Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 410 Looking at the mansion in Beverly Hills

"Yuanyuan, after you came to Beverly Hills, what do you think of it? Do you like it here?" Su Wei wanted to buy a house in the Platinum Triangle this time, and had never asked Wang Xiaoyuan's opinion before.

Now I started to look at the house, and only asked her how she felt about Beverly Hills.

"I think there is a big difference between Beverly Hills and my impression." Before Wang Xiaoyuan came to Beverly Hills, the impression of Beverly Hills was all tall.

But after I came here, I realized that this place is also a very ordinary place.

It was only because it was so famous that it made her expectations too full.

"Big difference? What's the difference?" Chen Yihua heard Wang Xiaoyuan say this, and she was a little curious about what Beverly Hills looked like in her impression.

This time Su Wei, Wang Xiaoyuan and Zhang Ruoyu were still in Chen Yihua's car.

George invited Su Wei to take his car, but Su Wei refused.

"In my impression, Beverly Hills should be full of private gardens, but the feeling here is not as good as the community in Irvine. I don't know if it is because it is too close. It’s downtown.” In Wang Xiaoyuan’s impression, Beverly Hills must be full of big houses and big gardens.

But now coming out of Rodeo Drive, she found that the houses on both sides rarely had that kind of mansion.

Most of the houses are small villas.

Not to mention the high-walled compound, I didn't even see that kind of big iron gate.

From the tall buildings farther away, one can tell at a glance that there are actually apartments here.

"Then Vivienne, you are mistaken, because we haven't gone to the hills of Beverly yet, we are still in the urban area of ​​Beverly, when we get to the hills, it is just like the private courtyard you imagined It's gone." Chen Yihua realized she had misunderstood after hearing Wang Xiaoyuan's description.

Because of the place she described, there must be Beverly Hills, that is, on the hill of Beverly Hills.

Although Beverly said that there are a lot of super rich people, it only refers to the group of people in Beverly Hills.

Although the income of these people in the urban area at the foot of the mountain is higher than that in Los Angeles, the income is limited.

And those people on the mountain are basically the rich and famous. In fact, even though the people on the mountain are in Beverly Hills, they are also from two worlds.

"Are the houses in the urban area of ​​Beverly Hills like this expensive?" Su Wei saw Chen Yihua turn his head, and he pointed to the houses outside.

In fact, when Wang Xiaoyuan said it just now, Su Wei also nodded silently in his heart.

Because when he saw Beverly like this, he was actually disappointed.

For a moment, he was planning to run to the top of Xingang Crystal Bay to buy a house and forget it.

"If this kind of house is in other areas, the price must be very cheap. After all, the privacy is so poor, but if it is here in Beverly, the price should not be less than 100 million U.S. dollars." Houses in the United States, can Anything over 100 million is considered a relatively good house.

Except for certain top luxury communities, the houses that can be bought for 100 million are very good.

But with $100 million in Beverly Hills, there's really no choice.

Even if it is a townhouse, the price is more than 100 million.

You must know that Beverly Hills is a city in Los Angeles, and there are tens of thousands of people living in it. This kind of house can be sold for 100 million, which can already be used to judge its arrogance.

"Then this is really a wealthy place, and a house like this can sell for one million dollars." Townhouses like this on the roadside can sell for millions of dollars.

Su Wei sighed in his heart, this is indeed the Platinum Triangle.

With 100 million US dollars, which part of the United States cannot buy a house, come here to buy it.

It seems that there must be something here that really attracts them.

"Passing through this iron gate, we are about to enter the topmost part of Beverly Hills. Jackie Chan still has a house in it." Jackie Chan is the most famous star in China.

He bought several houses in Beverly Hills.

One of the most famous sets was lived by Marilyn Monroe.

"Look, Ah Wei, this Bugatti is also blue, is it the same as your Bugatti?" At this time, Wang Xiaoyuan saw a Bugatti just about to go out, and she asked Su Wei playfully.

After all, Su Wei also owns a Bugatti, which happens to be blue.

"It's different, this is the old Bugatti Veyron, and mine is the new Bugatti Chiron." Su Wei took a look and found that it was a Bugatti Veyron.

And his car is a Bugatti Chiron.

If the car that Bugatti dragged to Shanghai at that time was Fat Dragon, he would definitely not buy it, because he didn't like this variant Audi R8.

"Brother Su, I didn't expect you to have a magic car like Bugatti? Oh, I almost forgot, you are so rich, it's not surprising to have this kind of magic car, um, did I say something wrong?" Now Chen Yihua and Su The names of Wei and the others are also quite amusing.

Su Wei and the others all called her Senior Sister, but she always called Su Wei Brother Su.

She saw that when she mentioned the Bugatti, the cabin was quiet, and she thought she had said something wrong.

"No, hey sister, isn't Hollywood next door?" Wang Xiaoyuan stopped talking after she mentioned Bugatti.

After all, if you really make Su Wei angry, the loss outweighs the gain.

"Yes, Hollywood is next to it, and the Avenue of Fame and Universal Studios are also next to it." Beside Beverly Hills, it is surrounded by several cities.

Although it is right next to it, there is still West Hollywood in the middle.

But through West Hollywood, you will reach Hollywood, and the Walk of Fame and Universal Studios are nearby.

"Then let's go to the Avenue of Stars and take a walk after we finish watching the house later."

. . . . . .

"George has stopped, we should just want to see this house" After the car entered the iron gate for a while, George stopped.

Chen Yihua knew that this was the arrival of the house that George had prepared.

"George, is this the house we want to see?" Su Wei questioned George after getting out of the car.

Because of the house in front of him, he didn't like it a bit.

He wondered if George hadn't heard clearly, the house he was going to buy was a $5000 million mansion.

"Yes, let me introduce you to this mansion on the mountainside. Its house number is 1026. Its design elements are French Normandy style. It has an interior area of ​​12000 feet and an area of ​​23000 feet. It has 5 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms, priced at 5600 million US dollars, let me take you in and have a look." In the houses in the United States, there are basically more bathrooms than rooms.

If you hear that the house here has more rooms than bathrooms, don’t even think about it, it’s definitely not a luxury house.

"Brother Su, what's the matter, are you not satisfied with this house?" Chen Yihua saw that Su Wei was frowning, and knew that Su Wei probably didn't like it.

She took a look at the house and found nothing wrong with it.

Although this house looks a bit old, there may be something in it.

"This house doesn't look very good from the outside, and the area is not too big. Why does it cost so much money?" Su Wei's dissatisfaction with this house is mainly because why it is worth more than 5000 million.

Mansion Mansion Mansion, at least luxury.

This house is not big, and looks very old-fashioned from the outside.

He is not at all interested in such a house.

"Maybe it's because his owner is very famous. I believe you have definitely seen the movies he acted in." This time, George recommended this house for a purpose.

He wanted to see if Su Wei had his own understanding of the luxury housing circle.

If he was just an upstart, he would definitely be interested in this kind of house, because the owner is so famous.

"Is it a big star? Who is the owner of this house?" Wang Xiaoyuan is not very fancy about this house.

After all, this house is much worse than the one in Xingang.

But she was really curious about that big star, after all, George swears by it.

"The owner is Brad Pitt" this kind of house is actually used for slaughtering people.

Although the house is in Beverly Hills, there are at least a thousand houses in Beverly Hills.

If there is no Brad Pitt bonus, this house will cost 2000 million at most.

"Wow, Brother Su, this landlord is Brad Pitt, I really like his Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

George, Brad Pitt, is he in the house now?Can we get him to sign?" Li Ziwei never expected that they would be able to visit Brad Pitt's house when they came to buy a house.

Li Ziwei bought the Blu-ray DVD of Mr. and Mrs. Smith's movie.

Although he is not a huge movie fan, he has seen most of Brad Pitt's movies.

"I'm afraid it won't work, because he has a lot of houses. Now this house is vacant. You may see him when the house transaction is successful." George began to introduce this house, just to see if there are any fans.

After all, Brad Pitt is so famous, if he meets his fanatic fans, it is very likely that this house will be sold.

But seeing Su Wei's indifference, he knew that this house should be eliminated.

"I don't like this house. It's too ordinary, and it's not worthy of the price of 5000 million." Su Wei walked around the house casually, and directly eliminated this house.

Because this house is really too ordinary.

It's so ordinary that he hasn't even gone up to the second floor of this house.

"Then let's keep going up, there must be a house you like on the top of the mountain"

. . . . . .

"This house looks okay, it looks like a manor." After looking at a few more houses, Su Wei came to a manor villa.

Why do you say this house is a manor villa.

Because the car drove into the parking lot of this house, the distance was tens of meters, and the parking lot was so big that it could accommodate more than 10 cars at the same time.

"This is a luxury villa built in 1996. It has 9 bedrooms and 18 full bathrooms. It covers an area of ​​about 21000 square feet and covers an area of ​​3.5 acres. The current quotation is 7000 million." George just brought Su Wei and the others, After looking at several houses, they were all eliminated.

And this house is a relatively high-quality house in his hands.

He deliberately took Su Wei and the others to see other houses before bringing them here.

After all, a good house needs to be compared.

"In 1996, this house does look a bit old, but it's much better than the previous ones." From the garage, Su Wei could feel that this house was different from the previous ones.

Looking at those houses, they didn't look like homes at all, but like places for parties.

"This house is in the Platinum Triangle, and it's considered a top mansion. Let's take a look at his yard first, and then you'll know why it's worth 7000 million." Don't think it's in a place like the Platinum Triangle, 7000 million is already It's a jaw-dropping price.

Here in the United States, there are more yachts with billions of dollars than luxury houses with hundreds of millions.

If the price of 7000 million can be sold, it can already rank in the luxury house circle.

"Crossing, you can see downtown Los Angeles directly from here?" Li Renfeng and the others came to the front yard and found that they could actually see downtown Los Angeles.

No wonder there are two worlds above and below Beverly Hills.

The scenery that can be seen on the mountain is indeed beyond the imagination of those people down the mountain.

Li Renfeng's home can see the downtown area of ​​Irvine, but after looking at the downtown area of ​​Los Angeles, the downtown area of ​​Irvine is not interesting.

"Yes, downtown Los Angeles is right in front of this. Don't you feel great? Don't worry, let's come over here and take a look. This is just the front yard, and the backyard of this house is more exciting." Actually, the front yard and the backyard of this house are facing In the south, it’s just that the front yard is at the entrance, so it’s called the front yard.

The backyard of this house can also directly see downtown Los Angeles.

And the area of ​​this garden is super large.

This house has only been on the market for half a month, and there are already countless bidders.

"Wow, there are rockery and waterfalls in such a big swimming pool." The swimming pool in Li Renfeng's house has an area of ​​150 square meters.

But the swimming pool area of ​​this villa is basically around 500 square meters.

And the most powerful thing is that the landlord has made a row of rockery beside the swimming pool.

There is still water left on it, just like a waterfall. The most amazing thing is that there is a resting place in the rockery.

"At night, when the blue lights here are turned on, it's like being in a dream castle. You can watch the video on my mobile phone." The biggest feature of this house is actually at night.

But now it's daytime, George can only take out his mobile phone and let Su Wei and the others see the effect at night.

"Yuanyuan, what's the matter, I don't like it?" Su Wei didn't say much when he saw Wang Xiaoyuan beside him.

Knowing that she probably didn't like this place, so he came here to find out what she was not satisfied with.

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just that this style is not the one I like." The style of this house is from Tuscany.

But before Wang Xiaoyuan came up, she actually wanted to see some more modern houses.

It's like a house in a TV series, with only a few pillars, no walls and all glass.

"Yuanyuan, come here quickly, I think this house is great, what do you think?" At this time, Zhang Guihua saw that Wang Xiaoyuan hadn't come to see, so she called Wang Xiaoyuan to come over.

She took a look at the house and felt very satisfied.

I want to hear Wang Xiaoyuan's opinion and see what she thinks.

"I think this house is great, I really like it." Seeing that her mother-in-law liked it, Wang Xiaoyuan could only praise against her will.

But apart from the fact that this house is not modern, she really has nothing to criticize.

And the house had been refurbished before it was sold.

If you buy it, you can move in with your bags.

"Weiwei, this house is the one that your mother and I like the most among the many houses we have seen." This time when he came to the United States, Su Xiaoming really let go of his consumption concept.

Before Su Wei took a fancy to the [-] million ranch, he didn't say a word of objection.

This time Su Wei came to Beverly Hills to look at luxury houses worth more than 5000 million yuan, and he didn't have any objections.

Now this 7000 million mansion, he even took a fancy to it, so he said it directly.

"Mom and Dad, don't worry, we've only seen Beverly Hills now, and we've only seen one corner of the house in the Platinum Triangle."

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