"Sister, what's the difference between Bel Air and Beverly Hills?" Although she was already in Bel Air, Wang Xiaoyuan still couldn't tell the difference between Bel Air and Beverly Hills.

After all, the two are really similar.

The luxury houses here in the United States are all on the mountains, and they are not the same as the Victoria Peak in the harbor.

The mountain here is not a mountain, but a mountain range, and thousands of luxury houses are distributed in the nearby mountains.

"Although both are in the Platinum Triangle, there is still a big difference, because Beverly Hills is an independent city with its own public schools and elected mayor. Most importantly, it has its own police station and fire station. Moreover, Beverly Hills is still open to the outside world, anyone who wants to come can come, so the business there is so prosperous.

But as you can see in Belair we just came up to, there is no business here, and there are no public schools here, only expensive private schools, the police station and fire station are shared with Los Angeles, it is reconciled Like the dock, it can only be regarded as an area rather than an independent city, but the advantage is that it is relatively private and not open to the public.” As for Beverly Hills, it has a downtown area and a residential area.

Moreover, the residential area is divided into the rich area and the ordinary people's area.

Compared with Beverly Hills, Bel Air will be much purer.

Because there are no townhouses and apartments like Beverly Hills in its area.

All of them are single-family villas, and they are all the kind with deep walls and large iron gates.

"People who live here probably don't need public schools." Everyone knows that private schools are better than public schools in Europe and the United States.

In Wang Xiaoyuan's impression, families who can live in Beverly Hills and Bel Air should be able to afford private education.

Is there anyone pursuing public education in this kind of place?

"The good public schools in the United States are still very good, not worse than ordinary private schools. For example, the public schools in Beverly Hills and Irvine are quite good, which is why they can attract so many Chinese settlers." Every place has a good school.

Why are there so many Chinese Americans buying houses in Irvine, a former poor country?

It is because the public schools there are on average.

Parents of Chinese descent, no matter how hard and tired they are, they are usually reluctant to eat good food.

But in children's education, more money is invested than most whites, and all blacks.

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder there are so many Chinese in Beverly Hills.

Husband, why don't we just buy the house just now, and we don't need to look at the rest of the house." Wang Xiaoyuan is not a person who likes to be lively.

But Su Wei's parents are people who like to be lively.

And they obviously liked the house just now.

In this case, she intends to persuade Su Wei, or just buy that house.

"Didn't you miss the one you like? I've already told George to show us a more modern villa." When Su Wei was in Shanghai, he didn't live with his parents.

Now that he came to the United States, he didn't plan to live with his parents.

His parents like that small manor, so they can buy it together when the time comes.

As for himself, like Wang Xiaoyuan, he also likes more modern buildings.

"But don't the parents like that house? They may not like modern villas very much." Although Wang Xiaoyuan likes modern buildings, Su Wei's parents obviously don't.

So Wang Xiaoyuan is very entangled in her heart now.

"You don't need to worry about this, you can choose the house you like boldly"

"Su, where we are now is the highest point of Bel Air. The house number of this house is No. 924. If you buy it now, you will really take advantage of it!" George said in Bel Air this time. , did not arrange too many houses, but arranged two sets.

Because Su Wei and the others are in Beverly Hills, they have already taken a fancy to the manor.

So he brought them to Belair to see the house this time, just to let Su Wei and the others make a good decision.

Didn't they want to see modern-style villas? He directly took them to see the two most expensive mansions.

"Great bargain? Why do you say that?" Su Wei became a little interested when he heard that buying this house was a bargain.

In fact, the first time he saw this house, he could see its prestige.

After all, its location is really great.

Although he is not in the house, he can tell that there is no villa above it, so there is no need to worry about privacy.

"Because the price of this house was 2.5 million US dollars when it was first listed, but now he has reduced the price by 1.5 million US dollars, and it only costs [-] million US dollars." For luxury houses in the United States, the price reduction is very scary.

But here in the United States, it is also a normal thing.

Because the United States has gathered a large number of world-class rich people, there are so many rich people.

And the target of these mansions is not actually the wealthy people in their country, but these people from other countries.

So when these houses were listed on the market, they were marked with sky-high prices, and they planned to cheat one by one.

"A price reduction of [-] million U.S. dollars? I'm a little interested." Su Wei became a little interested when he heard that the price of this house had been reduced by [-] million U.S. dollars.

After all, even if there is moisture in this house, it is at least 40.00% squeezed out now.

Then the rest should be dry goods.

"Then follow me in your car, and I'll show you the garage inside this house." George didn't get out of the car when he spoke just now.

Because he can't enter this house, he has to contact the housekeeper to open the door for him.

"This garage is too exaggerated. There are so many cars parked." When Li Ziwei got out of the car, he felt as if he had entered a car dealership.

Because the inside of this garage is different from the previous house, it is already full of cars.

And every car here is parked in a rotating parking space.

"Wow, there are Bugatti Veyron, Spyker C8, Mercedes-Benz classic cars, Morgan convertibles, and so many motorcycles. This garage is amazing." Li Renfeng looked at the garage and found that the cars here are limited Version.

If they are all new cars, the price should exceed 1000 million US dollars.

Moreover, he didn't even know many cars, but they must be worth a lot if they could be placed here.

“The house was built in 2016 and the developer was Bruce Makowski in partnership with Leyard Group and Planar Systems.

This house has four floors, we are now on the negative floor, the house area is 38000 square feet, and this house also has a 17000 square feet entertainment platform.

As long as you buy this house, the sports car in the garage, the helicopter on it, and thousands of bottles of Lafite wine on the second floor, all are yours.” In addition to the car in the garage, this house also has a parking garage on the roof. Ping, there is already a plane parked.

The owner of this house is a big boss in the handbag industry.

If he builds a house, he is considered a cross-border.

However, many luxury houses in the United States are repaired by veterans in other industries. Even plastic surgeons are also building houses as developers.

"Let's take a look at the house first. I don't like the cars in this garage very much." Su Wei doesn't like even one of the cars in this garage.

They are old-fashioned and like classic cars, but Su Wei only likes new sports cars.

This is why when Su Wei buys a car, he only buys new models.

Especially the Bugatti Veyron who occupies the C position, he already has a Bugatti Chiron, how could he still like the Veyron.

"When this house was sold for 2.5 million US dollars, the owner gave away a Pagani Fengshen. If you buy this house, I should be able to persuade the owner to replace Bugatti with Pagani." When this house was listed before, it was Selling for 2.5 million US dollars.

At that time, the landlord got a Pagani Fengshen to attract attention.

But after selling it for two years and not selling it, the landlord can only directly lower the price by [-] million US dollars.

After all, everyone is not stupid, who would spend so much money to buy such a bunch of useless cars.

"It's better to look at the house first, let's talk about it after the house is fancy." In fact, when Su Wei saw this place, he already had a little emotion for this house.

Because of this house, he felt so insincere.

At first he thought that the price cut of [-] million would squeeze the water out.

But now it seems that it is far from being squeezed clean.

"There are 12 bedrooms and 21 bathrooms in this house. The swimming pool is 4000 feet high, and there is a giant screen next to it. It is the same as the audio-visual room on the second floor. It is connected to the movie theater in Los Angeles. As long as they A new movie is released, so we can watch the latest blockbuster at home" Now it is rare to see rich people, the reason for going to the cinema.

It is because these rich people basically watch the latest movies at home.

Moreover, the audio-visual systems in many rich people's homes are even more like the equipment of movie theaters.

The owner of the No. 924 mansion, he built a huge lifting screen by the swimming pool, and he can watch movies directly on the balcony at night.

"If I sit here and watch a movie at night, I will be able to see the night view of Los Angeles if I look tired after watching the movie. This feeling is really great." Although Su Wei didn't like this house, he didn't like it.

But this idea is really good.

Especially if there is a party here, the effect of this giant screen will be even greater.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"You continue to look at the house, I will answer the phone first.

Hey, Jennifer, if you call me at this time, I think you must have good news to tell me." Just as Su Wei was about to go upstairs, the phone rang.

He looked and saw that it was Jennifer calling.

People from the Koch family passed by yesterday, and now I think it should be a result of the negotiation.

He talked to Wang Xiaoyuan and the others, and then went to the top of the building to make a phone call.

"Su, you guessed right. The Koch family has just agreed to sell the Beaver Manor to us for 3.8 million yuan." Although it was only one day before Su Wei returned to Los Angeles.

But Jennifer and the Koch family have talked three times.

This time they agreed to sell for 3.8 million, mainly because they really wanted to sell.

And the most important thing is that Su Wei can pay in one go.

"3.8 million U.S. dollars? Jennifer, you are amazing. I will fly to Montana to sign the contract tomorrow." This time, it dropped by half a billion dollars, which was beyond Su Wei's expectation.

Originally, his goal was to spend [-] million to buy this ranch.

How can he be unhappy now that he can drop 2000 million US dollars more.

"Okay, then I'll pick you up at the airport tomorrow." Jennifer talked about 3.8 million US dollars this time, which also exceeded her own psychological price.

The main reason was that Su Wei only asked her to talk and didn't tell her the reserve price.

In order to make a deal, Jennifer could only lower the price to death.

Now that she heard that Su Wei was coming over tomorrow, she felt like she was going to collapse.

Not tired, but excited.

Because if the transaction is worth 3.8 million US dollars, she can get more than 1000 million commissions.

Although I have to share with the company and pay taxes, I can still get several million.

Now she has money and can replace her current car and house.

"Wash up tonight, I like the smell on your body"

"This house is the last house I prepared in Bel Air. Its house number is 1200, and the listed price is 1.39 million US dollars." George took Su Wei and the others to look at it for more than half an hour after he was at No. 924. .

Finally brought them to 1200, his second modern villa in Bel Air.

"This house is so new and beautiful." Wang Xiaoyuan fell in love with the house the first time she saw it.

Although the set 924 is more expensive and the location is better.

But after she read it, she still didn't feel much about No. 924.

But for some reason, she fell in love with this house at first sight.

"This house was only completed in 2017, and it was recently listed. Although the location is not as good as No. 924, but their indoor areas are similar, the decoration inside No. 1200 is more luxurious and refined.

It's the same four-story building as No. 924, with the same twelve bedrooms, but it only has eighteen bathrooms here.

The indoor area is 38000 feet, covering an area of ​​two acres.” American houses are different from those in China, and they don’t depend entirely on the location.

Because here are all mountains, and they are all on the top of the mountain.

When every household has a car, there is a gap in location, but it is not that important.

Whether a house is expensive or not mainly depends on the area and the decoration materials in the house.

For example, the price of a house with only paved floors is definitely different from that of a house with floors and carpets on top.

For example, the blanket on the floor is replaced by animal fur for her, and the price is different.

The decoration of No. 1200 and No. 924 is like this. No. 1200 is more willing to spend money, and the quality of the house is better.

"Wow, I didn't expect this house to be so beautiful after dark." Although Su Wei and the others only saw a few houses, they actually spent most of the time on the road there.

So here in Laomei, why you must have a car is because you can't move an inch without a car.

By the time they got to house 1200, the sun had already set.

At this time, all the lights in the house are turned on, making people feel like they are in a mansion in a movie.

"Overlooking Los Angeles from the backyard here, you will feel more beautiful." For a house of this level, one is to look at the decoration.

The other thing is to look at this house, whether its scenery is good or not.

And where is the best scenery on this mountain, that is, you can directly see the houses in Los Angeles.

"This is the lower floor, it seems like something is watching." Xiaoya leaned on the railing on the first floor and looked down.

Seeing the room on the floor below, it seemed that a big head was sticking out.

"The place below is the place for parties and gatherings, and you will know that there is a surprise waiting for you when you go down." The difference between this house and No. 924 is that the second floor is the garage.

And the negative floor is where parties and gatherings are held.

The party is very popular here in Laomei, and there must be a place in the mansion where the party can be held.

Where party 924 takes place is in the courtyard at 17000 feet.

The place where the party is held at No. 1200 is the first floor of the home.

"Brother Su, this seems to be a dinosaur fossil, George, is this fossil real or fake?" When everyone went down, they were almost taken aback.

Because on the balcony on the first floor, there was a dinosaur fossil with teeth and claws.

And that dinosaur was so vivid that Li Ziwei didn't even know if it was a real fossil or a handicraft.

"Of course this fossil is real, and it is a fossil of Devilsaurus, worth 300 million US dollars. There are no more than 30 intact in the world." Devilsaurus and Tyrannosaurus rex are close relatives, but they are relatively small.

If it were a Tyrannosaurus Rex, the house would need at least two floors to accommodate it.

This devil dragon is extremely precious. The owner bought it for 15 yuan 70 years ago.

A university was willing to pay 300 million yuan to buy this fossil, but the owner didn't sell it, but put it here to attract attention.

After all, if the house is sold, the money earned will be much higher than that of selling fossils.

"Yuanyuan, which one do you prefer, this house or the one at No. 924?" When Su Wei asked Wang Xiaoyuan, he was actually ready to buy this house.

Because this house has much less moisture than No. 924.

And this house doesn't have number 924, so many fancy Lafite wines, planes and cars.

He just took a look at this house, and there was a set of tables made of emeralds. From this, it could be seen that the owner really spent money.

"I like this one better, because the sense of space in this house is really good. I feel that the height of each floor here is not less than five meters." The sense of space in this house is of course good.

After all, if you can directly put down a dinosaur fossil of more than three meters, the height must be no problem.

The height of the previous set of No. 924 must not exceed 4 meters, but this one is not less than [-] meters. It doesn't feel good.

"George, the Spanish-style manor in Beverly Hills and the No. 1200 villa in Bel Air, I bid a total of 1.4 million US dollars for the two houses. If you can negotiate, then I can pay the full amount directly."

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