Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 408 The decision is yours

"Xiao Ning, is Su Wei's phone still unavailable?" Yang Yang was walking back and forth anxiously in the living room.

Because Lin Ning has been calling Su Wei for several hours.

Now Yangyang hopes that Su Wei will answer the phone call, but at the same time she is very afraid that Su Wei will answer the phone call.

"There's still no answer. I've been calling for three hours. Why don't I ask someone else?" Because Yangyang's call had already been blocked by Su Wei.

So now, Lin Ning's phone is the only one to call Su Wei.

But they called for several hours, the phone could be connected but no one answered.

So Lin Ning felt that there must be something she didn't know.

She planned to ask her friends in the circle who knew Su Wei to find out what was going on.

"Do you think he knew I was pregnant, so he didn't answer my phone on purpose?" Yangyang became a little suspicious because of anxiety.

He wondered if it was because she was pregnant that Su Wei kept refusing to answer her calls.

Otherwise, after such a long time, how could he still check his phone.

"Don't think about it too much, how could he know such a thing, I'd better wait until I call and ask." Lin Ning felt that it was impossible for Yang Yang to say.

After all, where they are now is at her home.

No matter how powerful Su Wei is, it is impossible to monitor her home.

And the most important thing, how did he know that Yang Yang would definitely be pregnant.

"Xiao Ning, did you ask?" Yangyang waited in the living room for a while, and when she saw Lin Ning came out, she hurried forward to ask.

After all, she is pregnant with Su Wei's child now, so of course she wants to know why Su Wei doesn't answer her phone.

Did she really think that Su Wei didn't answer the call on purpose?

"I just asked people in the circle, and they said that Su Wei and Wang Xiaoyuan went to the United States this time. We called at this time, and it happened to be early in the morning. No wonder no one answered the phone." Su Wei this time Going to the United States, of course it is impossible to tell people outside.

But Wang Xiaoyuan and the others sometimes post on Moments or Weibo.

Su Wei's attention is so high now, of course someone will collect his information.

It can be said that since he got on the plane, someone has exposed his itinerary.

"If no one answers his phone before 12 o'clock tonight, it proves God's will. This child should not be born. Then you can help me contact the hospital." Yang Yang heard Lin Ning say, Su Wei went abroad.

Her hanging heart was only half let go.

Don't look at what she said was heartless, why did Su Wei kill the child if he didn't answer the phone at 12 o'clock.

But in terms of time, Su Wei definitely slept for more than nine hours at 12 o'clock.

If he hasn't picked up after sleeping for more than nine hours, it's really on purpose.

"It can only be this way"

. . . . . .

The next day.

"Awei, wake up, it's time to get up." Wang Xiaoyuan came to the room and opened all the curtains in the room first.

Then he came over and patted Su Wei, waking him up and letting him get up.

"Hmm~ what time is it?" Su Wei stretched his waist before opening his eyes, and saw that it was already bright outside.

This is the good thing about Los Angeles, where the sun shines more than 200 days a year.

And even though it is close to the sea, the weather is still very dry.

It's not at all the same as the warm weather in Shanghai.

"It's already 10 o'clock now, my parents have packed up, and my senior sister is here too." Wang Xiaoyuan called Su Wei so early because everyone was ready.

I plan to follow Su Wei today to see the mansions in the Platinum Triangle.

The Platinum Triangle refers to the three areas of Beverly Hills, Bel Air, and Mount Holly.

"Why are they getting up so early? Aren't they going to see the house today?" Su Wei couldn't figure it out. Why is it necessary to go so early to see a house.

Mainly because he was a little tired last night.

Isn't it because Wang Xiaoyuan has stabilized for a month now, and he started to feel restless.

But Wang Xiaoyuan couldn't exert strength, so it was all relying on him to exert strength, and she was really tired after a night.

This is much more tiring than having him fight with two girls at the same time.

"It's because I have to go to see the house, so I have to get up early." Irvine is about [-] to [-] kilometers away from Beverly Hills.

If you drive there, it will take about two hours.

If you get up too late, you won't be able to see a few houses in a day.

"Then you go down first, I'll come down after I wash up." Su Wei also remembered at this time, and he will have to pass through downtown Los Angeles later.

It's true that if you don't get up early, it will be afternoon by the end of the day.

He asked Wang Xiaoyuan to go down first, and he followed after washing.

"Okay, then hurry up, Aunt Feng made your favorite beef noodles" because there is a Chinese supermarket in Irvine.

So the beef bought here is bled.

Aunt Feng got up at six o'clock this morning to make this beef noodle meal for Su Wei.

A big reason why she works so hard is that Su Wei told her that she will stay in the United States later and will also apply for a green card for her.

"Fuck, what happened last night, why so many calls came in?" Su Wei waited until Wang Xiaoyuan left, got up and put on his clothes to go to the bathroom.

I took the phone by hand and found that my phone was very hot.

But I didn't care, I thought it was because the phone system was updated.

Sitting on the toilet and turning on the phone, I found several unfamiliar numbers and made hundreds of missed calls. No wonder the phone was so hot.

. . . . . .

"Xiao Ning, you have been calling for so long, let me call now." After Yangyang put down the bowl, she saw that Lin Ning was going to make a call.

She took her mobile phone over and planned to call by herself.

After all, this is her business. Because of this matter, Lin Ning didn't eat well.

"Yangyang, if the call is really connected later, what are you going to say to him?" Lin Ning was still very concerned about this matter.

After all, she has never had any in-depth contact with Su Wei.

But judging from previous contact, his character is very self-contained.

And he doesn't think highly of them, the little rich second generation.

"How can I tell him, I want him to break up with Wang Xiaoyuan and marry me?" Yangyang said this mainly to disgust Wang Xiaoyuan.

Wasn't the previous Wang Xiaoyuan very good in front of her?

She wondered how she could be so proud without Su Wei's backing.

After all, the conditions of Wang Xiaoyuan's family are similar to hers.

"He can't agree to that, but it's not impossible, after all, you're his only child." Lin Ning was really shocked when he heard Yangyang's condition.

Because of this requirement, it is really not an ordinary embarrassment.

However, Lin Ning felt that Su Wei would not necessarily refuse directly.

After all, Yang Yang is pregnant with Su Wei's child.

I don't know how many single bigwigs and celebrities got married because of their children.

"I said this just to scare him. He really wants to marry me, but I don't want to." Yangyang said from the bottom of her heart, she really didn't intend to marry Su Wei.

Even if she had his child, she still didn't plan to marry him.

She mentioned these two conditions, one is that Wang Xiaoyuan is disgusting, and the other is that Su Wei is disgusting.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hey, who is it?" Su Wei was wondering who made so many calls.

The phone in his hand started ringing again.

And this phone number was the one that called the most this morning.

He was also very curious about the owner of the phone.

"Yangyang, the phone is connected." Lin Ning saw that Yangyang made a call, but he didn't take it seriously.

After all, there was no connection before.

Unexpectedly, this call was answered so quickly.

"I know, Xiao Ning, let me go in, I want to chat with him alone.

Hey, Su Wei, it's me." When Su Wei didn't answer the phone before, Yang Yang was in a panic.

Now when the call was actually connected, she relaxed instead.

After talking to Lin Ning, he came into the room with his mobile phone.

"Yangyang? What's the matter with you? You've been calling me all night." Su Wei originally thought that after Yang Jiale's incident.

This sheep, he should basically have nothing to do with her.

After all, he did play a little cautious with her at that time.

"I, I'm pregnant." Hearing Su Wei's question, Yang Yang was silent for a while.

Then with a firm tone, she frankly told her about her pregnancy.

After all, the child in her belly is related to the two of them.

"You're pregnant, whose?" Su Wei's first reaction when he heard this was actually already guessed.

But he still wants to ask, whose child is this.

"I slept with you only once that night in the past year or so. Who do you think this child belongs to?" Yangyang had already made up his mind not to show his emotions in front of Su Wei.

But she was completely broken by Su Wei's questioning.

After all, what he said made her think of her.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, pregnancy is a good thing, if you get too excited, it's easy to move your fetus." Su Wei didn't expect that he could hit it just once.

But thinking about Chen Lu, this doesn't seem to be a very unusual thing.

For children, Su Wei's attitude is that the more the better.

Anyway, he has plenty of money, no matter how many children he can afford.

"You told me not to get excited. I am an unmarried person who is pregnant now. How can I not be excited? Tell me, what should I do now?" Yang Yang is actually quite traditional.

Although her hair was dyed purple, she was indeed not a messy person.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so angry after Su Wei had sex with her.

Later, it was because of Yang Jiale that the matter was dealt with coldly.

"No one wants this to happen, so what are you going to do?" Su Wei actually had a little opinion about the child's mother being a sheep.

Because he felt that Yang Yang couldn't even take care of himself.

But if she is pregnant, that's the only way to go.

"I don't know what to do, Su Wei, do you want this child?" Yangyang kept focusing on the child when she saw Su Wei's topic.

Knowing that his focus is not on her.

In this case, she wanted to see how much he liked the child.

"Of course I want this child" When people come to this world, they must hope to leave something behind.

He is not a great poet, nor is he a great writer, nor is he a trendsetter of the times.

Now that he is so rich, he plans to have more children.

If nothing else is inherited, at least his DNA must be inherited.

"Then break up with Wang Xiaoyuan and marry me, or I will kill the child." Seeing that Su Wei likes children, Yangyang began to ask the questions she had prepared a long time ago.

Let's see if he will choose Wang Xiaoyuan or the child in her womb.

"It's impossible for me to agree to these two things. Why don't you change the conditions?" Su Wei heard Yangyang's request and refused without thinking.

Because these two choices are impossible for him to choose.

"Why? Do you like Wang Xiaoyuan so much? I am pregnant with your child." Yang Yang's question was originally a joke.

But she didn't expect that Su Wei would reject her without hesitation.

If he hesitated for a long time, she would not be so sad.

"First, Wang Xiaoyuan is also pregnant, and second, I will not get married because I am a non-marriage advocate.

So it's impossible for me to agree to the two conditions you mentioned." A person like Su Wei cannot be kidnapped by a child.

Because besides Yangyang, he has two other children now.

If Chen Lu and Wang Xiaoyuan want to get married, what should they do? Cut him in half?

If her other girlfriends were pregnant, then he wouldn't have to be quartered by five horses.

"If you don't agree, aren't you afraid that I will kill the child?" Yang Yang actually already knew the answer at this time.

But she is not reconciled, is his father going to give up on him?

"This is up to you. After all, the child is conceived by you. You are the child and the mother, so you have the right to make the decision."

Then he will let her know that he is not threatened by anything.

"Su Wei, I really didn't expect you to be so cold-blooded." This call completely chilled Yang Yang.

Originally, her feelings for this child were a bit complicated.

After all, she and Su Wei conceived this child, and there was no element of love in it.

And Su Wei's performance on the phone just now completely made her give up on him.

"I'll come back during the Mid-Autumn Festival, let's meet up then." Although Su Wei was not threatened, he still wanted to give birth to this child.

Even if she didn't want it, he still hoped to let him meet again.

"No, I have decided to kill the child, we will never see each other again"

. . . . . .

"Yangyang, what's the matter, don't cry, what is Su Wei's attitude, you talk!" Lin Ning was waiting in the restaurant, waiting impatiently.

Hearing the cries of Yang Yang from behind, he quickly opened the door of her room.

I saw her sitting on the bay window, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

"I asked him to break up with Wang Xiaoyuan and marry me. He said he was an unmarriageist and would never get married in his life." Originally, Yangyang's words were just tentative words.

If Su Wei really chose the child, she would probably kill the child.

Because of the reason for the birth of this child, it was really too ridiculous for her.

"Unmarried people? Isn't this nonsense? Does he believe it when he says it? Isn't he afraid that you will kill the child?" Although Yang Yang said that, he was joking.

But Lin Ning was serious about this.

Because Yangyang is pregnant now, the best outcome is to marry Su Wei and give birth to a child.

"He said that I am the mother of the child. It is up to me whether to kill or keep the child." Yangyang thought at the time that this child, Su Wei, would be a treasure.

Looking at his attitude now, she was really disappointed.

If she really killed the child, maybe he wouldn't be sad either.

"Su Wei, did he really say that? He is still a human being, so he doesn't care about this only biological flesh and blood?" Lin Ning thought at the time that there was a reason for Su Wei to marry Yang Yang.

It is because this child is Su Wei's only child.

After all, he just found a girlfriend now, and he hasn't entered the palace of marriage yet.

"The only one? No, no, no, Wang Xiaoyuan is also pregnant with his child, and the child in my stomach is not his only one." Yangyang felt that her child would not be taken seriously, and the main reason might be that Wang Xiaoyuan was also pregnant.

Wang Xiaoyuan is her real girlfriend, and she, Yangyang, just slept with Su Wei for a night.

Of course, her child's weight in Su Wei's heart is not so heavy.

"What? Then Wang Xiaoyuan doesn't marry him, how can she be willing?" If Su Wei were unmarried, then Wang Xiaoyuan would not be able to become Mrs. Su.

Lin Ning knew Wang Xiaoyuan, and he didn't believe that someone so proud of her would agree.

"I don't know, but I think she should be willing." Yangyang touched the baby in her belly and had already made up her mind.

Since my father doesn't like him, it's enough for my mother to like her.

Anyway, because of Yang Jiale, she no longer plans to get married.

Now that God gave her a child, she could devote the rest of her life to him.

"Then what about this child, go to the hospital to kill it tomorrow?" Su Wei is now unwilling to marry Yangyang, so Lin Ning plans to let Yangyang kill the child.

After all, it's impossible for her best friend to give birth to this child.

In this way, it will not be easy for her to find a boyfriend or get married in the future.

"I plan to give birth to this child because I plan not to get married in the future"

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