Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 397 Give Wang Xiaoyuan a Surprise

Chapter 397 Surprise Wang Xiaoyuan

"Finally home, I'm really exhausted today." After Xiaoya got off the car, she just felt so tired.

After all, she had been running all day today and had to drive, so she was really tired.

Now she just wants to lie on the sofa and pretend to be dead without moving.

"I really want to thank you for accompanying me today, especially Mom, you have worked hard." Wang Xiaoyuan had a hard day today, but Zhang Guihua also walked with her all day.

After all, it was because of her that everyone was so tired today.

And even if there is no such thing, she still has to show her daughter-in-law's attitude at this time.

"What's so hard about it? I spend most of my time in the car, but the food here is too unpalatable." Zhang Guihua didn't feel tired at all when walking.

Because in the past few decades, she has had a lot of hard time walking.

She feels that the young people nowadays really can't bear a bit of hardship.

It's only been a few steps, and I'm so tired.

The only thing that makes her feel bad is that the food here is too bad.

If you just eat steak and don't eat, it will fill your stomach.

"Auntie Feng will cook in the evening, Mom, you can eat more.

Xiao Zhang, I’m in trouble today, I’ve been making you run back and forth.” Wang Xiaoyuan really changed her view of Zhang Ruoyu a lot today.

Because she asked Zhang Ruoyu to come out before, she just wanted to go shopping together.

Later, the itinerary changed, she didn't expect that Zhang Ruoyu would work hard as her little assistant.

And because the stairs are too difficult to climb, she often runs up to take videos for them to watch.

Wang Xiaoyuan thinks about it now, is she judging people by their appearance too much?

Maybe Zhang Ruoyu didn't have any idea about Su Wei, she just wanted to be an assistant.

"What's so hard about it, just treat it as exercise. It just so happens that I have gained a little weight recently." How could Zhang Ruoyu not know that Wang Xiaoyuan had an opinion on her.

It should be said that most of Su Wei's girlfriends have a lot of opinions on her.

So when Wang Xiaoyuan was inconvenient today, she insisted on performing well.

As a result, she can't lift her feet anymore.

"Hey, tell me, did they go out today?" Xiaoya went to the gate and saw that the lights in the living room were not turned on.

She felt that Li Renfeng and the others must have gone out to play.

After all, her boyfriend really loves to play.

"I also think I should go out, but I didn't see any movement inside." There are so many people in the house, how could it be so quiet.

So Wang Xiaoyuan felt that Su Wei and the others should have gone to play.

After all, there are too many Chinese in the city of Irvine.

If you really want to play, there are still many places to play.

"Others don't know, but Weiwei's father is definitely at home." Others may go out, but Su Xiaoming definitely cannot.

Because Su Xiaoming and Zhang Guihua have been married for so many years, he is not a person who likes to travel around.

When two people go shopping, Zhang Hua can spend a whole day shopping.

As for Su Xiaoming, he would be unable to walk after visiting three shops.

"So you didn't go out, so why don't you turn on the lights?" Xiaoya turned on the lights and went to the reception room, and saw Li Renfeng and the others chatting in front of a computer.

They didn't even notice when they got home.

She listened and saw that they were all talking about ranches and guns.

And she really didn't know anything about it.

"We are researching something. By the way, you have been away for so long, why do you still come back empty-handed?" Li Renfeng and the others were in the living room, talking about the future reconstruction of the ranch.

And the corresponding ranch is the fifth-ranked Mountaineering Sword Ranch.

It wasn't until Xiaoya called them that they realized that Xiaoya and the others had returned.

Li Renfeng took a look and found that they seemed to have come back empty-handed.

But they have been out for so long today, didn't they see anything?

"We didn't go shopping today, but kept going around Irvine." We were indeed going to go shopping today, but the itinerary changed after we went to her house.

She knew for the first time today that the area of ​​Irvine is quite large.

And in Irvine, there are so many communities, large and small.

"Going around Irvine, are you lost?" Going around Irvine, if it wasn't daytime, Li Ziwei would have wondered if a ghost hit the wall.

After all, Irvine is only so big, so it shouldn't be a matter of time to come back.

"They didn't get lost, they just followed me to see the new house in Irvine today, and we went around several neighborhoods around Irvine today." Wang Xiaoyuan and the others changed their goal and did not go shopping today because they met Chen Yihua.

After she came to the United States, it was not easy to start messing around.

Because on Laomei's side, Chinese people only welcome research experts or rich people.

For ordinary people, old beauty is not welcome.

So even if Chen Yihua studied at a university in North America, she couldn't find a better job.

She had no choice but to engage in the most lucrative job that Chinese people like to do most, that is real estate agency.

"You went to see the house with senior sister? Who wants to buy a house?" Su Wei only found out at this time that Chen Yihua was a real estate agent.

At this time, he suddenly came back to his senses, they went to see the house, it couldn't be someone who wanted to buy a house.

Of the four people who went out today, Xiaoya's family bought a house in Irvine.

In Zhang Ruoyu's case, unless her family sells all the assets in Modu, they might buy a house here in Irvine.

Of the remaining people, one is his mother, and she has tens of millions of RMB in her hand.

There is another person, and that is Wang Xiaoyuan.

"Vivian, haven't you told Xiao Su about buying a house?" Chen Yihua thought that Wang Xiaoyuan and Su Wei had disagreements about buying a house.

Su Wei knew at a glance that he was the kind of person full of patriotism.

For things like changing nationality, you must not mention it in front of him, otherwise he may beat someone.

As for Wang Xiaoyuan, she is like that kind of high society lady.

Whether standing or sitting, there is always a kind of temperament on the body.

"Yuanyuan, you want to buy a house? Why don't I know?" Su Wei was really confused about Wang Xiaoyuan's purchase of a house.

Because they were together these two days, Wang Xiaoyuan never mentioned this matter to him.

And even if he was buying a house, he didn't think much of Irvine.

Because here in Irvine is too far from downtown Los Angeles, it is completely in the wilderness.

"It's not that I want to buy a house, it's that my parents want to buy a house in the United States." Wang Xiaoyuan actually has her own business to do when she comes to the United States this time.

This matter is that she wants to buy a house in Irvine for her parents.

It is convenient for them to have a place to stay when they come over next time.

This idea came about mainly because Su Wei wanted to buy a ranch in the United States so much.

They were afraid that Su Wei would not return to China if he stayed in the United States in the future.

Now they buy a house in the United States, and it will be convenient for them to visit their grandchildren in the future.

"Then why don't you tell me about this matter? I can also refer to it for you.

By the way, what price house are you looking at this time? "Su Wei couldn't figure it out why Wang Xiaoyuan and her parents didn't notify him when they wanted to buy a house.

Although he has never bought a house in the United States, he has rich experience after all.

The price may not be known, but he still has a say in which kind of house is comfortable to live in.

"Aren't you going to be busy with the ranch, so I thought I could build this house myself. After all, they didn't plan to buy a house that was too expensive, and the price budget was planned to be controlled within 300 million." Wang Xiaoyuan refused to tell Su Wei the reason, It was because she was afraid that Su Wei would rush to pay if he found out.

Her parents should pay for this house. After all, her parents are not without money, so there is no need to save money for the two of them.

"You guys are still talking, go eat watermelon." While Su Wei and the others were chatting, the others had already gone to the kitchen to eat watermelon.

At this time, Xiaoya saw that Wang Xiaoyuan was not there, and when she came over, she saw the three of them still chatting.

She quickly took Wang Xiaoyuan away, because the watermelon she just ate was super sweet.

Xiaoya couldn't wait, she wanted her best friend to eat such a delicious watermelon.

"Sister, what kind of house can I buy for 300 million yuan in Irvine?" Chen Yihua originally planned to eat watermelon, but was stopped by Su Wei.

Because he wants to know what a 300 million house is like in Irvine.

"Well, although 300 million is not a small amount, but in Irvine, you can only buy a relatively ordinary house." 300 million dollars is a figure that ordinary Americans can't earn in their entire lives.

But with so much money, you can only buy a very ordinary community in Irvine.

One can imagine how big the real estate bubble in Irvine is.

"That is to say, there is no access control, right?

What about the 600 million house?Can you buy the community of Afeng? "The current law and order in the United States is not bad.

Whether there is access control or not is not that important.

But after a few years, the law and order will not be good, and the benefits of access control will be reflected at that time.

Su Wei thought Li Renfeng's community was very good.

Because if you want to enter the community, you have to go through two gates.

And in this community, there are 24-hour security patrols.

"Xiao Su, if you plan to buy a 600 million house, then I suggest you buy it in Xingang." Chen Yihua knew that Su Wei should be rich, but she didn't know how rich he was.

Because if she didn't know Li Renfeng, she and Su Wei would be from two worlds.

But she knows one thing, that is, Irvine is for the middle class to live in.

As for Xingang, it is for the rich.

"Xingang? It's the seaside city next to it, right?" Although Su Wei is not familiar with the United States, he will also chat with Li Renfeng and the others.

This afternoon, Li Renfeng also told him that he would go to the beach in Xingang tomorrow to see beautiful women.

Unexpectedly, at night, I chatted with Chen Yihua here.

"Yes, the houses there are generally better than Bill Bay." Xingang is very similar to Irvine, or it is an enhanced version of Irvine.

Because of its environment, school district, and transportation, Bill Bay is better.

The only bad thing may be that there are no Asian supermarkets.

"Xingang, um, Yuanyuan and I are going to look at the house together tomorrow. You should prepare the real estate information tonight." Since there is a better choice, Su Wei plans to go to Xingang to have a look.

Look at the environment there, is it true that Bill Bay is better?

"Do you want to see Xingang? Ah Wei, how much is the house you plan to see? 600 million?" Originally, Chen Yihua's name was Su Wei, but Xiao Su.

After all, she is a little older than Su Wei.

And she has no business relationship with Su Wei, so she just communicated as friends before.

But now Su Wei is about to become her client, so she changed her address to A Wei.

"According to what you said, with a budget of 600 million yuan, the quality of the house you are looking at should be only medium, so let's just look at the houses above 1000 million yuan.

By the way, don't let Yuanyuan and the others know about this, I want to give her a surprise."

. . . . . .

"Senior sister, why don't you take food? Is it because the food doesn't suit your appetite?" During the meal, Li Renfeng saw that Chen Yihua didn't take food.

I thought her taste had been abroad for a long time, so she was not used to the domestic taste.

Now that he has no intention of pursuing Chen Yihua, he can get along with her more normally.

"No, I'm just thinking, where will I take you to look at the house tomorrow?" Chen Yihua is very confused now, because she doesn't know whether what Su Wei said is true or not.

Originally, Wang Xiaoyuan was very happy to look at houses with less than 300 million yuan.

But Su Wei wanted to look at tens of millions of houses, which made her feel a little uncertain.

"Look at the house, I'll go tomorrow too." Su Wei pretended not to have talked with Chen Yihua, and signed up in public.

He must be going to see the house this time, after all, he wants to see Wang Xiaoyuan's surprised expression.

"Brother Su, you are going tomorrow, so I won't go tomorrow, I will go to Disneyland with Ah Feng tomorrow." Irvine went to Disneyland, and it took more than an hour to drive there.

Xiaoya ran with Wang Xiaoyuan all day today, and she was really exhausted.

How could a girl like her go to so many communities to look at houses in one day?

"Sister Xiaoya, bring me one, I'm going too." Tomorrow Su Wei and the others will go to see the house, but Li Ziwei is not interested.

He had made an appointment to go to Xingang Beach, but he didn't know why Su Wei didn't go.

In this case, he can only go to Disney with Li Renfeng.

He hasn't been to Disneyland in Los Angeles yet.

"Oh, by the way, husband, when we came back, what were you studying?" At this time, Wang Xiaoyuan remembered that when they came in, Su Wei and the others were all surrounded by the computer.

Later, she talked about the house and eating fruit, and she almost forgot about it.

"Ah Wei, isn't he planning to buy a ranch? The real estate agent came to the house at noon and introduced us to the ranch." Li Renfeng spoke first, because he couldn't let Jennifer expose it.

Until now, Xiaoya didn't know that Jennifer, a real estate agent, was super sexy.

"Then did you guys fancy it? By the way, why didn't you buy it from senior sister? She is a real estate agent." Xiaoya knew that Li Renfeng had liked Chen Yihua before.

But she also knew that Chen Yihua was crooked.

So she was quite at ease with Chen Yihua.

"I can't do it, I'm just a real estate agent, not a real estate agent, but if there's anything you don't understand in the contract, I can help you look." It's not that real estate agents can't sell land, but the information is not so well informed.

The last time Li Renfeng's family wanted to buy a farm, they came to her.

Because of her scope of news, only Irvine and Newport.

She also sells houses in other areas, but the news is not very well informed.

"Today, there is indeed a ranch that has taken a fancy to, and that ranch has [-] acres." No matter what Su Wei thinks, he has taken a fancy to the Mountaineering Sword Ranch anyway.

After all, this ranch is so big that it takes at least several hours to ride around on horseback.

A pasture that is too big is not necessary for him.

"Eighty thousand acres? That's too big, how much is it?" Chen Yihua, who was a little nervous at first, was dumbfounded when she heard about the [-]-acre pasture.

Before, she thought that Su Wei and the others planned to buy a ranch of hundreds of acres.

Only then did she realize that Su Wei was so rich.

"This ranch is more than [-] million yuan, in fact, there is another one with a larger area." Su Wei knew that the Mountaineering Sword Ranch was very good, but the Beaver Manor was not bad either.

And he still has more than 200 billion in cash in his hands.

He doesn't plan to invest in the company with so much money, he just plans to spend it all.

"Is there a bigger pasture? How big is it?" Wang Xiaoyuan didn't expect that there would be a pasture larger than the [-]-acre pasture.

Earlier, she once thought that the Mountaineering Sword Ranch was considered a ceiling.

It now appears that she knows too little about American ranches.

"34 acres, the price is more than [-] million"

(End of this chapter)

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