Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 396 Super Ranch

Chapter 396 Super Ranch
"Miss Jennifer, please come in." When Li Renfeng first received calls from Jennifer, he thought that the doorman would be able to let her through with a call.

It turned out that he found it useless to call, because the number left by the guard was not his.

So he could only run down himself, and then brought Jennifer up.

Like the United States, there are such gated communities, which are basically luxury houses.

Outside the civilian community, there is no such thing as access control and security.

"Thank you." When Jennifer came in just now, she took a special look at the community where Jacob was.

No loss, it is known as the top community in Irvine, even the access control has two floors.

Moreover, the villa of Jacob's family is not considered a small villa in the community.

She was already full of anticipation for the client she was going to meet today.

"Old Li, you brought someone back." After Su Wei made the phone call, he played with the PS4 left by Li Renfeng.

I was playing vigorously when I heard the sound of closing the door.

Guessing that it should be Li Renfeng who came back, sure enough, he brought two beautiful Caucasian women back after a while.

"Awei, let me introduce you. This is..." Li Renfeng brought two women with him, in case Su Wei didn't know Jennifer.

So when I was going to introduce who was who, Su Wei interrupted me before I could say anything.

"I don't need your introduction here, you go and talk to my dad, the real estate agent is here, let him come over.

This beautiful lady, I think you are Miss Jennifer." Su Wei had seen Jennifer's photo, so he recognized her at a glance.

After all, Jennifer looks a lot like Megan Fox, the heroine of Transformers [-].

Of course, it was her appearance when she was filming Transformers, after all, Su Wei didn't like her appearance after marriage.

"Hi Su, I'm Jennifer, and this is my assistant Emily." When Jennifer just came in, she saw bodyguards in the yard.

Knowing that the target this time is likely to be a rich man.

And looking at Jacob's attitude, it can be seen that this Sub is richer than Jacob.

"Hello, I'm Emily." Emily is a newcomer to real estate, and came in after hearing that this business is very profitable.

She has been Jennifer's assistant for more than a month.

Until now, she has not seen Jennifer billing.

Of course, she also knows that the real estate industry cannot bill every month.

After all, the properties Jennifer sells are all expensive ones.

However, she hadn't billed all the time, which made her, an assistant, feel a little slack in her heart.

If Jennifer doesn't open the bill, she doesn't know how long she can last in the real estate industry.

"You came here today, probably because you have better information about the ranch." Su Wei sat on the sofa and asked Jennifer and her assistant to sit down as well.

He knew that Jennifer dared to come to the door the next day, so she must be ready to come.

After all, there are really too many real estate agencies in the United States.

If she came to the door without any preparation, then Su Wei would definitely think that she was unprofessional, and then directly change to a real estate agency.

"Yes, we have compiled a copy this time. There are more than [-] acres in the United States. You can hunt on the ranch, and there are lakes, grasslands, and forests. The most important thing is the ranch that has no problem with the formalities." Su Wei mentioned at the time The requirements are not too harsh.

The only troublesome thing is that the size of the ranch he requested is too large.

Although there are many super ranches in Laomei, most of them are small and medium-sized ranches.

After she sorted out the information and eliminated the unqualified pastures, the rest was all here.

"Yes, this is really great. I can't wait to read the information about these ranches." Su Wei really wanted to see what the ranches that Jennifer prepared for her looked like.

Thinking that he would soon be able to ride a horse on his ranch, he was still a little excited.

After all, when watching martial arts movies, which man has not thought about his heroic appearance when riding a horse.

"Of course there is no problem, Emily, take out the computer and let Su look at the materials we prepared." Jennifer originally planned to send the materials to Su Wei by email in the next few days.

But he has come to the United States now, so it's just a good time to have a face-to-face chat.

If there is something he doesn't understand, she can just answer his questions on the spot.

"The real estate agent is already here, are they the two of you?" Su Xiaoming was just basking in the sun by the swimming pool, and only then did he know that the real estate agent was here when he heard Li Renfeng call him.

He is really impatient for real estate agents.

Knowing that they were coming, he quickly put on his clothes and ran over.

It was only after I came here that I realized that the real estate agent was a woman, let alone a woman, and she was also very young.

In his impression, real estate agents should be the kind of old men.

"Uncle, this Miss Jennifer is the last time she sold a thousand-acre farm to my family. Although she looks pretty, she is actually very professional." Regarding Su Xiaoming's doubts, Li Renfeng patiently explained to him.

Because the last time his father bought the farm, he was full of distrust of Jennifer in the early stage.

After buying the farm later, I realized that she is really quite professional.

"Su, who are they? Are they talking about us?" Jennifer listened to their chatting, just like listening to a bible.

She thought in her heart that she must learn Chinese in the future.

After all, there are more and more Chinese in her customer base.

Learning Chinese now may come in handy at work in the future.

"This is my father. He doesn't speak or understand English. This is my good friend, Li Ziwei.

Dad, this is Miss Jennifer, and this is her assistant Emily." Su Xiaoming is 50 years old, so he must not speak English.

So Su Wei planned to arrange an English translator for his father later.

When his father comes to the United States, the English translator will follow him every day.

"This time I prepared a total of 7 pastures. I believe that after reading these seven pastures, Su, you will definitely see the pastures you are satisfied with." After the selection of pastures across the United States this time, there are still seven pastures left.

Prices range from low to high, all for a ten thousand acre ranch.

No matter whether Su Wei wants expensive or cheap ones, he can catch them all in one go.

"Just seven ranches? There aren't many choices." Su Xiaoming was a little dissatisfied when he heard that there were only seven ranches.

After all, the United States is so big, how could there be so few ranches to choose from.

He could understand Jennifer's speech, not because he suddenly knew English, but because Li Ziwei and Li Renfeng had been translating for him.

"Let's look at it first, maybe there are better ones in it." Su Wei's own words really feel that there are relatively few.

But everyone is here, if you are not satisfied, just change.

There are not many other people here in the United States, but there are not too many real estate agents.

"The first ranch is an elk ranch in Wyoming, covering an area of ​​12564 acres. Because there are a lot of deer in this ranch, the previous rancher transformed it into a hunting park. The listed price is 740 million." Amy The order in which Li recommends these ranches is determined by the price.

The price of this first ranch is the cheapest.

Although it is the cheapest, the price has reached 740 million US dollars.

If the deal can be concluded, then Jennifer can get a commission of 22 yuan.

She is a senior agent and can negotiate with the company 7/3.

You can get 15 US dollars before tax, which is indeed enough to eat for a year with one order.

"Weiwei, this ranch is fine, it's a ranch dedicated to hunting." After introducing the first ranch, Su Xiaoming took a fancy to it.

After all, he looked at the grassland in the picture, which was much better than the place he was renting in Xiapu.

And looking at the terrain, at least most of the more than 1 acres are plains.

"This ranch is not good, the price is so cheap, it must not be able to raise any cattle and sheep, so I can only earn some money by hunting.

The next one, this ranch is too small, and the price is too cheap, well, the first four are not very good, let’s start with the fifth one, I just want the top-level ranch.” The first ranch, the price is really high is too cheap.

If there were no problems, Su Wei would not believe that this kind of pasture could still be left to him.

"Want a top-notch ranch? Then I know.

Emily, let's start from the fifth ranch." Jennifer didn't look happy when she heard Su Wei's introduction from the fifth ranch.

Because of the three pastures behind, the price is really too expensive.

If this kind of ranch is sold, it will basically cause a sensation.

The name of the real estate agency will also become an instant hit in the circle.

But the more this kind of ranch, the harder it is to make a deal.

"Okay, the fifth ranch is the Mountaineering Sword Ranch in Montana. It is located near Bozeman, Montana. The ranch covers 1.16 acres and the selling price is about [-] million US dollars." The fifth mountaineering For Sword Ranch, the price directly reached [-] million.

However, compared to its size, the price is not that expensive.

After all, its area is several times larger than the first ranch.

"Tear~, [-] acres? How big is that?" Su Xiaoming took a breath when he heard it.

Because their initial goal was only ten to twenty thousand acres of pastures.

But now the fifth ranch has reached [-] acres.

"One acre is equal to 6.075 mu of land. If it is 50 acres, there are about [-] mu of land." Li Renfeng's family has bought a pasture, so he has a little understanding of this aspect.

But when it was over, I was taken aback.

After all, their family's farm is just over 1000 acres.

The ranch that Su Wei looked at this time has more than 8 acres.

"Fuck, this land is as big as Minhang." Li Ziwei didn't have a clear understanding of such a large land.

So after he finished his calculations, he made a comparison with the Demon City.

Found [-] acres, larger than Minhang in Shanghai.

"Such a large piece of land is ranked fifth? Then how big will the sixth and seventh be?" Su Xiaoming still thought at this time that the introduction of the pastures was ranked by area.

This [-]-acre ranch ranks fifth, and the latter two must be bigger.

"This ranch is okay, what about the other two ranches?" The [-]-acre ranch far exceeded Su Wei's expectations.

If the two pastures in the back didn't have too many highlights, he would basically choose them.

"The sixth ranch is the Mesa Vista Ranch in Texas. The Mesa Vista Ranch covers an area of ​​6.5 acres and is an excellent hunting location.

Mesa Vista Ranch includes a 3.3-square-foot ultra-luxury residence, three lakeside homes, family homes and gatehouses of varying sizes, and includes terraces, man-made lakes, rivers and pristine wildlife habitats And other beautiful natural landscapes.

The previous rancher invested millions of dollars in wildlife conservation and habitat, and the purchase of the Mesa Vista ranch, in addition to owning 6.5 acres of land titles, also allows for natural resource interests within the ranch, including Mineral interests inside.

And most importantly, the Mesa Vista Ranch has also specially built an airstrip, and the price of this ranch is now 2.5 million." The original owner of the Mesa Vista Ranch was American oil tycoon Boone Pickens.

The reason why he wants to sell this ranch is simply because he is old.

Whether it is playing golf or hunting, there is more than enough energy.

"This ranch has too many bells and whistles, and it doesn't feel as good as the [-] acres." Su Xiaoming heard that the price was so expensive, and his first reaction was not to.

After all, the fifth ranch has more than 8 acres and only costs 1.16 million US dollars.

And this ranch has only 6.5 acres, and it will be sold for 2.5 million in the end. There is really no harm if there is no comparison.

"Su, are you not satisfied with this ranch?" Jennifer originally thought that Su Wei and the others would be most interested in the sixth ranch.

After all, rich people like them must like to enjoy themselves more.

As a result, they all shook their heads, and none of them were satisfied with the ranch.

"I just want to buy a relatively pure ranch. If I want to buy a luxury residence, then I might choose to buy a house in California." Su Wei's requirement for the ranch is actually to be able to hunt.

The sixth ranch is luxurious, but he doesn't need it.

After all, no one would know about the mansion deep in the mountains if they wanted to show off.

"Then Elemi, introduce the seventh ranch to Su, this ranch is relatively pure" Jennifer has no hope for the seventh ranch.

Because she felt that Su Wei and the others didn't like the sixth ranch.

A big reason may be that the price is too expensive.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the fifth ranch can be sold, then she is already very content.

After all, the price of that ranch reached [-] million.

"The seventh ranch, like the fifth ranch, is a super ranch in Montana, and the name of the ranch is Beaver Estate.

The total land area of ​​the Beaver Estate is 34 acres, and it stretches 50 miles from north to south across two counties.

There are 25 residences in the manor, most of which are lived by ranch employees.

The land has an abundance of wildlife with approximately 4000 elk, 800 antelope and 1500 mule deer.

There is also a 28 mile private creek that is rich in trout.

The current owner of the manor is the Koch family, and they set a listing price of 4.3 million US dollars for it." The seventh ranch is the largest ranch on sale since 2015.

But the people who can take it, Emily doesn't believe it is these people in front of her.

Because the person who will buy this kind of ranch is unlikely to be worth less than 50 billion US dollars.

After all, its price is really too expensive.

"34 acres, which is four times larger than the fifth ranch? Isn't that too big?" Li Renfeng had nothing to say about the seventh ranch.

Because of such a large ranch, he really didn't know what to say.

Now he didn't dare to give Su Wei any advice, because he was afraid that it would disturb his thinking.

After all, this ranch was quoted at 4.3 million US dollars.

"It's really big, much bigger than the whole of Pudong." The fifth ranch is only as big as Minhang in Shanghai.

But now the seventh ranch is bigger than the whole of Pudong.

Li Ziwei could no longer imagine what it would be like to ride a horse and hunt in a place as big as Pudong.

"Dad, what do you say?" Su Wei was quite satisfied with the ranch information brought by Jennifer.

But while she was satisfied, she also raised Su Wei's expectations.

"I think, I think the fifth ranch is pretty good, the sixth ranch is not very practical, and the seventh ranch is too big, if I choose, then I must choose the fifth ranch, don't I have to buy it now "Su Xiaoming looked at the ranch today, it was really an eye-opener.

For the first time, he knew that foreign countries could buy and sell such a large amount of land on a large scale.

And the country has no restrictions at all in this regard.

Even a foreigner like him can buy whatever he wants.

"We just went through it first, and we haven't visited the site yet. We will decide when we go to the site." Su Wei has not yet made a final decision on which ranch to buy.

I plan to go to the field to see it first, and then decide which ranch to buy.

"Su, now I've seen all the pastures. Do you have any favorite pastures?" After Emily finished introducing, Jennifer waited for Su Wei and the others to quiet down before asking him how he was looking.

In fact, the buyer's movement is what their intermediary likes to see the most.

After all, there is movement, which shows that there is indeed consideration.

What she fears the most is the kind that doesn't respond at all.

"We have taken a fancy to the fifth ranch and the seventh ranch. When can we go to see it?" Of course Su Wei knew that the fifth ranch was the most suitable.

After all, they were just hunting, and [-] acres of land was enough.

But with 34 acres of land in front of him, he really couldn't think of a reason to refuse.

So he decided to take a look first, after all, personal experience is the most important thing.

"Do you want to see two ranches? I'll contact you when I go back. When it's confirmed, I'll call Sue."

(End of this chapter)

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