Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 393 Large Aircraft

"In the final analysis, the Gulfstream G650 is just a business jet. Its fast speed and long range are its advantages, but it must be a large plane that is really comfortable to sit on." Li Ziwei said that there is nothing wrong with it.

Comparing a small car with a big car, it must be that the big car is comfortable to sit on.

The same is true for airplanes. If they are really comfortable, they must be comfortable on large airplanes.

Not to mention anything else, when encountering a turbulence, a large aircraft can maintain balance, but a small aircraft will bump.

"Big plane? Can that thing be bought privately?" Su Xiaoming's impression of big planes is the same as that of buses.

I think this kind of thing is not all that kind of airline.

The state should not allow private individuals to buy large planes.

"Uncle, you can buy it. I have seen rich people who bought that Boeing 737 and converted it into a private jet." Here, the one who takes the most planes and contacts the richest people must be Li Renfeng.

He has seen the kind of rich people abroad who bought a Boeing 737 to refit.

Su Wei has more money than him, but after all, the time to become rich is short.

So many things are really at a loss before I have touched them.

"A Boeing 737 converted into a private jet? Is this a big plane? Isn't it a passenger plane?" Su Wei's Gulfstream G650 had already arrived at John Wayne Airport.

Su Wei pointed to the big plane next to him and asked Li Ziwei if it was such a plane.

After getting an affirmative answer, Su Wei couldn't figure it out.

After all, this plane is not a passenger plane.

And looking at the appearance of this big aircraft, it doesn't feel very good, not as good-looking as his Gulfstream G650.

"The Boeing 737 is indeed a passenger plane, but it has a special modification department. Although I can't afford it, I have visited it.

That kind of 737 private jet customized by Boeing VIP customers. In addition to more than 20 seats, there is also a bedroom with a bathroom. The decoration inside is just like a hotel. Very simple one thing.

Just go to the Boeing factory in Seattle, buy a ticket and follow the team to visit it.

Li Ziwei went to visit at that time, and he went alone.

Only after I went there did I realize how good foreign rich people are at playing.

No matter how rich the domestic rich are, they just buy a small plane, such as the Gulfstream.

Because they regard the plane as a quick means of transportation.

But foreign rich people have different ideas.

Many of the super rich among them will convert large planes into private jets.

Then decorate the interior of that big plane magnificently, just like your own home.

"The bedroom with a bathroom is so awesome, how big is the Boeing 737?" Su Wei was immediately moved when he heard that there was a room with a bathroom.

After all, he bought the Gulfstream G650, even though it claims to be the best business jet.

But the place where he can sleep is by the side of an aisle.

And this bed is still very small, only 1.3 meters wide.

"Mr. Su, there are fourteen models of Boeing 737, ranging in size from more than 20 meters long to 40 meters long, with an arm span of about 30 meters." At this time, Wu Qian, who was serving Su Wei to put on shoes, answered his question.

In fact, if someone could answer, Wu Qian would definitely not show it.

She chose to answer only when she saw that no one in the cabin could speak up.

"Xiao Wu is fine, you even know this." Su Wei didn't expect that it was the flight attendant who answered him.

In fact, in Su Wei's impression, most of the flight attendants had poor grades.

Now Wu Qian's performance made him feel admiration.

"Because we are stewardesses, we have the most planes, and Boeing has the most planes, so we know more about it." Wu Qian first worked in an airline company.

But she felt that the wages there were too low, so she jumped ship and came to Golden Deer Airlines.

Now her goal is to become an employee of Su Wei's company.

After all, when they work as flight attendants, they are paid according to the flight mileage.

If you fly more, you get more money, and if you fly less, you get less money.

But if she becomes a flight attendant personally hired by Su Wei, her salary will be guaranteed.

"Awei, you don't plan to buy it, right? This big plane is super expensive." Wang Xiaoyuan looked at Su Wei as if she was showing her a house.

If you really want to buy such a plane, how expensive it is.

"If it really makes people comfortable, so what if you spend a little money?" Su Wei used to think that Gulfstream's planes were great, but now he knows that it's only for when there are few people.

For example, if he takes his family to the United States now, the space in Gulfstream is not enough.

After all, if he adds Wang Xiaoyuan, his parents, Li Ziwei, Li Renfeng, and Xiaoya, there are already seven people.

In addition, Wang Xiaoyuan brought Aunt Feng as a nanny, and his mother also brought a nanny.

Then he brought two bodyguards, and his parents each brought a bodyguard.

Now the number of passengers on the plane has reached thirteen.

For short trips, the space is quite spacious.

But this kind of flight of more than ten hours, if the space is too small, people will appear very depressed.

"I think Weiwei's words are reasonable. My father supports you when buying a big plane." Anyway, Su Xiaoming doesn't need to pay for the plane.

Su Weizhen bought a big plane, so it will be much more convenient for him to come to the United States in the future.

. . . . . .

"Lao Li, I'm here in your territory now, shouldn't it be arranged by you?" After getting off the plane and outside the airport, Su Wei teased Li Renfeng.

After all, among so many of them, his family bought a house in the United States.

Logically speaking, Li Renfeng is indeed a half master.

These people can only be regarded as tourists.

"Don't worry, you can just stay at my house this time." Li Renfeng pushed the luggage and asked Su Wei and the others to follow him.

Because he had already planned it before coming to the United States.

After Su Wei and the others came this time, they all lived in his house.

"Live at your house? Do you have a place in your house? I brought bodyguards and a nanny this time." Su Wei didn't even know why Li Renfeng was so confident.

After all, there were quite a few people who came here this time.

There are six bodyguards and nannies in total. Because there are three men and three women, it takes four rooms to live in.

And if they were added, nearly ten rooms would be enough to live in.

"Brother Su, don't worry, Ah Feng has also rented the villa next to him this time. Two villas are more than enough." This time Li Renfeng considered that there were so many people here, so he rented the villa next to him.

Anyway, Li Renfeng's neighbor next door is also from China, so he just doesn't live here.

When he called, the other party was very welcoming.

After all, if this house is left here to collect ashes, it is better to let someone else live for a few days.

Besides, he also knew Li Renfeng, and knew that their family was not short of money.

There are five suites in Li Renfeng's villa.

Li Renfeng's next-door neighbor has a similar number of rooms.

Now there are ten rooms, and it is more than enough to arrange them.

"Huh? But I've already booked a hotel." Zhang Ruoyu had already booked a hotel while on the plane.

After all, with so many people coming to the United States this time, she thought that Li Renfeng would not be able to accommodate so many people here.

Who knew that Li Renfeng had already rented out the place.

"Let's leave the hotel, just stay at my place." Su Wei and the others came to the United States, so Li Renfeng must treat them well.

After all, when Su Wei invited them, they were all in place.

Now that he came to a place where he didn't live in the United States, wouldn't that be a slap in the face?

"Don't leave, we just asked them to take the hotel car to you." Su Wei stopped Li Renfeng, after all, the hotel car can take them there.

He already knew that Li Renfeng lived quite far from the airport.

"All refunds, all refunds. My friends are already waiting outside. As a half-landlord, how can I forget about the car?" Li Renfeng came over this time and notified his friends.

After all, his family is here in the United States, and he just bought a house, but no one lives there.

So every time he came over, he would trouble his friends.

"Okay, Xiao Zhang, why don't you cancel the hotel, we'll stay at Lao Li's house for the next two days?" Su Wei knew that Zhang Ruoyu had already booked the hotel.

So he just asked Li Renfeng how to arrange them.

But he really didn't expect that Li Renfeng actually rented him next door to them.

"Xiao Li, will this trouble you too much?" Seeing Li Renfeng's behavior, Zhang Guihua felt that this kid was really good.

Because there was not enough room at home, they even rented a house for them.

"Auntie, this is not troublesome at all. What is the relationship between me and Awei? You came to the United States. As a half-landlord, I should do this to receive you.

Let's go, the car is right outside the airport." In front of these parents, Li Renfeng looked like a good boy.

So many parents think highly of him.

It's not obvious at all that he is arrogant and domineering outside.

"Oh, it's really foreign here. At first glance, it's all foreigners." Zhang Guihua looked at the airport, white people, black people, and brown people were everywhere.

For her impact, that is really super big.

"Mom, they are not foreigners, they are in their own country, and we are foreigners." Wang Xiaoyuan really couldn't laugh or cry when she called Zhang Guihua a foreigner.

After all, they are now in someone else's country.

Compared with these people, they are foreigners.

"Yes, now we are here in Laomei, we are the foreigners"

. . . . . .

"Awei, the four of you will sit in my senior sister's Cayenne, Auntie and the others will take the Mercedes-Benz GLS, we will take this Lexus, and the bodyguards will take the X6, right?" This time Li Renfeng contacted four cars to pick them up .

And these four cars are all off-road vehicles.

The main reason is that they have a lot of luggage when they come here this time.

It's not an off-road vehicle, and it really can't hold so many things.

"It's all right, let's go to the place first." Su Wei got off the plane now and just wanted to go to sleep.

After all, they set off at three o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, and it's only around five o'clock in the afternoon at Laomei's side.

Although he slept on the plane, he didn't sleep well at all.

"Then senior sister, my friend will be counting on you." This time, Su Wei and the others were in the car, which was Li Renfeng's senior student who was studying in Canada.

The relationship between him and this senior has always been relatively good.

Even after graduating for a few years, he still called her Senior Sister.

It's not that he doesn't have thoughts about her, it's just that she is crooked.

"Leave it to me, don't worry." When Su Wei and the others were choosing a car, Chen Yihua strongly demanded to take her car.

Because when she saw the two beauties Wang Xiaoyuan and Zhang Ruoyu, her eyes straightened.

Although you can't do anything, it's good to see.

"Laomei is really a country on wheels." Su Wei looked out the window and found that this place is like a no-man's land.

Although it is not far from the city, there is no public transportation at all.

Wherever it is like in China, minibuses, big white cars, and buses can be seen at any time.

"Indeed, if you don't have a car in the United States, it's very difficult to live here, because the public transportation here is relatively mediocre." The public transportation here in Laomei basically needs to make money.

Two hours in the suburbs may not be able to take a full bus ride, who would invest in public transportation here.

In the first month that Chen Yihua came here, she hurriedly bought a car.

"Sister Chen, how long have you been here? It feels like you have been out for many years." Wang Xiaoyuan is still very interested in Chen Yihua.

After all, she is a woman who has the courage to venture out.

If it was her, she would never dare.

Although she didn't dare, she admired such a person.

"I have not been here in the United States for a long time. I have only been here for more than three years, and I have not yet received a green card." Chen Yihua went to Canada to study when she was in college.

Then when I was studying there, I met Li Renfeng.

At that time, Li Renfeng followed her every day, but he gave up when he saw that she really didn't like men.

But after the two became friends, it felt better than before.

"Wow, President Su, look at the side, what a big cat!" Zhang Ruoyu saw a big cat on the back seat of the car next to him when he was waiting for a red light.

It was the first time she had seen such a big cat.

So she quickly called Su Wei and the others to take a look at the big cat next to them.

"Holy shit, Xiao Zhang, please close the window quickly. Laomei is sick here. Someone raises a leopard and takes it to the street? No one cares?" Su Wei's position this time is in the middle of the back row Location.

On his left is Wang Xiaoyuan, and on his right is Zhang Ruoyu.

As for the co-pilot, it was Liu Qiang who was sitting.

Su Wei was originally traveling in space, when he heard Zhang Ruoyu's words.

Looking back, he was almost scared to death.

Because there was a leopard squatting on the back seat of the car next to it.

And its head is super close to Zhang Ruoyu's side.

"Is this cat a leopard? It's too scary, what should I do if I rushed over just now?" Zhang Ruoyu was really startled when she heard that the big cat next to her was a leopard.

Because if Su Wei didn't speak just now, she was going to touch it.

She didn't feel relieved until the glass was pressed up.

"As far as the old Americans are concerned, they have no restrictions on people keeping pets. The person who raised a leopard just now is not an exaggeration. I have a friend who has a lion at home." It means that it can be raised.

So there are really too many wild beasts in the United States.

After many people raise wild animals, they will return them to the mountains.

So there are often news reports here, where there are species invasions.

It's actually the Americans, the pets they keep and discard after a while.

"Aren't they afraid of these beasts hurting people if they raise such a large animal?" Wang Xiaoyuan is still a little afraid of this kind of beast.

After all, this kind of fear is engraved in the genes.

"This kind of beast is really scary to look at, but there are not many cases of real injuries caused by raising people from childhood to adulthood, not as many as dogs." In fact, domestic animals that hurt people the most are called The dog of man's friend.

It's just that many animal protection organizations defend dogs every day because of interests, saying that they are not harmful.

And a group of virgin whores are also there to help the abusers because they keep dogs.

Definitely define good food as friends.

"That's it"

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