"Ah Wei, why did you drive so fast today?" Li Renfeng used to think that Su Wei's driving was very stable.

Under what circumstances will the car drive stably, of course it is when the speed is slow.

But today Su Wei drove the first car, he drove the third position, and was almost lost by Su Wei.

Fortunately, Li Rui's 918 drove in second to catch up with Su Wei, otherwise the taillights of the car he was really going to be dumped today would not be visible.

"It's been a long time since I touched a sports car, and I'm a little excited." Su Wei hasn't driven a supercar for a long time since the Yang Group incident.

Driving Lafa on the road today, it is really overtaking when you see a car.

If they hadn't called him later to tell him to slow down, he would have forgotten that he was the first driver today.

"Brother Su, have you seen Xiaobai's bridesmaids this time?" Su Wei and the others are only here to pick up people, so they will not go to Xiaobai's house.

A few people stood at the gate of the community to chat, waiting for Gao Yu to take Xiao Bai next.

At this time, Jin Gaode remembered that Su Wei didn't seem to have seen Xiaobai's bridesmaids.

"How could I have seen it? I just came back the day before yesterday. What's the matter? There are some good-looking ones in there?" Su Wei knew that there must be some good-looking bridesmaids when he heard this.

Otherwise, Jin Gaode wouldn't ask him that.

But Su Wei didn't look forward to these bridesmaids very much, after all, Li Rui didn't go to be a bridesmaid.

"Awei, what are you talking about? Xiaoya will also be a bridesmaid inside, okay?" Li Renfeng was unhappy after hearing this, because Xiaoya was also inside.

What Su Wei meant by saying this was that he thought the bridesmaids in it were not good-looking.

Xiaoya is also a bridesmaid inside, how can you say that.

Of course Li Renfeng was not angry either, after all he knew that Su Wei was joking.

"That's weird. I thought Xiaorui didn't go to be a bridesmaid, so I thought Xiaobai would pass all the good-looking girlfriends." Su Wei really thought so before.

After all, Li Rui's appearance is relatively top in all aspects.

And compared to Xiaoya, her appearance is a little more delicate.

So Li Rui didn't go, so of course he felt that the bridesmaids didn't want to steal the bride's limelight.

"Fuck you, Xiaobai invited me, but I don't want to go." Although Li Rui's tone was disgusting, she was still very happy in her heart.

After all, when Su Wei said that, it meant that he recognized Li Rui's beauty.

It's actually very simple that she didn't go to be the bridesmaid this time, because Su Wei is not the best man.

She didn't think it was interesting, so she didn't plan to participate.

"Brother Su, there is a bridesmaid inside this time. She is so beautiful and has a great figure. I heard that she is Xiaobai's college classmate, and she is from the side of Daiwan." The values ​​are all leveraged.

Jin Gaode took a fancy to one of the girls the first time he saw them.

Through his understanding, he knew that the woman was stupid and now lived in Shanghai.

"A dumb girl is fine, sweetie, she cooperates very well in bed, you didn't go to ask for WeChat?" Although Su Wei has never had a dumb girlfriend, he has.

Silly girl, the service attitude is very good.

As long as it is a posture that she can do, she is willing to cooperate.

It has the highest degree of coordination besides the stick.

"Xiaobai sees her too closely, and won't let us add WeChat, but my sister added her WeChat." Li Ziwei is not so lustful towards girls now.

Because after he became the boss of the brokerage company, there shouldn't be too many girls who pounced on him.

If there are too many girls, they will look cheap, even if they are good-looking.

After so many women, his relationship with Duoduo is even better now.

This time he asked this girl to add WeChat, in fact, he wanted to poach her to become an anchor.

After all, he looks good, has a good figure, and looks beautiful.

If such a woman becomes an anchor, I don't know how many old men will empty their savings for her.

"Are there any photos? I'll see if it's really that high." Su Wei wasn't that interested at first, but he didn't expect Jin Gaode and Li Ziwei to have such high evaluations.

If that's the case, then of course he wants to see what this woman looks like.

Of course, when he spoke, he was speaking to Li Rui.

Because Li Ziwei said it, Li Rui has her WeChat.

"You are all bored, this is Xiaobai's classmate, okay?" Seeing Su Wei's appearance, Li Rui didn't really want to show him the photo.

Of course it's not because this woman is Xiaobai's classmate, she just doesn't want Su Wei to sleep with this woman.

After all, with his financial ability, it is really possible to take her down.

"Look what's the matter, we're not random people, don't worry, we're just looking around, otherwise it would be too boring to wait here." People like Su Wei are cheap.

If you show it directly to him, he may not be interested.

But now that he is lingering and refusing to show it to him, he has become very interested instead.

"Just take a look, you are not allowed to have any thoughts, do you hear me?" Su Wei said so, it is impossible for Li Rui not to show it.

After all, her relationship with Su Wei is complicated in itself.

She also knows Su Wei, why not be nice to her.

One is because Li Ziwei is her younger brother, and the other is because Wang Xiaoyuan is her best friend.

"This woman is herself, and she really looks good.

You say how do they look like curvy women? They have such a good figure and such big breasts. Are these breasts real or fake? "Su Wei took a look and found that this stupid woman is really good-looking.

The face is the kind of first love face, the key is that the figure is really good.

Just looking at the photos, her breasts must be above C+.

Su Wei has played with so many women, but there are really not many with big breasts.

Because he likes girls to be thinner, but if you are thin, your breasts cannot be big.

"If you don't get used to it, who knows if it's true?" Now there are not only breast augmentation, but also breast augmentation.

So if you don't get started, who dares to say that it is true.

The most outrageous one Jin Gaode met was that his butt was covered.

"Why are you shutting it down? Let's take a look." Su Wei is still studying this stupid girl, her boobs are real or fake.

As a result, Li Rui immediately withdrew.

"Oh, don't watch it, just watch the real person later." Li Rui saw that they were going too far, so why would they let them continue watching.

Especially Su Wei, he watched the most carefully alone.

If it weren't for this, Li Rui wouldn't have quit WeChat.

"You're so stingy, how long will it take for them to come down, I'm already drowsy." Seeing that Li Rui didn't show up, Su Wei didn't continue pestering her.

After all, Li Rui was right in one point, looking at photos is worse than looking at real people.

Anyway, this woman is Xiaobai's bridesmaid, so she will definitely get in touch with her later.

"It will take at least an hour. Xiaoya told me that they plan to make things difficult for Gao Yu." Although Li Renfeng was also watching just now, he didn't comment much.

After all, his and Su Wei's images are still different.

Li Rui is Xiaoya's best friend, who knows if she will reveal something to her.

"It's going to take so long, then I'll sleep in the q7 car first, and then call me when the bridesmaid arrives." Su Wei got up so early today, waiting here for an hour must not be able to handle it.

So he planned to go to the Q7 car and have a good sleep first.

After all, in the Q7 car, the seat can be folded down to sleep.

"Brother Su, don't worry, it's best to leave this to you."

. . . . . .

"Hello, are the two of you the owners?" When the security guards of Gubei No. 6 were patrolling, they saw two women who had been downstairs in Building [-].

He has turned for the third time and saw that they are still here.

"Yes, we are the owners, you can do your own work." Xiang Ningjie and the others came to Gubei No. [-] after eight o'clock in the morning.

I have been waiting here for almost two hours now, but I still haven't seen Su Wei come down.

At this time, a security guard came to inquire, and she embarrassedly lied that she was the owner.

After all, she grew up so big, how could she be so embarrassing.

"Excuse me, what building and how much are you the owner of? Let me check here." After hearing what they said, the security guard did not believe them.

After all, the temperament of the two of them can be seen as either rich or expensive.

But his duty is to ask them to report the house number.

"We, we are Building 6." Xiang Ningjie was racking her brains at this moment, still trying to make up a house number.

At this time, there was the sound of glass breaking beside her.


"What are you doing? Don't smash it, is this car yours?" The security guard was chatting with one of the two women when he heard the sound of glass shattering next to him.

Looking to the side, another woman smashed the front windshield of the Rolls-Royce.

This is only for him, this is a serious dereliction of duty, so the tone is not very gentle when he speaks.

"This car doesn't belong to me. You ask the owner to come here, and I'll pay him for the glass." Xu Meng waited for more than two hours, and she was already very impatient.

After all, she grew up so big, how could she wait so long for others.

So when the security guard asked Ning Jie, she took the umbrella handle and slammed the upper left corner of the Rolls-Royce's front windshield.

"You, do you know what car you smashed, just wait, I'll contact the owner right away"

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hello..." Wang Xiaoyuan, who was reading a book, received an unfamiliar phone number.

She picked up the phone and wanted to see who was looking for her.

"Hello, is this the owner of a Rolls-Royce with the tail number 820?" Su Wei gave Wang Xiaoyuan the license plate at that time, and he applied for a pass.

So her phone number was also left with the property.

But the number left is just her cell phone number.

"It's me, what's the matter?" Wang Xiaoyuan's license plate number corresponds to her birthday.

When she heard that the owner of her car was looking for her, she thought that Su Wei had driven her car out.

"My place is Gubei No. [-] property. It's like this. Your Rolls-Royce was just smashed in the underground garage." There must be no way to contact Wang Xiaoyuan at the security guard.

So he can only report the situation and wait for the company to deal with it.

The real estate company is also a headache when encountering this matter.

It's not easy to smash any car, but it happened to be a Rolls Royce.

"My car was smashed? Who smashed it?" Wang Xiaoyuan felt strange, why her car was smashed.

Could it be that the people in the community got drunk and then smashed the car indiscriminately?

After all, everyone has seen such news more or less.

"The people who smashed the car were two girls. They are next to your car now. They plan to discuss compensation after you come over." The property company's first reaction was that this incident was caused by jealousy.

After all, the woman who smashed the car didn't look like an ordinary person.

So for this situation, the property company is really a headache.

After all, they were the ones who let people in, and it was their dereliction of duty.

If Wang Xiaoyuan keeps chasing them, they will definitely lose money.

"Two women smashed my car and waited for me to negotiate compensation?" Wang Xiaoyuan felt really strange in her heart at this moment.

After all, I haven't provoked anyone recently.

Why did the other party smash her car and wait for her to go down to negotiate compensation?

"Yes." The property management company knew from the attitude of the person who smashed the car that she smashed it on purpose.

Now that we want to talk about compensation, it should be because we want to see the owner of the car.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right over"

. . . . . .

"Xiao Meng, why did you smash the Rolls-Royce? You should smash the Mercedes-Benz." Xiang Ningjie couldn't figure out why Xu Meng wanted to smash the Rolls-Royce.

Now I came here to beg Su Wei, what if Su Wei gets angry when he smashes the Rolls Royce.

"What if Su Wei doesn't care about the Mercedes-Benz, so if I smash it, it must be an expensive one." If Xu Meng smashed the Mercedes-Benz, what if Su Wei sent bodyguards or assistants to deal with it.

After all, no matter how expensive Mercedes-Benz is, it is impossible to be as expensive as Rolls-Royce.

So Xu Mengmeng didn't even think about it, and just smashed the Rolls-Royce glass.

"It's really expensive just to meet him." The price and labor cost of this Rolls-Royce front windshield are only tens of thousands.

For them, this price can only be said to be okay.

But if the glass is broken, the value of the car will definitely depreciate if it is to be sold in the future.

Just this moment, the price of this Rolls Royce has depreciated by at least hundreds of thousands.

"Someone seems to be here, why is it a woman?" Xu Meng saw the door of the elevator room open at this time, and then a woman came out with two nannies.

At first, she thought it was a passerby, but she didn't expect that she walked directly to the Rolls Royce.

"Hello, I am the owner of this Rolls-Royce Yaoying." As soon as Wang Xiaoyuan came down, she saw the property staff of Gubei No. [-].

Seven or eight of them came this time, so they were particularly conspicuous.

"Hi, Ms. Wang, I'm the property manager of Savills Gubei No. [-], and my name is Wu Tong." After Wu Tong heard about the smashing of the Rolls-Royce today, he immediately arranged for a team of security guards to come over .

After all, if there were emotional entanglements, so many of them could separate them.

"What happened to my car? Why was it smashed for no reason?" Wang Xiaoyuan looked at her car and found that the front windshield was cracked.

The entire glass is broken like the ice surface, and the inside can no longer be seen from the outside.

However, because the cars are all explosion-proof glass, no broken glass fell into the car.

Even if it is broken, it is still a whole.

"That's right, the two of them said they were your friends, but because they couldn't get in touch with you, they wanted to use this method to contact you." Wu Tong had been in the basement for more than ten minutes.

Before Wang Xiaoyuan came down, she had asked them about their motives for committing the crime.

In the end, they told her that the car was smashed only because the owner of the car could not be found.

This made Wu Tong more determined that they smashed the car because of feeling entangled.

"You say they are my friends? But I don't know you two." Wang Xiaoyuan looked at the two women, she was sure she didn't know them.

But at this time, she already had some vague guesses in her heart.

"Isn't this car Su Wei's? Who are you? Why didn't Su Wei come by himself?" Xu Meng didn't expect that it was a woman who came this time.

She thought Su Wei already knew she was down there, so she deliberately didn't come down to see her.

"I think you made a mistake. This car belongs to me. What can you do with Ah Wei?" Wang Xiaoyuan already knew who they were at this time.

It's just that she didn't know which of these two people was Xu Meng.

After all, the looks of the two of them are pretty good.

"Awei? You are Wang Xiaoyuan, I think you should have heard of me, my name is Xu Meng"

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