Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 394 America's First Meal

"Here we are, this is Jacob's house." Chen Yihua drove for half an hour and finally arrived at Li Renfeng's house.

She has been here before, so she knows the address.

Moreover, Li Renfeng's family is the one on the farthest side, and it is next to the valley, so once you have been here, it is not easy to forget.

"That's right here, it's too stupid here." Su Wei looked at the vicinity of Li Renfeng's house, feeling really desolate.

Li Renfeng's community is built on a mountain.

And in this community, there are no shops, all of them are residences.

For a person like Su Wei, he couldn't stand such a place.

Because in Su Wei's life, the smell of fireworks cannot be lacking.

"House in America is like this. Rich people either live in a big house in the suburbs, or live in a top-notch apartment in the city center." Chen Yihua has been in North America for many years.

She can now understand why rich Americans either live in the suburbs or in top-end apartments in the city center.

Because the United States is private ownership, the land in the suburbs is held by individuals.

If poor people go to the countryside and break into other people's farms, no one will care about you if they are beaten to death.

So the poor in the United States, they can only live in urban areas.

Because the road there is owned by the government, their lives will not be in danger, and it is relatively close to receive relief funds.

The general property committees in the urban area, because they don't have much money, so their defense is not so strong.

Petty theft or crime still happens from time to time.

There are only top-level apartments that are heavily guarded because of the high property fees.

The average American has no chance of getting close to that kind of place.

"I think it's not bad here. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, there is a feeling of seeing all the small mountains. After the baby is born, I will buy him a super large telescope to explore the mysteries of the starry sky." Su Wei can't stay here, but Wang Xiaoyuan still likes this kind of environment.

Since she was pregnant, she didn't like to go to noisy places so much.

The place where Li Renfeng lives, she thinks the environment is pretty good.

Moreover, the average price of real estate in this community is basically more than 500 million.

For this place in Irvine, it is considered a top-level community.

"This place is still too far away from the urban area. If it was me, I would definitely buy a place closer to the urban area.

Mom and the others seem to be going to the next house, I'll help." Even if Su Wei buys real estate in the United States, it must be a villa in the urban area.

For example, Beverly Hills, Bel Air and the like.

Li Renfeng's house, if it wasn't because it was a friend's house, he would have started complaining.

For 800 million US dollars, I bought a wooden villa in the suburbs.

What kind of fool is this, saying that houses abroad are cheap.

"Vivian, are you pregnant?" Chen Yihua touched her belly unconsciously when she saw Wang Xiaoyuan talking about the child.

Only then did she know that Wang Xiaoyuan was pregnant.

"Yes, it's been four months now." Wang Xiaoyuan smiled when she saw someone mentioning the child in her belly.

After all, she is about to become a mother, and her joy is really obvious.

"Then you can consider buying a house in the United States. When the child is born, he will have a U.S. household registration, which is much better than me waiting for several years to get a green card." Chen Yihua thought that Li Renfeng's family was planning to come to the United States to wait for childbirth. .

Because now there are many rich people in China who like to go to the United States to wait for delivery.

As long as the child is born in the United States, he automatically has American citizenship.

After the child reaches the age of 18, the parents can also directly naturalize.

Chen Yihua thought that Wang Xiaoyuan and the others were also like this.

"We only plan to get a green card and don't want to change nationality." Wang Xiaoyuan knew that it was impossible for Su Wei to change nationality.

Because he has a strong sense of identity with his country.

To get a US green card, I only plan to do it because it is convenient to come to the US ranch to hunt.

Otherwise, he would not even be interested in applying for a green card.

"Actually, getting a green card is similar to naturalization in the US, except that you don't have the right to vote or be elected.

By the way, are you planning to settle in the United States for a long time when you come here this time? "Chen Yihua couldn't understand Wang Xiaoyuan's choice.

After all, it is the dream of many people in China to come to the United States.

Just like her parents, they really used up all their family property, just for her to stay in the United States.

She is also striving for this goal.

"No, we came here this time to see the ranch. We plan to buy a ranch here in the United States." Su Wei and the others came to the United States this time, the main thing is to buy a ranch.

I'm not sure whether to buy another house or not.

After all, there must be a house in the ranch.

If you buy another house, it will probably be empty there for a long time.

"Oh, to be a farmer, right? There are indeed many people in China who do this, and Jacob's family has such a farm.

But I look at you, can the two of you get used to it? "There are many people in China who know that buying land in the United States is a freehold property right.

Excitedly ran to the United States to buy a piece of land, but found that they were not used to the countryside at all.

She didn't see too many Chinese who regretted buying the farm in the group.

Wang Xiaoyuan and Su Wei are dressed so stylishly, they don't seem like people who can stand loneliness.

After all, on the farm, it is likely that all you will come into contact with in a month are cattle, sheep and vegetable fields.

So Chen Yihua planned to persuade Wang Xiaoyuan not to buy a farm.

"Is there anything she's not used to? They bought the ranch purely as a place for vacation." When Xiaoya came over, she heard Chen Yihua's words of persuasion to Wang Xiaoyuan.

She hurried forward and interrupted Chen Yihua's next words.

After all, Wang Xiaoyuan and the others bought this ranch just because they wanted to find a place where they could hunt and take vacations.

They are different from ordinary people, they have no intention of running this ranch as a means of making a living.

After all, they are too rich, and they don't care about the interests of the farm.

"Yes, we bought this ranch mainly because my husband and my father-in-law like to hunt.

Xiaoya, you are finally here, hurry up and take us in to visit your home." When buying a ranch this time, Wang Xiaoyuan and Zhang Guihua are like outsiders.

Because the two of them have no interest in hunting.

It was only because Su Wei and Su Xiaoming liked it that they accompanied them here.

Compared with the ranch, Wang Xiaoyuan is more interested in Li Renfeng's house.

"Let's go, I'll take you to put your things first, and then I'll show you around the house." Li Renfeng's villa covers an area of ​​1500 square meters, and the house area is 750 square meters.

As soon as you enter from the main entrance, you can see a semi-enclosed two-way staircase leading to the second floor.

On the first floor of the house there is a guest room, a study, living room plus dining room plus kitchen, and a reception area, as well as a three-car garage.

On the second floor are four suites, each with a large balcony.

On the first floor, there are wine area, cigar area, audio-visual area, leisure area and fitness area.

"In the $800 million house, there is no elevator?" Wang Xiaoyuan followed Xiaoya up the stairs, joking that there is no elevator in such an expensive house.

After all, if this price is placed in China, the elevator must be standard.

"I can't help it. There was no elevator when I bought it. If I want to have an elevator, I have to renovate it myself, but the number of times I live in it is too small, so there is no need for it.

You can live in the room on the right, it was where Afeng and I lived before, and it has already been cleaned.” The houses in the United States are all built in a unified way.

Although when the developer sells the house, the interior floors, walls, lighting, central air conditioning, kitchen and bathroom, and home appliances are all available.

But no developer will repair the elevator.

After all, if there is a problem with this elevator, the developer will be sued for compensation in the later stage.

Therefore, new villas in the United States, no matter how expensive they are, do not have elevators.

"This room is nice. You can directly see the swimming pool below. Xiaoya, let's go down and look at the yard." The room Xiaoya arranged for Wang Xiaoyuan was theirs before.

Although this room is not as big as the master bedroom, it is already the second largest in this house.

And when you open the balcony door in this room, you can see the swimming pool in the yard.

Wang Xiaoyuan left Aunt Feng to pack her things, and she asked Xiaoya to visit the yard.

"The swimming pool in our yard is relatively large in the whole community. After the water is filled, you can swim at night." In houses in California, USA, as long as there is a yard, swimming pools are basically dug.

So Americans here rarely have landlubbers who can't swim.

The swimming pool in Li Renfeng's house has an area of ​​about 150 square meters, and it is indeed a big pool.

"You still have a barbecue grill here, why don't we have a barbecue at night?" In the new houses in the high-end community, the developer will also be equipped with a barbecue grill.

Because Americans have very few cooking methods, meat is basically boiled and grilled or fried.

Wang Xiaoyuan hasn't eaten barbecue for a long time since she became pregnant.

After all, compared to going to the city to eat weird food, it's better to roast in the yard by yourself.

Anyway, Aunt Feng brought here this time, her cooking skills are very good.

"I don't care, you have to ask their opinions." Xiaoya didn't care, but Wang Xiaoyuan had to ask Su Wei and Li Renfeng.

After all, she has no right to call the shots in this matter.

"Then let's go ask them together, and take a look at the difference between the house next to you and yours."

. . . . . .

"Uncle and aunt, you are staying here for a while, no problem?" Li Renfeng brought Su Xiaoming and the others to his neighbor's house, and took them to the room in no hurry.

Instead, I first introduced Su Xiaoming and the others to the differences between American houses and domestic houses.

"What's wrong with this? This house is better than our house in Shanghai." Su Xiaoming's words were indeed too modest.

Except that the light transmission of this house is better than that of Mingyuan Villa, everything else is inferior.

But now this is someone else's place, of course Su Xiaoming said it nicely.

"Uncle, if you like the environment here, then buy a house here in California. Anyway, the house price here is not as expensive as in Shanghai." Su Xiaoming's Mingyuan villa was bought for about 7000 million RMB.

If converted into US dollars, the price should be at least 1000 million US dollars.

If you buy a house in California with $1000 million, there is basically no community where you can’t buy a house.

"No one can chat in this place. I still prefer the country, which is more lively." Zhang Guihua heard Li Renfeng say this, and thought that Su Xiaoming had this idea of ​​buying a house.

She hurriedly stopped him, after all, this place is deserted.

Although his son is rich, buying a house is a small fortune for him.

But buying a house here is not convenient at all.

"Auntie, your idea is similar to that of my parents.

Our family bought this house for three years, and the total time they lived here did not exceed one month. It is not as long as they stayed on the farm. You may prefer farm life.

Come on, this room on the second floor is the master bedroom of the house, uncles and aunts, you should live in this room this time." Originally, Li Renfeng wanted to be neighbors with Su Wei.

But after thinking about it, it seems that after his family bought this house, they didn't live in it much.

Although he lived longer than his parents, the total of three years did not exceed three months.

"This room is fine. From the balcony here, you can not only see the yard, but also the night view below." The room Li Renfeng arranged for Su Xiaoming and the others was the master bedroom of the house.

The orientation of this house is much better than Su Wei's.

Not only can you see the swimming pool in the yard, but you can also see the urban area of ​​Irvine.

"That's the downtown area of ​​Irvine. Wait a minute, uncle, don't you want a massage? This is the place we're going to go later." Li Renfeng still remembers this.

After all, it's his territory now, so he must arrange everything well.

But he was also a little worried. It was almost six o'clock, and the massage shop was still open.

"Don't go for a massage, it's been too long." Zhang Guihua knew about them and really just went for a regular massage.

But it takes at least half an hour to go out here.

On the way back and forth for an hour, you may be more tired after the massage than before.

"Auntie is fine, my friends are here to help today, I will definitely treat them to dinner." This time Chen Yihua and the others came to help, Li Renfeng will definitely treat them to dinner.

Ordering takeaway here in the United States is basically not very realistic.

So I can only run to the city to see which restaurants are still open.

"Is there any authentic Chinese food here in Irvine? I'm afraid my parents won't be used to it." Zhang Guihua and Su Xiaoming don't eat weird food.

And there are so many strange and weird foods in Laomei.

If they had chosen that kind of American-style Chinese restaurant, then the two of them would definitely not be able to eat it.

"Awei, let's not go out to eat today. I just checked. Lao Li and his family have a barbecue grill. Let's have a barbecue today." When Wang Xiaoyuan and the others came over, they happened to see Zhang Guihua's nanny.

After asking, she found out that Su Wei and the others were all in the master bedroom.

When she came in, she happened to hear Su Wei talking about where to eat at night.

"Barbecue? Are you two serious? Who knows how to do barbecue?" Su Wei had no objection to having barbecue at night.

But this thing, he just likes to eat, but he can't handle it.

If a few of them are novices, they don't know when it will be done.

"I've already asked, Aunt Feng can make it, as long as we buy all the ingredients." The Aunt Feng brought by Wang Xiaoyuan this time, she used to cook in the hotel.

Since she came, Aunt Li doesn't cook anymore.

It is very simple for her to get a barbecue.

In order to invite her to come over, Wang Xiaoyuan paid 5 yuan a month.

"What do you say, Mom and Dad, what about you, Lao Li?" Su Wei completely believed in Aunt Feng's skills.

Because the dishes she made really suit his taste.

Since she said she could do it, it must be no problem.

"Xiaoyuan likes to eat, so let's make barbecue." Zhang Guihua doesn't like barbecue that much.

If Su Wei said to have barbecue for dinner, she would definitely disagree.

But Wang Xiaoyuan wants to eat barbecue, so she agrees with both hands.

"It's not like you don't know that barbecue beer is my favorite. Since everyone agrees, let's go to the supermarket to buy ingredients." Li Renfeng was still worried about what to eat for dinner.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xiaoyuan and the others came over and proposed to have a barbecue at night.

Then he must have agreed with 1. After all, he has eaten the dishes that Aunt Feng cooked, and the skills are indeed very good.

I heard that she used to work in the back kitchen of a big hotel.

"Why, does the supermarket here close early?" Su Wei looked at his watch, there's no need to be in a hurry until it's six o'clock.

It suddenly occurred to me that this is no longer China, but the United States.

On their side, they don't have the habit of going to work at night.

"It's almost 08:30. Fortunately, today is not the weekend, otherwise it will be over."

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