Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 390 Premonition

"Awei? You are Wang Xiaoyuan, right? Then I think you should have heard of me. My name is Xu Meng." When Xu Meng heard the woman in front of her call Su Wei as Awei, she knew who she was.

After all, Su Wei can be called that, and he still lives in Gubei No. [-], and he looks so beautiful.

Among the materials Xu Meng bought, the only one who met this requirement was Wang Xiaoyuan.

"Xu Meng? I have indeed heard about you. What's the matter with you coming here this time?" Before Xu Meng came, Wang Xiaoyuan already knew that she came here this time to beg Su Wei for help.

But now she just pretended not to know, and came to ask why Xu Meng came.

After all, she didn't like Xu Meng at all.

"Since you know me, then call Su Wei out. I have something to talk to him." Xu Meng was known as the No. 1 Yuan in Kyoto a few months ago.

How could she tell Wang Xiaoyuan what she was here for this time.

After all, she didn't want too many people to know about asking for help.

As for when she was in front of Su Wei, she would definitely give in.

After all, if Su Wei is unhappy, then her family is really hopeless.

"I can't call this one, because you smashed my car this time, and you should have his phone number, just call him." Wang Xiaoyuan knew that Su Wei had already blocked Xu Meng's phone number .

If Xu Meng could get through to Su Wei, she wouldn't have to smash the car.

Now that Xu Meng came to the door, how could Wang Xiaoyuan let Su Wei out.

After all, Xu Meng's family is about to be eaten this time, so she can't let Su Wei go into this muddy water.

The people who participated this time, she heard from Su Wei, were basically the second generation.

It took a little effort for them to swallow the Xu family.

To offend them for Xu Meng's family, it seems to her that it is not worthwhile.

Moreover, Xu Mengjia's character has always been looked down upon by her. After all, the matter of breaking the contract is too disappointing.

"What do you mean? You don't dare to call him, maybe you're afraid that I'll take your place?" If Xu Meng could get through to Su Wei, she wouldn't need to smash the car.

Not to mention that her phone was blocked by Su Weila, she called someone else's number, and was hung up almost immediately.

Then, if you call again, you will find that that number has also been blacklisted.

She has been blocked by Su Wei for dozens of numbers during this time.

Seeing that Wang Xiaoyuan didn't help her call Su Wei down, she was a little anxious.

After all, the pressure in her family is really great now.

If no more money comes in, I really don't know how long we can resist.

"Want to grab my position? Then you probably can't do it yet." Wang Xiaoyuan knew that she had made a mistake the first time she saw Xu Meng.

That's Xu Meng's character, which doesn't please Su Wei at all.

If she can succeed in taking the position, it can only prove that Su Wei is more or less the same without a woman.

"You know the relationship between me and Su Wei, don't talk too much." Xu Meng didn't expect that Wang Xiaoyuan would be so shameless.

Now she can only make Wang Xiaoyuan jealous by talking nonsense.

Taking advantage of her wanting to know the truth, Wang Xiaoyuan called Su Wei down.

"No matter what relationship you had with Ah Wei before, he has nothing to do with you now, Miss Xu, please respect yourself." Wang Xiaoyuan must have felt uncomfortable when she heard Xu Meng's words.

After all, my boyfriend is having an affair with another woman.

For a moment, she really wanted to call Su Wei to confront her.

But after calming down, she understood that this woman must have said that on purpose.

Otherwise, why would Su Wei block all her numbers.

"Whether it matters or not is not up to you. You call Su Wei out, and I want him to tell him personally." Xu Meng didn't expect Wang Xiaoyuan to be so difficult, and even now he could talk to her calmly.

No wonder Su Wei found so many girlfriends, this Wang Xiaoyuan didn't blow up.

Earlier, she thought it was Wang Xiaoyuan who didn't notice.

Now it seems that she underestimated Wang Xiaoyuan too much.

If she didn't have any means, she wouldn't be able to secure Su Wei's official girlfriend position.

"Awei didn't come back today, if you have something, I can help you pass it on.

For the sake of your acquaintance with Ah Wei, I don’t want you to pay for the glass.” The glass of this Rolls-Royce costs tens of thousands of yuan to replace it with a new one.

And if Xu Meng saw Su Wei, if Su Wei softened his heart.

When the time comes, the unit of the money going out is not ten thousand, but one hundred million.

Compared with so much money, the money for glass is nothing.

"Don't leave, I'll pay you how much the glass is." Seeing that Wang Xiaoyuan was leaving, Xu Meng planned to grab her hand.

After all, if Wang Xiaoyuan went up, her car would be ruined.

And the way Wang Xiaoyuan looked at her made her a little unbearable.

After all, such a piece of car glass is nothing more than anyone can afford it.

Even if it was from a Rolls-Royce, it would be a small fortune to her.

After all, her family's company went bankrupt, and it was just a company bankruptcy.

And their family's previous deposits, stocks, houses, cars, etc. all belong to them.

Desperation is only compared to their previous life, and they are still many times better than ordinary people.

"Manager Wu, the security guard of Gubei No. [-], is it so easy for people to come into the underground garage?" Xu Mengmeng wanted to arrest Wang Xiaoyuan, but Wang Xiaoyuan didn't come down alone.

When she came down, she brought two aunts with her.

The strength of these aunts is much stronger than that of little girls like Xu Meng.

It is impossible for Xu Mengmeng to get close to Wang Xiaoyuan.

"Miss Xu, calm down, this is a private place, please leave." The security guard led by Wu Tong took action when Xu Meng made a move.

But the first thing they intercepted was not Xu Meng but Xiang Ning Jie.

Because Xu Meng has two aunts here, it is impossible to get close to Wang Xiaoyuan.

After controlling Xiang Ningjie, they immediately went to intercept Xu Meng.

"Don't stop me, I still have something to say to her." Xu Meng saw that Wang Xiaoyuan had gone far, but she was still rushing forward.

At this time, she certainly didn't want to bring Wang Xiaoyuan back.

Instead, she planned to do nothing but smash the Mercedes-Benz next to her.

"Miss Xu, please don't make it difficult for us, otherwise we will be impolite." Seeing Xu Mengchong's position, Wu Tong turned to the left.

I still don't know what her plan is.

So she was also a little angry, and planned to get tough if she didn't listen to persuasion.

Although she could tell that this Xu Meng was definitely not an ordinary person.

But their property company is not vegetarian.

This Rolls-Royce has just been negotiated. If there is any problem with the Mercedes-Benz, it will really be the responsibility of their property owner.

After all, they had so many security guards present, unless they were all for food, it was possible for her to smash the car under her nose.

"Forget about Xiaomeng, this girl won't help you call Su Wei." Xiang Ningjie looked at Wang Xiaoyuan, and really walked away without looking back.

She felt that she would lose face if she had trouble with the security guard again.

Fortunately, none of the people here knew them.

Otherwise, she might have to live in another city.

"Let's go to the garage door"

. . . . . .

"Hey, I smashed the wrong car just now." Xu Meng and the others were led by Wu Tong and forced to rush out of the community.

And it's not as simple as driving them out, and finding someone to watch them two.

I was afraid that they would sneak in and smash the car.

"Smashed the wrong car? What do you mean?" Xiang Ningjie didn't understand what Xu Meng meant.

Should we wait until Su Wei's other cars come back and smash them?
"The Rolls-Royce of the two cars just now belongs to that Wang Xiaoyuan, and the Mercedes-Benz is Su Wei's car." Xu Meng was just below, and this is the reason why he planned to smash the Mercedes-Benz.

She wanted to try to see if Su Wei, who smashed the Mercedes Benz, would show up.

"Then what do you want, look for an opportunity to go there now, and then smash the Mercedes-Benz?" Xiang Ningjie was still a little afraid of Su Wei.

After all, Su Wei asked her to beat herself, but she didn't show mercy at all.

If the trouble was too hard this time, she was afraid that Su Wei would deal with them directly.

Xu Meng may be fine by then, but she will suffer.

"It's useless now. Even if I smashed the Mercedes-Benz, the person who was notified by the security would still be Wang Xiaoyuan." If the Mercedes-Benz had been smashed at that time, Wang Xiaoyuan might have called Su Wei.

If we go to smash the Mercedes-Benz now, the security guard must still notify Wang Xiaoyuan.

"Who is this Wang Xiaoyuan? And isn't Su Wei unmarried?" Xiang Ningjie couldn't figure out who this Wang Xiaoyuan was.

Su Wei is not married yet, why is she acting like a hostess.

She was down there at the time, and the way Wang Xiaoyuan looked at them made her very uncomfortable.

"Su Wei is not married, but she is Su Wei's real girlfriend." Xu Meng investigated Su Wei this time and let her know that Su Wei had several girlfriends.

She didn't pay much attention to these girlfriends before.

After all, how can a really powerful woman let the other half have so many women.

But she didn't know until she saw Wang Xiaoyuan that she was much lower in rank than her.

Because if she were Wang Xiaoyuan, she might have started a fight with Su Wei a long time ago.

"Real girlfriend? Then you just argued with her?" If this Wang Xiaoyuan was really Su Wei's real girlfriend, then their actions just now could be said to have offended her.

Xiang Ningjie couldn't figure out what Xu Meng was thinking and why he wanted to offend her.

If she blows the pillow wind, then they will be out of play this time.

"No way, she obviously didn't intend to call Su Wei out for me, and judging by her appearance, she probably already knows what happened in my house." Xu Meng was very upset when she saw Wang Xiaoyuan heard her name. indifferent.

At this time, she had already guessed that Wang Xiaoyuan should know something.

Otherwise, she would not be so calm.

"She knows? Who told her? Su Wei?" Not everyone in the capital circle knew about Xu Meng's family.

Wang Xiaoyuan is far away in Shanghai, so she shouldn't know.

If she knew, there was a high probability that Su Wei told her.

"I don't know why I have a premonition that this trip to Shanghai may fail me." When Xu Meng came to Shanghai before, Xu Meng had a 70% probability of success.

Now, she is less than 50% likely to succeed.

"Then what should we do now? Go back to the hotel?" Xiang Ningjie said, of course he hoped to go back to the hotel now.

After all, it's too embarrassing for the two of them to look like this.

Especially not far from them, there are two security guards who have been watching them.

"Wait a few days, even if it doesn't work, I have to meet Su Wei."

. . . . . .

"President Su, Miss Wang's Rolls-Royce Yaoying was smashed." Su Wei woke up after half an hour of sleep in the Q7 car.

Mainly their cars were parked on the side of the road.

There are cars coming and going, so don't have too many people honking their horns.

"What? The car was smashed? Who smashed it? Is anyone okay?" Su Wei heard the news that Wang Xiaoyuan's car was smashed just after waking up.

His first reaction was, is there anything wrong?

After all, the car is broken, just buy it again.

But if something happens to someone, no amount of money will help.

"The person is fine. The car was smashed in the underground parking lot at that time, and the person was caught by the security guards." How could Liu Qiang have no precautions against Su Wei's car.

After the car was smashed, the bodyguards went to the underground parking lot immediately.

It's just that after they saw that the security guards had already controlled the field, they didn't directly participate in it.

"Who is the other party? Did the security call the police?" At this moment, Su Wei just thought that someone accidentally smashed it.

He didn't take it seriously when he heard that the person was fine.

After all, if there is something wrong with the car, the other party will fix it.

People who can live in Gubei No. [-] should still have enough money to repair their cars.

"The person who smashed the car is Xu Meng, who has been released by Ms. Wang." When this happened, Su Wei had just fallen asleep.

At that time, Liu Qiang didn't dare to quarrel with Su Wei, after all, it would be bad if he woke up later.

It wasn't until Su Wei woke up that he hurriedly told him about it.

"Is this Xu Meng mentally ill? Why did she smash Xiaoyuan's car?" Su Wei really couldn't figure out what Xu Meng was thinking.

She came to Shanghai when she came to Shanghai, why did she smash Wang Xiaoyuan's car.

Could it be that she was jealous because she knew Wang Xiaoyuan was his girlfriend?

"She seemed to want to use this method to meet you, Mr. Su, that's why she smashed the glass of the Rolls-Royce." Of course Liu Qiang knew Xu Meng.

After all, Su Wei was rumored in Kyoto at the time, and the female pig's foot was Xu Meng.

"At first, I thought there was no need to go to the US in such a hurry, but now it seems that Xiaoyuan is right." Originally, Su Wei was a little reluctant to go to the US in such a hurry.

After all, here in the devil's capital, he still has a lot of women to take care of.

But seeing Xu Meng's crazy behavior now, he thinks it's better to hide in the United States as soon as possible.

"Brother Su, you're awake, Xiaobai and the others have all come down." Li Ziwei saw that Xiaobai and the others had all come down, so he hurried to the Q7 car and called Su Wei.

Unexpectedly, Su Wei had already woken up at this time.

"Damn it, Xiaobai looks good today." Su Wei looked at the entrance of Hongyuan, and found a large group of people coming out of the community.

And the most conspicuous among them, of course, is the bride Xiaobai.

The sun shone on her, and her whole body seemed to be glowing.

"The one on Xiaobai's right is the stupid bridesmaid." Li Ziwei and Su Wei's eyes were different, he was looking at the stupid bridesmaid.

After all, he is different from Su Wei, there is no such relationship between him and Xiaobai.

"It's her. She looks pretty good, and she has a good figure." Su Wei shifted his gaze from Xiaobai to her side.

I found that the bridesmaids next to me were all very good-looking, especially this stupid girl with the best looks and the best figure.

"Then let's go over now, or I'll be in a hurry later, sister." At this time, Li Ziwei planned to drag Su Wei over quickly.

After all, there were only four bridesmaids this time, and they were snatched away if they didn't hurry up.

If they act too slowly, they will pick up Xiaobai's relatives by then.

"You go there first, I'll make a call to Yuanyuan." Su Wei was in no hurry because he wanted to make a call to Wang Xiaoyuan.

After all, her car was smashed, so he must be concerned about it.

"Then wait for the girl to take my car, don't blame me for not keeping it for you."

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