Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 406 The situation is stronger than people

"Dare you, do you know who my son-in-law is?" Shen Xiujuan was also a little angry when she saw that Zhao Yongqiang planned to be tough.

After all, in her own family, she was already a little powerful.

With her daughter and Su Wei together, her strength can go up a few floors.

Now being threatened by a little policeman, how can she stand it.

"Hehe, who is your son-in-law, tell me and listen, I want to see if he can cover the sky with one hand.

I've said it all, as long as you family members cooperate, we'll find out that you didn't hire someone to break into the house, and we will pay you back when the time comes.

Xiao Zhou, come here and bring him in." Seriously, Zhao Yongqiang can guess the strength of the other party.

But he is not very afraid, because he is a policeman after all.

It is impossible to let them go directly because the other party has some background.

And now he was sure that the owner of this house was the one who ran into it.

The old bungalows in Shanghai are all protected buildings.

If it is true that this house was hit by the owner, then they really have to go in and stay for a few years.

"Don't touch me, I won't cooperate with you." Shen Xiujuan saw Zhao Yongqiang's eyes, and several female policemen came.

Judging by their appearance, they were planning to take her to another place.

Then what can Shen Xiujuan do? After all, she didn't do anything.

"What are you doing, where are you taking our wife?" Zhang Ma accompanied his wife to the police station today, thinking it was just a formality.

After hearing that Shen Xiujuan lost her temper at the police station, she could talk about compensation with the driver who caused the accident.

Who knew that after entering the police station, things would go in a direction she couldn't understand.

Now the police station is planning to take Shen Xiujuan away.

"Auntie, this is the hall, it's not good to make a fuss, we just want to invite you to the office." Although Zhou Xiaohui didn't know Zhao Yongqiang for long, she could understand that he just wanted to invite family members to the office.

After all, they are arguing in the hall now, which is a bit too eye-catching.

Many citizens who came to the police station to do business nearby have already started to watch.

"Mother Zhang, quickly call Xiaoyuan and ask her to tell Su Wei that this policeman named Zhao Yongqiang colluded with the driver who caused the accident and wanted to frame us." Seeing that there were so many people on the other side, Shen Xiujuan couldn't resist.

I can only ask my aunt at home to call Wang Xiaoyuan quickly.

After all, although her family has connections, they are not as strong as Su Wei.

"I know ma'am." Seeing that Shen Xiujuan was forcibly taken away, Zhang's mother was afraid that she would do the same.

He ran outside quickly, and when he was sure it was safe, he immediately called Wang Xiaoyuan.

"Xiao Zhou, what's wrong with you? Don't look, this servant is not a family member, we can't control her too, let's go" Zhao Yongqiang saw his little apprentice standing still, looking at the aunt the whole time.

I thought she was planning to control this aunt together.

Although he really wanted to control her, she was not a family member. If he controlled her, he might have trouble in the later stage.

After all, the homeowner's family is definitely a bit strong, and he can't show such obvious flaws.

"Ah, oh, good." Zhou Xiaohui stood there stupidly, not because she was considering whether to arrest the nanny.

It was because she was here and heard a very unexpected name.

I didn't expect that I would send Su Wei to prison after only a few days of work.

"Captain Zhao, the Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has called." The Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development arranged for someone to go to the old house early this morning.

Call now, there should be the latest news.

Zhao Yongqiang is now in charge of this matter, and the person who answered the phone is of course looking for him.

"Xiao Zhou, you stay here, I'll answer the phone first"

. . . . . .

"What? You said this old bungalow was originally a dilapidated house?" Before Zhao Yongqiang answered the phone, he was still thinking about how angry the person on the other side would be.

After all, this old bungalow is a protected building in Shanghai.

But after the other party chatted with him, he realized that he was completely wrong.

Because the other party told him that the house was already in danger before it was hit.

"Yes, after the latest appraisal, this house was indeed a dangerous house before it was hit." This time Su Wei asked someone to hit the house, how could he not find someone who lives in the Jianju Bureau.

After all, his house will be rebuilt later, and he needs help from the Housing and Construction Bureau.

Otherwise, even if he repairs again, he can only restore it according to the previous appearance.

However, once the relationship with the Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau has been established, then the houses only need to have a unified style.

"Then if the driver knocks down this dilapidated house, can they be held accountable?" Zhao Yongqiang didn't expect that the housing and construction bureau had already been settled by the homeowner.

It seemed that he did have some strength, and he underestimated the other party a little bit.

No wonder the owner's mother-in-law is a little bit confident.

But it doesn't bother him, even if the house is a dangerous one, he still protects it.

As long as the driver can be convicted, the homeowner can't run away.

"I'm afraid this won't work, because this house is originally a dilapidated house, and logically it must be demolished." How could the caller from the Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau not know Zhao Yongqiang's plan.

If the driver is convicted, then the money they collect will become a ticking time bomb.

"Okay, I see." Zhao Yongqiang saw that the housing and construction bureau said so, and knew that there was no hope.

So he decided to look for the Bureau of Cultural Relics to see if he could think of a way.

After all, these historically protected buildings are managed by the Bureau of Cultural Relics.

Now that the house has been knocked down, they are perfectly capable of stepping in.

"Captain Zhao, Huang Suo asked you to go to his office." Before Zhao Yongqiang called, a policewoman came in.

After coming in, tell him that director Huang is looking for him and ask him to go to his office.

"The Yellow Police Station called me?" In the Huangpu Police Station, there was one chief and three deputy chiefs.

And there is only one director surnamed Huang, and that is the director.

"dong dong dong"

"Come in." After Director Huang hung up the phone, he asked Zhao Yongqiang to be found immediately.

After waiting for less than 5 minutes, there was a knock on the door.

After the door opened, Zhao Yongqiang really came outside the door.

"Director, you are looking for me." On the way here, Zhao Yongqiang thought about it for a long time and didn't know what Director Huang was looking for him for.

After all, the police station in Huangpu is still very high-level.

Director Huang is also very busy in normal times.

Although he is an old subordinate of the other party, he is rarely called into the office to chat alone.

"Old Zhao is here. Sit down. I asked you to come here because I want to know about the old house on Changle Road. I heard that you arrested the family of the owner?" Director Huang asked Zhao Yongqiang to come here this time, of course If I need to find him, it is about the old bungalow on Changle Road.

Originally, he could do whatever Zhao Yongqiang wanted to do with this matter, but the result was doomed anyway.

But now it is more troublesome, that is, he has arrested the family members of the homeowner.

"Director, that's what happened. I've been able to confirm the matter of the old bungalow on Chang'an Road. The owner instructed the two drivers to crash into his own house.

As for the owner's family, I didn't arrest her, I just had her taken to the office, hoping to get some useful clues from her." Zhao Yongqiang thought it was just a moment ago when Shen Xiujuan was taken away in the hall. Let the director know about the movement.

He quickly explained to the director that he did not detain the owner's family members.

After all, he also knew that the other party had not been convicted yet.

But at the same time, he also told the director of his doubts.

If he had his support, many things would go smoothly for him.

"It was just a car accidentally hitting a house on the side of the road. Why did you complicate things, Mr. Zhao?" Director Huang heard that Zhao Yongqiang didn't send him to the interrogation room, but just brought him to the office, which made him suspense. My heart is relieved.

What he was most afraid of was that Zhao Yongqiang would only focus on handling the case regardless.

If that's the case, it's really difficult for him to handle.

If this is the case now, there is still a chance of recovery.

"Boss, I'm not complicating things, but this house was actually built by the owner himself. This old bungalow is a protected building. If he bumps into it like this, the price will definitely increase a lot when he builds a new house." Big cut." Zhao Yongqiang really hated people like the landlord to death.

After all, he works hard every month, and his monthly job is only more than 1 yuan.

And if the homeowner spends a little money, the value of his house will increase by several hundred million.

Now that there is a way to sanction him, of course he cannot let it go.

"Old Zhao, I just talked to Director Sun of the Bureau of Cultural Relics. The house has structural problems, and it has been left unattended for a long time, so it has already become a dilapidated house." I haven't talked with the Cultural Relics Bureau and the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau.

But last night, they had a meal together.

What they are saying now is what they have prepared yesterday.

"What does this mean?" Zhao Yongqiang is not young, he is already an old policeman.

He didn't believe a word of what Director Huang said.

It seems that the police station, Housing and Construction Bureau, and Cultural Relics Bureau have all been greeted.

"What do you mean, although this house is a protected building, since it is a dilapidated building, it must be demolished.

Let's forget about this matter, you go to communicate with the family of the owner, and then let the two drivers go." Director Huang originally handed over this matter to Zhao Yongqiang because he thought he was mature and stable .

Who knew that he actually planned to make this matter a big one.

So he had to come forward to let this matter end here.

"Director, I agree to let the two truck drivers go, but I can't do it if I ask the owner's family to apologize." Zhao Yongqiang, who treated Shen Xiujuan like that at the time, now asks him to communicate with her.

Doesn't that mean, let him apologize.

After all, he has been working for so many years, how could he not understand the hidden meaning of the leader.

"It's for your own good that I asked you to apologize. Could it be that I will harm you?" Director Huang's words really came from the heart.

Because when Zhao Yongqiang first came to the Huangpu Police Station, he was the captain of the criminal police.

The two have known each other for nearly 20 years.

If it were anyone else, he would definitely not say that.

"Director, this time the old house was hit, I know they are powerful and have settled everything, but at least I am a policeman, anyway, I will not apologize to her." Seeing Director Huang say this, Zhao Yongqiang said in a tone softened.

But if he were to apologize, he really couldn't bear this face.

He's a cop after all, and he's done no wrong.

It's just that because the other party is powerful, he will be forced to apologize, but he refuses to accept it.

"Why are you so stubborn? Do you know who the woman you controlled in the office this time, and who is her son-in-law?" If Shen Xiujuan hadn't been forcibly controlled, this matter wouldn't have been very troublesome at all.

You just need to talk to the family members, and then let the driver go and it's over.

But Zhao Yongqiang was eager to make contributions, so he insisted on taking Shen Xiujuan away.

When he was here just now, many leaders had already called to ask him to deal with this matter properly.

Director Huang was under a lot of pressure, so he just asked Zhao Yongqiang to apologize.

"Just listened to it, it seems to be called Su Wei." Hearing this, Zhao Yongqiang knew that Shen Xiujuan's son-in-law was the key person.

But after thinking about it, he didn't realize that Modu had a red family named Su.

"Yes, it's called Su Wei. Do you know that he donated tens of millions to the police system because of Yang's group?" Su Wei donated several thousand to the Shanghai Police Department after Yang Jiale died last time Ten thousand.

At that time, it caused a sensation among them.

"Oh, I see, it turned out to be him, but isn't he a businessman? Are we still afraid that he will fail?" Zhao Yongqiang knew who Su Wei was when he heard about the Yang Group.

It was the one who swallowed Yang's group in one go, and then killed Yang Jiale.

Such a person is very powerful, but he is not just a businessman.

"Of course we are not afraid of him, but when he brought down the Yang Group and killed Yang Jiale, someone suppressed all the influence. This is the scariest thing, do you understand?" It's not that high, but I also know that Su Wei must be capable.

Otherwise, with so many people in the Yang Group looking up to him, why would he eat the best part by himself.

"I, I, I know, I will apologize to her"

. . . . . .

"Xiao Zhou, you have only been my apprentice for a few days, you should change your master tomorrow." Zhao Yongqiang slumped on the chair after sending everyone away.

Seeing that Xiao Zhou was still busy, the last thing he could do was to ask her to find another master to take her.

"Why? Haven't we all apologized to her?" After Zhao Yongqiang came back just now, he declared that the old bungalow itself was a dangerous one.

Then after releasing the two drivers who caused the accident, he apologized and sent Shen Xiujuan out.

It's already done to this extent, isn't it?
"Look at her, how did she accept my apology? I may be excluded in the future. If you follow me, you will be hurt." When Zhao Yongqiang apologized to Shen Xiujuan just now, she was mocked by her.

And in the office, he refused to go out no matter what.

In the end, she took the initiative to leave the office after answering the phone call.

But before she left, she said that this matter is endless.

The other people in the police station had already left long after they knew that the old bungalow itself was a dilapidated building.

Because these human beings have already smelled something unusual.

"Captain Zhao, is it because of her son-in-law Su Wei?" Zhou Xiaohui finally got to know Su Wei a little bit at this time.

When I was in Xiapu, I really was too naive.

I feel that a person like Su Wei can also dominate in his hometown.

"The family's background is really great, this time I can only consider myself unlucky." Zhao Yongqiang was also speechless when he kicked the iron plate this time.

I didn't expect people to do things this time and get through all the links.

If the other party really wants to trouble him, he has no ability to resist at all.

"Zhao team, I know Su Wei, I will find a way to solve this matter for you"

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