Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 392 Go to America

The next day.

"Ah Feng, why are you here so early today?" Su Wei woke up naturally after falling asleep, and checked the time, it was only after one o'clock in the noon.

At this time, he heard noises coming from the living room, and he walked out of the door into the living room.

It turned out that Li Ziwei and the others had already arrived, which surprised him.

Because of their point, they should all be sleeping.

After all, today's plane took off at three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Isn't this just a good time to come over and have lunch with you? Uncles and aunts haven't come yet?" Although Li Renfeng's house is upstairs, he doesn't like staying at home very much.

It happened that Li Ziwei came early, so he and Xiaoya also came down early.

He knew that Su Wei's parents would also be going to America this time.

It's just that he came here for more than an hour, but he didn't see Su Wei's parents coming.

"They won't come over, and when we are going to go out, just give them a call.

Damn, how much luggage do you guys bring?" Su Xiaoming and the others went straight to the airport later.

After all, there are all young people here, and they are not used to staying in such an environment.

At this time, Su Wei saw a dozen suitcases at the door.

And there were only four of them here, Li Ziwei, Zhang Ruoyu, and Li Renfeng and his wife.

"Brother Su, this has nothing to do with me, I only have one suitcase." This time Li Ziwei came here with only one suitcase.

After all, he is a man, and it is summer now, so he doesn't have so many things to bring.

It's really not enough, and I can't buy it when I go to Laomei.

"Boss Su, I only brought two suitcases." Zhang Ruoyu is a girl, although she has a lot to bring.

But this time, she just stuffed two boxes.

There are more than a dozen boxes at the door, which have little to do with her.

"This has nothing to do with me. Most of them belong to Xiaoya. I don't understand their girls. How could they go out with so much luggage?" Most of the dozen or so boxes belonged to Li Renfeng and Xiaoya.

The two of them brought a lot of things with them this time.

Because they plan to go to America this time and stay for a while longer.

Anyway, Su Wei's private jet has no luggage restrictions.

"Afeng, what are you talking about, you think I didn't hear you?" Although Xiaoya was chatting with Wang Xiaoyuan in the restaurant, she could still hear the conversation in the living room.

She heard Li Renfeng claim that she carried so much luggage, which made her furious.

After all, her own things are only three suitcases.

Li Renfeng brought two suitcases himself, and four more suitcases, which contained her and Li Renfeng's things.

This adds up to nine suitcases.

"I didn't say anything, I said you are so beautiful.

Isn't she eating, I can hear that too." Li Renfeng was joking when he said this.

After all, when Su Wei said this, everyone knew he was joking.

It's just that Li Renfeng didn't expect that Xiaoya could hear them chatting at such a distance.

"Don't be poor, by the way, where is Lao Jin? Why didn't you see him?" Su Wei turned around and found that he didn't see Jin Gaode.

This made him strange, after all he was rarely late.

Now that Li Renfeng and Li Ziwei are here, normally he should be here too.

"Lao Jin can't go this time. I heard that his family is going to open a bar in Nanjing, and he plans to take care of it at that time, so he rushed there last night." go home.

As for Li Ziwei and Jin Gaode, they originally planned to go for supper.

As a result, before he started eating, he heard Jin Gaode's father calling.

Said that he was doing okay in the bar on the other side of Qiantang.

It just so happened that Nanjing was planning to open a bar, so I planned to let him take care of it.

After hearing this, Jin Gaode called a friend to drive him to Nanjing without eating supper.

He was in such a hurry because he was the only one among his friends who was still playing every day.

Li Ziwei, who was the most unreliable among my friends at that time, has now opened a live broadcast brokerage company.

"Lao Jin is busy now. When he opens, we will go to support a wave." When a friend opens a bar, Su Wei must go to support a wave.

Anyway, I also like to drink, where can I not drink.

Going to a friend's bar can make him money, and he has a face.

If it weren't for the bad market in the next few years, he would have planned to open a bar, after all, he likes to go to this kind of place.

"That's necessary, he'll just wait for your words." Which bar now doesn't want Su Wei to go there.

After all, he first became popular in the bar circle.

Now he only needs to go to a bar, and the boss there will come to toast.

And the most important thing is that Su Wei is super generous in the bar.

After all, he consumed millions of alcohol in one night, and his deeds have become legends.

"Then sit down first, I haven't washed yet"

. . . . . .

"Mom and Dad, you guys arrived before us." When Wang Xiaoyuan and the others arrived at the airport, they saw Zhang Guihua and the others already in the VIP room.

She hurried up to say hello as soon as possible, after all, if she wanted to stay in the palace, she needed the help of their elders.

"After you call us, we will come over." Zhang Guihua is very happy whenever he sees Wang Xiaoyuan now.

After all, his first grandson is in Wang Xiaoyuan's stomach.

After greeting Wang Xiaoyuan, she quickly asked Wang Xiaoyuan to sit down.

After all, she is pregnant, and now she is the most important person in their Su family.

"Hello, Uncle and Auntie." Li Ziwei and the others hurried over to say hello when they saw Su Wei's parents.

Although they are arrogant outside, they are quite honest in front of their parents.

"Hello, hello!" Su Xiaoming and Zhang Guihua still liked Li Ziwei.

After all, they are very polite. The only bad thing is that they have tattoos all over their bodies.

"Mom, what are you doing at the airport in such a hurry? This is our own plane. Are you afraid that you won't be able to catch the plane?" Su Wei just chatted with Tian Ling and found that they got up early in the morning.

He really couldn't understand his parents' behavior.

Why do I like to go out early every time I go out.

He was afraid that his parents would get up early in the morning, so he set the time for the afternoon.

As a result, even if it was scheduled for the afternoon, they still woke up early in the morning to check whether their things had been packed.

"Go out after packing up, why have you been procrastinating at home?" Zhang Guihua knew that she was going to the United States today, and she got up at six o'clock in the morning.

Then she made a list of the things she wanted to bring one by one.

And this time, she brought a lot of food with her.

Because she heard that she would not be able to eat Chinese food when she went abroad.

"You don't know, your mother knows that she's going to America today, so she's so happy." Zhang Guihua woke up so early mainly because she was going abroad.

And if she's happy alone, that's fine.

But she kept annoying Su Xiaoming, which made him want to complain.

"Isn't it normal for me to be happy? After all, it's my first time going abroad." It's actually very simple for Zhang Guihua to be so happy.

Because among her relatives, none of her age has gone abroad.

Now that she knew she was going abroad, of course she was very excited.

And in this excitement, there is also curiosity about the unknown world.

"This situation is really normal. When I went abroad for the first time, I didn't sleep well the night before." Seeing Su Xiaoming and Zhang Guihua quarreling, Wang Xiaoyuan hurried to try to persuade them.

Of course, she also knew that the bickering between the two of them was just for fun.

After all, the relationship between the two of them bickering like this is much better than that kind of harmonious and beautiful family.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's talk after we get on the plane." Su Wei put his hand on Wang Xiaoyuan's shoulder, reminding everyone that they can get on the plane.

He has always ignored his parents' bickering.

After all, he has been watching this kind of thing for more than 20 years.

"Wow, Brother Su, this is your Gulfstream G650. It looks much more luxurious than Afeng's G500." Sitting in front of Gulfstream G650 in Coaster, Xiaoya felt that this plane looked much better than Li Renfeng's plane.

The streamlined appearance of this aircraft and the decoration inside are not comparable to the Gulfstream G500.

"Awei's plane is more than [-] million more expensive than our plane, and it must be much more luxurious."

. . . . . .

"President Su, wake up, we're going to John Wayne Airport soon." Today's flight attendant on Su Wei's plane was Wu Qian who went to Europe last time.

Because Su Wei thought Wu Qian was pretty good, he asked her to come to Gulfstream G650 as a flight attendant full-time.

Just now, the co-pilot notified Wu Qian that she was about to arrive at John Wayne Airport in Los Angeles.

That's why she came over and woke up Su Wei who was sleeping soundly.

"Finally, it's almost time to arrive. This trip is really exhausting and my back hurts." Su Wei got up and looked at the ground through the window, and found that urban agglomerations had already appeared below.

Before he looked down, he found that most of the time below was the sea.

This time Su Wei didn't sleep in bed, it was really hard to sit for more than ten hours.

He was already in the seat and had slept several times.

"It's been a little annoying for more than ten hours. Is there any place on the back here? It feels stiff." For the situation Su Wei said, Su Xiaoming felt too much.

So he sat in his seat for more than an hour and had to get up and move around.

When the plane was halfway through, he couldn't bear it and fell asleep.

When I got up, I felt that my whole body was not so comfortable.

So he wanted to find a massage place to relieve his back pain.

"Uncle, Brother Feng has a house here, he must know, after all, there are a lot of Chinese here." Irvine in Los Angeles is an area with a lot of Chinese.

Where there are many Chinese people, there are also many places for this kind of massage.

There is really that kind of old Chinese doctor who specializes in massage.

In a place like the United States, this kind of technique is quite popular.

"There are a lot of skilled old Chinese doctors here, and their techniques are quite good. I'll take you to Uncle in the evening." This is something to be discussed openly, and Li Renfeng certainly knows that he is talking about regular massage.

Here in Irvine, he happened to know a very experienced masseur.

It seems that the master came from Dawan.

"Take us with you at night, and we'll go press too." Xiaoya felt okay at first, after all, she often flies long distances.

But seeing that Li Renfeng and the others planned to go for a massage at night, she strongly stated that she would also go.

After all, how would she know if they were going for a regular massage.

"Weiwei, I regret it a little now. I knew it would be so tiring to come to the United States. I definitely wouldn't consider coming here to buy a farm." Thinking of every time I come here, I will be so tired.

In Su Xiaoming's heart, he already planned to give up.

After all, he definitely doesn't want to immigrate, he still thinks the country is more interesting.

But I bought a ranch here in Laomei, and I will definitely come here often that year.

If that's the case, he might as well rent a venue in China, at least he doesn't have to fly often.

"Dad, not only you feel tired, but I also feel a little tired. It's really uncomfortable to work for more than ten hours." Su Wei gave the bed to Wang Xiaoyuan to sleep with his mother this time.

The flight of more than ten hours was really overwhelming for him.

After all, when he went to Europe, he fell asleep the whole time, so why was he so annoyed.

"It's pretty good that this chair can sleep. You've never seen an airline's economy class to the United States. That's called suffering." Although Li Renfeng has a Taiwan-style G500 at home.

But the cost of a flight to and from a foreign country is at least tens of millions.

So most of the time when Li Renfeng went out with Xiaoya, he and Xiaoya were flying for the airline.

Once I went to Australia to play, and there was no first class and business class when I returned home.

They can only sit in the economy class, half lying down and sitting back.

"Awei, tell me next time you want to sleep, we can sleep instead." Wang Xiaoyuan flew to the United States this time, and she slept on the bed most of the time.

So she didn't feel anything about Su Wei's back pain.

But in the past, she also made long-duration flights.

She could imagine the discomfort.

"It doesn't matter, when we took the green leather train and sat for dozens of hours, it was still the same. How could there be such a good seat back then.

Now it takes ten hours to make this kind of chair, you two father and son can't bear it, it's really too much money." Zhang Guihua doesn't agree with Su Xiaoming and Su Wei's feelings.

After all, when they were on the green leather train, most of the time they went to other places took hard seats.

In the past, it was possible to sit for dozens of hours, but now it is not enough to walk for more than ten hours.

In her eyes, it is because she is too rich that she indulges in enjoyment.

"Mom, there's no way, our family is so rich now." Su Wei didn't understand, it's been so many years.

Why can't his mother change her mind, and still want to sing about the hard life in the past.

If you can have a good life, why can't you enjoy it.

"Brother Su, it's actually very simple if you want to solve this problem." Actually, it's really simple to change this method, just have enough money.

Others can't do it, but maybe Su Wei can really do it.

But if Su Wei can do it, Li Ziwei can't manage it, so he can come up with a way.

"It's very simple? Let's talk about the solution." Su Wei didn't expect Li Ziwei to say that he had a solution.

If he had the means, it would have been a great help to him.

After all, he flew this trip and almost planned to go back home.

"In the final analysis, the Gulfstream G650 is just a business jet, and its fast speed and long range are its advantages.

But a really comfortable plane, it must be a big plane.”

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