his hometown, and he was also a local bully.

Now that he's in Shanghai, his temper still hasn't restrained.

When someone slapped him, he didn't care how many people there were, he would definitely pay it back.

"If you dare to fight back, fuck them both." Su Wei didn't expect that Li Ziwei's temper was even bigger than his.

It seems that they were here just now, and they were really wronged.

As for Li Ziwei beating someone, of course he wouldn't stop it.

Now that the other party calls back, he directly calls on everyone to join him.

Many people bully few people, isn't that a normal operation in his place.

"Don't fight, don't fight, we came here to help pick up the bride this time, we really beat him to death, didn't that ruin Xiaobai's wedding?" Li Rui saw that the fight was almost over, Gao Qiao and the others had already covered their hands When the first boss was fighting, she started to persuade the fight.

After all, Gao Yu really offended all of them.

If Xiaobai hadn't gotten married today, she wouldn't have cared about Su Wei's beating.

After all, in her eyes, beating someone can be a big deal, mainly because it is unlucky.

"You two are lucky, if Xiaobai hadn't gotten married today, I would have sent you to the hospital for a while.

What are you still doing standing here, get out, you still want to get rid of Rafa, and you don’t piss and take pictures of yourself, what the hell?" Li Renfeng felt much better after the beating.

Seeing two people still lying there, kicked them to get out.

"Okay, okay, everyone has already left, so stop scolding." Li Rui told everyone to stop scolding when she saw the two people had left.

After all, he had already beaten him up, so his anger should have subsided.

"This fight makes me feel much better. It seems their family is upset." Although Li Ziwei was hit a few times, he was the one who hit him hardest just now.

That fist was all greeting their heads.

"It's really cool, I feel warm on my body"

. . . . . .

"Gaoqiao, are you okay? What's the situation with these people? They don't give your brother face so much." Takahashi and his friends, it's commonplace to fight.

When Su Wei and the others fought, they didn't kill them either.

So it looks very serious, but in fact it can only be said to be okay.

"I don't know, why don't you ask my brother?" Takahashi really didn't expect that he would be beaten on his brother's wedding day.

Now that this happened, he planned to sue.

After all, his beating was not in vain.

"I think you should stop asking. If these people are all called by your sister-in-law for help, it would be a slap in the face if you ask like this. And if they are all owners of supercars, your brother will not be able to please you." Gao Bridge's friend, already intends to pretend nothing happened.

Because he can see that Gao Yu's circle is not as good as his wife's.

People dared to beat them like this, so they didn't take it seriously.

If it really happened to Gao Yu, if Gao Yu couldn't solve it, he would still think that they were just looking for trouble.

"Then our beating will be for nothing?" If this was in his hometown, who would dare to beat Takahashi like this.

This kind of person must have been beaten in the morning, and at the latest in the afternoon, he would retaliate.

After coming to Shanghai, he felt very aggrieved.

"Then what do you say, beat them back? They look confident, do you think they are afraid of our revenge?" When they beat them, they were still scolding Gao Yu.

And Gao Yu's family is more powerful than the two of them.

But in their eyes, they can still scold them as much as they want.

He didn't restrain himself at all because Gao Yu got married today.

"Fuck, I will definitely go back for revenge later, let's go, let's go back and change clothes first." Takahashi thought for a while, and it was indeed such a reason.

His cousin has been scolded like this, and he is still beating him on this day.

It may indeed be that they are more confident, and they don't care about this matter.

"Gao Qiao, what's wrong with you two? You're all dirty." Gao Qiao and the others were just about to go to Gao Yu's house to change clothes, but they didn't expect to meet Ma Jie, who was also the best man, in the elevator.

When Ma Jie saw them, he didn't let them into the elevator, but pulled them aside.

"It's nothing, we both fell down just now." Takahashi respected Ma Jie very much.

Because when they were young, they always ran behind Gao Yu and Ma Jie.

"It's okay if you fall down. Don't mess with those people who drive supercars. They are all car owners. This time, they just came here to help out as a volunteer." Ma Jie pulled Takahashi and the others aside because he saw When they arrived at Takahashi, they were beaten.

When he went out to buy a lighter just now, he saw Gao Qiao being beaten on the ground at the gate of the community.

He was about to step forward to help when he realized that one of them he knew.

"Brother Ma, do you know them?" Takahashi also understood at this time that Ma Jie knew those people.

It is very likely that he saw them being beaten.

"How many years have I been in Shanghai, how could I not know such a big man.

Let’s just talk about the one who opened Lafa, even though he is very thin, he thinks he can be punched down, but look at the three Q7s over there.” Ma Jie stopped when he saw Su Wei.

After all, Su Wei's acquisition of Yang's Group made such a big fuss about Yang Jiale's death.

He has been in Shanghai for several years, how could he not know about this news.

"Then what's wrong with Q7?" Takahashi's friend looked at it for a long time, but didn't see anything wrong.

But after a long time, it is strange that the three cars have been parked there, and the owner has been starting the car.

"The Q7 is all his bodyguards." Su Wei's Q7 team, in fact, many interested people know.

Ma Jie didn't dare to help just now because of Su Wei's bodyguard.

If he had called someone up just now, these bodyguards might have been dispatched.

"So awesome? Who is he?" Takahashi was also dumbfounded by this kind of big guy with three bodyguard cars.

No wonder Ma Jie didn't come to help when he saw them being beaten.

I thought he had been in the society for a long time, and he became timid.

"His name is Su Wei"

. . . . . .

"This is Gubei No. [-], and Su Wei lives here?" Although Xiang Ningjie is far away in Kyoto, she has heard of the house in Gubei No. [-].

But when I really came here, I think this neighborhood is so low-key.

"Yes, he lives here. Let's wait until we go down to Building 6 to find his car, and then just sit back and wait." Before Xu Meng came, he had already made inquiries.

The place where Su Wei lives is the 6th building of Gubei No. [-].

On this building, all are large units, 660 square meters and 681 square meters.

"After seeing him later, what are you going to say?" Xiang Ningjie actually didn't have too much hope for meeting Su Wei.

Because the matter of Xu Meng's family is such a big deal, it is impossible for Su Wei not to know.

If he is really willing to help, he can just buy the courtyard house.

And now he doesn't care about it, which actually shows his attitude.

"I don't know, why don't I kneel down for him?" Xu Meng didn't know what to say when she saw Su Wei.

But now only Su Wei can save their family.

Although she was very flustered, she still didn't show it in front of her girlfriends.

"I'm relieved to see that you can still make jokes. There is Building 6 ahead." The two of them, Xiang Ningjie, walked down from the basement entrance.

After all, the gate of the community is very strict, they can't get in, and the car ran in from the basement here.

"Well, it's strange." When he reached the elevator entrance of Building 6, Xu Meng discovered a very strange thing.

That was Su Wei's parking space, and there was no car parked.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Xiang Ningjie came with Xu Meng, so she didn't know what was wrong.

After all, most of the information was recorded by Xu Meng himself.

"Look, the five parking spaces in this row belong to Su Wei, but now there are only two cars parked on it?" Su Wei has a lot of cars, and he often rides in the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

And now, there are only a Rolls-Royce Yaoying and a Mercedes-Benz Maybach in the parking space.

The supercar and the Phantom are gone.

"Will he go out, what shall we do?" The meaning of going out does not mean going out this morning.

Because it's not even 10 o'clock now.

It is impossible for people like Su Wei to go out so early.

The only possibility is that he didn't come home last night.

"Wait a minute, if I still don't see him until noon, then I can only use the last method and let him come to me on his own initiative"

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