Chapter 401 Lawrence

"Jennifer, haven't you been to this Beaver Manor before?" Su Wei has been driving northwest since he came out of the Mountaineering Sword Ranch.

It's just that it's a two-hour drive that Jennifer promised, but he just drove for more than three hours and still hasn't arrived.

It was dark outside now, and he could hear wolves howling on the side of the road.

"Su, I'm really sorry, I've never been to this ranch." Jennifer has never been to Beaver Manor.

Because here, it was originally an option.

So her previous thoughts were actually on the Mountaineering Sword Ranch.

Because the Beaver Manor was too expensive, she thought that Su Wei chose it just to come and see such a big ranch.

Now because of the mountaineering sword ranch, instead of taking the plane, I went all the way here.

"It's not your fault, it can only be blamed on the Owen family.

Xiaozhang, the navigation shows how long it takes to get to the gate of the Beaver Manor." Su Wei has just learned from Jennifer that the person who provoked them before was a member of the Owen family.

At the beginning, Su Wei wondered if the Owen family was such a powerful family.

After all, it is still very bluffing to bring up the name of the family.

It was only later that I realized that he had made a mistake.

The Owen family has a lot of land in Canada and Montana, USA.

But they only do wood processing, not the kind of super rich family.

Of course, this money is only relative to Su Wei.

In the eyes of others, they are a super rich family.

"President Su, the navigation shows that we are still one mile away." One mile is equivalent to [-] kilometers.

When Zhang Ruoyu came to Montana this time, he really didn't expect it to be so exciting.

The main reason is the howling of wolves outside, which is not fake.

Especially in their two cars, there is no gun as a weapon.

"There's a light ahead, that's where it should be.

Hello, is this Beaver Manor? "Jennifer saw a light ahead, and when the car approached, she realized that the other side was also a Raptor, and the light came from its headlights.

Jennifer looked at the arches behind the car and guessed that the Beaver Manor should be behind.

But she knew that in this kind of wilderness, she couldn't get out of the car easily.

So when she was talking, she didn't get out of the car the whole time.

"This is the Beaver Manor. I am the manager of the manor. My name is Lawrence." Lawrence had been waiting at the gate for more than an hour.

Just now when he saw a car coming, he already guessed that the people sitting in these two cars should be the rich man who came to visit the ranch.

After all, the road at the gate of their ranch is just a country road.

At the end of a normal day, few cars will pass by here.

It's late at night, and those who can come here must be the people in California who want to see the ranch.

"Well, I called you. My name is Jennifer. This is my client, Sue." Jennifer felt relieved when he heard that he called himself Lawrence.

And she heard him speak with exactly the same accent as the person she was calling.

Knowing that he was on the phone with her, Lawrence, the manager of Beaver Manor.

"I never thought, Jennifer, you are so beautiful.

Hello Su, welcome to Beaver Manor. It's already night. Let's see the ranch tomorrow morning. Follow me first, and I'll take you to the house for dinner." Lawrence didn't understand why people like Su were so late. just come here.

After all, there are no lights in the ranch, and now I can't see anything at night.

They can wait until tomorrow, and then come over.

Lawrence didn't know, if they weren't angry, they should have come here tomorrow.

Or it should be said that if you are not angry, you may not come here again.

"Thank you so much"

. . . . . .

"Brother Su, I didn't expect there to be so many young cowgirls in the ranch." In order to welcome Su Wei and the others at night, a bonfire party was held in the ranch.

In fact, it's not a party, it's just a fire in the yard next to the staff dormitory.

Li Ziwei discovered at the bonfire party that there were several cowgirls in this ranch.

"Montana is not a state with good education, and their schools are happy education. It is basically impossible for them to get rid of class." American schools are divided into two types, one is private and one is private. It is public.

Public schools do not require money, just send the children there when they are old enough.

But the downside is that public schools are easy to attend.

The teacher is in his own class, and it is none of his business whether the students below understand or not.

Another option is private schools.

Private schools are different from public schools in that they implement elite education.

The slogan is, as long as you can't learn to die, learn from death.

However, the tuition fees of private schools are very expensive, which is not affordable for ordinary people in the United States.

"Yeah, unless they are very beautiful, they can go to Hollywood, otherwise they basically come out of school, basically work as a waiter, or work with their parents" Here in the United States, it is difficult to cross class very hard.

When the children here grow up, they basically do the same job as their parents.

The family owns a restaurant, so the child will basically open a restaurant in the future.

The parents of these cowgirls should also be cowboys, otherwise they should be serving dishes now.

"It's so boring here at night, there's not even a light outside." Su Wei didn't want to talk about this kind of topic, because it had nothing to do with him.

Not to mention whether the aliens will give him money in the future, even the current assets he can't spend.

"Where are Jennifer and her little assistant, why don't you invite them to have a drink together?" Li Renfeng searched, but couldn't find Jennifer and her little assistant.

Now this kind of bonfire party is just the time to pull in the relationship.

At that time, a few glasses of wine will be a matter of course.

"Indeed, why didn't I see the two of them?" Su Wei was also surprised, why didn't they see the two of them.

When I was eating just now, I saw the two of them.

Why has it been so long, and I haven't seen them come out yet.

Su Xiaoming went to bed early, did the two of them also go to bed so early?
"They were chatting with that Lawrence over there. I saw it when I went to the toilet just now." Li Ziwei had just passed the office and saw Jennifer and the others chatting with Lawrence.

Although he didn't know what they were talking about, he also knew that it must have something to do with the ranch.

"Hey Su, are you satisfied with today's dinner?" Lawrence was in the office just now, chatting with Jennifer and the others.

Only then did he know why Su Wei and the others came here at night.

And he also knew that these people really wanted to buy the ranch.

"To be honest, the food is not very to my taste" The food tonight is really not good.

It should be that their ranch does not have a dedicated chef, so the taste is very strange.

Su Wei has already decided that after he buys this ranch, he will definitely find a professional chef.

If he was in China, Su Wei wouldn't be so straightforward.

But he found that here in the United States, you must not be polite, otherwise you will be the one who suffers.

"Well, it's more for us cowboys than it might be for you millionaires in California.

Sue, would you like to chat with me over there? "Lawrence said this, but it was not derogatory.

Because whenever the Koch family comes to the ranch, they will bring their own cooks.

Lawrence was used to the fact that the owners of Beaver Estates were not born cowboys.

"Yes, it happens that I also have a lot of things I want to know." Lawrence was curious about Su Wei, and Su Wei was also curious about Beaver Manor.

After all, who would not be curious about this 34-acre super ranch.

Who doesn't want to know its history and the interesting stories that happened in the ranch.

"Su, when you Chinese buy land, you basically choose to buy land in California or Texas. Why did you choose to come to Montana?" Montana is a relatively closed place in the United States.

In other words, here is what people in big cities call rural areas.

Chinese people will choose California or Texas, mainly because of the good education there.

Kids who grow up in California and Texas have more choices than kids who grow up in Montana.

"This reason may make people unhappy, but I still decided to tell you the truth.

I will come to Montana to buy ranch, mainly because I think the ranch here is cheap enough, and there happens to be such a large ranch, so I came here" 34 million dollars, you can buy [-] acres in Montana soil of.

This money may only buy tens of thousands of acres of land in California or Texas.

Su Wei originally bought the land for hunting, not for raising cattle and sheep to make a fortune.

Of course, wherever the land is cheap, buy land there.

And Montana is one of the more relaxed places in the United States when it comes to hunting.

Bears that cannot be played in many states can be played here.

"Su, you are an honest rich man, the land in Montana is indeed not as expensive as California and Texas.

I have one last question, if you buy Beaver Estate, will you keep these cowboys out there?They are all very professional cowboys, and their wages are very cheap." Lawrence did not tell Su Wei that one of the conditions for the sale of Beaver Manor.

Just to buy the next rancher of Beaver Estates and accept these cowboys.

And this time, Lawrence had to agree to sell the deal.

That is to say, Lawrence thinks that Su Wei is not a qualified rancher, so he can decide not to sell the ranch to Su Wei.

After all, the Koch family is a big family in the United States, not comparable to the Irving family.

They didn't plan to sell Beaver Manor because they were short of money.

I just feel that the ranch is at a high level now, and I can make more money by selling it.

"I bought the ranch this time. Although the main purpose is to hunt, I will also raise some cattle and sheep at the same time." Su Wei didn't say clearly that he would keep these cowboys.

But he said that he would raise cattle and sheep, that is, he would accept them.

Su Wei raised cattle and sheep, mainly intending to use the money he earned to subsidize the annual land tax.

Coupled with such a large pasture with long grass, it is a bit too violent.

"Then I have no problem, tomorrow I will take you to see the real face of Beaver Manor, I promise it will satisfy you.

Then I'll go first, and I wish you a good night's sleep." After hearing Su Wei's answer, Lawrence felt confident.

After all, the life of a cowboy is very bitter, and the current environment is not good.

If the cowboys here are unemployed, it may take a long time to find work again.

So he specifically asked the Koch family to add the clause that employees cannot be fired.

As for himself, it doesn't matter if he is fired, after all, he is so thorny.

"This old man, I still have something I haven't asked him." Su Wei originally wanted to ask how much grassland, how many farms, and how much mountain rivers this pasture has.

As a result, after the old man finished asking, he left directly.

Leaving him and Jennifer staring at each other.

"He has worked in Beaver Manor for nearly 40 years, and he has deep feelings for it." Just now, Jennifer and Lawrence chatted for a while in the office.

She also knows a little about the rules of sale.

When she saw Lawrence asking Su Wei just now, her heart was in her throat.

I'm afraid that Su Wei's answer will dissatisfy Lawrence.

In this case, the ranch she was looking for this time would be wiped out.

In the end, although Su Wei's answer was different from what she had imagined, Lawrence seemed very satisfied.

"If this ranch is the same as the Mountaineering Sword Ranch, then I'll decide to buy it." Su Wei's requirements for buying a ranch this time are actually not that high.

As long as there are enough prey in the pasture, there are mountains and rivers.

At that time, he will buy some more cows and let the cowboys be free-range in the pasture.

In the future, when he is in the United States, he will be able to eat beef and mutton from his own ranch.

While talking, Su Wei poured beer at Jennifer, intending to toast her.

"Really? This ranch is worth more than [-] million yuan." What Jennifer began to think was that even if Su Wei took a fancy to this ranch.

It may take months to finally decide to buy it.

After all, the amount involved is really too big.

"What made you have so little confidence in me.

You only drank a little wine, don't you like drinking?" Su Wei now found out that in the United States, you must show your strength.

Just because he lived in Li Renfeng's house before, this Jennifer always thought that he might not be that rich.

Su Wei decided to go back to California and buy a real luxury house.

"Of course not, I don't have any problem with drinking you down.

It's just that this beer is boring to drink, do you want to drink some more flavorful whiskey?" Jennifer still prefers drinking whiskey to drinking beer.

Because the alcohol content of beer is low, if you drink too much, you will go to the toilet all the time.

So when she grew up, the drink she drank most was whiskey.

"It's a desolate place outside, where do you get whiskey?" Su Wei didn't have any idea at first, after all, he was not familiar with the place here.

But looking at Jennifer's appearance, it seems to be a bit like that.

If that's the case, then why would he hesitate.

But he was curious where Jennifer would get the whiskey.

After all, this place is in the wilds of Montana.

"I was in Lawrence's office just now and found that his boss had hidden a lot of good wine. Let's steal two bottles and drink it." After receiving Su Wei's promise, Jennifer flushed alcohol in her face.

I don't know why, but she is extra bold now.

And she also wanted to try how the Asian man Su behaved in bed.

"Two bottles are not enough, if you want to take a few more bottles"

(End of this chapter)

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