Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 409 I want a $5000 million mansion

Chapter 409 I want a $5000 million mansion
"Senior sister, I'm going to trouble you today to take so many of us to see the house together." Su Wei and the others really had a lot of people to see the house today.

Except for the two nannies who didn't go, everyone else planned to go and have a look.

After all, the place to go this time is Beverly Hills.

Whether this place is in old American movies or those American dramas.

As long as people live here, they are all upper-class people in the United States.

"I'm not troublesome. I'm not very familiar with the luxury houses in the Platinum Triangle, so I asked a very powerful friend to show you the houses." Chen Yihua received a message from Su Wei last night.

He said that he was going to buy a house for himself with the information that she was going to buy a house.

And he specifically specified, as long as the house in the Platinum Triangle.

But Chen Yihua's resources are all from Irvine and Xingang.

She doesn't have that much real estate information in a top area like the Platinum Triangle.

So she found a very powerful real estate agent this time, and planned to cooperate with him.

Otherwise, on her own terms, she wouldn't even be able to enter those top houses.

"Ah, that's Awei's list, senior sister, you won't be able to get the money." Li Renfeng heard Chen Yihua say that he wanted to introduce another agency.

He understood that it was due to insufficient resources on Chen Yihua's side, although he had to find someone else to take over.

Although Li Renfeng no longer has that kind of thought towards Chen Yihua.

But after all, he liked it before, and he sincerely hopes that Chen Yihua can live well.

The house that Su Wei is going to buy this time must be a sky-high price.

If Chen Yihua can handle it, then she will basically take root in the United States.

"Don't worry, Jacob. Although I transferred the order, I can still get the money." Chen Yihua didn't expect Li Renfeng to be concerned about whether she would get a commission in the first place.

The two had known each other for so many years, how could she not know what Li Renfeng wanted.

It's just that she actually had a sense of inferiority in front of Li Renfeng back then.

So when Li Renfeng confessed to her, she always refused.

But looking back now, she also had a good impression of Li Renfeng at that time.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be here now, still in contact with Li Renfeng.

How can there be true friendship between men and women.

"The Platinum Triangle is so awesome, you can't even handle it, senior sister." Seeing the conversation between Li Renfeng and Chen Yihua, Xiaoya felt a little apprehensive.

After all, she knew that Li Renfeng liked Chen Yihua back then.

Originally, she thought that Li Renfeng should have let go.

But now seeing that Chen Yihua may not be able to get the agency fee, he looks anxious.

Xiaoya had never seen this expression during the two years she was with him.

"In the United States, except for the apartments next to New York's Central Park, if you can compare it with this area, everything else is far from here." Chen Yihua thought she was really asking her when she heard Xiaoya's words.

I didn't feel it at all, Xiaoya's expression changed a bit.

Still explaining carefully there, where is the most expensive house price in the United States.

"Brother Su, when you buy a house in Beverly Hills, it will be convenient for us to go shopping." Li Ziwei was a bystander, and he clearly saw Xiaoya's expression change.

Knowing what happened with Li Renfeng just now, Xiaoya's jealousy was overturned.

So quickly change the subject and say something that women like.

For example, in the Beverly Hills area, the most famous Rodeo Drive.

"Not only is it convenient to go shopping, but it will also be closer to Hollywood when the time comes." Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Su Wei also changed the subject.

Hollywood is next to Beverly, so a large part of Beverly's price is due to Hollywood.

Otherwise, why would such a suburb become the most valuable area in California.

Without the addition of Hollywood movies, it simply cannot be done.

"That said, I can't wait, senior sister, let's go quickly." Wang Xiaoyuan's reaction was not slow, and she also brought the topic along.

After all, when my boyfriend met Bai Yueguang, as his current girlfriend, he would definitely feel very uncomfortable.

But no matter how uncomfortable it was, it was still his youth.

Now that I have accepted this person, I have been entangled in this, which will really affect the relationship between the two people.

"Then let's go"

. . . . . .

"Awei, how do I look at you? You seem a little unhappy." Wang Xiaoyuan looked at Su Wei and found that he had seldom spoken since he left the house.

She could feel that there should be something pressing in Su Wei's heart.

As Su Wei's girlfriend, Wang Xiaoyuan of course wanted to help him share some pressure.

"I just didn't expect that the United States, as the most developed country in the world, is known as the lighthouse country for mankind. In a place like the city center, there would be so many homeless people." Say nothing.

Although he was on the phone just now, he was very cold-blooded.

It is said that Yangyang is the mother of the child, so it is up to her whether the child stays or not.

But this child is also his blood after all.

Although he would not let Yang Yang threaten him, when she really said that she was going to kill the child, he still felt extremely uncomfortable.

In front of so many people just now, he couldn't show it well.

Sitting in the car now, he just wanted to empty his mind and not think about anything.

And he would say that mainly because when Wang Xiaoyuan and the others asked him, he happened to see a homeless man on the street.

"Among them, many of them chose to lie flat on their own, and part of them were due to economic reasons, which caused the house to be unable to rent and caused credit bankruptcy." In big cities in the United States, there are homeless people everywhere.

Especially in Los Angeles and New York, it can be said that homeless people are everywhere.

Most of the people here are people who only want to receive relief money.

After the monthly relief money arrives, the first thing to do is to buy marijuana and whiskey.

In the words of these people, it can be said that they actively chose to become homeless.

There is another kind of people who are forced to become homeless.

It is the kind of credit bankruptcy caused by not having credit cards after being unemployed because of lack of money.

Credit bankruptcy in the United States is very annoying. If you want to rent a house, no one will rent it to you unless you give a sky-high deposit.

"Why do these people look like the people in the Lost movie? This city center is too scary." Wang Xiaoyuan looked outside the car, whether those people were standing or sitting.

Their demeanor looks like zombies.

And they live in tents, feeling indifferent to everything around them.

But not everyone is like this, and some black people are wantonly insulting the passing vehicles.

"It's good to pass through this community, there are fewer homeless people in a good community" because Irvine needs to pass through downtown Los Angeles to go to Beverly.

And because it was daytime, Chen Yihua would pass by here.

If it was at night, she must have chosen to take a long detour to Beverly Hills.

After all, most of these people here are loyal users of marijuana and alcohol.

"I saw there, and there seemed to be Asians there." Su Wei originally thought that most of these people should be black.

As for Asians, most days are pretty easy.

Unexpectedly, he saw East Asian faces in several tents.

"The Asians here are Chinese. When I was in Chinatown before, I saw them go to eat Chinese food after receiving relief money." The status of Chinese in the United States has begun to improve in the past few years.

The main reason is that the country has become rich, and the rich and those second generations have begun to spend a lot of money abroad.

But the group of people who went abroad earlier, the basic life is not very good.

Especially for those who have been blacked out, those days were even more miserable.

"Then these Chinese should have a high status in the country before going abroad. I really can't figure out why they came to the United States." Zhang Ruoyu couldn't understand why these people had to sharpen their heads and run to the United States.

If these people were still in the country now, how could life be so hard.

Not to mention becoming a big player in the industry, it is no problem to become the mainstay of the industry.

Well now, after coming to the United States, I became a homeless man.

"Maybe it was because I thought the domestic environment was bad at the time, so I ran here to black out." Chen Yihua glanced at Zhang Ruoyu, knowing that she was sure that the conditions at home were not bad.

Because if this was said 20 years ago, no one would have said that.

At that time, as long as I could come to the United States, I don’t know how many people abandoned their families.

It's just that the domestic growth is too fast, so people now think they are stupid when they look at those who went to the United States in the past.

In fact, if they don't have the perspective of God, when the opportunity is in front of them, they are likely to make the same choice as these people.

These truths were summed up by Chen Yihua herself after so many years.

"They hacked here, aren't they afraid of being deported?" Su Wei felt very strange, how could so many people in the United States choose to hack.

They are not afraid to abandon everything and come here, and then be caught by the immigration prison, and then deported.

And if it is a black household, it must have no identity.

Such people, how do they survive in the United States, do they rely on picking up garbage?

"Brother Su, then you are mistaken, the United States needs low-level labor, so they will not repatriate these people, because if they are repatriated, no one will do the dirty work in the United States.

There are so many black households in the United States, in essence, they did it on purpose." There are so many black households in the United States, it is really Lao Mei's intention.

After all, everyone knows that the labor force in the United States is quite high.

And the bottom of the United States would rather be a tramp than a hard manual laborer.

Therefore, Laomei deliberately did not repatriate the black households, just to use them to do those dirty jobs.

And because it is a black household, the price is quite low.

"I understand. The United States deliberately opened up this opening, just to harvest those poor technical talents from all over the world, and let them come to the United States to do dirty and tiring work. No wonder there are those kind of university professors who can't find jobs here. I can only be a blue-collar worker." Hearing what Chen Yihua said, Su Wei finally understood.

Lao Mei is using her world's number one influence to harvest talents from less developed countries.

Because those who can come to the United States are people with a certain IQ.

And for those with poor brains, it is very difficult to go abroad.

This move can let someone do the dirty work.

It also harvested a wave of talents who are in developing countries.

"Indeed it is"

. . . . . .

"Vivienne, this is Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. There are luxury stores from all over the world on both sides. If you want to go shopping, don't make it too convenient." After entering Beverly Hills, Chen Yihua reminded Everyone has arrived in Beverly Hills.

Rodeo Drive is one of the top three shopping streets in the United States.

As long as you can think of luxury goods, there are flagship stores here.

"Here and there just now are completely two worlds." Wang Xiaoyuan found out that after arriving in Beverly, there were no homeless people here.

It seems that everything just now is like an illusion.

On both sides of Rodeo Drive, there are all handsome men and beautiful women.

Don't say it's a tramp, it's not even a disheveled one.

"Sure enough, in America, money is everything." At this time, Su Wei really understood the discrimination in the United States.

Not white against black, not man against woman.

But to the rich, to those who don't.

Don't those homeless people want to come to Beverly Hills, they definitely want to come.

Beverly is a public place, but they bums just can't get in.

"Brother Su, here we are. This cafe in front of me is the place I made an appointment with George." Compared to Su Wei and the others, Chen Yihua didn't have so much emotion.

Because when she came to the United States, her life was not good.

But after gritted his teeth and carried it for a few months, life gradually improved.

"When you came over, did you see those homeless people in the city center?" After getting off the car, Su Wei saw his parents, Li Ziwei and the others coming.

Quickly ask them if they have seen those homeless people in the city center.

"I see, I didn't expect there are so many homeless people in the city center." Li Ziwei was shocked when he saw it just now.

After all, this is the city center, and there are too many homeless people under the bridge and on the road.

Before, he also thought why Americans like to live in the suburbs.

Now I know, after all, where there are so many homeless people, safety must not be guaranteed.

"No way, California's welfare is too good, so there are so many homeless people, and there will be much fewer homeless people in other states.

Let's go in, George is already waiting inside." Chen Yihua parked the car and came over, seeing Li Ziwei confused.

Explain to them why there are so many homeless people in Los Angeles.

The main reason is that California has money, so the benefits are good.

The benefits are good, and you can get money when you lie down, which has led to more and more homeless people.

"Hi, I'm George. I think you must be Su. Welcome to Beverly Hills." Chen Yihua brought the group of them to a bald man in his 30s.

When he saw Su Wei and the others coming, he immediately got up and greeted Su Wei and the others.

"Wow, your Chinese is great." Su Wei didn't expect George to greet him in Chinese.

Although there is still a little accent, but normal communication should be no problem.

And the best thing about him is that he recognized Su Wei immediately.

"Brother Su, George is proficient in five languages. He is now the most powerful person in the luxury real estate circle in Los Angeles." This time, the George Chen Yihua introduced is the top three real estate agents in Los Angeles.

The reason for introducing him is very simple, that is, his intelligence network is very powerful.

He can be said to be the intermediary with the most real estate resources in the entire circle.

"Su, I heard from Kelly that you want to see that kind of super luxury house in the Platinum Triangle." As a successful real estate salesman, George is usually very busy.

This time I will come to the restaurant to wait for Su Wei for so long.

That's because Chen Yihua revealed Su Wei's information to him.

He has already found out the information about Su Wei in China in the first time.

Knowing that such a big shot wants to buy a house, he has already spared all of today's time.

"Yes, the top one" The house that Su Wei wants to buy this time must be the top one.

This place is different from the country. If you have money here, you have to be arrogant.

Here, the golden mean will not work.

If you are too low-key, others will think you are easy to bully.

"The prices of super luxury houses in the Platinum Triangle are all above 2000 million." Sure enough, he was a big guy, and he said that he wanted to buy a top luxury house.

Before he came here this time, he had already prepared more than ten sets of luxury houses worth more than 2000 million yuan, which should be enough for him.

After all, here in the Platinum Triangle, there are not many other things, but there are really many luxury houses.

"A house worth 2000 million yuan is still too cheap. The house I want to see is at least 5000 million yuan." A house worth 2000 million yuan is certainly a well-deserved luxury house in the United States.

But this price is still far from his request.

A house worth at least 5000 million US dollars can be called a top mansion.

"5000 million, in US dollars?" There must be houses of more than 5000 million in the Platinum Triangle.

But George still has to ask, are you sure it is 5000 million US dollars?

"Of course it's in dollars"

(End of this chapter)

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