Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 402 Go hunting by plane

Chapter 402 Go hunting by plane

The next day.

"Kevin, is Sue awake? Lawrence has been looking for him for a long time." Emily said that she planned to show them around the ranch because she just met Lawrence.

It's just that she searched for a long time, but she didn't see where Su Weiren was.

At this time, she saw Li Ziwei and the others basking in the sun near the staff dormitory.

She knew that these two people were Su Wei's good friends, and they must know where Su Wei went.

"I don't know, because he's not in the room." What Li Ziwei said was actually a lie.

Because he knew where Su Wei was, but he couldn't tell.

"Then where did he go? Could something have happened?" Emily became nervous when she heard that Su Wei was not in the room.

Thinking that something happened to Su Wei, she took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Jennifer.

After all, she is just a newcomer in real estate, and she can't solve this kind of thing by herself.

"There will be no accident, but you can go to Jennifer's room to look for it." When Li Renfeng spoke, he had a smirk on his face.

After all, if Emily went to Jennifer's room, it would be a good show.

"You mean, the two of them slept together last night?" Emily didn't know what Jacob meant when she heard Jacob's words.

Although she couldn't imagine it, she did not see Jennifer in the morning.

"Didn't you hear the voice coming from Jennifer's room last night?" Although Li Renfeng didn't see it, Su Wei entered Jennifer's room.

But he and Li Ziwei found no one else in Su Wei's room last night.

From behind, Jennifer's singing could be heard in her room.

They still don't know that Su Wei is giving Jennifer sex.

It's just that they didn't understand where the two of them got together.

"I was too tired yesterday, so I went to bed early, so I'll go to Jennifer's room and wake them up now." Emily was not surprised that Su Wei and Jennifer went to bed.

After all, for a super rich man like Su Wei, she actually wanted to experience his kung fu in bed.

But after all, she is only an assistant now, and many times it is not easy to handle, just like now, she was preempted by Jennifer.

"Brother Feng, this is too hurtful, be careful that Brother Su comes out to find you desperately." Li Ziwei saw Emily and went to Jennifer's room.

Look at the picture of Li Renfeng again, the expression on which I want to see a good show later.

Li Ziwei was really speechless to him, and felt that he was too old.

"Jennifer, who I met first, is now pre-empted by Su Wei. Is it wrong for me to take revenge on him a little bit?" In fact, Li Renfeng started sleeping with Jennifer to Su Wei.

Although Li Renfeng was a little upset, he didn't take it very seriously.

After all, it's just a woman, there are too many things you want.

Now asking Emily to go to Jennifer's room to find him is an expression of anger.

"It's only because Jennifer didn't like you. In fact, I think Emily is pretty good too." Seeing Li Renfeng say this, Li Ziwei knew that he probably didn't take this matter to heart.

If that's the case, he's relieved.

What he fears the most is that Li Renfeng has been brooding over this matter.

Just like Huang Qifa, because this woman has been haggling over every detail.

"Emily? She's really good. Although she doesn't have a sexy figure, her facial features are quite delicate." In fact, comparing Emily and Jennifer, Emily is more in line with Asian aesthetics.

Because she is the kind of 1.6-meter-small person with exquisite facial features, the kind of white person.

But Su Wei and the others are well-informed, but they didn't have much feeling for her before.

Now that Jennifer was slept by Su Wei, Li Renfeng and Li Ziwei started to change targets.

"Hey, hey, what do you mean, brother Feng, you see that Jennifer is hopeless, and now you plan to grab my Emily, right?" Li Ziwei didn't expect that after he changed his target, Li Renfeng also changed his target.

This made him feel that the United States is not friendly at all.

He just wants to find an American girl, why is it so difficult.

"Why did Emily become yours? Did she have your name written on her body? No.

So let's compete fairly this time, how about leaving the decision to her?"

. . . . . .

"Brother Su, look at you, did you not sleep well yesterday?" Li Ziwei leaned in front of Su Wei with a smirk after seeing Su Wei come out.

Because he just ran out quickly after seeing Emily go in.

After a while, Su Wei came out.

"Get out, that Emily was called by you." Su Wei was reviewing his English homework with Jennifer just this morning.

Then for Emily's knock on the door, the two were too involved to hear it.

When Emily entered the room, she saw Su Wei holding Jennifer to practice arm strength.

"It's not that she couldn't find you, so we helped her." Seeing Su Wei deflated, Li Renfeng really almost died of laughter.

Who knew that both of them were already in the morning and still doing sports there.

"You two, I'm really convinced, you just wait for me." Su Wei didn't plan to finish this matter.

If there is a chance in the future, he will definitely come back with revenge.

But he himself didn't think it was such a big deal.

After all, when Emily saw it, he looked straight at her.

He felt that he had saved face for all Asian men at that time.

"It's none of my business, Brother Feng did it all by himself." Li Ziwei sold Li Renfeng immediately.

After all, he said he didn't see Su Wei at that time.

And even if he said something at the time, Li Renfeng must be betrayed now.

Otherwise, if it was too late, he would definitely be betrayed by Li Renfeng.

"Hey Su, I've been looking for you for a long time just now." Lawrence and the other cowboys who lived on the ranch basically got up at six or seven o'clock.

But he planned to ask Su Wei to visit the ranch, and it was after nine o'clock.

After all, it was impossible for young people like them to get up so early.

Su Xiaoming got up early, but he couldn't communicate with him.

"Lawrence, you woke up too early, it's only after nine o'clock." Su Wei got up, but he still wanted to go back to sleep.

After all, last night and this morning, he was really tired.

And Jennifer is now in bed, unable to wake up no matter how much she screams.

"The Beaver Manor is really too big. If you don't leave early, you won't be able to finish visiting today." Lawrence planned to take Su Wei around today.

But because the ranch is too big, it is impossible to finish the visit today if you start late.

"How do you visit? Do you drive or ride a horse?" Li Ziwei and the others had already gathered around.

As for how to visit the ranch later, they were also divided into two rows.

One faction thinks that the next thing to do is to drive, after all, it may take a few days to walk.

One faction thinks that there should be horse riding in the ranch, after all, there are several horses in the ranch.

"Neither, I can't finish watching it all day by car and horseback riding. Let's take a plane to see it." The diameter of Beaver Manor is about [-] kilometers.

If you are driving, you may have to drive for two hours because the road is uneven.

Going around the ranch, half a day passed.

It is even more impossible to ride a horse. After riding for so long, people will be exhausted and paralyzed.

So if you want to see the ranch in one day, you can only use a plane.

"By plane? Are there planes in the manor?" To Su Wei and the others, there are planes in the ranch.

After all, where did they come into contact with the ranch before?

Beaver Manor, in particular, is a large pasture among large pastures.

"Yes, there are two helicopters in this staff dormitory, let me show you how to get off the planes." It's normal for such a large ranch to have planes.

Normally, if the cow is missing, you have to fly a plane to look for it in the sky.

And in many cases, this plane will also serve as a prop for driving cattle.

"Brother Su, this ranch is really awesome, and you have to fly to visit the ranch." Yesterday's Mountaineering Sword Ranch, although it is also very big.

But they didn't say there that they wanted to get a plane to take everyone to visit the ranch.

Based on this alone, the gap between the two ranches can be seen.

"Does any of you want to go up?" Lawrence came to the warehouse where the plane was parked and asked who wanted to go up and experience it.

After all, not everyone likes to take a helicopter.

If he is afraid and doesn't want to go, then he must not force it.

"Hey, this plane, I also have one of this plane, I definitely want to go up and experience it." Su Wei looked at this plane, and it was very similar to the smallest one of the three planes he bought.

After looking around the plane, I found the Bell 407 logo.

Now he was sure that this plane was the same model plane that he bought.

"Brother Su, then go up with your uncle, we'll let them take us up later." Li Ziwei didn't know much about helicopters.

After all, the domestic environment is not suitable for individuals to own aircraft.

So he still doesn't know that this plane can take eight people, not just three or four people as he thought.

"What are you talking about, this Bell 407 helicopter can accommodate eight people, and we can all board it"

. . . . . .

"The location we are now is our first staff dormitory." Lawrence waited until the plane took off, and began to explain the ranch to Su Wei and the others in detail.

Although he can fly this plane, but this time he didn't fly it himself.

After all, if he opened it himself, it would be difficult for him to introduce Su Wei.

"The first staff dormitory? Could it be that there are several staff dormitories in this ranch?" Su Wei was surprised when he heard Lawrence's words.

Because yesterday he saw that there were nearly ten houses in this dormitory area.

And Lawrence said that the more than 30 cowboys are all the employees in the ranch.

In other words, usually they live in a house alone, which is too extravagant.

After all, for domestic migrant workers, it would be difficult to get into a single dormitory.

"Yes, with such a large ranch, one dormitory can't manage all the places.

There are currently four staff dormitories in Beaver Manor, facing the four gates, and this is the largest staff dormitory. "Beaver Manor is so big, if there is only one staff dormitory.

It may take several days for the cattle raised to walk from here to the other side.

So this ranch has had four staff dormitory areas since more than 100 years ago.

As for the cattle, of course the four regions raise their own cattle.

It's just that the ranch is going to be sold now, and there are no more cattle in the ranch, so all the people in the four dormitories will live here.

"How much grassland is there in the Beaver Manor?" Su Wei heard Lawrence's words, and then flew to the sky to look at the pasture by himself.

I just feel that this ranch can't be seen at a glance from the plane.

Only now did he finally have a little impression of Beaver Manor.

"Beaver Manor has 26 acres of pastures, 3 acres of farms, two rivers, two large lakes, and more than ten small lakes in the pasture.

There are also three mountains in the ranch, the largest of which is backed by the Rocky Mountains. Sue, I think you must love this mountain because animals often run down from this mountain.” Although Beaver Manor has 34 acres land, but the grassland inside is only 26 acres.

Rivers, lakes, and forests cover [-] acres of land.

Anyone else might find it troublesome to be near the Rocky Mountains.

After all, there are often large beasts on the top, and they will run down to look for food.

But after he knew that Su Wei bought this ranch mainly for hunting, he felt that this ranch was perfect.

"It's so big, Lawrence, what's that place?" At this moment, Su Wei saw the shadow of a house on the smallest mountain.

Because it was too far away, he thought it was another staff dormitory.

It's just that he can't figure out why the staff dormitory is so expensive.

"Over there is the smallest hill on the Beaver Estate, where the Koch family lived.

John, fly the plane over, let’s take a look from above.” As the super-rich family in the United States, the Koch family will definitely not be able to come to Beaver Manor to live in the staff dormitory.

So they bulldozed the smallest mountain on Beaver Manor.

Then on the top of the mountain, a mansion was built.

"Fuck, the Koch family has built such a big villa here." When the plane got closer, Su Wei saw that this mountain was actually a luxury residential area.

There are basketball courts, tennis courts and a large swimming pool built above.

And above this, there is still a lot of land that has not been utilized.

If this is in China, who would waste land like this.

Only on Laomei's side, because the place is too big, the land is so worthless.

"Yes, because the Koch family has a large number of people, the house is very large, but the new generation members of the Koch family only like to stay in Beverly Hills, so they can't live here once a year.

John, let's take a look at Moon Lake now, I think Sue will like it there." The main business of the Koch family is not animal husbandry.

Selling Beaver Manor now is because the younger generation no longer has a cowboy plot.

Otherwise, with their family's worth, even if the price of the ranch doubled, they would not sell it.

"Why? Is there any magical place there?" When Li Ziwei heard that he was going to Moon Lake, he wondered how Lawrence could be sure that they would like that place.

Is there any magical place in that lake?
"Isn't this just an ordinary river? Hey, isn't that a wolf?" Su Xiaoming also had great expectations when he started.

But when the plane came over Moon Lake, he found that the lake was just shaped like a moon.

When I was feeling a little disappointed, I saw the helicopter scare the animals out of the grass.

At this time, he saw many wolves, some of which came out of the grass.

"Yes, that's the North American gray wolf. Don't you guys like hunting? Do you want to try hunting in a helicopter?" When Lawrence got on the plane this time, he also brought a big box with him.

At that time, Su Wei and the others asked him what it was, but Lawrence just smiled and said nothing.

Now seeing the wolf, he opened the box.

It turned out that it contained a sniper rifle.

"Isn't it the hunting season yet? Can you hunt now?" When Su Wei saw Lawrence holding the gun, the hairs of his whole body exploded.

When Liu Qiang saw the gun, he blocked Su Wei immediately.

It turned out that after Lawrence assembled the gun, he aimed the barrel outside.

It turned out that he planned to use this gun to fight the wild wolves outside.

But Su Wei remembered that the annual hunting season doesn't start until winter.

"Of course you can fight. This is a private territory. As long as the rancher allows it, you can fight even every day."

(End of this chapter)

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