Chapter 403
"Of course you can hunt. This is a private land. As long as the rancher allows it, you can even hunt every day." The hunting season in the United States only targets forests in public areas.

The beaver manor is a private domain and is not bound by the hunting season.

This is why in the United States, there are so many rich people who buy land and become big landlords.

After Lawrence finished explaining, he saw a wolf walking a bit slowly through the scope.


"It's hit, it's hit, Lawrence, you hit a wolf." Su Wei and the others are now only a few tens of meters away from the ground.

So they could see with their own eyes that a wolf's waist burst open after the gunshot.

The wolf struggled twice on the ground after being shot, and then stopped moving.

The other animals were already running, but now they ran up the mountain desperately after hearing the gunshots.

But John's flying skills are very good, and he has been flying closely with these animals.

"It's a pity, we are sitting in the plane now, otherwise we can bring the prey back to the staff dormitory, and now we can only save other animals." Although the wolf meat, Lawrence and the others don't eat it.

But the skin of the wolf is a good thing.

Because the weather here in Montana is cold, and wolf fur can be used as warm clothing.

But because they came by helicopter, the wolf that was killed couldn't be picked up.

"Aside from wolves, what other beasts can we fight here?" Su Wei actually wanted to pick up this wolf.

Because dogs are domesticated from wolves, dog meat is so delicious, wolf meat must be as good.

But the ranch doesn't belong to him yet, and he can't force Lawrence and the others to land the plane.

"Because Grizzly Mountain is connected to the Rocky Mountains, there are many large animals, such as cougars, black bears, brown bears, and coyotes that are the most numerous.

Su, do you want to try the feeling of hunting in a helicopter?" The largest mountain in Beaver Manor is called Grizzly Mountain.

As you can tell from the name, there must be bears on this mountain.

And because there are so many herbivores such as elk in Beaver Manor, it is connected to Grizzly Mountain in the Rocky Mountains.

There are often large beasts running down from the mountains to look for food.

Lawrence and the others will often organize hunting to drive these wild beasts away.

But because Grizzly Mountain is connected to the Rocky Mountains, after killing one group, another group will come after a while.

"Is it really possible? I can't wait." Su Wei saw Lawrence killing a wolf, his eyes were so greedy.

But the plane belonged to Beaver Manor, and the gun belonged to Lawrence.

No matter how greedy Su Wei was, he could only watch helplessly.

Unexpectedly, Lawrence saw Su Wei's thoughts and offered to hand him the gun.

"When you shoot, you should use your shoulder against the butt of the gun. My Savage M110 sniper rifle has relatively low recoil, so you can safely use your shoulder against it." Ordinary sniper rifles, untrained people, It is best not to put your shoulder against the butt of the gun.

Because the recoil force is too great, it is easy to dislocate a person's shoulder after shooting.

Although Lawrence's gun is also a sniper gun.

But because the recoil is relatively small, it can still be resisted with the shoulders.

"Lawrence, we also want to hunt. I wonder if we can do it?" Among the few people who came up this time, who is not envious of Lawrence's gun.

But Lawrence didn't speak, and they were embarrassed.

Only Li Renfeng, who has a thicker skin, would take the initiative to ask.

"No problem, I brought four magazines up this time." There are ten bullets in one magazine.

Lawrence's words, that is, he plus the bullets in the magazine on the gun, he carried a total of fifty rounds.

Bringing so many bullets up this time is just for Su Wei and the others to play with.

After all, he was quite satisfied with Su Wei's purchase of the ranch.

"Brother Su, you haven't aimed yet." Li Ziwei saw Su Wei, and was still not ready after aiming for a long time.

It's not moving here, it's moving there.


"Did you miss it? I feel like I aimed very accurately." After Su Wei finished hitting, he felt that someone had punched him in the shoulder.

But this strength is okay, he can still bear it.

It's just that after he finished shooting, he found the kind of wolf he aimed at.

There is nothing wrong with it, and it is still alive and kicking there.

"If you can hit this, then your technique is too good." Li Renfeng knew that Su Wei was a novice when he saw the posture of Su Wei holding the gun.

It is basically impossible for a novice to be able to catch prey for the first time.

In the TV series, you will shoot when you get a gun, which is basically whimsical.

"Hey, I still don't believe it." When Su Wei just shot, he really felt that he was going to hit the wolf.

But I don't know why, it just didn't hit.

Seeing the wolf from the sky, the walk is still so coquettish.

This made him a little upset, and he planned to teach it a fatal lesson.



"Where did you hit all the bullets? Do you want me to show you a show?" Li Renfeng saw that Su Wei's second shot missed, and he almost died of panic.

After all, such a short distance, why did they go there.

If he did this, how could this wolf still be alive.

"Come on, I feel that this gun is a bit inaccurate." Su Wei stepped aside, mainly because the recoil of this sniper rifle was too great.

Although the recoil of this sniper rifle has been adjusted.

But after Su Wei took two shots, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his shoulder.

So he planned to rest for a while, and then continue playing later.

"Hahaha, I can tell from the way you shoot. You must be a novice. Let me, a sharpshooter, show you how to hit a wolf." After Li Renfeng got the gun, he was so arrogant.

After all, Su Wei was able to let go of such a good opportunity just now.

After he hits the wolf, he will definitely taunt Su Wei.



"Ah Feng, where is the wolf you killed? Why didn't you see it? Did that wolf become invisible?" Seeing the way Li Renfeng held his gun, Su Wei knew that he was indeed very professional.

I was still a little worried, if he hit a wolf, I didn't know how he would be ridiculed.

Unexpectedly, after Li Renfeng shot, Mao missed.

If that's the case, then he can't be blamed for being sarcastic.

"Fuck, brother Feng, what you hit was an invisible wolf. That's too good." Although Li Ziwei is also a rich second generation, his family didn't buy a house in the United States.

Like Wang Xiaoyuan, he only came to the United States to play with his family once before.

For firearms, the seven orifices connect the six orifices.

"It has nothing to do with my skills, it's mainly because it's hard to aim on the plane.

Uncle, it's better for you to shoot." Li Renfeng used to play with guns in the shooting range before.

As for the targets in the shooting range, they were all immobile, and there was enough time for him to adjust their positions.

But now these animals on the ground are all running, that is, moving targets.

If this can be hit, it is basically like a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.


. . . . . .

"Hi, Jennifer, Emily." Lawrence took Su Wei and the others and flew in the sky for more than three hours before coming down.

When Su Wei came down, he saw Jennifer and her little assistant waiting below.

"Su, did Lawrence show you around the Beaver Manor?" Jennifer was exhausted after being exercised by Su Wei in the morning.

After waking up, Emily said that Lawrence had taken Su Wei and the others to visit the ranch by plane.

Jennifer regretted it when she heard the news.

Because if she knew that Lawrence was going to take Su Wei to visit the ranch, she would definitely not sleep in the cage sleep in the morning.

"The visit is over." Su Wei spent the three hours, although part of the time was spent hunting.

But most of the rest of the time was spent listening to Lawrence introducing Beaver Manor.

Lawrence had worked in Beaver Manor for more than 30 years, so he basically knew everything about it.

"Then how do you feel about this ranch?" If Jennifer didn't sleep this morning, she would definitely go with her.

But now because of her sleeping, I don't know how Su Wei and the others felt when they visited.

Although she slept with Su Wei, it was not because of love.

It's just because last night, the hormone secretion of the two people saw each other.

"I think this ranch is great, you can help me negotiate the price." Su Wei passed by Lawrence and led him to hunt, and he had already decided to buy the ranch.

Because this ranch is great for hunting.

And because Grizzly Mountain is close to the Rocky Mountains, there will be a steady stream of beasts on the mountain.

"Really? That's great, I'll definitely cut the price down for you.

I'll talk to Lawrence first, and see when the Koch family will come." Jennifer didn't expect Su Wei to say that.

She has been in the real estate business for several years.

Don't say she hasn't done a transaction of more than [-] million US dollars, just that she has never seen it.

If this is a deal, she will immediately become a celebrity in the industry.

"Weiwei, should we stay here for a while longer?" Su Xiaoming saw that Su Wei was going to buy the ranch, and planned to stay in the ranch for a few more days.

Because today when he was on the plane, the blind cat met a dead mouse and killed an elk.

So now he is really interested in hunting.

"Uncle, after you found out that you can hunt here, you don't want to leave?" Li Ziwei didn't even need to guess, he knew that Su Xiaoming wanted to hunt.

After all, among the four of them just now, Su Wei's father Su Xiaoming hit the prey.

"Hunting here is really comfortable. The main reason is that there are too many things to hunt. How can there be so many animals in China?" Now no matter which country you are in, hunting is more comfortable than in China.

This thing in China cannot be beaten, and that thing is to protect animals.

Although everyone knows that the group of people in charge of forestry are actually the best hunters.

But ordinary people just can't go hunting.

Now that I come across such a place, I can let go of hunting.

He was really unwilling to let Su Xiaoming go just like that.

"I also think we can stay here for a few more days. I have a green card. At that time, we can go directly to the gun shop in the city to buy guns. After a few days of practice, the skills will definitely be incredible." Don't talk about Su Xiaoming, even Li Renfeng I don't want to leave either.

Lawrence's sniper rifle has too much recoil.

Li Renfeng still prefers to use a rifle, at least the recoil will not make his shoulders so uncomfortable.

And he also planned to use the rifle to regain his lost dignity as a master.

"I also have the idea of ​​yours, but it can't be done. After all, the ranch has not been bought yet. When the ranch is bought, we will come and live here for a while. When the time comes, we will not live in this kind of staff dormitory. , but the villa of the Koch family on Beaver Hill." There was a reason why Su Wei planned to leave so quickly.

If he is present when negotiating the price, he will be impulsive and become irrational.

The price of this ranch is not 4000 million, but [-] million, and it's in US dollars.

If this is converted into RMB, it is as high as more than 20 billion RMB.

"That's the only way to go, but the Koch family's villa area is really good, and you don't need to repair the house after buying this ranch." Others think about it, and this ranch has indeed not been bought yet.

When you buy this ranch, you can come here at any time.

And when the time comes to live, it will be the villa built by the Koch family.

There are several villas in that villa area.

And there is a horse farm there, so you can go hunting on horseback at that time.

If you go hunting on horseback, you can bring back the prey you catch.

"Su, people from the Koch family will be here tonight." Jennifer chatted with Lawrence, and after Lawrence confirmed that Su Wei really wanted to buy a ranch, he called his boss, the Koch family.

When the Koch family heard that someone wanted to buy a ranch, they decided to come over immediately.

But because Montana is too big, their people in Montana will come here at the earliest tonight.

"Can we come over tonight? Then let's go back to California now." Su Wei heard that the Koch family would arrive at night, so he planned to get up and go back to California immediately.

Originally, he thought that if people from the Koch family came over tomorrow, he would stay here for another night.

Now that they are coming at night, he must not be able to stay.

"Aren't you going to meet with the Koch family?" Jennifer was still thinking that Su Wei would stay one more night today.

After all, his ability is indeed very powerful.

She knew that it was impossible for two people to become a couple, but it was okay to sleep together occasionally.

But who knew that when Su Wei heard that the Koch family would arrive at night, he actually planned to leave for California now.

"It's still missing. I believe that with your ability, you can definitely help me negotiate a good price." Su Weiren is not here, and Jennifer's price is actually a little easier to negotiate.

Because he is not here, it will be more rational.

And if Jennifer falls apart, he can come to the rescue.

"Su, are you going to leave later? Why don't you stay one more night?" Lawrence was quite satisfied with Su Wei.

Because of this super rich, their family likes hunting very much.

Handing over the ranch to such a person, he thinks it is the best home for the ranch.

"Just wait a while, I think we'll meet again soon"

. . . . . .

"Wow, returning to California from Montana feels like entering an oven." Su Wei felt a heat wave just as he got off the plane.

He had just gotten used to the Montana weather in the past two days.

I didn't expect that it was already night in California, and the weather was still so hot.

"Indeed, the summer in Montana is really comfortable, but when the weather turns cold, California will be very comfortable." Li Renfeng spent the winter in California before.

The temperature in California at that time was also in the [-]s.

"Awei, why did you come back so quickly this time? We thought you would stay there for at least a few days." In the afternoon, Wang Xiaoyuan received a call from Su Wei, saying that he was coming back at night.

So Wang Xiaoyuan and the others drove Land Rover and Bentley to pick them up.

"After seeing the ranch, why don't we just come back?" If there was no mountaineering sword, they would not come back until the day after tomorrow at the earliest.

But because of that incident, they could only rush to Beaver Manor last night.

"It's over so soon, did your ranch take your fancy?" Seeing that they came back so quickly, Xiaoya thought it was because they didn't.

After all, it was already afternoon when they passed by yesterday.

How could one see such two large ranches so quickly?

"I've already taken my fancy. That ranch is super beautiful. We'll go there together after the contract is signed." Su Wei and the others were still chatting about Beaver Manor on the plane back.

After the four of them put aside the price, they all felt that Beaver Manor was really great.

And it has already been agreed that after signing the contract, he will live in Beaver Manor for a period of time.

"It's the Mountaineering Sword Ranch?" Zhang Guihua remembered that they had been talking about the Mountaineering Sword Ranch before they left.

The place they went to yesterday was also the Mountaineering Sword Ranch.

So she took it for granted that they were satisfied after watching the Mountaineering Sword Ranch, so they probably didn't go to the second ranch.

"No, it's the Beaver Manor"

(End of this chapter)

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