Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 395 Scary Assistant Salary

Chapter 395 Scary Assistant Salary
The next day.

"Fuck, you're finally up." Li Renfeng was playing video games in the living room when he saw Su Wei go downstairs.

He really admired Su Wei.

Because after eating yesterday, he went to his room to sleep after 9 o'clock.

It was already 11 noon, and Su Wei didn't get up until now.

"I slept so well this time. I haven't slept so well for a long time. By the way, what about the others?" Su Wei went back to his room to sleep after drinking a little bit yesterday.

When I woke up, it was almost 11 o'clock.

When he walked out of the room, he only felt that his hands were soft and his feet were soft.

The last time I slept so well was several months ago.

"Xiaoya took them out shopping." Li Renfeng had a car at his home in Irvine.

There is a Land Rover Range Rover, a Porsche 911 targa4 and his father's Bentley Bentayga.

For Li Renfeng's family, buying these cars is really a low-key one.

After all, this is not a domestic country, the foundation is unstable, and it is not good to be too public.

This time Xiaoya took four people out, and she drove that Land Rover Range Rover.

"Then why didn't you go out?" Su Wei was surprised, how could Li Renfeng stay at home.

Everyone has gone out, so he should go out too.

After all, Li Renfeng was like a prodigal son.

"I'm waiting for someone. After Jennifer knew you were here, she said she wanted to come over and talk to you face to face." Li Renfeng saw Xiaoya and the others going out, and he originally planned to go with Li Ziwei.

After all, in this house, it was quite boring.

It's better to follow everyone and go out for a stroll together.

But when he heard the news that Jennifer was coming, he immediately stopped moving.

After all, when going shopping, seeing Jennifer is not as important.

And it happened that Xiaoya and the others were going out, so God was helping him.

"How did she know I'm here? You must have told her." Although Jennifer would chat with Su Wei occasionally, she never revealed the news of Su Wei's arrival to her.

After all, when he came to America this time, Su Wei planned to spend a few days in Los Angeles first.

Now that Jennifer is suddenly coming to the door, except for Li Renfeng telling him, she basically doesn't know anyone else.

"Hey, didn't I accidentally reveal it to her when I was chatting with her?" Jennifer knew about Su Wei's coming to Los Angeles, but she already knew about it yesterday.

At that time, Li Renfeng saw that Jennifer didn't pay much attention to him, so he directly told her that Su Wei came to the United States.

Later, Jennifer's attitude towards him took a 180-degree turn.

Seeing Su Wei asking now, he didn't want Su Wei to know that he betrayed him for picking up girls.

"I don't believe you. By the way, where's my dad?" Su Wei looked around, but didn't see his dad.

I thought he was in the villa next door and didn't come here.

Because his father is not interested in things like going out to play.

Su Wei didn't even need to ask, he must be at home.

"Uncle, he and Weiwei are swimming in the swimming pool, do you have something to do with him?" After the women went out today, the three of them were swimming in the swimming pool.

Li Renfeng swam in it for less than half an hour, and then came back to play games exhausted.

Su Xiaoming should have been swimming often, and had nothing to do for half an hour.

As for Li Ziwei, he plans to swim to lose weight and show himself in front of Jennifer.

"Isn't it that Jennifer is coming? When she introduces the land, I want to see if my dad is satisfied." Because when Jennifer is coming, the ranch she introduced must be seen by his dad.

After all, his father will be the main manager of this ranch in the future.

As for himself, he just rides horses when he has nothing to do, and waits until the hunting season to hunt.

Normally, he would definitely not go there.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Oh, Jennifer's call came. She should be at the foot of the mountain. I'll answer the call and see if I want to pick her up." While he was speaking, Li Renfeng's phone rang.

He took a look and found that it was Jennifer's phone.

It must be that she had already reached the foot of the mountain and was stopped by the gate guard.

"Go ahead, I just want to make a phone call"

. . . . . .

"Yangyang, here, here" Mianmian was chatting with friends in a bar today.

Seeing her best friend at this time, Xu Liyang came.

Call her quickly and let her know where it is.

"Mianmian, Chen Dong, Jiaqi, long time no see." Xu Liyang had planned to rest today, but was called out by Mianmian.

Said that the two of them haven't seen each other for so long, do you want to come out and meet.

Xu Liyang thought that this was indeed the case, only to find that there were two other people here when he came out.

But she knew these two people. The four of them came from the same place and met in the school fellowship.

That Jiaqi is Mianmian's boyfriend, and Chen Dong is Jiaqi's roommate.

"You're a busy person, since you changed companies, it's really hard to find you." Asking Xu Liyang out today was mainly Chen Dong's idea.

Because he has always liked Xu Liyang since college.

He asked Xu Liyang several times in the past few months, but they were all unsuccessful.

This time, I asked Mianmian to go out and finally asked her out.

"That's right, you, the boss, are more ruthless than Huang Shiren. Every time I look for you, you are basically at work. You look thin now." Because Mianmian and Xu Liyang's hometown is in the same city, they have a good relationship.

When Xu Liyang didn't go to work at Su Wei's place before, she basically had dinner appointments every week.

But since they went to work at Su Wei's place, they never had dinner appointments again.

Every time Mianmian called Xu Liyang, she was either on a business trip abroad or preparing materials.

"It's okay, I'm really thinner, have you ordered anything?" Xu Liyang has been really busy at Su Wei's place for the past few months.

Because no one can help, she has been doing it by herself.

She weighed herself a few days ago, and she has lost weight from 95 catties to 86 catties now.

"It's already ordered, hey, just in time, the wine and food are here.

Yangyang, have you ever thought about changing jobs? "Before Chen Dong, he thought it was Xu Liyang who didn't want to see him.

After knowing where Mianmian is, I won't be able to ask her out in the future.

Only then did I know that she couldn't come out because of work.

"I didn't think about changing jobs, because my boss treats me very well, and I shouldn't be as busy as before." These months are indeed busy, but her work ability has also made sufficient progress.

And whenever she gets tired, looking at the salary slips and bonuses is full of energy.

The most important thing is that Su Wei set up the secretariat, and now four people have been recruited.

"Is your boss treating you well? You have only been working for a few months, let alone fly all over the world, and you don't even have a break. It feels like your rest time doesn't exceed 10 days in total. .

This time we asked you to come here because Mianmian is planning to open a milk tea shop, and we want to ask if you have any ideas to do it together." Xu Liyang couldn't come out because of work.

In this case, Chen Dong planned to persuade Xu Liyang to change jobs.

It happened that a small store downstairs from their company was about to be sold, and Mianmian fell in love with this store.

As for Mianmian, the money is not enough.

So Chen Dong thought, let Xu Liyang and Mian Mian open a shop together.

In this case, he is close to the water tower.

"Open a milk tea shop? Don't tell me, the prospect of this industry is quite big." Milk tea shops can indeed make more money as long as they find a good store.

Although it is not as easy to make money as before, it is still no problem to have enough food and clothing.

"Then Yangyang, did you agree?" The transfer fee for the store that Mianmian was looking at this time was 30.

Jiaqi and Mengmeng pooled their money together, and asked the family for a little more, only about 20 yuan.

At this time, Yang Dong told Jiaqi that as long as Xu Liyang agreed to partner, he could lend 10 to Xu Liyang.

"Promise what? Open a milk tea shop together? I didn't agree to this matter. I just said that this industry has a bright future, but I don't plan to resign myself." Now Xu Liyang's salary has already beaten everyone in their school.

Unless she is stupid, she will quit this job.

As for opening a milk tea shop, how could she have a stable job?

"Yangyang, you're just an assistant. Why do you work hard for your boss? You can't be in love with him." Seeing Xu Liyang's refusal, Mianmian became a little anxious.

Because after she fired her boss this time, she still hasn't found a satisfactory job.

So in a fit of rage, she decided to start her own business.

It's just that she is optimistic about the facade now, and she is still short of 10 yuan in transfer fees.

Chen Dong agreed that as long as Xu Liyang came to partner with her, he would lend 10 to Xu Liyang.

Now that Xu Liyang doesn't come, Chen Dong's 10 yuan may not be able to be loaned out.

"How can I like my boss, he is a super Aquaman.

It's not like I'm working hard for him. Before, it was mainly because of the shortage of manpower. Now it's all right. My boss has recruited a few new secretaries, and I can hand over many things to them." Xu Liyang said to Su Wei, that is No calls at all.

After all, she couldn't accept that he had so many girlfriends.

Will work hard to be Su Wei's assistant, it's all because of the high salary.

And after completing a task, there will be generous rewards.

"How much salary does your boss give you? Let me see if your hard work is worth it." Chen Dong and the others knew that Xu Liyang was working as an assistant, but they didn't know about her salary.

After all, she is so busy, they haven't been together for a long time.

But Chen Dong thought about how much salary an assistant can get.

I can get more than 1 yuan a month, which is already super powerful.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Wait a minute, my boss is calling, I'll talk to you after I finish the call.

Mr. Su, I have already brought out my pen, what can you say?" Before Xu Liyang could hear what Chen Dong said clearly, she saw her boss calling.

After talking to the three people, she took her mobile phone and went outside.

After all, the sound in this bar is still a bit too loud.

"Yangyang is too busy right now. It's late at night, and her boss is still calling her. Could it be because he likes her?" Jia Qi, as a man, felt that there must be something tricky about it.

Otherwise, which boss would call his female assistant after 11 o'clock in the evening.

And this female assistant looks so good-looking.

"No, you two will help me persuade Yang Yang later that she must quit her job. I suspect that she has been brainwashed by her boss, otherwise why is she working so hard as an assistant?" Chen Dong is now in In the company, he has become a small supervisor.

Although he is not a high-level executive, his monthly salary is no less than 3 yuan.

So he treats Xu Liyang's assistant job with a condescending attitude.

I feel that there is no need to work so hard for such a job.

"Okay, when she comes back, the three of us will persuade her together"

. . . . . .

"Hey, Xiao Xu, let me tell you something." When Su Wei called, he completely forgot that he was in the United States, while Xu Liyang was in China.

The time on the American side is 12 hours slower than that on the Chinese side.

In other words, Su Wei's side is at 11:11 noon, and Xu Liyang's side is at [-]:[-] pm.

"Boss Su, I've already brought out my pen. Tell me what you have to say." Xu Liyang could tell that Su Wei must have forgotten the time difference.

But the boss has something to do, she must do it.

So when Su Wei called, she had already taken out her notebook and pen immediately.

"It's like this. I think my Gulfstream G650 is a little too small. Help me find it. Is there any such large business jet for sale?" Su Wei must ask Xu Liyang to buy the plane.

After all, Xu Liyang managed the yacht last time.

And the last time I came to Laomei to receive the Gulfstream G650, she came alone.

Therefore, in terms of work, Su Wei trusted Xu Liyang more.

Just like he never trusted Zhang Ruoyu's ability to work.

"Big business jet? How big is it?" Su Wei's Gulfstream is already a relatively large business jet.

Even larger ones are only available after refitting.

She has been flying abroad for so long, and she has also seen passenger planes converted into business jets.

It's just that there is no clear understanding of the price of that kind of aircraft.

"How big is it? At least two or three bedrooms can fit inside it." The plane that Su Wei bought this time was specially used to fly across the ocean.

In this case, at least two to three bedrooms are required.

Anyway, more rooms are definitely better than less.

Gulfstream's aircraft only has a small bed, which is really not enough.

"Two or three bedrooms? Okay, I get it." Xu Liyang has no idea that an airplane has two or three bedrooms.

After all, Gulfstream has one room, and there are two or three rooms on the plane, and there should be many planes that can do it.

After she understands, she will know how outrageous Su Wei's request is.

"Don't be too tired. I have recruited so many new secretaries, and you have to make them move." Su Wei had pushed the matter to Xu Liyang for the past few months.

It was because there was no one available to him at the time.

Now that the secretary department has been established, it can be regarded as a promotion for Xu Liyang in disguise.

"President Su, don't worry, I know." Xu Liyang has the final say on Su Wei's secretarial department.

Of course she couldn't let these secretaries rest, she definitely wanted them to move.

Otherwise, invite them to come in and put them as vases.

There is already one Zhang Ruoyu in the company, there is no need for a second one.

"I forgot that it's night in China now, so I won't disturb your rest." In fact, Su Wei realized it halfway through the call.

But after making all the phone calls, it must be time to finish the conversation.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be a waste of calls.

"It's okay, then Mr. Su, bye." Su Wei even said that he had forgotten, so what else could Xu Liyang say.

Even if he made the call on purpose, Xu Liyang couldn't say anything.

She was prepared for such a high salary.

"The phone call is over, what is your boss looking for?" Chen Dong saw Xu Liyang coming back, and hurriedly asked her if something happened.

What he was most afraid of was that Xu Liyang's boss liked her.

If she refuses to resign, sooner or later the two of them will get together.

"It's nothing, it's just that he thinks his current plane is a bit small, so he wants to change to a bigger plane." Xu Liyang didn't know why, but felt that Chen Dong seemed to be very concerned about this matter.

She knew Chen Dong and had always liked her.

But after she followed Su Wei, her eyes became higher.

And Chen Dong is not her ideal type, otherwise they would have already been together.

"Buy a big plane? Does your boss have a private plane?" Jia Qi and the others knew for the first time that Xu Liyang's job seemed to be very difficult.

After all, in the whole country, only a few bosses have private jets.

I just don't know how small this plane is.

"Yes, his current plane is a Gulfstream G650, but this time he is flying to the United States, and he thinks the space inside is too small, so he wants to buy a big plane to sleep in. By the way, what did you just ask me?" Xu Liyang remembered, she answered before the phone call.

Chen Dong seemed to ask her a question, but she forgot it after the phone call.

"Oh, we are just curious, how much is your monthly salary now? After all, your boss seems to be super rich." When Chen Dong heard the Gulfstream G650, he was completely dumbfounded.

Although he didn't know how much the plane cost, he knew that all bigwigs in the country took this plane.

Now Xu Liyang's boss doesn't even look down on this plane, so how rich is he.

So when he asked Xu Liyang's salary, he no longer had that superior attitude, but became cautious instead.

"Salary, originally this should be kept secret, but you are my friends, I tell you, you must not tell it." Xu Liyang's salary is actually not a secret.

After all, when Su Wei recruited assistants, he did so with great fanfare.

It's just that Xu Liyang's wealth is not revealed, and she doesn't want too many of her classmates to know.

"If you still don't believe our words, you will definitely not say it." Hearing Xu Liyang's words, Mianmian didn't know that she must have a high salary.

But in her heart, the estimated salary is capped at [-].

After all, Xu Liyang is just an assistant, and her salary of [-] yuan is already very good.

"My salary is now fully tax-deducted, and after deducting five insurances and two funds, I should get no less than 80 a year." Xu Liyang's salary before was 60 a year.

After the establishment of the secretarial department later, Su Wei gave her an additional 20 a year.

Adding so much money to her can be regarded as telling the people in the company that although Xu Liyang is still an assistant, she has actually been promoted.

"80 a year? Isn't your annual salary about 120 million? Is your company still hiring? I just quit my job and stay at home now."

(End of this chapter)

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