Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 407 This is Su Wei's child, call him and see what he says

"Sister Shen, are you going to the gym?" Xu Liyang flew to France with some of Su Wei's secretaries today, planning to visit Airbus first.

Because when we arrived in France, it was already night.

So after eating, Xu Liyang let them move freely.

Bai Xue was bored in the room, so she planned to come to Shen Manyin's room to chat with her.

After all, of the five people who came this time, Xu Liyang was their leader, and the other two had a normal relationship with her, and only Shen Manyin had a better relationship with her.

When I came to the door of Shen Manyin's room, I saw that she was wearing yoga clothes and was about to go out.

"I've eaten a lot recently, and I feel like I've got a little fat. Why don't you go shopping with them?" Shen Manyin didn't like sports very much in the past.

But isn't she working as Su Wei's secretary now? Looking at other people in the office, she realizes that she doesn't look very good-looking.

She can't stand out by relying on her face, so she plans to exercise her body to make her figure more sexy.

"I don't have anything in particular that I want to buy. I'd better go to the gym with Sister Shen, at least I have a companion." The other two colleagues, knowing that they will come to France this time, have already made a list of what they want to buy.

But Bai Xue's family conditions are not bad, so it is not difficult to go abroad.

Coupled with the exhaustion of traveling and traveling today, she is not in the mood to go shopping.

Seeing that Shen Manyin was going to the gym, she also planned to go together.

"Are you going to wear this outfit?" Shen Manyin didn't care if Bai Xue wanted to go to the gym with her.

Because she knew that Bai Xue was different from her, and she didn't have the idea of ​​being superior at all.

She came to work as Su Wei's secretary simply because of the high salary.

So even if Bai Xue's appearance was the best, Shen Manyin did not regard her as an imaginary enemy.

Compared to Bai Xue, she has always been on guard against Xu Liyang.

"What's wrong with my clothes, oh, I'm going to change." Bai Xue looked at her clothes before realizing that she was still wearing a skirt.

If you wear this dress to go to the hotel's gym to work out, isn't that a proper fitness girl?

"Then I'll wait for you in the room, hurry up" Shen Manyin knew Bai Xue, she was a little nervous sometimes.

Speaking of going to the gym, I didn't even know what my clothes looked like.

Seeing her changing clothes now, she can only wait a while before going to the gym.

"I'll be fine soon." Bai Xue came to France this time, although she didn't bring her yoga clothes.

But she was going to change into a T-shirt and put on a pair of leggings.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Xiaohui, what's the matter, call me so late." As soon as Bai Xue left, Shen Manyin's cell phone rang.

I looked at the caller ID and found that it was Zhou Xiaohui calling.

Recently, because of a job change, I haven't talked with her much in the past few days.

"What time do you get off work today? Let me treat you to dinner tonight." Zhou Xiaohui looked outside. It's still clear, why is it night.

However, she didn't get too entangled in this, and instead invited Shen Manyin to have dinner together.

She planned to tell her about her job change this time when she was resting a few days later.

Now because of her master, it can only be brought forward.

"You want to invite me to dinner? Oh, you've come to Shanghai, right? Why didn't you tell me earlier, I'm not in Shanghai now?" Shen Manyin realized when she heard Zhou Xiaohui wanted to invite her to dinner.

I haven't told her about changing jobs by myself.

Zhou Xiaohui came to Shanghai this time, she must not be able to see herself.

"You're not in Shanghai? Then where did you go?" Zhou Xiaohui thought she could meet Shen Manyin tonight, but she didn't expect that she was not in Shanghai.

But in their company, does she also need to travel?
After all, Shen Manyin's job is in design, so there is no need to travel.

"This time the company sent me on a business trip, and I just flew to Toulouse, France today." Toulouse is a big city in western France.

Will come here, mainly because it is the headquarters of Airbus.

Su Wei wants to buy a big plane, Xu Liyang only has Boeing and Airbus to choose.

"No, I still want to chat with you." Originally, Zhou Xiaohui thought that Shen Manyin was on a business trip in China.

Unexpectedly, she has gone abroad now.

She has grown up so much, she has never been abroad yet.

"Are you coming to Shanghai on business this time? Is there any place to live? There is no one in my house right now. You can live with me." Shen Manyin still thought that Zhou Xiaohui was here on business.

I also think that she can live in her house this time, so that the company can earn a wave of accommodation fees.

Zhou Xiaohui used to do this when she came to Shanghai on business.

"I changed my job, and now I have passed the exam in Shanghai. I told you when I wanted to eat, but I didn't expect you to go abroad." Zhou Xiaohui felt warm in her heart when she heard Shen Manyin's words.

But now she has a place to live, although it is a staff dormitory assigned by the unit.

But that place is very close to where she works, and she can get there in 5 minutes on foot.

If she lived with Shen Manyin, she would be in a hurry to go to work. After all, she lived in Xuhui, and she went to work in Huangpu.

"Really? Which department did you take the exam? Why didn't you tell me about this kind of thing before? When I come back, I'll take you to eat all the delicious food in the magic city." Shen Manyin heard Zhou Xiaohui say that she passed the exam in the magic city .

She realized immediately that Zhou Xiaohui was a civil servant who had been admitted to Shanghai.

I didn't expect her best friend to come to Shanghai now, and it will be very convenient for the two of them to have dinner together in Shanghai in the future.

"I'm a police officer. By the way, I'm looking for you this time, and I actually want to ask you about something." Originally, she was going to be admitted to the police in Shanghai, but she planned to say it during dinner at night.

Now that Shen Manyin has gone abroad, she can only talk on the phone.

"What's the matter, you can ask directly." Shen Manyin never expected that Zhou Xiaohui would choose to be a policeman.

But thinking about her character, she has always been in a hurry.

There is nothing strange about running to be a policeman.

"That's it. Do you know Su Wei's phone number? I have something to do with him." This time Zhou Xiaohui called Shen Manyin mainly for this purpose.

Of course Su Wei's phone number is in their system.

But for a newcomer like her, it was not easy to get a phone.

So Zhou Xiaohui called Shen Manyin because she felt that Shen Manyin should have Su Wei's number.

"Xiaohui, are you looking for Su Wei for something?" If Zhou Xiaohui hadn't said that she was a policeman, then Shen Manyin would have called her immediately.

But now that Zhou Xiaohui said she was a policeman, it would be difficult for Shen Manyin to call her.

Because who knows why Zhou Xiaohui is looking for Su Wei.

If it is because he broke the law, what should I do if I want to go to him.

Su Weicai returned the money to her father. She is still Su Wei's secretary now, so she can't betray him.

"It's such a bastard, that's why I want to find him and let him hold his hand high." Of course, Zhou Xiaohui knew everything about Shen Manyin and talked endlessly.

She explained the matter briefly from beginning to end.

After all, this matter is not something that needs to be kept secret.

"So that's the case. I do have his phone number. I can give it to you, but you can't tell him that I gave you this number. You have to say that you found this number yourself." Shen Manyin heard Zhou Xiaohui's words Only later did I know why she wanted Su Wei's phone number.

Originally, she wanted to persuade Zhou Xiaohui, so she might as well find another master.

But thinking of her character, Shen Manyin swallowed her words again.

"Why?" Zhou Xiaohui didn't understand why she couldn't tell Su Wei that Shen Manyin gave her the number.

Could it be that the two of them have a relationship that she doesn't know about now?

"I won't be able to tell you clearly on the phone for a while. I'll talk to you in detail when we meet."

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Answer the phone, why don't you answer the phone?" After Zhou Xiaohui got Su Wei's number, she immediately started calling him.

He just called ten times in a row, but Su Wei didn't answer.

The main reason is that she doesn't know that Su Wei is now in the United States.

At this point in the United States, it is already early morning.

Su Wei was afraid of disturbing Wang Xiaoyuan, so his cell phone was muted.

"This time Team Zhao is also unlucky. I didn't expect to encounter such a thorn." The place where Zhou Xiaohui called was in the yard of the police station.

There was a board behind, and there happened to be two colleagues chatting.

And the content of the chat has something to do with her.

"Whoever asked him to be too serious, he has already cleared up all the links, and he even forcibly took other people's mother-in-law to the office." This time, most of the people in the police station were on his side in the case of Zhao Yongqiang.

But sympathy is sympathy, they dare not speak for Zhao Yongqiang in public.

After all, we are just colleagues, and the consequences of speaking for Zhao Yongqiang are likely to damage their own interests.

"It's a pity that Zhou Xiaohui was assigned to Team Zhao, and this happened." Colleague A didn't know that Zhou Xiaohui was on the other side at this time.

It's a pity that I'm still there for her, and I have such a master.

They are like this, mainly because Zhou Xiaohui is good-looking.

When Zhou Xiaohui entered the Huangpu Police Station, she wore jeans and a white shirt, but she won the hearts of many male colleagues.

"Indeed, but she should change her master." This happened to her at work just now, if she were an ordinary person, she would definitely change her master.

Anyway, if it is placed on colleague B, it will definitely do this.

"Sure, after all, I've only been at work for a few days, who wouldn't run away from this kind of thing?" Colleague A also didn't believe that Zhou Xiaohui would not change her master.

After all, the time is so short, and everyone has no feelings.

If you really change masters, that's normal.

"What are you talking nonsense here? I won't change masters." Zhou Xiaohui couldn't listen anymore when she heard this.

Get up and go to the other side, and express your attitude in front of the two colleagues.

That is her, Zhou Xiaohui, who will never change her master.

"Ah, I'm sorry I'm sorry"

. . . . . .

"Yangyang, why are you going out with all this rubbish? Auntie will come and clean it up." Yangyang has been living at Lin Ning's house during this time.

When she was going back this time, she still had a bag of garbage in her hand.

Lin Ning didn't think it was necessary. Auntie would clean up the rubbish anyway, so she didn't need to take it down by herself.

"It's okay, I don't feel comfortable looking at the rubbish, I just threw it away when I went down." Yangyang has been staying with Lin Ning for almost a month since Yang Jiale died.

Now she plans to go back to live with her because of some things.

"You go back to live this time. If you want to come over, I welcome you here anytime." Lin Ning saw that Yang Yang was going home to live, and thought she had finally come out of the Yang Jiale incident.

Some time ago, sheep and sheep were a little depressed.

But during this time, her appetite suddenly improved a lot.

Before, I could only eat a small bowl of rice, but now I can eat a normal bowl of rice.

"Xiao Ning, thank you, without you, I really don't know what to do this time." Yang Yang left Lin Ning's house this time, not because she got out of Yang Jiale's affairs.

But because some things happened, she had to leave here.

If she continues to stay here, she will not be able to hide this matter.

"It's all in the past now, and you have to move on.

By the way, this Saturday, my brother invited me to go on an outing, so you can go with me then." Lin Ning, her brother, has always liked sheep and sheep.

Lin Ning saw that Yangyang had come out now, and wanted her brother to seize the opportunity at this time.

And going out to breathe fresh air can also drive away those haze.

"Outing, I'd better not go." Yangyang heard that he was going on an outing, and touched his belly unconsciously.

With her current body, she can't make a car that shakes too much.

But if you go to a place like the suburbs, you won't always walk on paved roads.

"Why? Are you planning to get moldy at home every day?" Even without her brother, Lin Ning still planned to take the sheep and sheep out.

After all, it is easy to be depressed when a person stays at home all the time.

"I really don't want to go, I don't like to get up early, it's not like you don't know, then you can have fun." Now Yangyang really doesn't have the mood to go outside to play.

When she encountered this kind of thing for the first time, she was completely dumbfounded.

I just plan to hide at home and calm down alone for a while before talking.

"You just go, this time I heard from my brother that all the handsome guys who went there were sunny and handsome, hey, what's in your garbage bag?" Lin Ning felt that today's sheep are very special. strangeness.

Because she was a little too obsessed with that garbage bag.

"Xiao Ning, don't you look?" Because Lin Ning was carrying luggage, Yang Yang only carried a garbage bag.

Originally, when Yang Yang started, he hid the garbage bags quite well.

But when she was chatting, she relaxed her vigilance, and Lin Ning snatched the garbage bag away.

"Pregnancy test stick? Yangyang, are you pregnant?" Lin Ning snatched the garbage bag over and opened it, dumbfounded.

Because there are actually three pregnancy test sticks inside.

And there are two lines on each pregnancy test stick.

"I, um..." Yangyang saw that her secret had been discovered, so she could only confess to Lin Ning.

When she saw that her aunt hadn't come, she checked it online.

It is said on the Internet that in her case, she is likely to be pregnant.

So when she went downstairs, she secretly bought a pregnancy test stick.

It turned out that she was pregnant.

She didn't give up, and then bought two more pregnancy test sticks, and took the test twice, and the result was two bars.

"How did you get pregnant? Didn't you have no boyfriend recently? Could it be that this child belongs to Su Wei?" Lin Ning's first reaction when he saw the pregnancy test stick was that it was outrageous.

In that case, her brother must not be allowed to take over.

Then I thought about it, Yangyang didn't have a boyfriend.

At this time, she remembered that Yangyang had slept with Su Wei more than a month ago.

"It should be, because I only had one meeting with him this year." Yang Yang knew the child's father well.

After all, her previous boyfriend was already a year ago.

During this year, she only slept with Su Wei.

And in terms of time, it also coincides with Su Wei's time.

"Then what are you going to do, abort the child or give birth?" After pregnancy, there are only two choices.

Either kill the child, or give birth to the child.

"I don't know, this is my first pregnancy too." Yangyang was also conflicted about whether to spank her child.

After all, she is still supported by her family.

And after giving birth to the child, it will be difficult for her to get married in the future.

But this is her own child after all, she is a bit reluctant, and she doesn't want to get married in the future.

"You said you want to go home, are you afraid that I will know, that's why you want to leave, why are you so stupid?" At this time, Lin Ning still doesn't know why Yangyang wants to go home.

It must be because she is afraid that she will be pregnant by herself.

Lin Ning at this time, of course, would not let her go.

Dragging the sheep and sheep's luggage, they returned home.

"Xiao Ning, what do you think I should do now?" Because she didn't dare to tell Lin Ning before, Yangyang herself was always in fear.

Now that Lin Ning knew about it, she relaxed.

Because during this period of time, the pressure in her heart was really, really big.

"This is Su Wei's child, of course we are calling him to see what he plans to do"

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