Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 405 Do You Know Who My Son-in-Law Is?

Chapter 405 Do You Know Who My Son-in-Law Is?

"What's the matter, it's been so long on one call?" Su Wei chatted inside for a while, and found that Wang Xiaoyuan hadn't recovered from the call for a long time.

He walked out of the room only to find that Wang Xiaoyuan had just hung up the phone.

And her expression was a little dignified, thinking that something happened.

"The people from the Huangpu Police Station called me just now, saying that our old bungalow was knocked down." Wang Xiaoyuan is 90.00% sure that Su Wei ordered someone to do it.

But the reason why she dare not be 100% sure about this matter.

It's just that if Su Wei does this, he should talk to her.

"The old bungalow was knocked down, oh, I almost forgot about it, what did the police station say?" Su Wei only remembered at this time that Liu Qiang told him yesterday.

It is said that they will arrange people from their village to knock down the old bungalow.

But after a day of exhaustion today, he forgot about it.

If he hadn't heard Wang Xiaoyuan say it, he wouldn't know when he remembered it.

"Just tell me that I need to find someone to go there. I have already called my mother, and she said she will go there later." Hearing Su Wei's words, Wang Xiaoyuan felt confident.

She called her father just now, and it turned out that her mother was also there.

After her mother found out about the situation, she volunteered to meet the driver who caused the accident.

"Your mother, go over there, that's okay, anyway, it's just a formality, I've already made arrangements over there." Su Wei had already arranged everything after knowing that Liu Qiang was going to make a move.

Whether it's the police station, the cultural relics bureau, or the housing and construction bureau.

Su Weiquan has already said hello, it doesn't matter whether he goes to the police station or not.

It's just that Wang Xiaoyuan's mother has already passed away, so it doesn't matter if she goes there for a formality.

After all, calling her back at this time, Su Wei was afraid that it would hurt her heart.

"In this way, can we rebuild the house on the original site when we go back?" The old bungalow before was really too dilapidated.

It could change a lot with some remodeling.

But compared to reconstruction, it is still better to rebuild.

The most basic thing is that the house can be moved inside as a whole.

In this way, the main body of the house will not face the street, and a parking space can be built in front of it.

Anyway, the back garden is so big, and one or two hundred square meters should be set aside for the front garden.

Then this house can have a front garden and a back garden.

"Of course, after all, didn't you say everything, the old bungalows have been knocked down.

By the way, why do I feel that my mother is a little unhappy when I come back this time?" The old bungalows have collapsed, so of course they can be rebuilt.

Anyway, as long as the style of the later stage can be unified with the previous one.

At this time, Su Wei remembered that his mother seemed a little unhappy today.

"The place where Mom and the others live is not Li Renfeng's neighbor's house. Today, a relative of his neighbor came here to see if we have dirty the house, so Mom is a little unhappy." Today is not yet noon , they heard a knock on the door.

When I opened the door, I saw two middle-aged women.

These two middle-aged women are relatives of Li Renfeng's neighbor.

It is said that there is something in the house that I didn't take, so I came here to get it.

At that time, Wang Xiaoyuan and the others didn't pay much attention to it. Later, they saw that they had been looking at every corner of the house.

Wang Xiaoyuan and the others came to their senses, they didn't come to fetch things, they came to inspect the house.

After these people left, Zhang Guihua was not happy.

"Is there such a thing? This neighbor is also nonsense. If he cherishes the house so much, he doesn't have to rent it. Now that it's like this, who is disgusting?" Su Wei was really speechless to this kind of person.

After all, if you are worried, you don't have to rent out the house.

Of course, Su Wei is upset when he comes to inspect the house in the middle of the lease.

"Why don't we move to Xingang in a few days, the senior sister has already talked about that house." The house in Xingang is listed for 600 million.

Now Chen Yihua has cut the price to 1470 million US dollars.

In Wang Xiaoyuan's mind, she actually felt that the price was almost the same.

After all, this house cost more than 100 million yuan.

"The place in Newport is only suitable for vacation for a while. If you want to go to the Asian supermarket, you have to drive for a long time, so I plan to buy a house in a place close to downtown Los Angeles as a long-term residence." Su Wei's idea of ​​buying a house in California came after he went to Montana this time.

Because when he was in California before, he didn't feel that much.

After returning from Montana, he found a problem, that is, there seemed to be no mosquitoes in California.

He was bitten by two mosquitoes last night at Beaver Farm in Montana.

But he has been here in California for so many days, and he has not been bitten by a single bag, completely forgetting about mosquitoes.

It makes sense to say that there are fewer mosquitoes in the reinforced concrete of the city.

But Li Renfeng's house was on the top of the mountain, and there were no traces of mosquitoes.

"Looking at you, you definitely don't plan to buy Irvine and Xingang, so where do you plan to buy the house?" Wang Xiaoyuan can feel that Su Wei has a kind of disdain for Irvine.

As for Xingang, in his eyes, it was just a place for swimming and vacation.

So she wanted to know where Su Wei planned to buy the house.

"Where to buy? Of course the Platinum Triangle"

. . . . . .

"Six, are we okay this time? Why do I feel something is wrong?" After Huang Xun was arrested at the police station today, he originally thought that bumping into a house should be a trivial matter.

At most, the police will let them compensate the homeowner for the loss.

But since he came in, he has been taken in and questioned several times.

And the looks of those police officers didn't feel like they were treating a driver who caused an accident.

"What are you afraid of? We just bumped into a house." Huang Xun didn't know, but Huang Yi did.

What they bumped into this time was a protected building in Shanghai.

It's just that he couldn't tell Huang Xun, because he would definitely be more scared if he did.

"No, you didn't listen to what Police Officer Zhao said, we hit a protected building this time." Seeing Huang Yi's expression, Huang Xun thought he didn't know the seriousness of the problem.

It feels like telling Huang Yi everything Zhao Yongqiang told him.

What they bumped into this time was not a simple house.

"I'm a driver, so I'm not afraid, you're afraid of your ass." Huang Yi is really not afraid, because Liu Qiang has told him that the road has been paved.

As long as he goes out this time, he can join the big boss' bodyguard team.

So at that time Huang Xu gave him the driver's seat, and he wanted it without saying anything.

"You're really not afraid. I've heard that destroying a protected building will take at least several years in prison." Just now Zhao Yongqiang saw that Huang Yi is a ruthless character, so he has been attacking Huang Xun all the time.

And still scaring him, this time they may be sentenced to several years.

He intends to let him let go and shake out the truth.

And Huang Xun was indeed scared, but he was more afraid of Liu Qiang than going to jail.

After all, before Liu Qiang was a soldier, he was famous for his life in all directions.

Now I'm with a big boss, if he doesn't handle things well, maybe he won't get the money, and there will be troubles later.

"Then I hope he will give me a 10-year sentence, so that I will get rich." If the sentence is true, Huang Yi doesn't care.

After all, his family is poor, and now he is still a bachelor at 27 or [-].

If he really comes out of ten years in prison, Brother Qiangzi's boss will give him at least a few million.

When the time comes, he will take the money and realize the freedom of wealth in his hometown at once.

"Hey, you are a real money fan"

. . . . . .

"Ma'am, the police station Miss mentioned should be here." The nanny of Wang Xiaoyuan's family sometimes also works part-time as a driver.

This morning, she was arrested by Wang Xiaoyuan's mother, Shen Xiujuan, and came to work as her driver.

"Come on, let's get out of the car. I want to see who knocked down my daughter's house." Shen Xiujuan only found out this morning that the old house that Wang Xiaoyuan mentioned last time had already been bought.

Before she could be happy, Wang Xiaoyuan followed up and said that the house was hit today.

That house was [-] million yuan, plus the agency fee and transfer tax, the price of buying this old bungalow exceeded [-] million yuan.

Such an expensive house was bumped into by someone. She wanted to see who was so short-sighted.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" A policeman in the hall noticed someone tearing his clothes.

Looking back, I found that it was two aunts.

"My daughter's house was knocked down last night. I came here to find out what happened." Shen Xiujuan didn't know who to turn to when she came to the Huangpu Police Station.

So I found a policeman at random and asked him directly.

After all, if he didn't know, he would know by asking his colleagues.

"The house was hit? Oh, I see, it's the old bungalow on Changle Road, isn't it?" The old bungalow that was hit, now everyone in their police station doesn't know.

After all, an old bungalow worth hundreds of millions was hit, which is super big news.

And the most amazing thing about this old bungalow is that its value may skyrocket after being hit.

"Yes, that's the house. Where is the driver who caused the accident?" Shen Xiujuan came to the police station this time mainly to discuss compensation.

After all, if his expensive house was hit, the driver who caused the accident would of course have to pay for it.

As for whether they can pay or not, it depends on their attitude first.

"The driver who caused the accident is now at our police station. Do you want to see them?" The little policeman thought of the two drivers who caused the accident and felt unlucky.

What kind of house is not easy to hit, so I went to hit this kind of old bungalow.

Now that the old bungalow is knocked down, I don't know if they will lose money later.

After all, although the house has appreciated in value, who knows what the owner thinks.

"Of course I want to see you. Our expensive house was knocked down by them. How could we not see them?" Seeing the little policeman in front of her, Shen Xiujuan wondered if he was out of his mind.

If someone smashed something in her house, could it be that she just let it go?
"Hello, I'm Zhao Yongqiang, and I'm in charge of this case this time." Zhao Yongqiang had just finished interrogating Huang Xun, and when he came out, he heard someone saying that he wanted to see the driver who caused the accident in the old bungalow.

He understood that this should be the homeowner's family members coming over.

After the interrogation just now, he was able to confirm that the driver who caused the accident hit the house on purpose.

"Officer Zhao is in charge of this case, right? Then tell me, how will our house be handled now?" Shen Xiujuan saw the person in charge coming, and let this irrelevant little policeman go.

After all, the little policeman, she could see that he had no right to make decisions.

"That's right, because the amount of money involved in this case is too large, we have to wait for experts from the Bureau of Cultural Relics and the Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development to give their opinions, and then we can discuss the issue of compensation after our bureau investigates the incident clearly." Zhao Yongqiang was cold With a snort, I still want compensation.

As long as he is given another day, he can pry Huang Xun's mouth open.

When the time comes, in front of the truth, he wants to see if the family members of this old bungalow dare to ask for compensation.

"Investigate? Investigate what? Our old bungalow was smashed, and you still want to investigate us?" As soon as Shen Xiujuan heard this, she knew that Zhao Yongqiang was speaking for her.

Why, after the investigation is over, isn't this treating her as a suspect?

Shen Xiujuan was really pissed off by this.

His own house was hit, and he became a suspect instead.

"Don't worry, lady, because the old bungalows in Shanghai are protected buildings, so we have to investigate first, whether you found someone to crash into this house yourself." Zhou Xiaohui just followed Zhao Yongqiang to interrogate the prisoner. Although she is a newcomer, she I also understand.

The two drivers who caused the accident this time were indeed hired to hit the old bungalow.

The most suspect person, of course, is the homeowner himself.

After all, after the house crashed, he was the one who benefited the most.

"Xiao Zhou, what are you talking about, don't talk nonsense.

This lady is sorry, my little apprentice is new here, she speaks a bit bluntly, don't take it to heart." Zhao Yongqiang heard Zhou Xiaohui say this, and everyone else was paralyzed.

Because if he said it well, the other party might cooperate.

But after what Zhou Xiaohui said, the fool will cooperate with the police.

After all, what she meant was already clear, saying that this house was caused by you, don't act here.

"Frankly outspoken? Our old house worth [-] million yuan was hit, and you still suspect that we asked someone to hit it. You find the driver who caused the accident. I want to confront him. I want to ask him. Did we find him?" At this moment, Shen Xiujuan began to wonder if the driver who caused the accident knew someone.

Otherwise, if their house was hit, how could their family become a suspect.

At this moment, Shen Xiujuan, who was out of breath, planned to confront the driver who caused the accident.

"People can't see you now. I asked your family members to come here this time. I also hope that you can cooperate with our police and give you justice as soon as possible." At this time, Zhao Yongqiang could already feel that Huang Xun's psychological defense was about to be broken.

How could he let the owner's family see the driver who caused the accident at this time.

What if Huang Xun refused to cooperate with him after seeing her.

"My house was hit, and you want me to be a suspect to cooperate with you. There is no door." At this time, Shen Xiujuan still felt that her family was wronged.

The main reason was that when Wang Xiaoyuan called her, she didn't tell her that Su Wei had arranged this matter.

It's not that Wang Xiaoyuan didn't say anything, but she wasn't sure at the time.

"Madam, if you don't want to, then we will take compulsory measures." Seeing that Shen Xiujuan was messing around, Zhao Yongqiang was also a little angry.

After all, he is a policeman, and the other party is the family member of the suspect.

He told her well that if she didn't cherish this opportunity, then he would have to be tough.

"Dare you, do you know who my son-in-law is?"

(End of this chapter)

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